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Google + & Pinterest

Getting to know the new kids on the block! {BONUS: Learn to love LinkedIn ...}

About Us

Stacy Teet

Twitter: @StacyofKSW

Kids Stuff World --

Christie Crowder

Twitter : @chatterboxcgc

Chatterbox Christie --

Google +, Pinterest & LinkedInand why you care ...

LinkedIn Google +400M total users*



100M(active users) 35M*

That's 310 MILLION people you could be connecting with!

What is Pinterest?

Not just one more tool in your toolbox ... more like finding diamonds in your jewelry box!

If your blog and your voice are your window to the world, then Pinterest is like a mirror to your soul.

Like a matchmaker helping you find that PERFECT audience. Pinterest helps you find your mates. The ones who were meant to read your blog and connect with you.

What should you be pinning?


Stacy's Super Secret Pinterest Formula- Make your space a beautiful place to visit

- Give Pinners a reason why

- Be There

- Either be different.

... Or shine a new light on a familiar path

- Share things that are too good to miss

Try these:

- WP Pinner

- Repinly

- Curalate

- Pin Puff

- Mantresting!

- ShopInterest

- Bazart

Pin It button

What is Google +?

It's NOT another FaceBook!

Information, Collaboration, Conversation on Common Interests

Like "Pinterest LIVE"

Google+ Circles are like Pinterest Boards of people

ChatterBox Christie's Tips for G+ Success...

Don't look at Google Plus with Facebook eyes.

Look beyond your obvious audience.

Create circles and/or a page dedicated to a niche, focus, or interest.

Get some "rock stars" to "plus" and promote you. Add administrators so you are not doing it alone.

Use it to take your brand, focus, or niche to the next level

Benefits of Google Plus

No character limits.

Text editing and post/comment editing capabilities.

Control who sees your content.

Integration of other Google products especially Drive and


Google SEO - remember your keywords!

Search capabilities - use hashtags

+1 and comments send you back to the top of the feed

What is LinkedIn?

Online resume &networking tool

Google Page rank 9/10

New facelift makes sitemore social

What you need to do on LinkedIn

1. Be There

2. Keep your profile up to date

3. Join Groups

4. Connect w/ as many peers as possible

5. List your skills

6. Endorse others Christie & Stacy's LinkedIn Challenge

Expand your network: Add & Endorse your Blogalicious contacts!

Tips & Tricks for Bloggers

Create & Curate. Be Social. Promote ... creatively

You only have a split second to make a first impression, make it count.

Capitalize on trends.

SEO still applies

Make it easy for others

to promote you

Use Pinterest to your advantage.

Ways to use these tools together

- Start a collaborative Pin board w/ people from your Google + circles and also create dedicated circles or page on Google+

- Cross pollinate; connect w/ G+ users on Linked In & vice versa

- Create a visual portfolio of your work on Pinterest. Add it to your G+ and LinkedIn profiles. Simple, yet effective way to sell yourself

- Meet your connections in real life! Schedule a G+ hangout w/ LinkedIn groups or even invite Pinners to a workshop style or meet & greet hangout