Download - BLOCKING - Vanderbilt University · Richard C. Rich, and Abraham Wandcrsn1an Whu11 00111µ11ced with olhel' ty p

Page 1: BLOCKING - Vanderbilt University · Richard C. Rich, and Abraham Wandcrsn1an Whu11 00111µ11ced with olhel' ty p

BLOCKING t·eur ot" crinu~ ho:-1 ht~en fountJ lo hn

tho ~ir1"le moHl poWt!rl 111 1•redlctor uf' neiMhlu1rl1oocf diHsnliHlnutiou 1timout.t ur­h1u1 tlwolh!r.q. ludP•!•I. H r••t.:enl New York 'l'ilnei11 poll •>f N.,w York Vily """; -dt!nlli indlcrtlPtl lh11l erimo Mt 1tH?11liu11t!cl thrc'! tuuuH 111ur1? nl l•?U lht11u it't clnH•?Hl rlvAI, hou:-tl111;. aH lhnl clly's mo:-1t lrnportunt prohlo!IU.

Y~t t'e111• ol uri111t~ nmy hnve l•!SM tu do with 11ctunl rnl"s of viclimiiMllon thnn wHh rt!~1ilfP11U1' 1u~rt•t!1•tiotHt ot' HOHllll cuulrol iu lht!ir cu111mu11Hy. 'l'hi>t Hot.duJ cout r11I llM.V he t?Jtt!rci:·m•I holh i111'orn111lly hy 11l!ifthhu1·11 111ul tor ­mully by bh.H!k ttSHfU?iO llOflR 1111d utlu~r·

voluntt1ry or~1111h~;1I iorHi, HR well n!i b.V vollce. In Hfl•lili1111, nrimt? t~ 1uH• ·· c-.~lvud UR ht?illH i11t~11C;lrit!t1bty tttuy,lc·•I with ti llt?lWorl<. of 1!0111111unily prohlt~lllH,

muuy huviflK 011ty i11dirtH!l r•!IHli<Hrnfli(,H to the prohlPms athl rc!HHt.~ct by tr:ulilio11 ~ ttl urhtn? f!Olllrol nppt'tJU c heR. lh! Apilt! this evtdunce, t.111• li11k fu,lween crinu! 1tnrJ citizen el I ot'lH lo rn~nin 1• ~t!tHu~

ol co111111u11ity hos 1;mwr .. 11y been iKnurell.

HXISTINH llHSHAltGll Wlthlu vlctlrui>rnllon ruimHrch, 11

1$l'e11l •le11l of 11t1tml1011 h1111 beou pnhl to lndivldu11I ru•teli•mH lo: ( lJ nelgh ­borl1ood oundillonK, 1muh '"' crime r111" 1111d crl111e-tt8sociultHI cue11 in the 1>hysl­e1al ctnVil'Onment, CO 1•11ycholo~lc11I t'11c­tor11, l!IUOh 88 hi~h levul11 of fe11r, and C:U demoilr11phlc oh11r11cterietlo11 which Involve the vulnerability of certain l't111lc.h111t11, 8Uch 11e wo1nen or the elder­ly. lJnt'ortunately. m08l of this re­seitrch hall shud mure llKh' on p11s11lve and debUltallv., perKorud coneequencee or crime 1tnd victimization (e.g •• •votdance behavior) th11n on active, or-1111nlzed, and efficacious 11C111'­prot11ctton.

It llf the latter "publlc-mlndod" re11pon11ot to which l(mllr. Durkheim re­lttl'red in RUIUl"RllttK lh1tt crirne 1111lloM sorne cornmunllh!B BK11i11Rt tliu vlol11l1011 ot' accepted norms. Other coinmunilles m11y, i11 contrMRt, rl!1tcl with ·"priv1tto­ml11ded" l'eRr 1111cl is•1l11li•m. 't'ho lmpll­c11llon ol' thlA for• crhnh111I ju,.llee policy, r1111c11rch, 111rcl pructrr:e IA thut wo noo<I a b"ll"r 111uh•rRt1uullng or why re11lde11ts 11et iuvolV•!fJ · ·or do not 11et involved --In tlwir c1111111111111ly. lllld wh11t the crture-rellllP.rl im.,11ct ol' that lnvolvemont Is.

Hven when ll e!ommuulty 1>ereµectlvo ill takctn, howuve1•, tho r1!Hlclenll11l block loved of llnRlyRiR 1 .. llRlllllly IKllOl'Cd Ill

favor ot' the 1rni11,hhorhood or, when cu11-11lderlng crlmu <111tn, the 11relcl11cl or city level, There Hre at lot1111t two lmport1111t r1111eons why the block (dc­t'ln1td ae th11 dw1•lli11k" l'ronll1111 on a sin1;le etreet bctwc!em two cro1111 11lreets) 111 11 vrel'erllhlo unit to 11tudy. l'lr11t, lt11 hou11<h1rit!R 11re less a111bl11u­ou11 to locsl lnh11hit11nt11 11nd more 1!11Rl ·-ly defined for l'cRe11rch purposes then are neighborhood hor11ut11rle8. 8ecmul, block:a ure more cultur11lly homo11•!tU!0t111 than neiKhborhooclH ur 11ollce precinctR, 11nd ~11lclemt11 11rl! m•1re likely to kttow 1111<1 ehnre the Hnnt•! coucerns with 111,ople t'rom thC?lr own hlol!k, '1'11111 11111! ch11r ­ac~ol'letlc of hlockR provlcle11 them with greMter 1ne1u1l11K nR ll RcM.:lt•I unit 1111•1 i11 URIJeclally lmport1111t for !ltudylttg rl!11c­tlone to 11 prohli!m ""'-'h '"' street crime which strikes eo "clm1e lo luMne."

II Summer 1915 Clll:Hn Panlclpall-

WITH BLOCK ASSOCIATIONS By Douglas D. Perkins with David M. Chavis, Paul Flo•·in, Richard C. Rich, and Abraham Wandcrsn1an

Whu 11 00111µ11ced with olhel' ty p<!a ol' decorrlrnli i:C!ll µolllieml Ol' aervluo ur­l!anlza.tlu1111 hi urb1t11 co111mu11ltlee, the block 1111micl11tlu11 ol'fl!r!I rurlher 11dv1u1-ld!le11. both le> resl!nrch 1tnd tu lntnr­vt1nl1011. tlo1u~>1rch hy Uou11h•8 Y11t e8, for vx11mplo , hee found that block 1111ao­olatlune 1:4c11erally hsve ll ~re11ter in­Ou•Ho<J on the qu11llty of lire than do other "mocJlatlfll( 11t r uoture11" beu11u1111 the,. tond to be t.1111k orlentC!d, nexl­ble, and s elf- JlmfUnK - - lhey tend to tak• on only thoso •u: tlvltle" tor whloh lhe neer.lod 11killll and re11ourae11 are rndlly avaUable. t'urthermore, the 11111.U s cale of block 1ui11oolallon11 11nd the "lmmmllocy" ol' their problom11 ol'len

µrovltlo gr., con11e11111111 and m11k11 clu1.n11.._.s 111 thn block l"'vul more nollce-11bl11 to re11hlu11t11, 1tml con11eq11cntly 1'811Ulta In gre11ter p1tl'Uclp11llo11.

l'or tlmsu reusonR, block n11Roclr1-Uon11 m11y provicJe one of the most prom­Udn1 me1111" to overcome the ob!'lt11clc11 to collective 11cllon "Mnin11t urh11n cl'lme 11ttct a wide r11n~e of other community problem11.


Community orKAt1l:1111llon 111 lhouKhl to et'reot crime 1rnd l'e8r of orbne In thl'ee lrnVorlnnt w11yR:

(1) Or1:1t11i?.ecl blo.,k11 Are more llkc•ly to enM"I:" <llreutly In fnrm11l community crime pre vl!ntion 11utlvllln11,

(Z) lllouk 111111ouh1tl111111 dP.V<!lnp llrn 11oolal cmvlr1111mr.11t of' tho block throt1Mh Mreater cont11ct nncl coheRton nmong nel11hbor1<. Thie, In turn, ln11cl11 to

morn elT<!CllVI! lnl'orm11I social uontrul. (:I) Ulock a1111oolatlon11 ol'ten work to

lm11rove the block's phy11lcal environ­munt. 'l'hl!I c11n further lncre1teu ruet­dente' real and felt safety.

COMMUNITY CKIMH PR.BVENTION Trllr.llllon11I citizen p11rtlot1mt1un In

orlma vrav e ntlon haa Included clUz m1 p11tc-ol11, "block Wll~h" prorirllm11, prop­erty identlflcallon, 1outh projlrnm11, an•I elluort 11ervlcea for women mrcl th" o.ldo rly. "1'he11e prokra 1n11 11avc .:oner111ly been found to reduoe reetdenle' lenr of crime aud, In mllnJ c11eoa, to actually lower local etreet orlme and app11re11t 11l1tnfl 01· community dleorder. Thuy hocm mo1tl euccueeful wh11re the <livll­lnrrR have worked ln cono11l't with locol pollcH?•

It 111111 uleo become clnar, howP.VHr, th11t the el'fect11 of Y""'P" 1thlc:h HI'"

ex<Jl111tlvely oriented townrd crlm" pr•-'­vc111lo11 tP.nd to be short - lived, nrt<I tl111t MNllll' h' llflora o dll'flcult y cll1!1lft11( 1111d mnl11t11inln1t bro11rl l'""ti ­olp11tiu11. In 1td<llllo11, the Aucc ••HH of Hll<llt l! rnnps to ncl11 lo bo olo11uly r r•lnlmi lo "ociOtJCOllOllliC Qha r ncto1riRtfO!I 11(' lhe cc11111111111ity. It h11s bcwn clearly <ln111un­str11t11rl thllt voor communltlea r1H.p1ire 1111wh moro 1111111 the ehurt-lel'm, crimo­,,pecifle 11olution11 oHered by typicul con1mu111ty crime pl'eveullon actlvltl""•

to'or thm1e renRon11, m1goin11, 11111ltl -11ur1•0He block a1111oclal1011e may hold ~rrn1h!r 10111;-lurm !)l'omlRc t'or rl!<l11uh1K crlm•~ end ct!Horder In urban neti.:hhor­houdR. Huch orK11nizatlo11s not only erwourRKe Mrenter and onen more! rP.11-ablo clllzcrn participation In form11I anllcrlme 11ctlvltlos, they also kct!p rosltlcnte better Informed about crime and other block pl'Oblem11. ln mhlltlun th<!y c1111 l11c r e o11e r e Rl<te nl 11' n e ig hhur­ln1t behavior nn<t lholr p 11 yeholo~ioul "emum o r com1nu11Uy. " T he so of rcc111, In turn, me y help pre ven t c rime om•l <llAor<lc!r 11 11 1'.1 r nd uoe fon r o n tho hln< It.

IJoufrl"" IJ. Prrfd"'1 flt n tloctorat nrmllllntr In C 11111m11u rtv l'~y• hol•,,,Y nf NMD Vorlrr Unlurrrt ffy und a 1rttr11u·lr a11!'lfl• ·lntr 1nffll II•~ <:lllfr,n '• CmnmUfr.f! /Of' l'lrtn Yllfll <:11y. 1Jn1. Chn11f"• nmin. lllcll. and Wnmlrt1man tur tltr ,.rnlr>r

'"''""""'",. <Tf llJC' Rln 8- tn l'tnf«I.

I J.

Page 2: BLOCKING - Vanderbilt University · Richard C. Rich, and Abraham Wandcrsn1an Whu11 00111µ11ced with olhel' ty p

-. . INt'OtUl/\t.. SOCll\I. CONTROi. H.Ay to u11<1u1·Hl1111dl1111 lh rol e of

c:ommu111ly or"111iJz,1t1011 111 u rlmu µrr · \l lJ llllon IA lho CUllC'•'1>l ,,,. l1tf'Jrll1HI :<lu­t; lnt co11lru1-- lhtf 'v .. rydH _Y' rt :J!ulnlio11 or COl»mUlllly "01·1111<, Jllllril<: hO'ltllllhll'H, 111111 µhy 1-1 lonl cu11dil fo11" ol tlw n••.ifllt · borltoou hy oomnnmit .Y ... . ,.11du11 l :<1 l111•111 • :ic lv t! ~.. l. .. uw lnl•trn-111 1 Hn1:i11I c:o11lrul ho111 b e n 1.unpirtc,1111 \I 11111«"1 lo 111 -crt~nHt•d rt!HiChHIL lll'THJYt•r ""'' lll~hl. lo~s ot' louul c o1u111• -rt ·H , 1h•t,~riur11l~un o t lh•! µhy Mrcol t t11v1r<H111u•11l, uncl u 1•h.c

lu•~ <: rirntJ rule. TJ 11 • hn 'i.~ • 1-11· L\11t11 c nl

HdVltnc .. cl by utJvo<mto.H uf1 lnlormnt ~o ­cln l co11lro l Is llinl Wlll!ru tho sO<Jlnl e or 'II 1•ipm11nutlty 1~ ulo~··ly r<J~ulole(I, ruAi•h:11rn 11 r• : '""r' llk e lv l•J duvt-tlop JI v •sltJ«I 11t1 t rr~:1t In the cc.nnnu ­nHy Qncl hnvu ,·011f'idt 1 1u••l i11 itJt l'11lur1• -- two vlli1I uo111liLfu 11 <1 lur , ltucllve crimtJ pr •Vu11tlo11~

t; 1Jmmunily n1· v, 1111 1y,ntuu1 <Jir•!c lly '-"' CO Ur8g,tHI jSrl!Ult•1• Noc•fnl c:Oll\llcl, pllt' ·

tlcul,.rly 111 iJUhl 11 111·1 ·11« ol lhP. 1)1<.> •k, whh:h nmy ri!llll<'" lo•11r 111111 Plh:lt n wallifltJ.n•:.Ra to 0 gol 111 vo lvt•c.J 0 in th n ll1lht 11~11imll 1•rl 1111 ._ 'l'ltlA Rori ol' Se l f - '"'el·lJt!lUUlt tlg ' ' )' t ! lt' ul flHi~hhUl 'H vil!,if•ml1y w11t u hl111 : 11 111 lo>r comn1u11ily inlet·cMtB, rulln•·f-11~ 1••111·. u1u l cucc.u1rn1~ ­l111: isrcuter p11rlwlp11ll1111 111ul .ciouinl coutuct r~sullf,f i n 111ur• 1:uht!:-t lou unrl muru vijlilBnco wilt1l11 11111 co1111nu11lty. ~·or theee r et.1>10 1111, l 11for11111I sochtl c on­trol beco11we 11 powe1·1 ul apprOllch to orlme control.

There is, nt h!•l,.l potunllnlly, 1t dnrk and destr11ctiv•1 Ai<le of Informal eocinl control n110 form11t community ortme prevenllorr wllluh must not bn overlooked. howcvnr. Our hletory le reµlete wllh exumpl"" uf ISroups ot' ciUze11e hendlrtl', to1:ullwr to right " V"rc .. lved exlurrrnl lhrm\l lo the cummu­nJly--wh8tht1r In the person of crimi­nals or merely "111111m1lrablee•--end t11k­ink the law mto their own lumds, often with violent a11<.1 u11juRt conRequences. 'l'od11y, the va1o1t nutjority of cltlzenR who are formally or l11torm11lly en~11~e'1 In crime cont1·0 · te w.,11 within the • . Rv alwsys 11.iA•"" exlt:rm ~

I " risllcs ol I hti 11 rcl11l1lt!l 11rnl n1111 I r11un1eut thu1 ,., •• , Vt.' 11 1nnr•! 11lrt•ctly rl'htled tu " o: rinolrr11l'1< 11hlllty lo .!'l t rlke .. A 1•1• 1htr•utl1tl nrr•rt wtth nth!-11unte l11-tl1l111u . • ~ ur· v• ill11111 e 1 npportu t'Hios. "'"' hnrrhtt''* tu ••11try, tor t ~X a 111ple, l~ •i11 ltf tu hnve• ' 1 tl•~fn11Hfhh

:-t- fHI Ott .. 1' A li 1r1Ji, with m1u'c! µur1111111t•nl f,.,,

lllt't!:'t, f' lll'h 11.'"1 hulhlintt "'h~o uud lypn,

llttUHI l!ll V 11 '1 1fllll••ulul rh· ~ l.~u IUUtfil h•tl

I huit;ti ll11v1• h1•1111 IUHi01:i11h•tl ~Ith IUt>tlt• n l , h llt lltfllL l" f' tlUt; lU)IUt 111 ttt•hntt find f1'1tt • .

TllB 111.ocK llUU8TRK PKUJg(;T Uavi11t4 oh!-lt?rved thr·~e poRft1vu h••tu?

f1l:<1 of l>lu"k :IAHocl11tio11>1 In 1t v11riuty 11t .111utUu~~. 11 Kr'Ollp ol uuiv•~rAity · httHed l't?H1•1 u·1~h1~rR worl<lu~ in cottJllllU tinn with lltt ! t.:Hb:t~UH1 t:ormnlll•~" tnr N"w 'tork C:ily '""' ,.,., • .,.,uy i11lliu!t•1I "l lte l:Uoek ftoosler l't•oJ•~ct. 'l'hi!=i p1•0

Jf!Ct ia 11 lo111:itudi11ul nutlon r""""""h ><ludy, l111uh•1I hy llu• ~·orll ~-.11t11cl11liorr, wluch ntl1~111ptH to vit?w <?rtmr. prt~Vt'nlio11

in the hru1Hlt1r eonlt~."Cl nl' co11u11u11ily fl1~vulopnu•rtl ntul .01:u•Hlt.~1 lo idenlily lht~

eek a s11oollltlons 11r111i· y ·comniunUy• : 'l"h11i, ru to reaaaa!l't ·con '·

~1u wouilM ati.lnd onf ' the111." 1;·.~~=-'.I '~;·-;

_r11.11klln' 'l;bo,!)1118~- · ii u ndaunn,·a~«· .. ,

11• .. ;;TJ.......,., beh8Viur1•l prOCU~Rl~!i llUd t:tOVtr"1JUmt?llhd

condllto1111 which ll11k or"anl?."llon to fiecurlty •111<1 dlsordur tu orlrne 1111d fear.

A m'1jor p u rpolll! o( lhtt lll•>ck lloo!ltcr l'roject i:i to 11.'rnrnhru thu r1Jlnllo11nlrlµ11 betwecm 1.1 varfuly or community 111ul ln­tH11l<1u11I "rimo- ~c lrrtNI VllrlBhh•" 1t11rl pertlclpntlo11 In block nnsoclntlon nc­tlvlllue ur olhur crlma 1>r<1venllo11 ul ­rorta Within low onrt •noder&te lncdine blooks In New York <.:lly. U will study both thr. uffect ol' thu orime-rul11to1I varlehlu" pu b.lock """oolatlon s lrcnlf. th llnd lhu 1J Ucct of' block 111tl!•Whlllon etren~th <.>n the crirue- relatect varlahloR.

'l'l)u project wtll µrovld!! l>ulh pl"so­tlcal n111.1 theorellcnl lrrforrnnllou 011 two k"Y 1p11H1tlo11e: U> Why rtu >1111110 irr ­dlvlduuls r•,.tcl to tlw threat ol crfma on thulr IJlock thrm11,h collec tlvo nc­llon, whllr: o thers •·111.n11e In morl! µrl ­vate dolttcut•?~, w1lhfl rnw. or f ir) nol rM­ect 11l 1111"! (2J w11111 nr11 the .,n.,i:ts of llw l of 1>lonk organi?.ntlon on formnl un•I l11lor1nnl >1nclfll cn11lrrrl, 011 crime nrut l1m r, 011<1 nu phy11lc11I 11 iisrrn or. eoclnf 11i ,.ur<1er, lcrrllorlollty, nud "delem1ihfllly"·t /\nolher hnport1111I pro1ecl ohjccllve Is lhll CX!Jlorn.tlon 111

lhe p•~ rsounl, le11rlurshlp. nn•I or~1111lzn ­llor111I cl111r11cturl11lfoR that m11k c tor stron1; nud o:i ll ec tlvr. hlr>Ck R"Rocli1 -t1oue. /\ ~ µn rl o l l h IA 11ctln11 rr. ­search. we huve u c v uloped 11 1<y!llcrn or orise111?.lltionnl """'"""''enl 111111 trninlui,e 1net~rin l .ci, bn11ud on lnrormflllon thot I" lndlvitJ11nJly t111loru•t ln nBCll bluuk, l•> h<!l!J orn nm1111fty o risulll?.etlone melntnln and !ltrn111<l h t:r1 lhemAclV<!t'-

'l'hc proiuc t e mtol"ye 11 tnulllnll!lhwl l''IS\!111·ch <luRIRn In vrtl •r to tAp blouk re9 •hi 11t11' eulrjccllvr. 11ppr11l11el 111· Urn blook nwl Its prohlr:1n11 1111tl atr1•n1tlhB, ea well "" morn ohj• o tlv1;1 lrullculorR of orlmu ""'' llro l'"Y"lnnl envlro11mo11l. IJaL11 !l-1 h1•l 11K •lur v•"I trorn riv•

(I J \V•t nrri curul1u•l lt1K n tr•ff•ph11r11 survo·y .. r I. 1211 ,., .. ,hl ••ntA "" •IH hhll' lrn ln 1111·•••• Nt •w Yuri< C lly rwl~hhurhnou) 4 ,

(:!) 1111 111" :t\! hlrn:k"I lhut IHIVf' hlock a11eoc1111itu1R. w•: wtll cHrry nut 1• 111t • m

urv1Jy o pl'O d o the type 11nd . •~len

II, llnd thtt orgllnlz11 oturl11t !cs CJ( thu 1 ~1U1oa

!I)• Un lhe11e ' lu,me ' block ···,tlwuot : 11 llerto11 or lllod .. r I

obtain Jnrur1natlon u.bout ! onal history, lnce11.tt11e11, d. akln111, ll•l•l lo udura hltr•

(4 )" UaL11 on oCrtclotlly r11

· orimu will bu •oU.,uturl ill tit pollllu \ 1ruul11ot.'f, lJ nllt~u m -.t;lUh.111, rUHlH O( r"llOrllH1 1,.. collei.:tud 1111d 11 h •v , ·I. ue op~oeud to thu I.Jr• 11r nl;~VC:i .1~· I·

0J t :iJ 'fi11111ly, an unvlroru

'""""'"''it-:·· will h•, c.•trnfh{Olt!cl hlo1~ks itf 111 d1·1· tu 1· , :'111!1111• 11n1111rc~hilP• 1 lu1·11I (i.t! . , 11101•n ens1ly c•lu111 1~ ' · d) phy~~h·11I · 1i1~11~ 11f !'fochrl di· : uni! · ,· nrtd vul111~1·:1l11lily 1o erimt•. I It,. llS'->P!-1!-HllPfll will i11vnlv1• in p•~r~-a111 1d1 :•h!t'V:1tio11 11f lllJ't•1• lypf'~\ of physil';i( l'\lt!~; tt1nt h11v" h1•1·r1 11>111111 lo hi' 1'1·l:1IPd

l n 1· t' i t11P :tlld f1•11t· of vh·limi?.11ti1111 : ~. H

1·i 1d d1; :qrd"r or· ' 1 i1udviliti1·s" (•~·I' .. . lfp• 1i1·1•!--t1 1 !1PI' qf lillt!I ' 01 ' ltJitttrittp, y1J11lh~~); ll'l'l'il1ll'Pllify (l ' ·ll•• JH'f '•:1trt : 111~ ll1u11 sigrHl 1111d h1•1111lili1.!iuliu11 I: ll llff "d• •f Pll!-dldP •qi:tt•11'1 l1111luruH (•'·I : . • lt•tu·~·H =1ntt111d lh1• 111·11p1•rly).

tu 1uldil ii>11, 1111· I;, .. ,, lhr•~•! ""'' ' HUl"f'H Wiii ht~ l '1•1u•:tlt •tJ Utlf~ yenr 1111 · ·· ·

111 nrd1•1· l11 1•'C1U11i111• l11t- t•lh~ch; nl' fl11 ~

Bloch: ltoo~lt!r tr11111i11;-. lo mnfnt11111 111t1f

.111lr•~t1.ilhtH1 lhe hloek llHHociutton:-;. Thu rf!>1Ull>1 o[ th11 project 11r11 ""-

1'""1'"' to hnve irnporln11t policy impll c.·1lio11ft fur commuuity <levelopmurtl 111ul crime prt?vonlion. They will ir1di1mtr?. t'or t!Xumplu, wlu!lht?r block-leV•!J or · t-;nlli~nllon cun hnlp lowcr--&ncome corumu · nillc.'J turn n fr11~111.,11tinK crlm" prohh'"' Iulo ul'l'r!clivL• 11ud coht!Hlve 11roup 1u! · tlo11. The flrullnKB should also huv•l hn11ort1111t llll'orutlc1tl lmpllc11Uo11R, 1aflowlng re!ic.~nrchurH to rlotormiuo the nut!t!HAnry iuyrt~diuntH for eJ"l'eclivu hlock orwrni>'.•1tiu11R 1111<1 lcaderRhip ttlHI to u111hirHt11111I the relulfonehlp bt:tw""" block ·lev•~I eltiirnn µurllcipallon nrul crime.

USlffllt.. 111-:Sll/\lt<.!ll ANU IU'l:'~;CTIVH 1'01.ICIBS

In ~ plt t~ nr it q lrumu11doue l·u·urni:u i UR l'll 11 r« ·n uf Hl\ 1dy tlll'I lnl~rv 1•11 l iu11.

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Ut!l~<I. • J.'or j'ut/101• i.nfot'"'"t ion_. "or1f.t11?f: 1./11~

111ttlro1•11 r~/o 1:i ti?.1!11' n r.orrntitt1•1• (or• N,.,,, Ym•k City, .1 Wrnt :wt/J Strt!et' Nt'I" Yor•k, NY ((}IJIJ/; (;!/?.) BBf-6711~.

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