Download - BLESSED SACRAMENT PARISH COMMUNITY - … teaches us about trust. If we're ... The final blessing is a sending ... This is God’s mysterious



518 W. State St., Grand Island, NE 68801 308-384-0532 Website: E-Mail: [email protected]

Sunday, July 12, 2015 15th Sunday of Ordinary Time

In this Sunday's Gospel passage, Jesus teaches us about trust. If we're to fulfill our calling as God's missionaries of love in this world, if we're to fulfill our calling to share the Good News, we must trust God and the resources He provides. And we must trust that He will always provide exactly what we need when we need it, even though it doesn't always seem sufficient. It’s important that we don’t feed the inclination to distrust Him by ex-pecting anything other than what He provides. Every Mass ends with a recommissioning rite for the calling we all have. The final blessing is a sending forth after we’ve been renewed in our relationship with Jesus. His presence in the Word and in the Eucharist and in the Church community re-energizes us (when we pay attention) to boldly go and do all that He asks of us. Through the priest, Jesus sends us into the world to be the visible proof that He is real and that He's alive and that He cares. With Jesus, and in Him and through Him, we are all evangelizers who can make a difference in the world. Yes, all of us – all of us who have participated in the Eucharistic celebration with conscious awareness of what we are saying and praying and receiving during Mass. Go forth in bold confidence! Jesus is sending you out from the church with His Spirit and His sufficiency.

However, when we do the packing and decide what to take with us on the mission, we like to take an abundance of stuff, just in case we might need it. Thus, we fail to show others that God is reliable and trustworthy. To be effective evangelizers, we have to surrender over to God whatever baggage interferes with our mission. Remember this: Surrender is not

truly surrender unless we no longer want what we surrendered. If we still have some desire for it, we're attached to it by a bungee cord that yanks us back to it, yanking us away from our true purpose in life.

Reflect & Discuss: 1. In what areas of your life do you rely upon the Lord?

2. What areas do you still need to entrust to Him? What will you do this week to surrender any dis-trust?

3. What kind of "food" do others serve you when you rely on God to provide for your needs through them? How does their service to you help them understand God?

4. What kind of baggage should be left at home instead of carrying it into ministry? How does letting go of this better reveal Jesus to others?


Sun., July 12

Amos 7:12-15

Ps 85:9-14

Eph 1:3-14

Mark 6:7-13

Mon., July 13

Ex 1:8-14, 22

Ps 124:1b-8

Matt 10:34-11:1

Tues., July 14

St. Kateri


Ex 2:1-15a

Ps 69:3, 14, 30-31,


Matt 11:20-24

Wed., July 15

St. Bonaventure

Ex 3:1-6, 9-12

Ps 103:1b-2, 3-4,


Matt 11:25-27

Thurs., July 16

Ex 3:13-20

Ps 105:1, 5, 8-9,


Matt 11:28-30

Fri., July 17

Ex 11:10-


Ps 116:12, 13,


Matt 12:1-8

Sat., July 18

Ex 12:37-42

Ps 136:1, 10-15,


Matt 12:14-21

Hello Church! We have a

wonderful call to move about and

share the Good News and build the

Kingdom. Each of us has unique gifts

and situations that allow us to do good

and reflect God’s love.

Sr. Clarice has returned to her Monastery in

Yankton, South Dakota to work with her community.

We will have a new Pastoral Sister in our midst

beginning September 1. I am anxious to have Sr.

Barbara with us. This will give us three

Barb’s/Barbara’s on our Parish staff!! That is a good

thing. When a person works in a parish there are

specific responsibilities, yet there is a common goal

to take care of people and share Jesus. We look

forward to Sr. Barbara’s journey with us as we grow

as the Body of Christ.

Have you had your picture taken for our Parish

Pictorial Directory? This is an exciting project. This

Directory will help capture the history of our living


Take care,

Fr. Todd

Weekend Mass Schedule

Saturday – 5:30 p.m.

Sunday – 8:00 a.m. & 10:00 a.m.

Weekday Mass Schedule

Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday – 12:05 p.m.

Friday – 7:00 a.m.


Wednesday – 11:30 a.m.-Noon

Saturday – 10:30-11:30 a.m.

or by appointment

Welcomed into the Christian

Community through Baptism:


daughter of

Luis A. & Sandra S. (Corona) Bermudez;


daughter of Jorge &

Norma (Bermudez-Salinas) Ortiz-Rivera.

Our Deepest Sympathy

to the Family of:



Please remember the following

individuals in your prayers,

who are experiencing serious

health problems/issues:

Elna Gappa Anna Blake

Larry Palacz Pat Myers

Elizabeth Webster Bernardine Ferguson

Scott Miller Andy Buhrman Michael A. Lopez

Merlin Yosten John Pedrosa, Sr.

Don Jarzynka Lori Walz Marion Schutte

James Lentz Kristine Bussinger

Kalyn Rodriguez Ruth Noziska

Rosetta Reimers Joyce Stobbe Glorene Harders

Sharon Koperski Rose Ann Anderson

Blanche Janulewicz Terri Waskowiak

Hannah Bonner Cari Cobler

Dean Gentry Ed Ziska

Let us know if you, or an immediate family

member, are experiencing a serious health issue and

wish to be included on this list.


Adult Envelopes $ 7,178.00

Plate 217.00

Children’s 3.66

Diocesan Appeal

Our Goal $96,905.00

Pledged to Date (226) 47,920.00

Received to Date 45,968.00


Tuesday, July 14, 12:05 p.m. –

Pete Wissing

Wednesday, July 15, 12:05 p.m. –

Art Greisen

Thursday, July 16, 12:05 p.m. –

Pete Wissing

Friday, July 17, 7:00 a.m. –

JoAnne Shafer

Saturday, July 18, 5:30 p.m. –

Therese Muchow

Sunday, July 19, 8:00 a.m. –

Josh Durand

Sunday, July 19, 10:00 a.m. –

Parish Family

WEEK’S ACTIVITIES Sunday, 7/12 Food Pantry Sunday

10:00 a.m. - Children’s Celebration

Monday, 7/13 5:00 p.m. - Yoga

7:00 p.m. - AA Meeting

Tuesday, 7/14 6:30 a.m. - Men’s Early Morning

Tuesday Group

1:00 p.m. - Quilting

7:00 p.m. - Baptism Preparation


7:00 p.m. - AA & Alanon Meeting

7:30 p.m. - Charismatic Group

Wednesday, 7/15 12:05 p.m. - Sunset Group

7:00 p.m. - R.C.I.A. Inquiry Session

Thursday, 716 1:00 p.m. - Quilting

Saturday, 7/18 10:00 a.m. - Alanon Meeting

We pray for the following

parishioners, who are

currently serving in the


Bryan Hulit

Jeff Bellamy Alex Witmer

Chad Brown Heather Rempe Riley Allen

Shawn Ruzicka Kevin Donovan

John G. Frankenberg

WANTED: Knitters and Crocheters

We would like to have some volunteers from our

parish make several prayer shawls each for our 2nd

grade First Communicants. If you like to knit or

crochet, this is the ministry for you! Please contact

Deb Wetzel at 395-8521 for more information.

Parish Directory: We are getting ready to create a

new photo directory, and we need you to help make

it complete! By participating, you will receive a

printed directory. Sign-up for your professional

photography session in two convenient ways: 1)

Schedule your appointment online on our website at; or 2) For assistance, call the Parish

Office at 384-0532. Our directory won’t be complete

without you. Sign-up today!

If you are willing to volunteer to help put this

directory together, please call Peg Wirth at 390-5083

or Nancy Meier at 382-3572.

We are aiming for 100% participation. Help us

meet this goal!


R.C.I.A. Inquiry Session, July 15, 7:00 p.m., Blessed Sacrament Jubilee Center. R.C.I.A. is the process an adult goes through who may be interested in joining the Roman Catholic Church. Are you curious about the Catholic Church, or are you thinking about joining the Catholic Church? Do you need to receive all, or some, of the sacraments? Do you have questions? If you are interested in becoming Catholic, or would just like to learn more about the R.C.I.A. process and what is required, you should attend this inquiry session. Inquiry is your chance to ask questions in a casual, no-pressure environment. You are not making a commitment to join the Catholic Church by attending this session. Come see, come learn, and bring your questions.

Open Registration for Religious Formation Classes. If you would like to register your children for our 2015/2016 Religious Formation classes, you can do so now, by calling Deb Wetzel at 395-8521, anytime this summer. You don’t need to wait until August to register. Go ahead and register now!

Young Neighbors in Action: One Week (Seven Days; 168 Hours; 10,080 Minutes) and Counting. Next weekend, the members of our parish Young Neighbors in Action team will leave for their service week on the Omaha Winnebago Indian Reservation. They will be staying at the St. Augustine Catholic School during their mission trip. Wish them well and keep them in your prayers, as they count down the hours until their departure.

Baptism Preparation Class: Tuesday, July 14, 7:00 p.m., Family

Room. This is for parents preparing

for the Baptism of their baby. This is

required, unless you have participated

in such a class within the last year. Please call Fr.

Todd at 384-0532, Ext. 206, to register no later than

4:00 p.m., Monday, July 13. If there are no

registrations, the class will not be held.

Sunset Group: Wednesday, July 15, after the 12:05

p.m. Mass. Sign-up sheets can be found in the

Gathering Area.

PARISH THRIFT STORE - 4th & Eddy Streets

Donations are accepted Mondays, Fridays &

Saturdays, from 10:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

If you are interested in helping at the Thrift Store,

please call Connie at 384-5508,

or the Thrift Store at 398-3443.

THANK YOU! I just wanted

to take this opportunity to

thank everyone who came to

my farewell reception. It was

very touching to me to see all of you who came.

Thank you also for the many cards and gifts. Your

generosity is a little overwhelming at times. Know

that you are welcome to come to Yankton and Sacred

Heart Monastery for a visit. Blessings to you all.

S. Clarice

Children’s Choir Practice: We sing on July 26,

August 23 and September 17. No weekly practice

June-September. Weekly practices begin again on

October 4. Practice at 9:00 a.m. on July 26 before


Call and Response: “They preached repentance”

(Mark 6:12). Jesus sent out the Twelve on test

missions to herald God’s coming reign and to heal all

who heard them. He warned them to stay and preach

only where they were welcomed. They were to do

this not because they were lazy, but to show that

God’s freely given gifts need to be freely received.

This is God’s mysterious plan. The Lord of heaven

and earth calls us generously, but we need to respond

in kind. Will we answer the call to God’s reign?

Online Giving is one option we have for sharing our

gift of treasure with our Parish. Many folks are

paying their bills online. Online Giving is like online

bill pay. It is safe, secure and allows you to

consistently give to your Parish, even when you are

out of town. You can set-up Online Giving by going

to our Parish website ( and

clicking on the Online Giving icon.

Online Giving is a way you can give off the top at

the beginning of the month when you are paying your

other important bills. Our Parish does a lot of good

for a lot of people in some very fundamental ways.

Online Giving is a way you can support the ministry

of our Parish.

Electronic Fund Transfer is another way that you

can have funds transferred from your bank account

to the Parish. To set-up Electronic Fund Transfer,

you can fill out a form in the Parish Office that will

be processed by your bank.

Funeral Dinners: If you are unable to bring an item

for a funeral dinner, please notify Nancy Eoriatti at

382-8556. Also, remember to sign your name off on

the list in the kitchen so we know that you have

brought the item. Thank you for your help.

Nancy Eoriatti

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Take nothing with you, Jesus said. No money, no

food, no walking stick. The Twelve would be

completely at the mercy of those who extended

hospitality towards them.

Have you ever spent a night, or even a few hours,

away from home without your driver’s license,

your credit card, your phone and your car keys?

This “immersion experience” is employed by

many religious communities as an opportunity for

their novices to share, even for a very short time,

the helplessness of those who live on the street.

I remember that scene from The Hiding Place,

when the Nazis stormed in to Corrie ten Boom’s

home. Unsuccessful in their search for the

rumored “secret room,” they arrested Corrie and

her family. She had anticipated this night, of

course, and had her bag packed with some

treasured photographs, her nightgown, a change

of clothes, and some aspirin.

What a comfort that aspirin would have been. She

was suffering from influenza the night of her

arrest. But the bag happened to be propped up

against the hidden closet. Fearful that some tell-

tale article of clothing might be hanging out from

the hastily closed secret door, she left her bag

behind. Of all the heroic actions she took to save

the many precious lives hiding in that room, that’s

the one that touches me the most. She was now,

sick and aging, utterly without any of the

comforts she had hoped to take with her to the


Except for one. She had the companionship of

Christ, who gave up heaven in order to be one

with us on earth. That trumps the sacrifice of a

night on the street without a cell phone.

In what ways have you experienced solidarity

with those who have nothing?

Kathy McGovern ©2015

Funeral Dishes/Lost & Found If you have brought food for a funeral dinner

recently, please stop by the kitchen to pick up your

dish/bowl. If not picked up by August 1, all items

will be donated to the Thrift Store.

Also, if you are missing an item that was left in

the church, please stop by the closet in the Gathering

Area and look through the items. Any items not

picked up by August 1st will be donated to the Thrift



Serra Club Meeting: Thursday, July 16, St. Mary’s

Cathedral. Mass will begin at 6:30 p.m., followed by a

program and dessert. Come and join us and learn more

about encouraging vocations to the priesthood and

religious life.

CHI St. Francis Adult Volunteer Orientation:

Tuesday, July 14, 9:00 a.m.-Noon, Conference Room 7.

Please call Chris Sullivan at 398-5564 if you would like

to attend. We welcome your enthusiasm and willingness

to volunteer for your community!

God’s Paths are Faithfulness & Love: Saturday, July

18, 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m., Saint Benedict Center,

Schuyler. This is a day of reflection for young adults. As

we try to find the right way for our lives, we hear God’s

encouraging promise, “all my paths are faithfulness and

love.” We want to reflect on how to make decisions, how

to find guidance and direction for our lives, and how to

pray in a way that self-awareness and love for God may

grow. This day of reflection is for young adults (ages 18-

35), facilitated by a team of monks, will include talks,

sharing, personal prayer time, Mass, and a delicious

lunch. Cost: $10.00, which includes lunch. For more

information, please call 402-352-8819.

Marriage Encounter: July 31-August 2, Lexington. For

more information, or to register, call Pat & Janelle Benson

at 308-940-0670 ([email protected]).

Retrouvaille –Thinking About Separation or Divorce?

Is your marriage or that of a relative or friend heading for

divorce? Do you know how to save that marriage? Or do

you feel helpless? Retrouvaille is designed to help

troubled marriages regain their health. It helps spouses

uncover or re-awaken the love, trust and commitment that

originally brought them together. The program is highly

successful in saving hurting marriages, even bringing

reconciliation to couples who have already separated or

divorced. For confidential information about, or to

register for, the program on August 21-23, please call 1-

888-317-5654 or go to


Central Catholic Foundation Golf Tournament:

Friday, August 21, Riverside Golf Club. Go to GICC

website to register or call the Foundation Office at

308-382-5499. If you are interested in sponsoring the

golf event, please contact the Foundation Office.

The Knight 2015: Plans are underway for the 2015

Knight Dinner and Auction, “The Roaring Knight.”

This year’s event will be Saturday, November 21, and

is chaired by Drs. Greg & Jennifer Alberts, and

Matthew & Janelle Armstrong. If you are interested

in donating to help support “The Roaring Knight,”

please contact the Foundation Office at 382-5499.

Exchange Student: Do you have an extra room and

a big heart? Consider opening up your home and

becoming a foreign exchange student family. GICC

has a student from Japan who would like to attend

GICC for the upcoming 2015/2016 school year

(August-May). She will be a freshman, and her

interests include volleyball and music. For more

information, please contact Rob & Amy Czaplewski

at 370-1372.

New Grand Island Central Catholic Students: GICC has an additional tuition assistance program in

place for NEW students wishing to enroll at our

school who are in need of some additional financial

assistance. This is a new program, which may be in

addition to current financial assistance, which

families may have qualified for already but may not

be enough for them to consider GICC as a viable

option. In order to be considered for the new

program, parents must complete the financial aid

request form which can be obtained by stopping by

the main office. If you have any questions, please do

not hesitate to contact Steve Osborn or Mike

Rohweder at 384-2440.

Kitty M. Perkins Tuition Assistance Scholarship:

All students are eligible to apply for this scholarship.

Find a link to the application on GICC website. All

applications must be returned to the Development

Foundation by Monday, July 27, 4:00 p.m.

GICC Summer Hours: We are here for you even

though it is summer time. Grand Island Central

Catholic School summer office hours are 8:00 a.m.-

2:00 p.m., Monday-Friday. Please call 384-2440 if

you need anything during the summer.

Spirit Wear Orders: Show your GICC Pride and

order your spirit wear for the 2015-2016 school year

now! We are accepting orders until July 15. Payment

is due at the time of the order. There will be no

returns for wrong sizes. Please see for more information

and an order form.

GICC 7-8th Grade Football Camp: July 13-16, 6:00-

8:00 p.m. Cost: $25.00. To register, please contact

GICC at 384-2440, or Coach Emory at 308-440-2644.
