Download - Blessed Mother Teresa Friendship Center House RepairBlessed Mother Teresa Friendship Center. In a typical house repair project, deteriorating walls are patched, reinforced and sealed



Blessed Mother Teresa Friendship Center

House RepairTransforming leaky, dilapidated shacks

into safe homes for poor families— Addis Ababa, Ethiopia —

Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

2 Corinthians 9: 7

We are a Catholic ministry

that mobilizes the global Catholic Church to transform the poor and their communities materially and spiritually

for the glory of Jesus Christ.

Rather than create new institutions to distribute aid, we support existing ministries and churches already serving the

poor. In addition to being the most cost-effective way of helping the poor, empowering these ministries allows us to support the Church’s spiritual mission and its important

position of leadership in poor communities.

We consider every gift we receive as a precious resource from God. We direct every donation to its intended project, provide honest and accurate reports to our

donors, and keep overhead costs to an industry low. We handle funds with utmost integrity and hold our ministry partners in the field to the same high standards by asking them to document costs and the impact of their outreach.

We invite you to join with us as we seek to transform the lives of the poor materially and spiritually — ways that

please the Father and glorify him in Heaven and on earth.


Blessed Mother Teresa Friendship Center House Repair | Project 0668

Project Synopsis

DescriptionTransform dilapidated shanties into safe, sturdy shelters

AffiliationMissionary Sisters of the Holy Rosary

LocationAddis Ababa, Ethiopia’s capital city

Cost$26,400 will reconstruct the houses of 25 families and provide necessary housing repairs for 10 additional families.

Fast Facts• For the poor, sturdy housing

is rare in Ethiopia, especially in the urban capital city of Addis Ababa, where there is a critical housing shortage.

• Most poor urban families cobble together cardboard, tin and mud to create shacks which are leaky and unstable.

• Landlords who rent dilapidated dwellings are under no legal obligation to repair them, so renters must repair their own dwellings, and the poor cannot afford this expense.

• The Holy Rosary Sisters repair shanties with new windows, doors and solid galvanized metal roofs to make them safe, sturdy and dry. ‘Plaster’ made of mud and straw adds a natural insulation from the cold and rain, and lasts for 30 years.

• By meeting the physical needs of the poor, the Holy Rosary Sisters are able to minister to their spiritual needs as well.

• Cross Catholic Outreach is committed to improving the health and safety of the housing of poor families, but we need support from compassionate American Catholics to achieve these goals.

Yet I am poor and needy; may the Lord think of me. You are my help and my deliverer; O my God, do not delay.

Psalm 40:17


Blessed Mother Teresa Friendship Center House Repair | Project 0668

The Need

The pain of her husband’s death still stings 35-year-old Workitu and has an impact on their six children. Then there is the financial hardship his passing wrought. The little money Workitu earns reselling garments in the marketplace doesn’t begin to meet the family’s needs. Her children haven’t been to school ever since her husband’s income stopped three years ago. She simply cannot afford the uniforms, supplies and fees for them to attend.

In the meantime, Workitu’s humble home in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia is falling apart. With her hardworking husband gone, she has neither the money nor the muscle to replace the rusted tin and rotted scrap materials that make up their shack.

The leaky roof is her greatest concern. When it rains, the shanty’s dirt floor turns to mud. She has tried throwing plastic sheeting over the roof, but water still works its way in. Workitu and her children have grown increasingly distressed by the cold, the rain and the rats that constantly invade their dilapidated shanty. Over time, its oppressive environment has chipped away at their sense of human dignity.

Workitu’s struggle is shared by thousands of impoverished families who are similarly sinking in a quagmire of filth and despair that permeate the city’s urban slums like algae pervade a stagnant pond.

One of the most effective ways to dispel the despair and begin restoring that sense of dignity is to restore their immediate physical environment — their home.

Workitu stands in front of her dilapidated home with Sister Celestina of the Holy Rosary Sisters.


Blessed Mother Teresa Friendship Center House Repair | Project 0668

The Project

With gifts through Cross Catholic Outreach, the Holy Rosary Sisters of Ethiopia repair the homes of poor families like Workitu’s. Their outreach makes it a priority to provide services to the poorest of the poor — widows, single parents and orphans, especially those affected by HIV/AIDs. This foundational program is part of a multi-faceted, holistic approach to ministering to the spiritual and material needs of the poor, through the Blessed Mother Teresa Friendship Center.

In a typical house repair project, deteriorating walls are patched, reinforced and sealed with a natural mixture of mud and straw which dries to create a solid plaster that lasts about 30 years. If needed, the shanty is also shored up with new doors, new window frames, and a new roof of galvanized metal sheeting.

The benefiting family pitches in to help with the repairs too, usually by hauling materials or helping to mix and spread the mud-and-straw plaster. By contributing to the solution to their problem, family members bolster their sense of dignity and their ownership in the results.

By the time repairs are complete, a dilapidated dwelling is transformed into a safe, dry haven. Families are finally able to sleep peacefully, free of worry about rain or rodents invading their homes.

Workitu was so grateful for her house repair, she told Sr. Celestina, director of the house-repair program, “Sister, please thank the donors for me; they have saved my children and myself from the rains and the rats that used to come in through the broken walls of my house. We are safe now!”

Sr. Celestina stands with Workitu in front of her newly repaired house. Now it is clean, dry and safte!

Through the Blessed Mother Teresa Friendship Center, the Missionary Sisters of the Holy Rosary provide the following services to the poor, depending on their level of need:

• House repairs• House rent subsidies• Access to clean water• Latrine construction

• Electric installation• Computer course• Education

• Medical assistance• Food supplements • School fee subsidies

• Library• Youth summer school • Youth recreation program• Credit and savings program

Blessed Mother Teresa Friendship Center House Repair | Project 0668

Our Promise to You!Proceeds from this campaign will be used to cover any expenditures for this project incurred through June 30, 2019, the close of our ministry’s fiscal year. In the event that more funds are raised than needed to fully fund the project,

the excess funds, if any, will be used to meet the most urgent needs of the ministry.

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Copyright Cross Catholic Outreach. Cost-effectively written, designed and printed in-house. [nb1404] [Ura1504][Udv1707][Udv1805]


Do not withhold good from those who deserve it, when it is in your power to act.

Proverbs 3:27

Help Now!

Your support for this project through Cross Catholic Outreach will equip the Holy Rosary Sisters to transform the homes — and the lives — of impoverished families overwhelmed by the dire conditions in which they live. You will help the poor escape the helpless indignity of living amid filth, preserving a family’s dignity and restoring its hope.

Your gift also strengthens the faith of families whose prayers for better conditions are answered through this outreach. Workitu acknowledged the source of all blessings when the sisters completed the repairs on her house. She prayed, “Dear God thank you, I have lived to see your goodness, that people could wholeheartedly help each other. May your name be praised!”

Like Workitu’s family, many other women and children are living in horrible conditions, desperate to experience the peace and safety of a sturdy home. The Holy Rosary Sisters depend on Cross Catholic Outreach to help them; and we look to compassionate American Catholics to join us in supporting this worthy program.

Please pray for the Sisters who work with the poorest of the poor in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Prayerfully consider partnering with Cross Catholic and the Sisters to transform more shanties into sturdy shelters, and set more poor families on a path of hope and restoration.