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Page 2: Bishop’s Letter to the Synod - Boise, Idaho Christian ...€¦ · Bishop’s Letter to the Synod January 2018 Once upon a time, there was a young boy who had traveled some distance


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Bishop’s Letter to the Synod January 2018

Once upon a time, there was a young boy who had traveled some distance to hear a well-known preacher speak at a revival meeting. His mother had packed him a small lunch so that he wouldn’t be too hungry to make the walk back home in the evening. It wasn’t much, by any standard—a sandwich, intended to be all he ate for the entire day. The young boy settled in to listen to the preacher. The preacher was so kind and so gentle, and seemed to really have a heart for the lost and neglected and forgotten ones. Being near him made the boy happy. But toward the end of the sermon, the people around the boy started getting restless. They were hungry. They hadn’t had brought food with them, whether that was because they didn’t have any to bring, or because they were too excited to plan ahead. Either way: their tummies were empty, and they were feeling it. The boy thought about his sandwich, thanking God that he had a mother who was kind enough and wise enough to send him to this gathering with a meal hidden in his tunic. The preacher realized the crowd was hungry, too. He instructed his followers to feed them. The followers looked at each other with shock and panic. There were probably close to 20,000 men, women, and children gathered for the meeting! How were they going to find (and pay for!) food for that many people? It was impossible! The need was too great, and they were just ordinary people. The boy watched them closely, still thinking about his sandwich. One sandwich wasn’t much among so many people, but maybe he could at least offer his sandwich to the preacher so the preacher wouldn’t have to be hungry. The more he thought about it, the more he thought that was what God would want him to do. He walked up to one of the preacher’s followers, tugged on his robe, and held up his tiny sardine sandwich. The follower stared at him, confused, but the preacher smiled warmly. Reaching around the dumbstruck man, the preacher accepted the sandwich. The boy smiled, waiting for the preacher to sink his teeth into the homemade bread, enjoying the simple goodness of the wheat against the oily goodness of the sardine. But the preacher held up the sandwich, gave thanks to God for it, and then told his followers to feed the 20,000 people with the sandwich. The followers looked at each other. Then they looked at the sandwich. Then they looked at each other again, shrugged, and started handing out one sandwich to the crowd. The boy was amazed! His one sandwich was passed from hand to hand to hand amongst all the people, and the people ate that one sandwich until they were FULL! The boy couldn’t ever remember a time when he had had enough food to eat until he was full—at best he could eat until the hunger pangs went away, but he never remembered being full. The preacher caught his eye and winked, a warm smile flashing at the boy through his curly beard and he sat and watched the enormous crowd of hungry people gulping and smacking their lips and smiling and laughing and eating until no one could eat another bite. They were stuffed FULL. Some of them started to fall asleep there in the sunlight, snoring softly, breadcrumbs on their tunics and their fingers oily from the fish. The preacher laughed softly to hear it, clapping his hands quietly in joy.

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His followers returned, amazed, and Jesus told them to gather up all the leftovers. The boy thought, “It was ONE sandwich! How can there be any leftovers when everyone ate as much as they did? One sandwich isn’t enough to fill anyone to bursting—but this one Annual Meeting Letter 2018 fed thou-sands? How could there possibly be anything left over?” But he hadn’t spent as much time with Jesus as the disciples had. They dutifully collected the leftover bits that littered the grass, stepping over sleeping people, stopping to chat with those who were still awake and picking fish bones out of their teeth. Jesus and the boy ate together, watching their progress. When everything was collected, there were TWELVE baskets of food leftover. From his single, humble sandwich, there were enough left-overs to feed this crowd for another meal. What sort of miracle was this? Jesus thanked the boy for sharing his lunch, blessed him, and sent him toward home with a friendly swat on the backside. For the rest of his life, the boy never forgot what God could do with one single sandwich. - - - - - - - - - - - - - You are gathering together today to do important work as congregations. You will be electing new leaders, you will be hearing reports of ministries overseen by your congregation in 2017, you will be voting on a new spending plan for the year. It’s not glamorous work, but it is important work. I said at my election in May that God has already abundantly provided what we need to have to ac-complish the work God has for us to do in the Eastern Washington-Idaho Synod. We’re not waiting for anything, or anyone. Everything is ready. Everyone is here. But our tendency as humans is to look at what we have, and think, “It’s not enough.” Or “They are asking too much!” The Devil leads us down the path of scarcity all the time, because the devil knows that is where we are most vulnerable. I wrote the midrash of the Feeding of the 5,000 because I wanted you to have in front of you a story that reminds us of the abundance of God—so that when you start feeling the “not enough” panic you can quickly read a story to remind you of the truth: with God, all things are possible. With God, a sandwich can feed a multitude. It’s true that we could always use more money. That’s true in our homes, our congregations, our schools, and it's certainly true in the Synod. There’s so much need! And our resources feel so finite! It’s not enough, it will never be enough, so why bother at all? Sound familiar? So I encourage you: before you vote on your budget, take a moment and have someone lead the group in a prayer that we would be made aware of the abundance of God. That we will have enough. That in many cases: we will have more than enough. And though when we look at our bottom lines, and see everything getting smaller…giving…membership…average worship attendance…budgets…perhaps what God is leading us to is full reliance on God, rather than ourselves or our money or our numbers. “See, I am about to do a new thing!” God tells us. Watch for it. Wait for it. Listen for it. It won’t come in the old way. But it will come. May God bless you on this annual meeting day, and may our entire synod be filled with a sense of God’s vast abundance!

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King of Glory Lutheran Church, ELCA

Boise, ID

Bishop’s Letter to the Synod..………………………………………………………………………………………...3

Congregational Minutes of 2017 Annual Meeting…………………………………………………………..6

Congregational Minutes of 2017 Semi Annual Meeting…………………….………………………….10

Council President’s Report………………………………………………………………………………..………….12

Pastor Jean Vargo’s Report……………………………………………………………………………………………13

Parish Administrator’s Report……………………………………………………………………………………….14

Director of Music Ministries’ Report……………………………………………………………………………..15

Altar Guild Report…………………………………………………………………………………..……………………..16

Christian Education Committee Report……………………………………………………………..…………..17

Columbarium Garden Report……………………………………………………………………………...…………19

Evangelism Committee Report…………………………………………………………...…………………………20

Faith Community Nurse Report……………………………………………………………………………………..21

Library Report………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..22

Older Wiser Lutherans…………………………………………………………………………………………………...23

Personnel Committee Report…………………………………………………………………………………….…..24

Property Committee Report………………………………………………………………………….………………..25

Social Justice Committee Report………………………………………………………………….………………...26

Social Ministry Report……………………………………………………………………………………..……………..27

Stewardship Committee Report……………………………………………………………………………………..29

Women of the ELCA Report…………………………………………………………………………………………...30

Worship Committee - no report submitted

Mission Endowment Fund Report………………………………………………………………………………….31

Statistical Information of 2017……………………………………………………………………………………….32

2017 Financial reports and 2018 Proposed Budget………………………………………………………..33

Balance Sheet

Reserve Fund Status

Treasurer’s Year End Report: Actual Income to Expenditures

2018 Proposed Budget………………………………………………..…………………………………………...35

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King of Glory Lutheran Church Annual Congregational Meeting Minutes 1/29/17

Meeting came to order at 12:40 pm, Council President Kevin Winsauer presiding. Attendance: 107. (72 needed for quorum.) Opening prayer delivered by Pr. John Hergert Approval of Semi-Annual Meeting Minutes Motion by Wayne Bradburn to approve, seconded by Mary Kay Tinker. Discussion: Clarify the status of the Social Justice group. It should be referred to as a “group” rather than a “committee” at the time of the meeting semi-annual meeting. Motion approved. Staff Restructuring: Kevin Kevin presented a summary of current staff status with coverage of office duties. TODAY we have temporary office coverage utilizing: Julia Bennett — Changed hours and accepted admin duties. Michael Metzger — Assumed additional hours for admin duties. Ellen Haffner — Church secretary from Faith Lutheran in Caldwell who works late afternoons at KOG. The complete office schedule is posted by the office. Council voted to change the staff structure as follows: The Ministry Coordinator position was eliminated. At the advice or the Finance and Personnel committees, we added two new positions: a Parish Administrator and an Administrative Assistant. Job descriptions are available for you to re-view. Julia is aware of this change and will be eligible to apply and interview for these posi-tions if she chooses. We will also seek candidates from the congregation and the community. More to come on this process from the Personnel Committee. The goal would be to start these two new positions between April 17th and May 1 st (after EASTER). Questions: Stan - why are we moving ahead with this before we get the new pastor? Answer: We are moving forward because getting the new pastor right away is not a guarantee, and we need to proceed now. 2016 Financial Overview: Sharlene Harvey All the bills were paid through the end of December. The checking account is balanced at the end of December at $77,364.

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Congregation members using the automated giving through Vanco contributed $8,986 to the general fund in December which was 22.7% of total giving (up 14% from Nov). We now have 18 giving units. 2016 Pledges were $344,932, 2016 Pledged Contributions were $341,969 (a 98.4% giving rate on pledges). This is consistent with past years as our congrega-tion members follow through on their pledges. Non-pledged giving was less than expected at $76,258. For 2016, income to the General Fund was $417,377 and expenses were $439,996, Money re-serves were pulled to cover the difference. Question: a possible discrepancy — we appear to have spent in the general budget $9800 more than we took in, but no other assets or funds were adjusted to offset that shortfall. An-swer: We need to resolve this. Kevin believes it came from reserves. The audit will double check the numbers and we’ll get back to you. Question: Where are new admin positions in the budget? Answer: See pg 42 of the annual re-port. These are approximate figures based on whatever the start date turns out to be. Dan Price moved to approve the 2017 budget, pending resolution of the above question re-garding the shortfall. Roger Seifkes seconded. Motion passed. Call Committee Update: Ella Gordon Here we are again. The Call Committee consists of 8 members who have been meeting since December, 2015. We reviewed 16 profiles and applicants. We Skype interviewed 14 of them. Four site visits were done. We extended one call but were refused. One candidate will be voted on next Sunday. Many references checked. We spent over 1,600 hours on the call proc-ess so far. Pastor Scott Thompson visited on December 19-21, 2016, with a Meet & Greet with the con-gregation on the 20th. Call Committee recommended to Council to have the congregation vote on calling this pastor. Council has called a Special Meeting with the congregation to vote on whether or not to call Pastor Thompson which will be on Sunday, February 5, 2017 at 9:50am (in between services). Per our rules in our church constitution, this is the earliest we can hold such a vote with proper notice to the congregation. Capital Improvement Projects: Kevin Winsauer We have a list culled from previous surveys on projects the congregation wants to undertake, and we added one to repair the roof. The roof needs to be fixed regardless; the cost is not yet known due to the continuing ice cover.

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We have insurance coverage, but we’re not sure of the extent of it. It doesn’t cover what actu-ally causes the damage. It covers interior damage. The insurance adjustor met with the Prop-erty Committee. The roof repair contractor needs an extension because they are so busy; we must wait until the ice on the roof melts anyway. Discretionary money is being earmarked to do these projects. This list is to give the Council guidance, to help guide the decisions. It will be heavily considered by the Council, but it is not necessary binding. No motion is necessary to vote on the projects. The congregation is asked to vote for five projects in rank order. They are: Roof Repair and Damage Inside Church Repaired — Cost Unknown (Must be done). Pay Down The Mortgage — Target $75,000. New Digital (Electronic) Sign in Front of Church — Est. $12,000. Update the Sanctuary — Est. $50,000. Update the Fellowship Hall & Kitchen — Est. $50,000. Paint Inside of Church & Replace Carpeting Throughout — Est. $30,000. Paint the Outside of Church — Est. $8,000. Install Hanging System in Hallways and Narthex for Pictures — Est. $3,000. Xeriscape Land Around the Church — Est. $35,000. Develop the Back Lot - Est. $150,000 - $175,000. New Chairs for the Conference Room and Library— Est. $5,000. Three (3) New Large Televisions — Est. $2,000. Install the Data Backbone — Est. $12,000. The results of the vote will be announced at a later time. Social Justice: Gabrielle Applequist A presentation was made explaining the history of social justice issues the ELCA has been in-volved in and what the proposed Committee would be about. The Committee is not partisan, but advocates for less fortunate people. It is publically engaged. Mary Floyd moved to vote to make this a standing committee per the constitution. Bob Firman seconded. The vote was taken: Yes: 109 No: 29 Abstain: 7 Nominating Committee: Ron Nearman Ron expressed appreciation to members of the Nominating Committee, Doneta Stephensen and Joanne Temple, for their hard work in lining up candidates for key positions. He also recognized Church Council Members who have reached the end of their terms and are leaving office. They are Bill Amos, Wayne Bradburn, Sally Husted, Lois Wisner, and Jordan Wallace.

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Members of the Mission Endowment Fund Committee, Gordon Swenson and Joanne Temple, have reached the end of their terms but have agreed to serve for an additional term. Members of the Columbarium Committee, Fred Holmquist and Vern Nelson, were also recog-nized for their service. The candidates for positions are: Treasurer, 3-year term: Sharlene Harvey Financial Secretary, 3-year term: Becky Newberry Church Council, 3-year terms: Ella Gordon, John Johnson, Lothar Pietz Church Council, 1-year terms: Gordon Swenson, Erik Vaage Columbarium Committee, 3-year terms: Glen Laushman, Jim Stumpf Endowment Committee, 3-year terms: Trudy Anderson, Gordon Swenson, Joanne Temple Nominating Committee, 2-year terms: Julia Drew, Jim Rickerd Synod Assembly Representative, 1-year terms (vote for 3): Lora Anderson, Roger Anderson, Shirley Engerbretson, Becky Newberry, Mary Rickerd, Elaine Short, Charles Speidel, Ian Tomp-kins Nominations were also elicited from the floor. Results: all candidates were voted in as presented on the ballot. Synod Assembly representa-tives are Becky newberry, Mary Rickerd, and Elaine Short. Youth Update: Michael Metzger As Youth Leader, Michael is planning events, working with the budget of just under $9,000. He is creating a yearlong online calendar that parents can access to help plan for events. Some future events are set in stone, including Vacation Bible School, the youth mission trip, etc. Rally Day will be awesome. High school will have TV LYFE; middle school will have a local mis-sion trip; elementary school will have Luther Heights day camp. We’re also looking at ways to incorporate our youth into all the church’s activities. Closing Prayer: Pastor John Hegert Motion to Adjourn Todd Kraft moved to adjourn the meeting. Mary Floyd seconded. The motion passed. Respectfully submitted, Bill Amos, Secretary

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King of Glory Lutheran Church Semi-Annual Meeting Minutes 7/9/2017

Meeting came to order at 10:56 a.m. Opening prayer by Pastor John. Welcome Ashlee Financial Update Thank you to the congregation for the donations to the roof and mortgage fund. Sharlene provided an overview of the KOG finances. The church is in a good financial position. Giving is at 105% of pledging, thank you! Call Committee Update Ella provided an update. The committee met last week to review 3 additional MSPs that were provided to them, 2 of them as a result of an ad in Living Lutheran. Bishop Wells may have one additional name to review. They have decided to release the candidate in Texas. Parish Nurse Program Update Ella provided an update on this program. It was started in 1983 in Chicago as a result of a health care crisis there were individuals were being released from the hospital too early. There is an article in the Living Lutheran to talk about the history of the program in more de-tail. Currently the Treasure Valley has over 100 parish nurses trained. Ella proposed to the Council that a new committee (Health and Wellness) be formed and in-corporated into the KOG Constitution Bylaws. The congregation will have an opportunity to vote on this in January. Marge talked about the parish nurse program that was at their previ-ous church in Denver and how worthwhile the program is. Barb Blasch would like to ensure a group review the wording of the committee descriptions to ensure it aligns with the KOG Con-stitution. Mark Stephensen requested the committee consider how to incorporate handling emergency needs for those who may need support during an emergency situation. Ella com-mented that this can be a part of the parish nurse program. Ella then thanked several people who have been instrumental in support of this program. Nursery Policy The Council will be voting on the final Nursery Policy by the next meeting. It will then be posted in the nursery and on the bulletin board and go into effect September 1. It will on the church website, also. Other Questions/Comments Bruce Blasch asked Sharlene to provide some graphics.

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Austin Petersen asked if there might be an ongoing combined service other than in the sum-mer. It is a good opportunity to see people you don’t see otherwise. Wes commented that the Worship Committee wrestles with this topic and is open to feedback. Carolyn Jean Smith asked if we were able to reduce our mortgage payment. Sharlene said we hope to have the final numbers soon. Nancy Severson asked about the roof giving dollar amount since the number went down in the bulletin. There was some confusion but will be cleared up. It was asked when the new directory will be available. Ashlee indicated it is being worked on now and should be available soon. Adjourn Meeting with the Lord’s Prayer at 11:20 a.m.

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Church Council President Annual Report

WOW! What a year for King of Glory! This congregation is a great congregation, when we need something done, we can make things happen. With the snow in early 2017, the leaky roof came in the spring. We asked the congregation for monetary help and we got it and along with this we asked to help pay down the mortgage and we got money for this as well. The call committee waited almost two years to make the right call. They called Pastor Jean, we voted, and she came to serve. What a treat to have a Pastor! Thanks call committee and Pastor Jean. We also welcomed Ashlee and Di to our staff this past year and I must say what a treat it is to be working with these two. There is still work to do around our church, from increasing attendance to the upkeep of our structure. This will be a process and how we do it will be up to you, the congregation. All committees are working hard to do their part in attracting and keeping the programs interest-ing. Thank you for your continued support. Peace, Ken Reglin, Jr. Council President

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Pastor Jean Vargo Annual Report 2017

As we reflect on 2017, what prayer has God answered or not answered for you? For the par-ish? For me, the blessing and answer to prayer was being called to partner in ministry with you. My family and I prayed as you also prayed for a long awaited call. And now with the Spirit of God we rejoice and give thanks. I especially give thanks for you and your enthusiasm and commitment to the gospel of Jesus Christ and for the many ways that you connect to the people of God around the world. I give thanks for your willingness to reach out to all God’s people following the model of Jesus Christ, for your dedication in providing opportunities to learn and live into the spirits calling. We are rich in ministry from Bible studies, prayer, social ministry, social justice, stewardship of talent/gifts/property, and fellowship. The quilts we send around the world are awesome, the collections are breathtaking, and you the volunteers make King of Glory the great place of ministry that it is. It is you the laity, that do the work of God and King of Glory would most likely close its doors if it did not have each and every one of you. I also give thanks for my staff, they provide a support and ministry that is next to none-the best of the best. The administrative, clerical, musical and janitorial support are so accom-plished, vibrant and dedicated to the spirit of God and King of Glory that I believe, together great and awesome things will not only support you and King of Glory but will also generate ideas and visions that will empower each of us to be all that God has created us to be. As we move forward into 2018 I encourage you to think about what lens of faith you look through. When we use multiple lens- wide angle, telephoto, microscopic lenses life and situa-tions look different. We see differing views, we approach situations differently, and the spirit of God is visually different for us. This year in 2018 the council will think and talk about “Change your Lens Change Your Focus”, You also are encouraged to do so. One way to begin is when you read scripture ask yourself: “What is God saying in this scripture passage?” What does God want me to hear today in these verses?” And “What is God asking me to do or to change in my life as a result of hearing these words today?” When we listen to scripture, we listen to the voice behind the words, and the voice invites us not to intellectualize but to lis-ten, to hear scripture. It’s a different lens by which to read and hear the word of God. As we move into 2018, I ask you to prayerfully consider what God is asking of you. Pray about your offering, how you will grow in the faith, pray about your participation in worship and how you will invite others to join you. The Dream Team is open to all of you, and it is your opportu-nity to engage in brain straining and dreaming about what we want King of Glory to be in 3 to 5 and 10 years. What will our church look like demographically, worship, service wise, what will our neighborhood look like. The church as we knew it is changing. Families and individu-als are changing and the place of the church in the life of a community continues to change. Let’s stay ahead of the 8 ball. And so it is that I pray for you all on a daily basis thanking and praising God for you, this com-munity and all of God’s creation that we touch with the spirit and love of Christ.

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Parish Administrator 2017 Annual Report

I began working as your Parish Administrator in July of this year. I spent the first few weeks reading meeting minutes, annual reports, studying the directory, browsing the website, and getting acquainted with the ongoing programs and needs of the church. I attended committee meetings and began to get to know as many members of the congregation as possible. I was met with such enthusiasm each and every time someone stepped into my office. It has been a privilege to learn about, assess and work to meet the needs of the parish. The amount of dedi-cated congregants and volunteers has astounded me! My first undertaking was getting the Pictorial Directory out to the congregation, and after a hiccup with the original formatting, I edited our database to reflect more accurate listings and pictures. This fall I worked with Stewardship to edit, distribute, and input data from the Time and Talent Survey. We received over 130 completed surveys from adults and 30 from our youth and children. My last big project before the end of 2017 was working with the Technol-ogy Task Force’s recommendation of a Data Backbone. In order to have our church office work as efficiently as possible, a shared server and better internet was needed. With council’s ap-proval, designated funds were used to have the entire building wired so there are no more dead zones. The backbone will allow for future growth with signage, projectors and enhanced education in all classrooms. An ongoing focus for me will continue to be communications and social media. Every Thursday I send an email with the following week’s service opportunities, special events or office up-dates. I update the website and it’s calendar on a weekly basis to reflect seasonal changes or programming opportunities. I update Facebook once or twice a week with photographs from recent events or upcoming events. In the office, we keep our announcements and newsletters current and accurate, giving congregants as many avenues as possible to be informed of all church happenings. What I do in the office is just a small reflection of everything that YOU do. I cannot thank the members of King of Glory enough for the dedication you give to every single aspect of the church, the community and the world. I look forward to working with all of the current ministries in 2018 as well as dreaming and vi-sioning with our Children, Youth and Family ministries, celebrating ministry Milestones with our children and connecting with new members as we receive them into the King of Glory family. Respectfully Submitted, Ashlee Wetherington

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Music Ministries

2017 Annual Report

This marks the beginning of my nineteenth year with the music ministry program at King of Glory. I am consistently amazed and humbled by the hard work and dedication of our volun-teer musicians…their gifts of music are such a blessing to our worship. Our music program continues to work HARD towards supporting worship so that we may all sing our praises “with one voice”. I continue to try and choose a nice variety of hymns and li-turgical music for a blended worship fitting the season, lectionary and move and inspire our congregation while still following our wonderful and ancient liturgical tradition of Gathering, Word, Meal and Sending. Special music is offered by the choirs under the wonder-ful direction of Seth McMullen - we are blessed to have his wonderful vocal leadership. Several times throughout the year the bell choir under my direction shares their musical offerings as well as a variety of soloists and instrumentalists. My joy continues to be accompanying all wor-ship services/choir on the piano and organ. I had a busy year adding in snippets of Martin Luther’s quotes on Worship and Music to every bulletin leading up to our celebration of Reformation 500. We combined our area Lutheran choirs and Cathedral of the Rockies’ choir for a concert of Reformation hymns in October at Immanuel Lutheran church. Seth picked the choir pieces and I put together the service with hymns for assembly singing and it seemed to be well received! We welcomed singers from Eagle High throughout the year, the Stillwater Brass Quintet for Easter and Reformation, The Musikmeisters for our Oktoberfest, we sang for the eighth year at the Ecumenical Advent concert at St. Mark’s Catholic parish and we were blessed with the musical offerings on Christmas Eve from our youth – Jasmine Mendez-Jorgensen, Brooke Cendejas, Lena, Therese, Neema and Ruth Etoka…AND all the Sunday School students who sang a lovely medley of Christmas hymns during the offering time. A special thank you to ALL the musicians in this congregation – your time and talents are ap-preciated much more than you’ll ever know. I invite all members of King of Glory to please take the time to thank these musicians on a regular basis. I would especially like to thank the steadfast offerings from our 11am drummer, Jorgen Vaage. Respectfully submitted, Laurann Taylor “Music is a servant of the Gospel and a principal means of worshiping God in Lutheran churches. Congregational song gathers the whole people to proclaim God’s mercy, to worship God, and to pray, in response to the readings of the day and in preparation for the Lord’s Sup-per.”

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King of Glory Altar Guild Annual Report for 2018 Annual Meeting The Altar Guild is a group of dedicated sacristans who quietly and generously donate their time and talents to keeping the church’s chancel ready for worship. Routine responsibilities of the Guild include:

Changing the paraments (linens) according to the season Keeping the robes used by the pastor, assisting minister and acolytes clean Setting the altar for communion (bread, wine, chalices) for Sunday worship, funerals and any other

occasions upon request Replacing candles as needed and maintaining the candle lighters Ensuring that items needed during baptism are available to the pastor Taking care of flowers at Christmas and Easter seasons and Pentecost Sunday

In 2017, we purchased new green paraments that complement the banners for the season of Epiphany and ordinary time Sundays. We are thankful for Leah Holstine’s years of faithful service in this ministry. We will fondly remember her knowledge, dedication and sense of humor. If you are interested in joining Altar Guild or just want to know more about what we do, please contact us. We always welcome new members to this ministry. (And yes, that includes men!) Thank you to the members of the Altar Guild: Marlis Aas Barbara Blasch Mary McCollum Nancy Severson Shirley Dodson Roxann Jensen Wanda Firman Claudia Laushman Joanne Temple Mary Floyd Sue Fornander Joan Peterson Nancy Reglin Elaine Short

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Christian Education Committee

2017 Annual Report

The Christian education committee had an eventful and productive year ensuring that this important ministry was carried out for the benefit of all members of King of Glory, of all ages.

Sunday School

Recruiting teachers for Sunday School is a perennial challenge, but the right number of good people stepped up and they are now leading classes for all ages from pre-K through high school. Asukulu Etoka and and Ann Sansgaard had been serving as Sunday School Coordinators earlier in the year, but bowed out in order to assist our African families and to teach. The search for a new Coordinator continues at this writing.

The CEC continues to discuss new ideas to help make the Sunday School attendance stronger and more consistent. Intergenerational Wednesday evening programs, periodic fam-ily meal nights at the church, and other ideas are on the table. The Committee is working with parents to make a Sunday School program that is fun and meaningful for the kids and compati-ble with family schedules.

One highlight of the year has been another anonymous $1000 donation to the ELCA Good Gifts program for children and families around the world. Like last year, Sunday School students were tasked with deciding how the money should be distributed. And like last year, the choices were wisely and thoughtfully made. We thank our anonymous donors for their truly generous gift!

Vacation Bible School

VBS was held the week of June 25 at the church, with Michael Metzger and three Luther Heights counselors helping. We had 17 kids attending, five of whom were from KOG. Atten-dance averaged 14 kids per day. The CEC talked about offering it for free in 2018 in order to draw more attendees from both KOG and the surrounding areas.


For the past couple years, Confirmation has been a group effort with local congregations meeting once monthly at Hope Lutheran in Eagle. This arrangement has not been popular with many KOG families. We are moving toward having more of it take place internally at KOG. Also, we have budgeted funds toward fully paying the expenses for the Confirmation fall trip to Luther Heights for all KOG students attending in 2018.

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Adult Education

The Adult Education program has grown over the past year to the point where we al-most have an embarrassment of riches. On most Sundays, adults have a choice of one or even two classes to attend. Classes have included presentations related to the 500th anni-versary of the Reformation, Lutheran/Jewish relations, addictions, prayer, and many other subjects. Coming up in the New Year are classes on Biblical translations, the role of Christians in politics, a Bible study on the book of Amos, and much more.


Our church library keeps getting more useful and inviting all the time, with a new table and chairs and a special Leah's Corner area that lets kids spread out in a cozy area to enjoy reading. Books have also been placed strategically in the fellowship Hall and other places to show passers-by what the library has to offer.

Partnership with the Youth and Family Committee

CEC has been approached by the Youth and Family Committee to collaborate on activi-ties that can encourage more kids to attend worship and Sunday School. A few ideas will be tried out early in 2018. Stay tuned for some exciting times!

Committee Members

CEC members at the beginning of the year were Carolyne Pietz (chair), Barb Blasch (vice chair), Bill Amos (secretary), Nicki Tompkins, Tom Christensen, Todd Kraft, Ann Sans-gaard, Asukulu Etoka, and Gordon Swenson (Council liaison). At year’s end, with some mem-bers going off the Committee and new ones joining, we have David Ophus (chair), Jana Price (vice chair), Bill Amos (secretary), Nicki Tompkins, Todd Kraft, and Gordon Swenson (Council liaison). We thank all of them for their time and faithful service!

And it goes without saying (but I’ll say it anyway) that input and guidance from our pas-tors, first John Hergert and now Jean Vargo, have been invaluable.

Respectfully submitted,

Bill Amos


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Columbarium Memorial Garden 2017 Annual Report


3 inurnments in 2017: Leah Rae Holstine, Donald Clay Olson, David Paul Pfankuch

35 saints are inurned in the Columbarium Memorial Garden as of December 31, 2017.

COLUMBARIUM CONTRACTS 5 contracts were purchased in 2017, reserving 9 niche spaces. 35 contracts have been issued since 2002, the start of the Columbarium Memorial Garden program. 76 niche spaces have been reserved by the contracts.

MAINTENANCE There were no major maintenance projects during 2017. Unfortunately, the original granite plaque for the statue was stolen. Another granite plaque with the same inscription has been installed.


The memorial brick program is a special fund-raising program of the Columbarium Memorial Garden to assist with on-going maintenance for the Garden. (Bricks are a suggested donation of $75; expenses are approximately $40 per brick.) In 2017: 8 bricks were purchased. 145 bricks have been purchased since the beginning of the memorial brick program in 2002.

FINANCIAL STATEMENT, as of December 31, 2017: Total Assets: $31,719 - Columbarium Garden Value Total Bank Accounts: $11,308 Total Liabilities: $20,650 – (Columbarium Contracts-$16,550 + Reserve Balance-$4,100)

The King of Glory Columbarium Memorial Garden finances are independent of the General Fund. The Columbarium Memorial Garden Board of Trustees is made up of six members elected by the congregation at the Annual Meeting. According to constitutional by-laws, Board members serve a 3-year term, and can succeed their term once, for a total of 6 years. They then must sit out a term, but are eligible again for re-election after that period of time.

Responsibilities of the Board include: quarterly meetings to review obligations as out-lined in the Columbarium Garden Agreement; prepare the Columbarium Memorial Garden for inurnment services, coordinating all details with the pastor and families; on a weekly rotating basis, oversee general maintenance of the Columbarium Memorial Garden.

Columbarium Memorial Garden Board of Trustees/Term of Service

Cathie Olson, Chairperson (2018); Chuck Spiedel (2018); Lisa Kraft (2019); Mary Rickerd, Fi-nancial Secretary (2019); Glen Laushman (2020); Jim Stumpf, Recording Secretary (2020)

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Evangelism Committee 2017 Annual Report

Our meetings this year have mostly been done via e-mails. Since our committee is made up of people who attend both services with regularity we have been able to spot a number of visi-tors with whom we are able to introduce ourselves and welcome them. Many seem reluctant to fill out the Visitor Cards, while others say they will, but don't. These are the visitors we have trouble contacting after they leave the service. However, for all who do fill out one of the new Visitor Cards they are contacted with a note of welcome. We are happy to know that many of our visitors comment on what a friendly and welcoming congregation we are, which is encouraging. I think now that we have a Pastor Jean on board we will see more of our visi-tors indicating a desire to become members. Our committee recently met with two other committees to see how we can envision a future plan of working together to attract more people to our church. I think the hand-outs of the holiday schedules and the post cards we had access to for mailing to our unchurched neighbors was a step in that direction. We are encouraged to have the input of Ashlee Wetherington, and also Pastor Jean, when it comes to new ideas. We continue to remind those of our congregation who are not officially on our committee that they are still our greatest assets. Please watch for new faces, and don't hesitate to put your hand forward and say, "Hi, I don't believe I know you - I'm (insert your name here)" - Try it! - it works! Respectfully submitted, Alice Nelson Members of committee: Lynda Cambron Wanda Firman Glen and Claudia Laushman Alice Nelson Kelly and Joanne Temple

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Faith Community Nurse Annual Report 2017

The Faith Community Nurse (FCN), previously known as Parish Nurse, is a new volunteer pro-gram (April 2017) at King of Glory (KoG). In April 2017 the program was given temporary ap-proval by Church Council and in May 2017 Council granted a provisional approval to establish a Health & Wellness Cabinet within the Church’s Constitutional Bylaws. In collaboration with Pastor John Hergert, St. Alphonsus Regional Medical Center approved (May 2017) KoG as a FCN site with Ella Gordon R.N., F.N.P. as the FCN Coordinator. It initially began by offering BP screening at the monthly Saturday Free Meal program. Since April – December 2017 a total of 140 Saturday Free Meal attendees have been screened. A total of 15 (10.7%) have been referred to their physician for follow-up of either undiagnosed hypertension (1 was < 30 years of age) or for better hypertension management. Of those re-ferred, 2 (self-reported) had blood sugars >300 in addition to being hypertensive. In September FCN volunteers began offering BP screening between 1st and 2nd worship service on the 3rd Sunday, monthly. To date (December 28, 2017) a total of 32 have been screened and 6 (18.7%) have been referred to their primary care physician for further evaluation. Since April 2017 the coordinator and volunteers have logged in 156.4 hours and traveled 2,290 miles to provide the above mentioned services. In addition, 7 home visits were made and 17 hours of continuing education. The FCN Coordinator submits monthly service reports to St. Alphonsus Regional Medical Center Faith Community Nurse program coordinator. The program purchased medical equipment (BP equipment, medical office supplies) Thanks to Fred Holmquist who applied for Thrivent Grant funds. The program is most appreciative of volunteers to have donated time and their professional skills. Volunteers who consistently have given their time are: Marge Holmquist, Lois Wisner, Cheryl Johnson, Amanda Johnson, Pat Nearman, JJ Wetherington, Sharon Smotherman (Donna Groth’s daughter) and Val Bridges. In addition 6 Idaho State University Physician Assis-tant students volunteered approximately 15 hours at the Saturday Free Meal and Sunday BP screening. We are most appreciative of Church Council in recognizing this need and supporting this pro-ject and the support from KoG congregation. We are grateful for Pastor Jean Vargo’s experi-ence with Faith Community Nurse Program and her continued and collaborative support. FCN program looks forward to 2018 as it continues to bring healing to all God’s children of the world as part of Christ’s ministry.

Report respectfully submitted by Ella Gordon FCN Coordinator.

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Library 2017 Annual Report

The library is a self-help library which means you can come in and check out a book on your own. The check out materials with instructions is located on the table by the far window. The library is open any time the church is open for use except when there are meetings being held in the library. Our regular staff includes Patty Larson, Mary Rickerd, and myself. Without these won-derful and talented people to help me in the library, it would not be what it is today. Library Thing is an online system that we try to keep up to date on what we have in the library. You can view what we have by going online to and putting in the user name: Psalty with the password: job23. It will take you to King of Glory's home page and from there you will be able to see what we have in your library. We have a small budget that we work from to purchase items for the library. We are grateful for the many donations that we receive from you the congregation. We were blessed with a new table donated by Jim & Mary Rickerd’s son this year. With the Property commit-tee’s help in moving shelves we are able to create Leah’s children’s corner with the help of do-nations made in the memory of Leah Holstine. We also have been gifted money from the Mis-sion Endowment fund for new chairs in the library! Your continuing support of the library is very important to it's success! The book cart has been out in different areas of the church. Please take time to look at what is on the cart. Sometimes there are new items there that we would like you to peruse. The return book deposit will still be in the library to the left as you go in the south door. My thanks to the library staff for the excellent help and to the congregation for your ongoing support of the library here at King of Glory. May God continue to bless this ministry and the ministry of King of Glory. Respectfully submitted, Nicki Tompkins-Head Librarian

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Older Wiser Lutherans (OWLs) 2017 Annual Report

The Owls are a group of men and women age 65 and over that meet for lunch on the third Tuesday of each month. We also participate in other actives as planned. We have been blessed with several new members, they get to know the people and have added diversity to the group. In looking back on the year, I noticed we went to several restaurants repeatedly. We have many good restaurants in the area and will try to be more varied in the coming year. We had a potluck and seminar again this year regarding insurance and changes to Medicare. Terri gave us good tips and if we wanted more information with any of our needs, we were able to contact her individually. In December, we had a gift exchange at lunch. Pastor Jean and the office staff were able to attend and get to know some of the OWLs better. I am looking for a few people to help me with planning events in the new year. Let’s make 2018 eventful! Submitted by Marge Holmquist

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King of Glory Lutheran Church Personnel Committee 2017 Annual Report

The Council appoints King of Glory’s Personnel Committee for three-year terms. The Personnel Com-mittee provides support to the Council and Pastor/Head of Staff as a Human Resources Department provides in a business or non-profit organization. The committee recommends employment-related policies and establishes employment-related processes to create a fair, positive work place for staff. The committee does not evaluate or discipline personnel, although members of the committee may serve as a resource to the Pastor/Head of Staff and Council President in personnel matters. Primary activities of the Personnel Committee in 2017 were: Conducting or appointing committees to manage job searches for open positions. Searching for and hiring a Parish Administrator and Administrative Assistant. Making annual compensation increase recommendations for non-pastoral staff. Developing and using a new exit interview form for outgoing employees. Addressing other issues related to employment at King of Glory. The personnel committee meets on an “as needed” basis. Some months the committee does not have business; in other months the committee is very active. This year, we said “goodbye” to Trudy Anderson and Sandy Lieske; long-term members of the Per-sonnel Committee. In addition, Trudy has led the committee for several years. We will miss their wisdom and organizational skill. Fortunately, Trudy will continue to provide counsel as needed. We also welcomed Bruce Blasch to the committee a couple of months ago. Welcome Bruce! Respectfully, Dan Price (chair), Jorgen Vaage (Vice-Chair), Nicki Tompkins (Secretary), Stephanie Stohel, Ella Gordon, Bruce Blasch Organizational Chart of

Church Personnel

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King of Glory Property Committee Annual Report 2017

The general mission of the King of Glory Property committee is to provide a safe, beautiful and welcoming place of worship. This includes maintaining the church property for the benefit of the congregation, be good stewards, preserve and protect the congregation’s investment. Regular seasonal activities include responsibilities such as lawn care, irrigation, weed control, parking lot cleanup, trim trees/shrubs, fence repair, and service/repair of all equipment. Addi-tional responsibilities include maintaining the exterior and interior of the building, maintaining the roof and gutter system, assuring all lights and utilities are functioning properly and assur-ing the sidewalks and parking lots are safe. Half-day workdays are held from early spring through fall (lunch included) for all volunteers. In addition, signup sheets specifically for flower bed care and lawn care can be found in the Fellowship Hall. The record snowfall early this year resulted in the committee selecting, coordinating and over-seeing contractors that replaced/repaired the facility roof and repaired/painted interior water damaged areas. Other projects this year that highlight additional activities include coordinat-ing removal of honey bee swarms, property tree trimming, and kitchen appliance repair (dish washer and oven door). Monthly workdays always conclude with a lunch and fellowship. In addition, many members volunteer for projects needing attention at any given time throughout the year. Again, this help is greatly appreciated. In summary, the property welcomes anyone who would like to be a part of our committee and its efforts. Please contact regular committee members; Don Anderson, Ray Aas, Wayne Bradburn, Lynda Cambron (lunch coordinator), Dean Falk, Lonnie Holloway, Ron Nearman, Harold Nesbett, Jack Newberry, Ken Reglin and Sean Rocke for further information. Respectively submitted, Dean Falk, on behalf of the Property Committee

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Social Justice Committee Annual Report 2017

Mission Statement: To increase awareness, leading to action, and resulting in justice for all God’s creation. Members: Gabrielle Applequist (Chair), Jana Price (Secretary), Barb Blash, Ella Gordon, Marge Holmquist, Carolyne Pietz, Ann Sansgaard, Teresa Schmalz. Kevin Winsauer is our Council’s liaison. Activities: Congregation Meeting, January 29: The King of Glory Congregation voted in favor of the Social Justice Committee to become a standing committee. Saturday March 11: Jana Price led the Miss Representation DVD discussion to continue the theme on Justice for Women. Thursday May 4th, members of the committee and congregation attended “What About Al-ice”, organized by IIRAH to learn how to best help Asset-Limited and Income-Constrained Em-ployed people. Tuesday, September 26th, we also attended the IIRAH talk about the Climate-Change Impact on Idaho’s Food system. We supported Teresa Schmalz’s effort to sign up as many members of the congregation for the Crop Walk, which took place on October 15. Idaho Discipleship Conference: October 6, 7, 8 at the Nampa Civic Center. We worked in col-laboration with Todd Kraft to organize activities about hunger awareness. We also worked with the Idaho Interfaith Equality Coalition throughout the year, participat-ing in their activities when possible. The monthly ELCA Advocacy Updates were available to the Congregation’s Members on the Ushers’ stand. Adult Sunday School classes: October 8: ELCA Social Statement on Sufficient, Sustainable Livelihood for All; pre-sented by Jana Price and Gabrielle Applequist December 3: Presented by Darcy James and Carl Van Slyke from IIRAH (Idaho Interfaith Roundtable Against Hunger): Hunger and Poverty in Idaho & Priorities for 2017-18 December 10: Presented by Liz Woodruff from Close the Gap Idaho; based on the ELCA Social Statement Caring for Health, our Shared Endeavor. December 17: Called to Be Political (part 1) : a program in the Listen, God is calling se-ries produced by WELCA. Presented by Jana Price and Barb Blasch. The 2nd part will be pre-sented in January 7, 2018. Written by Gabrielle Applequist: December 28, 2017 Revised by Jana Price

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Social Ministry 2017 Annual Report

The 2017 calendar year for the Social Ministry Committee was as always, geared toward help-ing people in our community and around the world. We thank the congregation for your gen-erous support of all of our projects. In February, we provided and served cake and ice cream to residents at Good Samaritan Home for their monthly birthday party. In April we asked people to fill Birthday Bags for the Meridian Food Bank. These bags are given to children under the age of 10 who come into the food bank on their birthday. Also In April, we worked with a representative from Chrysalis Women’s Transitional Living to purchase bedding, with the help of a Thrivent Action Team gift, for their home for women coming out of prison. We also served a lasagna dinner to the women there and played bingo with prizes for all. They were very appreciative and we had a wonderful time. On June 25, we hosted a brunch with a freewill offering to fund our food bank Christmas pro-ject. With these funds and our budget, we purchased $2,326 in food which was donated to Meridian Food Bank and Community Ministries Food Bank in December. This food weighed 2,898 pounds! We also donated several bags of scarves and hats that were knitted and cro-cheted by our members. Thank you so much for your attendance and donations. In July and August, we collected books, magazines, coffee and cookies for the Veterans Hospi-tal. Thank you for remembering our veterans. Also in July and August we sponsored a Lutheran World Relief project. We collected with the great support of the congregation, enough school items to assemble 83 school kits for LWR. We also gave 9 kits to members of our church. We thank the quilters for mailing the kits in October. In September we worked with the quilters to make and collect layette kits for Lutheran World Relief. Fifteen kits were completed. Extra donations were taken to Marian Pritchett School. In November, we asked for donations of hand warmers, scarves, hats, coats, etc. for Corpus Christi, which is a day shelter for the homeless. Thank you for your contributions. In December we collected food in our church at the “giving tree”. That food will be donated in January to Meridian Food Bank for the Backpack Program which provides food to school chil-dren on the weekends. Wal-Mart gift cards also were given to several families in our congre-gation who are facing financial challenges. We thank WELCA for their financial help for the gift cards.

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Ongoing Projects: Throughout the year, used eyeglasses are collected from members of our congregation

and are taken to Nicaragua by Bruce and Barbara Blasch. We collect pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald House. They recycle the tabs and use the

proceeds to purchase items for the home. Our committee has a helping hands group called “Sharing is Caring”. This program is de-

signed to help members of our congregation who are faced with illness or the death of a family member.

We collect “Labels for Education” which are printed on many household and food items. The labels are used to purchase supplies for schools in our area.

The committee gratefully collects and delivers food donations from our congregation each month. Donations of food items were distributed to the Meridian, Eagle, Community Min-istries, El-Ada, and Hope food banks in 2017.

Thank you to all the members of the Social Ministry Committee for your contributions and par-ticipation in all our projects. We welcome new members at any time of the year. Those serving on the Social Ministry Committee during 2017 were: Marlis Aas Barbara Blasch Joan Peterson Marilyn Falk Beverly Siefkes Doris Fleischer Carolyn Jean Smith Rhonda Howard-Gjoraas Linda Spiedel Helen Gregory Corliss Trom Marge Holmquist Terri Wiley Pat Nearman Respectfully submitted, Shirley Dodson, Chairperson

Community Free Meal: In 2017, 501 adults and 30 children attended the meals. Seven hun-dred and two meals were served. We would like to thank the 34 members who helped with the meals and 37 members who donated food to support this ministry. We look forward to another great year. Information provided by Carolyn Jean Smith

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Stewardship 2017 Annual Report

Highlights from our committee: The Stewardship committee continues to promote Vanco Payment Solutions or using your bank’s bill-pay option as a way to regularly give to King of Glory. Electronic fund transfers al-low for a consistent cash flow for our treasurer, less time for the counters on Sunday morn-ings, and you can go on vacation and not worry about getting your offering to church. We distributed Time & Talent forms this fall and are tabulating them in the new software IconCMO, this will help the church staff and committees with accurate lists of people inter-ested in volunteering. If you haven’t turned in a Time & Talent form, the office will always ac-cept them. The Ministry Plan for King of Glory: 2017/2018 – A Year in Review and A Look Forward was updated. We have received positive feedback about the plan contents and have found that other committees are sharing this document with potential members. We are very excited to have Pastor Jean’s input and knowledge to help our committee with new ideas and plans for 2018. We appreciate our Parish Administrator, Ashlee, who has been helping us with data input and other special requests. In thankfulness, we share generously - our time, our talents and our treasures! Members: Dan Price, Sandy Lieske, Lisa Kraft, Becky Newberry, and Teresa Schmalz Respectfully submitted, Lisa Kraft

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Women of the ELCA 2017 Annual Report

WELCA is an active women’s group that includes ALL women of our congregation. We serve the church in many ways. Through the Fall Bazaar we can help ministries inside the church and outside in the community and world. What follows is a list of whom we have helped this past year:

Tumaini school for girls in Tanzania-2 scholarships For the Nino’s- school in Nicaragua InsideOut-Human trafficking program here locally Meridian Food Bank-Back pack program Discipleship conference KoG roof repair Celebrate Reading Program Social ministry’s Christmas gifts Scholarships for both LHWR and the Triennial

Quilters-280 plus quilts made this year Prayer Shawl Ministry- 90 shawl/blankets given out- For preemies, 16 blankets, 22 hats and one Sweater & Approximately 30 pocket prayer cloths Story Link As well as helping with the Spring luncheon, Bazaar, and other Women’s Synodical activities. Your new officers for the coming year are: Patty Larson-President Tami Malnar-Vice President Carolyn Jean Smith-Secretary Becky Newberry-Treasurer Anise Dahlquist & Judy Seamands-Action Committee Claudia Laushman & Joni Barry-Community Nancy Severson & Elaine Maki-Growth Respectfully submitted by Nicki Tompkins-out going President

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# of Baptized

Membership, end of 2016 393

Members received during 2017

a. By Baptism: children (15 years and younger) 13

b. By Baptism: adults (16 years and older) 0

c. By affirmation of faith 0

d. By transfer 11

g. From other sources and statistical adjustment 3

Total members received this year 27

Total Members 420

Members removed during 2017

a. By death 4

b. By transfer to other ELCA congregations 4

c. By transfer to other Lutheran congregations 0

d. To non-Lutheran congregations 0

e. For other reasons and statistical adjustment 0

f. Total members removed this year 8

Membership, end of 2017 412

Statistical Information of 2017

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2017 Financial Reports


2018 Proposed Budget

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