Download - BIOPROTA Biosphere modelling for waste repositories This presentation Objectives

  • BIOPROTABiosphere modelling for waste repositories

    This presentation Objectives Participation and management What it has done and publications Projects on-going Future work

    Tobias LindborgBIOPROTA Sponsoring Committee Chairman andEcologist, Analysis UnitSite Investigations and Biosphere AssessmentEMRAS II, IAEA,Vienna, 1923 January 2009

  • Deep repository for spent fuelDesign capacity:9300 tons (U)Depth: 400-700 mArea needed: 2-4 km2Total volume~ 1.7 Mm3

  • The conceptual idea behind the description of the surface system (input to safety assessment)WetlandAgriculture

  • Forest ecosystemSea ecosystemPrimary producersConceptual model of the Surface system

    Abiotic/biotic descriptions and modellingSystem modelslinked models at landscape levelHypothetical radionuclide pathwayLinked ecosystemsEcosystemsEcosystem entitiesPropertyproductionLake ecosystem

  • The major pools and fluxes of carbon and water in an Alder-Norway spruce swamp forest. Figures in boxes describe pools while figures outside are fluxes

  • *The Farmstead model (NRI, Rez)Similar to Bioprota model, with water ingestion and inhalation

    Human being








    Contaminated water





    Ingestion and inhalation

    Root uptake

    External irradiation




  • *BIOPROTA ObjectivesBuilding on IAEA-BIOMASS-6 (2003) "Reference Biospheres" for solid radioactive waste disposal,


    to provide a forum for exchange of information to support resolution of key issues in biosphere aspects of assessments of the long-term radiological impact of contaminant releases associated with radioactive waste and contaminated land management.

  • *BIOPROTA ParticipationCurrently 17 organisations operators and regulators, as well as scientific support organisations.ANDRA, EDF (France)SCK-CEN (Belgium)CIEMAT (Spain)KAERI (Korea)NAGRA (Switzerland)NNL, NDA (UK)NRI (Czech Republic)NUMO, JGC (Japan)NWMO (Canada)EPRI (USA)POSIVA (Finland)NRPA (Norway)BfS (Germany)SKB, SSM (Sweden)

    EuropeN. America, andAsia

  • *BIOPROTA ManagementEach organisation has a representative on a Sponsoring Committee. The Chairman is chosen by that Committee.Organisation is set out in a document updated every year.There is one main information exchange forum a year, to be hosted in 2009 by CIEMAT, Madrid, 6 8 May.Projects are organised and funded by any subset of interested parties, according to their own interests.

  • *BIOPROTA OutputTechnical reports, see Long term models for dose assessment:Spray irrigationAccumulation in soil and inhalationAccumulation in soil and uptake into the foodchainC-14 model reviewCl-36 accumulation in soil and plant uptakeUse of analogue dataSite characterisationWorkshop reports, see Se-79 behaviour in the environmentCl-36 behaviour in the environmentProcesses at the geosphere biosphere interfaceLong term dose assessment of non-human biotaEvaluation of codes for transfer modellingAnnual Forum reportsDatabase for special radionuclides, continuing dvpt.

  • *BIOPROTA On-going ProjectsExperimental work on sorption of I-129 in organic rich soils (lead by ANDRA)

    Addressing uncertainties in non-human biota dose assessments (lead by POSIVA)

    Cl-36 dose assessment (lead by ANDRA) and relative uncertainties in, estimating concentrations in food; Representative Person assumptions, and dose coefficients

    C-14 dose assessment (lead by EDF)

    Review of site characterisation experience (lead by ANDRA)

  • *BIOPROTA Future WorkPriorities were reviewed in 2008. Proposals now under review for : assessing doses from Ra-226 and progenydevelopment of improved models for Se-79

    Some other issues are being addressed internally. As investigations become focussed on specific sites, the priorities become locally specific.

    Future work could include:- Addressing transient environmental change; Review of experience in defining assumptions for hypothetical exposure groups; Review of experience in identifying and justifying assumptions for biosphere systems; Review of experience in the application of IAEA recommendations and guidance.

  • Thank you for your attention!
