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Biology 201 - Winter term 2008 Midterm exam

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Version 1 Instructions: 1) Make sure that your exam has all 12 pages. 2) Write your name in the space above and your student ID on page 3. 3) Use a soft lead pencil on the General Purpose Answer Sheet.

Print your name and your student ID in the correct fields; code them by blackening the corresponding circles.

In the field marked SPECIAL CODES enter 1 in column J.

4) This exam has two parts:

Part A - 31 multiple choice questions. Answer on the General Purpose Answer Sheet.

Part B - 3 written answer questions. Answer in the space provided.

5) No source materials or electronic devices are permitted. 6) You have 80 minutes to complete this exam.

Biology 201 - Winter 2008 - Midterm exam Page 2

1. Most hydrogenosomes don’t have DNA but those in the protist N. ovalis do. This finding supports the idea that: A. hydrogenosomes are descended from chloroplasts B. chloroplasts are descended from hydrogenosomes C. hydrogenosomes are descended from mitochondria D. mitochondria are descended from hydrogenosomes E. mitochondria have an endosymbiotic orgin 2. An experiment that demonstrated that a M6P tag was sufficient to direct proteins traveling through the Golgi into lysosomes would be one in which: A. export proteins with M6P tags were exported from the cell B. export proteins with M6P tags ended up in the lysosomes C. lysosomal proteins with M6P tags were exported from the cell D. lysosomal proteins without M6P tags were exported from the cell E. lysosomal proteins without M6P tags ended up in the lysosomes 3. Two of the consequences of cigarette smoking are a premature wrinkling of the skin and emphysema (an inability to exhale air from the lungs). This is because of damage to: A. Elastin B. Collagen C. Microtubules D. Intermediate filaments E. Proteoglycan 4. The human eye can distinguish wavelengths of light that differ in their: A. amplitude B. wavelength C. phase D. A and B E. A, B, and C 5. Which of these microscopes is used with freeze-fractured specimens?

A. fluorescent B. confocal C. phase contrast D. SEM E. TEM

6. Which of these microscopes uses a laser to illuminate the specimen? A. fluorescent B. confocal C. phase contrast D. SEM E. TEM

Biology 201 - Winter 2008 - Midterm exam Page 3

Marks for Section B Student ID _________________ Page 8 / 4 Page 9 / 6 Page 10 / 4 Page 11 / 5 Page 12 / 5 ____________ Subtotal / 24 ****************************************************************************************** 7. According to the cisternal maturation model, vesicles are needed for _____ within the Golgi apparatus.

A. anterograde but not retrograde transport B. retrograde but not anterograde transport C. both anterograde and retrograde transport D. neither anterograde nor retrograde transport

8. A human cell line expresses Importins that are unable to bind Ran but are otherwise normal. In this situation Importins would be found:

A. in the nucleus attached to their cargo B. in the nucleus not attached to their cargo C. in the cytosol attached to their cargo D. in the cytosol not attached to their cargo

9. The figure shows the human MC1R membrane protein. To make a protein like this would require _____ start transfer sequences. A. one B. two C. three D. four E. seven

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10. I showed a movie in class that showed the close proximity of the ER and a mitochondrion. The reason for this close association is to facilitate the transfer of _____ from the ER to the mitochondrion. A. proteins B. phospholipids C. vesicles D. proteins and phospholipids E. proteins and vesicles 11. Which of these techniques separates cellular components into either a pellet or a supernatant? A. equilibrium centrifugation B. differential centrifugation C. velocity centrifugation D. homogenization 12. A vesicle that was formed during receptor mediated endocytosis will move towards and fuse with: A. the plasma membrane B. an endosome C. the Golgi apparatus D. a peroxisome E. a mitochondrion 13. In a plant cell chromosomes are found in

A. the nucleus and the stroma of the chloroplasts B. the nucleus and the thylakoid space of the chloroplasts

C. the nucleus and the matrix of the mitochondria D. the nucleus, the matrix of the mitochondria, and the stroma of the chloroplasts E. the nucleus, the matrix of the mitochondria, and the thylakoid space of the

chloroplasts 14. The Procollagen Peptidase is found: A. in the nucleus B. in the cytosol C. in the ER D. in the Golgi E. outside the cell 15. A microtubule is described as dynamically unstable when: A. both ends are growing B. both ends are shrinking C. its plus end is alternating between growing and shrinking D. its plus end is growing and its minus end is shrinking

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16. Scurvy, the disease caused by vitamin C deficiency, is due to an inability to make: A. intermediate filaments B. actin filaments C. microtubules D. collagen E. elastin 17. Glucose is transported across membranes with both passive (GLUT) and indirect active (SGLT) transporters. SGLT transporters couple the movement of glucose with: A. an ATP hydrolysis reaction B. an ATP condensation reaction C. the entry of sodium into the cell D. the exit of sodium from the cell 18. This figure shows how glucose crosses the blood-brain barrier. The concentration of glucose is progressively lower at each stage of the trip. These transporters are from 1 to 3: A. GLUT, GLUT, GLUT B. GLUT, SGLT, GLUT C. SGLT, GLUT, SGLT D. GLUT, GLUT, SGLT E. SGLT, SGLT, SGLT

19. If you were to use fluorescently-labeled antibodies to determine the location of the gamma-Tubulin in a human cell you would find it: A. on the surface of the centrosome B. inside the centrosome C. along the length of each Microtubule D. at the tips of growing Microtubules E. at the tips of shrinking Microtubules

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20. The inappropriate expression of Tau proteins gives Sf9 cells projections resembling neuron axons. This occurs because Tau is altering the behaviour of: A. Tubulin heterodimers B. Microtubules C. G-Actin D. F-Actin E. Collagen 21. This result shows that Tau is _____ to organize axon-like structures. A. not necessary B. necessary C. not sufficient D. sufficient 22. Pseudopods form on amoeba when _____ alters the behaviour of _____ . A. Profilin ... F-Actin B. Thymosin ... F-Actin C. Profilin ... G-Actin D. Thymosin ... G-Actin 23. Which of the following procedures could be used to isolate and purify lysosomes from cells? A. homogenization --> differential centrifugation --> velocity centrifugation B. homogenization --> equilibrium centrifugation --> differential centrifugation C. differential centrifugation --> homogenization --> velocity centrifugation

D. differential centrifugation --> equilibrium centrifugation --> homogenization 24. The first event that occurs after a vesicle from the ER fuses with the Golgi apparatus is:

A. the vSNAREs and tSNAREs are separated B. the vSNAREs and tSNAREs bind each other C. the vSNAREs are returned to their original organelle D. the tSNAREs are returned to their original organelle E. the vSNAREs and tSNAREs are returned to their original organelles

25. Which of these techniques is used to determine the shape of a protein? A. mass-spectrometry and Edman degradation B. mass-spectrometry and X-ray crystallography C. mass-spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy D. Edman degradation and X-ray crystallography E. X-ray crystallography and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy

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26. You have discovered an entirely new mouse protein which you name Protein X. In order to determine the cellular location of Protein X you decide to use indirect immunofluorescence. To do this you must: A. make primary antibodies B. make secondary antibodies C. make primary and secondary antibodies D. make primary antibodies and buy secondary antibodies E. make secondary antibodies and buy primary antibodies 27. In order for its normal functioning the KDEL receptor must have a low affinity for its ligand (BiP) in the _____ and a high affinity in the _____. A. ER ... nucleus B. cytosol ... nucleus C. nucleus ... cytosol D. cytosol ... ER E. ER ... Golgi apparatus 28. Humans have _____ different types of cells arranged in _____ types of tissues. A. 5 ... 200 B. 200 ... 5 C. 200 ... 5000 D. 5000 ... 200 E. 20 000 ... 5000 29. Most of a human cell’s Glycosyl Transferases are found in: A. the nucleus B. the cytosol C. the Golgi apparatus D. the ER E. the mitochondria 30. A protein being delivered from the cytosol into the mitochondria will interact with the following proteins and protein complexes in the following order: A. chaperones --> TOM --> TIM --> chaperones B. TOM --> TIM --> chaperones C. TIM --> TOM --> chaperones D. TIM --> chaperones --> TOM --> chaperones E. chaperones --> TIM --> chaperones --> TOM --> chaperones 31. Because of the findings of Anderson and Hetzer (the article for assignment 2) we now know that during telophase the nuclear envelope forms from: A. vesicles that leave the ER B. tubules that grow outwards from the ER C. vesicles that leave the Golgi apparatus D. tubules that grow outwards from the Golgi apparatus E. telophase tubules from the teletubby tubby-custard