Download - Bioinformatics, Translational Bioinformatics, Personalized Medicine Uma Chandran, MSIS, PhD Department of Biomedical Informatics University of Pittsburgh.

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Bioinformatics, Translational Bioinformatics, Personalized Medicine Uma Chandran, MSIS, PhD Department of Biomedical Informatics University of Pittsburgh [email protected] 412-648-9326 07/17/2013 Slide 2 Outline of lecture What is Bioinformatics? Examples of bioinformatics Past to present What is translational bioinformatics? Personalized Medicine Bioinformatics and Personalized Medicine Slide 3 What is Bioinformatics? iki/Bioinformatics iki/Bioinformatics Application of information technology to molecular biology Databases Algorithms Statistical techniques Slide 4 Bioinformatics examples Sequence analysis Genome annotation Evolutionary biology Literature analysis Analysis of Gene Expression Analysis of regulation Analysis of protein expression Analysis of mutations in cancer Comparative genomics Systems Biology Image analysis Protein structure prediction From Wikipedia Slide 5 Early Bioinformatics Robert Ledley and Margaret Dayhoff First bioinformaticians Using IBM 7090 and punch card analyzed amino acid structure of proteins Created amino acid scoring matrix Protein evolution Protein sequence alignment Slide 6 Sequence analysis Databases to store sequence info Phage -X174 sequenced in 1977 GenBank 30, 000 organisms 143 billion base pairs BLAST program for sequence searching Algorithms, databases, software tools Slide 7 Evolutionary biology Compare relationships between organism by comparing DNA sequences Now whole genomes Can even find single base changes, duplication, insertions, deletions Uses advanced algorithms, programs and computational resources Slide 8 Literature mining Millions of articles in the literature How to find meaningful information Natural language processing techniques Example Type in p53 or PTEN in Pubmed will retrieve 1000s of publications How to summarize all the information for a particular gene Function, disease, mutations, drugs IHOP database creates network between genes and proteins for 30000 genes Slide 9 Genome annotation Marking genes and other features in DNA Algorithms, software Slide 10 Bioinformatics Interdisciplinary discipline Gene/proteins/function/ - Biologist In Cancer Physician/Scientist/Biologist Algorithms, for example, BLAST Math/CS Separate Signal from Noise, Diff gene expression, correlation with disease Statistician Tools, Software, Databases Software developers, programmers Aim to make sense of biological data Slide 11 Translational bioinformatics Translational = benchside to bedside Bringing discoveries made at the benchside to clinical use the development of storage, analytic, and interpretive methods to optimize the transformation of increasingly voluminous biomedical data into proactive, predictive, preventative, and participatory health. Translational bioinformatics includes research on the development of novel techniques for the integration of biological and clinical data and the evolution of clinical informatics methodology to encompass biological observations. The end product of translational bioinformatics is newly found knowledge from these integrative efforts that can be disseminated to a variety of stakeholders, including biomedical scientists, clinicians, and patients. Translational = benchside to bedside Atul Butte, JAMIA 2008;15:709-714 doi:10.1197 Slide 12 Central dogma DNA is transcribed to RNA RNA is translated to protein Many regulatory processes control these steps Slide 13 Molecular Biology Primer 20, 000 genes Many transcripts, many proteins More than 20, 000 proteins Southern, Northern, Western Blots Slide 14 Biological questions DNA Are there any mutations sickle cell anemia Cystic fibrosis Hemophilia Other diseases such as diabetes, cancer ?? Polymorphisms Variation in the population Mutation Slide 15 DNA amplification Are there regions of amplification or deletions that correlate with disease If so, what genes are present in these regions HER2 amplification in breast cancer EGFR mutations in lung cancer Slide 16 RNA DNA is transcribed to RNA Approximately 20K genes RNA levels will differ in different conditions Liver, kidney, cancer, normal, treatment etc Diagnosis or prognostic microRNAs level lnncRNAs Splicing differences mRNA Slide 17 Clinical questions DNA level Are there mutations or polymorphism between different cancer patient groups Good outcome v bad outcome Early stage vs late stage Therapy responders v non-responders Examples: Renal cell, prostate cancer etc RNA Are there specific transcripts mRNA, microRNA - that are up or down and are signature for outcome, disease and response 1000s of studies Consortia projects TCGA The Cancer Genome Atlas projects Profile 500 samples of each cancer for DNA, RNA changes Slide 18 Slide 19 Slide 20 Molecular Biology Primer 20, 000 genes Many transcripts, many proteins More than 20, 000 proteins Southern, Northern, Western Blots Slide 21 Base pairing Microarray and Northern/Southern blots Exploit the ability of nucleotides to hybridize to each other Base pairing Complementary bases A :T (U) G: C Slide 22 Northern Sensitivity and dynamic range low Slide 23 How are these changes measured Example: Northern blot (measure RNA) Workflow of Northern blot Key points mRNA run on gel separated by size transferred to a membrane immobilized Have a hypothesis for example studying RNA level for BRCA in normal and cancer Only probe for a mRNA or transcript is labeled or tagged probe is prepared and labeled with radioactivity Hybridized to X-ray film Only that mRNA is detected and quantitated Slide 24 Microarrays Solid surface Many different technologies Affy, Illumina, Agilent Probes are synthesized on the solid surface Synthesized using proprietary technology Probe are selected using proprietary algorithms RNA (or DNA) is in solutions RNA is labeled or tagged Hybridized to the chip Tagged RNA is quantitated Compare between conditions Slide 25 Affymetrix Slide 26 Need for computational methods Data Management Each file for a chip experiment is large 100MG x 10 = 1G Generates Gigabytes of data Data preprocessing Convert raw image into signal values Data analysis 1000s of genes (or SNPs) and few samples How to find differences between samples What statistical methods to use? Like finding needle in a haystack Slide 27 How to analyze? Samples GENESGENES Normal Tumor Noise reduction Background subtraction Normalization Data Analysis Slide 28 Data analysis Class discovery Are there novel subclasses within data? Class comparison How are tumor and normal different in expression? Which SNPs are different? Class prediction Predict class of new sample Advanced pathway Analysis Slide 29 Pathway Analysis Slide 30 Analytic methods many studies, many methods Dupuy and Simon, JNCI; 2007 Slide 31 SNPs to detect Copy Number changes diploid deletion amplification Slide 32 Hagenkord et al; Modern Pathology, 21:599 Slide 33 What is personalized medicine Personalized medicine is the tailoring of medical treatment to the individual characteristics of each patient. Based on scientific breakthroughs in understanding of how a persons unique molecular and genetic profile makes them susceptible to certain diseases. ability to predict which medical treatments will be safe and effective for each patient, and which ones will not be. From Slide 34 Personalized Medicine From Slide 35 Personalized Medicine From Fernald et al; Bioinformatics, 13: 1741 Slide 36 Examples of personalized medicine Breast cancer 30% of patients over express HER2 Treated with Herceptin Oncotype Dx: gene expression predicting recurrence Cardiovascular Patients response to Warfarin, the blood thinner Response determined by polymorphism in a CYP genes Slide 37 Personalized Medicine Examples of personalized medicine resulted from studies that generate Lots of data Rely on bioinformatics methods to discover these associations Oncotype Dx: Gene expression studies of large number of patients CYP polymorphisms Discover single nucleotide polymorphisms in patient polulations and association with response Initial studies done with PCR methods Slide 38 Personalized Medicine Current examples are few in numbers Making personalized medicine a reality Generate the data Discover the associations Find targeted therapies Genome sequences prices are dropping Large scale genome information is coming: 1000 genome TCGA ICGC Also possible to commercially sequence a persons genome Processing all this data into translating these discoveries into medical practice has many challenges Slide 39 Bioinformatics challenges in personalized medicine Processing large scale robust genomic data Interpreting the functional impact of variants Integrating data to relate complex interactions with phenotypes Translating into medical practice Fernald et al; Bioinformatics: 13: 1741 Slide 40 Era of Personalized medicine Shift from microarrays to Next Gen Sequencing Slide 41 Central dogma DNA is transcribed to RNA RNA is translated to protein Many regulatory processes control these steps Slide 42 Next Gen Sequencing Directly sequence DNA to determine SNP CN Expression, mRNA, microRNA Protein binding sites Methylation Initial steps depend not on hybridization but also on base pairing or complementarity and DNA synthesis Bioinformatics is extremely challenging Slide 43 Next Gen Sequencing Slide 44 NGS in personalized medicine Whole genome sequencing Sequence genomes and find variants (1000 genome project) Find variants associated with disease phenotype Sequence exomes only Find coding region variants associated with phenotypes RNA seq RNA sequence signatures associated with phenotype Slide 45 Microarrays v NGS RNA Seq Restricted to probes on chips Only transcripts with probes File sizes in MBs to GB Algorithms, methods Typically done on PCs Storage on hard drives No predetermined probes Can detect everything that is sequenced More applications than microarray Very large file sizes Computationally very intensive Clusters, supercomputers Large scale storage solutions Slide 46 Microarrays v RNA seq Expression Analysis Dynamic range is low Statistic to determine expression based on signal Many methods in the last 10 years Dynamic range is high Based on reads Statistics based on counts Affected by read length, total number of transcripts, lack of replicates Slide 47 Read mapping Alignment Denovo assembly Mapping to reference genome Based on complementarity of a given 35 nucleotide to the entire genome Computationally intensive Million of 35 bp reads has to search for alignment against the reference and align spefically to a given regions Large file sizes Sequence files in the TB Aligned file BAM files Several hundred GB Reference genome Slide 48 Sequence variation Slide 49 Bioinformatics challenges in personalized medicine Processing large scale robust genomic data Suppose we want to identify DNA variants associated with disease Which technology How much data How to analyze the data How to identify variants Each genome can have millions of variants 300, 000 new variants i.e, not in existing databases Will have to separate error from true variants 1 error per 100 kb can lead to 30,000 errors in a single experiment Why do these errors happen? Fernald et al; Bioinformatics: 13: 1741 Slide 50 Bioinformatics Challenges Data Which technology to use Each technology has different error rates, Ion Torrent (higher error rate), SOLID, Illumina Speed of generation of data Ion Torrent is faster Application Whole genome or exome or targeted exome Analysis Algorithms, speed, accuracy BLAST is not good for WGS Other new algorithms Speed of analysis Alignment can take days Alignment relies on matches between sequence and reference genome How much mismatches to tolerate True mismatch or error sequencing error, true mismatch is it a SNP Quality of reference genome Large amounts of data Each whole genome sequencing experiment can generate TB of data Where to store patient privacy Servers, locations, networking Sample sizes how many samples to sequence to discover the association with disease Slide 51 Bioinformatics Challenges Technology Ion Torrent, SoLiD, Illumina Each has its own error rates Speed of data generation Dependent on application WGS or exome Analysis Algorithms, speed, accuracy Speed of analysis Alignment can take days Alignment relies on matches between sequence and reference genome How much mismatches to tolerate True mismatch or error sequencing error, true mismatch is it a SNP Quality of reference genome Slide 52 From Mark Boguskis presentation at the IOM, July 19, 2011 Slide 53 Slide 54 Slide 55 Molecular Diagnostics using NGS From Mark Boguskis presentation at the IOM, July 19, 2011 Slide 56 NGS Bioinformatics - medicine Infrastructure Storage, backup, archive Where HIPAA compliant? Network How to move data Analysis Methods statistics, annotation Computing resources How many samples can be handled at a time? Time to report Slide 57 NGS and bioinformatics Slide 58 Next Gen Sequencing From Mark Boguskis presentation at the IOM, July 19, 2011