Download - Biodiversity Final

  • BiodiversityTOSHIT RALHAN507

  • What is Biodiversity? "The variability among living organisms from all sources including terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are part; this includes diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems" --Convention on Biological Diversity"Wide array of ecosystems, ecological processes, species and genes" --Environment Canada

  • Biodiversity:-A Perspective

  • Biodiversity and well being

  • Biodiversity LossSpecies extinction and habitat lossToday, biodiversity loss is 1000 times higher than the rates found in the fossil record

  • Causes of Biodiversity LossHabitat DestructionInvasive SpeciesOver exploitationClimate ChangeOverpopulationPollution

  • Why Do We Need Biodiversity? -Intrinsic value: Moral argument

    -Extrinsic value:Economic benefits, both direct (goods) and indirect (services)Genetic resourcesAesthetic value and recreation

  • Five Goals of the Canadian Biodiversity Strategy

    Conserve biodiversity and use biological resources in a sustainable manner. Improve our understanding of ecosystems and increase our resource management capability. Promote an understanding of the need to conserve biodiversity and use biological resources in a sustainable manner. Maintain or develop incentives and legislation that support the conservation of biodiversity and the sustainable use of biological resources. Work with other countries to conserve biodiversity, use biological resources in a sustainable manner and share equitably the benefits that arise from the utilization of genetic resources.

  • Conservation biology of plant species in Canada

    COSEWIC:(Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada) is a committee of experts that assesses and designates which wildlife species are in some danger of disappearing from Canada. Jeannette Whitton

  • 800 additional species on a prioritized candidate list

    Is this all of the endangered plant species in Canada?

  • How To Fix Biodiversity LossWhat is the market failure?Under provision of a public goodLack of informationExternalityincomplete property rights What policies address this?Command and Control RegulationPublic EducationPermittingTax Incentives

  • Biodiversity in Canada1973 Canada Wildlife Act 1988 Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) 1988 RENEW 1990 Wildlife Policy for Canada 1991 Canadian Biodiversity Convention Advisory Group 1992 Statement of Commitment to Complete Canada's Network of Protected Areas 1992 The National Forest Strategy 1994-Canadian Biodiversity Science Assessment 1994 Migratory Birds Convention Act (MBCA) 1995 Canadian Biodiversity Strategy 1995 Canadian Environmental Assessment Act 1996 Wild Animal and Plant Protection and Regulation of International and Interprovincial Trade Act 1996 Bill C-65 introduced 1996 National Accord for the Protection of Species at Risk 1997 Canada Oceans Act 2000 Report of the Panel on the Ecological Integrity of Canada's Parks 2000 Minister's response to the Report of the Panel on the Ecological Integrity of Canada's Parks 2000 Species at Risk Act (SARA)

  • SARA: Species at risk act (2003)-prevent Canadian species, subspecies, and distinct populations from becoming extirpated or extinct-provide for the recovery of endangered or threatened species-prohibit harming individuals of a listed species and their residence -encourage the management of other species to prevent them from becoming at risk

    What are we doing?

  • The success of SARA-Listing (449/551 recommended)-Recovery plans/action strategies-few identify critical habitat to be protected -only one species has an action strategy (Banff Springs snail, located entirely within a National Park)-Habitat protection principally applies to federal land (1% of BC)-BC has NO legal protection for endangered species (94% provincial crown land 5% private land)

    The B.C. Wildlife Act prevents the direct killing of wildlife. Of the 1,597 species known to be at risk of extinction in B.C., only 4 are listed under the act

    What are we doing?

  • 1997 Canada Oceans ActWhat are we doing?

  • success

  • Education and AwarenessMOTO:-Promote understanding of the importance of, and the measures required for, the conservation of biodiversity.Education by ExampleThe Antelope Creek Ranch was established in 1986 through a partnership involving Alberta Fish and Wildlife, Ducks Unlimited Canada and Wildlife Habitat Canada, to demonstrate that sound range management can benefit the land, wildlife, livestock production and recreation.Alberta's Provincial ParksAlberta has established environmental education centres known as "outdoor classrooms" in Fish Creek, Peter Lougheed and Dinosaur Provincial Parks.Alberta has also developed teaching resources for its provincial parks.Canadian Museum of Nature used $27,188,000.00 of funds appropriated by the Government of Canada in 2005. The Museum educates the public about Canadas natural heritage and the need for its conservation.

  • IncentivesAlbertas Woodlot Extension Program (WEP)Albertas Woodlot Extension Programs mission is to achieve sustainable woodlot management on private land by providing support to landowners, land managers and others who influence land use practices in Alberta.Tax incentive programs: Ontariothe Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program Conservation Land Tax Incentive ProgramThere are also community stewardship programs also

  • Canadian Provinces

    OntarioThe Managed Forest Tax Incentive ProgramA voluntary program administered by the MNR to provide lower property taxes to participating landowners who agree to conserve and actively manage their forests.Conservation Land Tax Incentive Programprovides property tax relief to those landowners who agree to protect the natural heritage value of their propertyBritish Columbia Ecological Services ActPreserves land to protect species and habitatsWildlife ActCreates wildlife areas, protects endangered species, and regulates invasive species

  • Biodiversity FundraisingCanadas Baillie Birdathon: Studies Canada is recognized nation-wide as a leading and respected not-forprofitconservation organization. Funds raised by participants benefit not only the work of Bird Studies Canada, but also designated bird observatories in the Canadian Migration Monitoring Network,ECs Environmental Damages Fund: Environmental Damages Fund gives courts a way to guarantee that the money from pollution penalties and settlements is directly invested to repair the actual harm done by the pollution.Environment Canadas Endangered Species Recovery FundHabitat Conservation Trust Fund:

  • ConclusionsCanada have national long-term biodiversity plans.The most used policies are direct regulation and provision of information We may be going into a 6th mass extinction period, so it is very important to act now!

  • ThankYou

    ***creates national wildlife areas**