Download - Billy Budd, Sailor By Herman Melville. The story takes place in the 1790’s and protagonist Billy Budd is impressed into service on the H.M.S. Bellipotent.

Page 1: Billy Budd, Sailor By Herman Melville. The story takes place in the 1790’s and protagonist Billy Budd is impressed into service on the H.M.S. Bellipotent.

Billy Budd, Sailor

By Herman Melville

Page 2: Billy Budd, Sailor By Herman Melville. The story takes place in the 1790’s and protagonist Billy Budd is impressed into service on the H.M.S. Bellipotent.

The story takes place in the 1790’s and protagonist Billy

Budd is impressed into service on the H.M.S.


Page 3: Billy Budd, Sailor By Herman Melville. The story takes place in the 1790’s and protagonist Billy Budd is impressed into service on the H.M.S. Bellipotent.

Although taken involuntarily into service, Billy Budd proves to be a model sailor and

earns the respect of more seasoned sailors on the Bellipotent

Page 4: Billy Budd, Sailor By Herman Melville. The story takes place in the 1790’s and protagonist Billy Budd is impressed into service on the H.M.S. Bellipotent.

Despite Billy Budd’s excellent seamanship and work ethic, he is continually scrutinized and persecuted. Billy seeks the advice of Dansker, a veteran sailor, who tells him that the Master at Arms, Claggart hates him, Billy however, disregards this explanation.

Page 5: Billy Budd, Sailor By Herman Melville. The story takes place in the 1790’s and protagonist Billy Budd is impressed into service on the H.M.S. Bellipotent.

Shortly afterwards, a minor incident involving spilled soup begins the downward spiral of Billy’s demise.

Page 6: Billy Budd, Sailor By Herman Melville. The story takes place in the 1790’s and protagonist Billy Budd is impressed into service on the H.M.S. Bellipotent.

A mysterious encounter with another sailor occurs and after a skirmish with an enemy frigate, circumstantial evidence is produced which implicates Billy Budd

in a mutiny conspiracy. Claggart goes to Capt. Vere with this accusation. Billy Budd’s tendency to stutter causes him to seem guilty.

Page 7: Billy Budd, Sailor By Herman Melville. The story takes place in the 1790’s and protagonist Billy Budd is impressed into service on the H.M.S. Bellipotent.

When Billy is confronted directly by Claggart with this accusation, he lashesout physically and punches Claggart in the forehead. The blow proves fatal and immediate justice is called for in a drumhead court by Capt. Vere

Page 8: Billy Budd, Sailor By Herman Melville. The story takes place in the 1790’s and protagonist Billy Budd is impressed into service on the H.M.S. Bellipotent.

Billy’s last words are“God Bless Capt. Vere!”

Billy is sentenced to deathby hanging for the murderof Claggart

Page 9: Billy Budd, Sailor By Herman Melville. The story takes place in the 1790’s and protagonist Billy Budd is impressed into service on the H.M.S. Bellipotent.

Shortly afterward The Bellipotent is

involved in another skirmish Capt. Vere is mortally

wounded, before dying his last words are “Billy Budd, Billy Budd.”

The story of Billy Budd’s martyrdom becomes the stuff of seafaring legend.

Page 10: Billy Budd, Sailor By Herman Melville. The story takes place in the 1790’s and protagonist Billy Budd is impressed into service on the H.M.S. Bellipotent.

Characters• Billy Budd – the epitome of good, he is

physically attractive, young, a model sailor, and has the unwitting inability to conceive of ill will in others; he also stutters Protagonist

• Capt. Vere aka Starry Vere – the captain of the H.M.S. Bellipotent, somewhat aloof, yet not superior

• John Claggart – the epitome of evil, cruel, sinister, manipulative, conniving, vindictive; Antagonist

Page 11: Billy Budd, Sailor By Herman Melville. The story takes place in the 1790’s and protagonist Billy Budd is impressed into service on the H.M.S. Bellipotent.

Characters• Dansker – veteran sailor who Billy seeks

out for advice, he is unhelpful in the end• Ship’s surgeon – pronounces Claggart

dead, surprised by abrupt decision for drumhead court, unconvinced of supernatural calmness of Billy’s death

• Ship’s purser – believes the death of Billy to have a supernatural element to it

• Ship’s chaplain – attempts to console Billy on the eve of his execution but finds him already resigned to it

Page 12: Billy Budd, Sailor By Herman Melville. The story takes place in the 1790’s and protagonist Billy Budd is impressed into service on the H.M.S. Bellipotent.


• Squeak – henchman of Claggart that fuels the hatred for Billy

• Albert – Capt. Vere’s cabin boy, summons Billy to the Capt.’s cabin to be questioned

• Lieutenant Ratcliffe – selects Billy from the H.M.S. Rights of Man as the only sailor that is impressed into service on the H.M.S. Bellipotent

Page 13: Billy Budd, Sailor By Herman Melville. The story takes place in the 1790’s and protagonist Billy Budd is impressed into service on the H.M.S. Bellipotent.

Characters• Capt. Graveling – captain of the H.M.S.

Rights of Man, who is sorry to lose Billy Budd to the H.M.S. Bellipotent

• The Red Whiskers – Billy’s adversary aboard the H.M.S. Rights of Man, whose hatred turns to love for Billy after Billy defends himself and strikes him (contrasting w/striking Claggart)

• Red Pepper – reproaches Billy for his inaction

against encounter with stranger on the H.M.S. Bellipotent

Page 14: Billy Budd, Sailor By Herman Melville. The story takes place in the 1790’s and protagonist Billy Budd is impressed into service on the H.M.S. Bellipotent.

Themes• Individual versus Society – examples:

names of ships; the mutiny of the Nore; feelings for Billy Budd are disregarded

• Conscience versus Law – mistrust, paranoia abound, those who are aware, Dansker are cynical, evil has a foothold

• Vulnerability of Innocence – beyond the simplistic good vs. evil; Billy is naïve, innocent, and incapable of seeing evil in others, therefore

easily victimized

Page 15: Billy Budd, Sailor By Herman Melville. The story takes place in the 1790’s and protagonist Billy Budd is impressed into service on the H.M.S. Bellipotent.

Motifs• Christian Allegory – Christ’s willing

sacrifice parallels Billy’s; Capt. Vere parallels Pontius Pilate; Claggart parallels Satan (snakelike in death)

• Suggestive names – the ship’s names; main characters Budd (youthful innocence) and Vere

(veering from truth)• Animal Imagery – descriptions of

characters• Mutiny – conscientious objection to

war, acting individually rather than collectively, dissension from authority

Page 16: Billy Budd, Sailor By Herman Melville. The story takes place in the 1790’s and protagonist Billy Budd is impressed into service on the H.M.S. Bellipotent.

Symbolism• The ships – H.M.S. Bellipotent

represents the machine, military, warlike tendencies; The Athee translates to the atheist; H.M.S. Rights of Man represents the natural freedoms of the individual

• The purser and the surgeon – represent the 2 opposing viewpoints in religion: the former feels there is a unique supernatural, spiritual aspect to Billy’s death whereas the latter claims it is purely scientific

Page 17: Billy Budd, Sailor By Herman Melville. The story takes place in the 1790’s and protagonist Billy Budd is impressed into service on the H.M.S. Bellipotent.

Works Cited
