Download - Billboard Dps&Contents Analysis

Page 1: Billboard Dps&Contents Analysis

Contents page On the left hand side of the contents page there is the music charts, which breaks traditional music magazine conventions, as you wouldn’t usually find this on a magazine contents page. I think its good to have it there because it helps to show that it is a music magazine. The contents page has this layout with the charts on the left and the contents on the right on every issue, which makes it recognisable, and familiar to their audience.

The word ‘Contents’ is the darkest and boldest font on the page, and it contrasts with the white background, making it stand out, so as people can clearly see that it is the contents page.

There is one main image on this contents page, which is the largest as it relates to the main story, meaning the reader is more likely to read this article, there are also 3 more smaller images which relate to 3 other stories in the magazine, the magazine portrays lots of different genres of music with the images, by the costumes they’ve picked, which shows that the magazine is aimed at lots of different people, and it’s a mixed genre magazine, which would appeal to a wider audience.

The contents are split into lots of different sections, ‘Upfront, Features, In every issue, and Music’ which makes it very easy for the audience to find an article they want, and navigate around the magazine.

There is also the billboard logo at the top od the page, which helps to continue the house style, however this magazine breaks conventions as it has a very different colour scheme and style on the contents page compared to the front cover, and articles, however this style is consistent throughout all billboard magazines, meaning it is recognisable.

There is also an email address at the bottom of the page which enables the audience to interact with the magazine, rather than just read it, making people feel more involved in the magazine.

Page 2: Billboard Dps&Contents Analysis

Double page spread This double page spread has one large image of a very popular artist, which is very eye catching, her outfit is very quirky and contrasts the pink background very well making her stand out even more, her outfit also relates to her and her portrays her unusual personality.

The layout of the magazine is very neat and organised, and looks extremely professional, using vertical columns which makes it easier for the reader.

Part of the artists name is covered up by the image of the artist, which goes to show that she is a popular artist, that they are confident people will know, therefore they don’t need the name to be t obvious, however it is the largest font on the page and relly stands ou to the reader.

The magazine has broken conventions of having the image on one side of the page, as she crosses over the fold line, this helps to break up the page so as there is more of an even amount of writing on both sides of the page.

Also the magazine has the text integrated with the image as it follows her outline, this makes it seem more as though she is there being interviewed.

I think the colour pink may have been used to reflect Nicki Minaj’s personality, as a very feminine colour, and a colour very much associated with her, which gives the magazine a more personal to her feeling. They have also broken conventions again, by not really keeping to the same house style, I think they have done this, so as the magazine relates more to Nicki Minaj.