Download - Bikini Body Workouts™ by Jason & Jen Ferruggia The 60 · PDF fileHi! When we combined our respective skills and specialties and started Bikini Body Secret, in 2009, we remember the

Page 1: Bikini Body Workouts™ by Jason & Jen Ferruggia The 60 · PDF fileHi! When we combined our respective skills and specialties and started Bikini Body Secret, in 2009, we remember the

The 60-Day Transformation Program

Bikini Body Workouts™ by Jason & Jen Ferruggia

Page 2: Bikini Body Workouts™ by Jason & Jen Ferruggia The 60 · PDF fileHi! When we combined our respective skills and specialties and started Bikini Body Secret, in 2009, we remember the


When we combined our respective skills and specialties and started Bikini Body Secret, in

2009, we remember the profound sense of appreciation mixed with gratitude that we felt

for our first customers. We made up our mind back then that above all else, we would give

everything to uphold and honour the trust that they put in us by investing in our products

and services. It really is a sacred trust. And we’re so thankful that we understand that.

If we were to violate that trust, our business would soon shrivel up and die. To this day,

we’re proud to say that we still feel honoured each and every time that someone like you

invests in what we have to offer. You are the lifeblood of our business. Your willingness to

put your trust in us is a huge thing in our eyes. And, in the simplest possible way, we want to

convey our profound appreciation for that trust.


We are here to serve you. We will help you in every way that we can. We put everything

into our products and services. We bust our tails to deliver value to you. Because we firmly

believe in the Golden Rule. We understand that our business is built on servicing one

customer at a time – and that each customer is a person with goals and dreams that are

unique – and of paramount importance to her.

So...thank you. Thank you for believing in us and trusting in us. We won’t let you down. We

want you to have success, health and body that you desire. We want you to realize your

potential and become the person you know in your heart you can...

....and then we want you to tell everyone who will listen that we helped you do it! ☺

You can do it. You can have the body, health and lifestyle of your dreams if you are

willing to do what is necessary to achieve it. There is no “magic bullet” that will

miraculously transform your body. But there are tested and proven protocols that we

have used with countless clients that will enable you to get to where you want – faster

than you could ever imagine!

Page 3: Bikini Body Workouts™ by Jason & Jen Ferruggia The 60 · PDF fileHi! When we combined our respective skills and specialties and started Bikini Body Secret, in 2009, we remember the

What you are about to take part in is truly the Ultimate 28 Day Rapid Fat Loss


We will give you the ball. Will you run with it, with the understanding that life is

short and all you really have is here and now...or will you stand and look around,

finding excuses why you can’t meet the challenge?

The sad truth is that only a small percentage of people are willing to run with the

ball. Most prefer to stay in the comfort zone and never find out what they are capable

of – they never meet the challenge and run with it. And they regret it later.

Our philosophy is “NO REGRETS”. And we sincerely hope that is yours also. We

sincerely hope that you will take the ball and run with it. Because if you don’t, you

will never know what could have been. And that’s no way to live.

Make your dreams reality. Make your body the way you want it to be. Ultimately

what happens to you is COMPLETELY within your control. Don’t abdicate

responsibility for your body, your health and your life. Seize the day! And do it now!

Thank you once again for your support and trust. We want to make this the most life

changing experience possible for you, and are dedicated to getting you into the best

Bikini Body Shape of Your Life.

Page 4: Bikini Body Workouts™ by Jason & Jen Ferruggia The 60 · PDF fileHi! When we combined our respective skills and specialties and started Bikini Body Secret, in 2009, we remember the

Before you Start

On the morning of your first day weigh yourself as soon as you get out of bed. Secondly,

measure your waist (through your bellybutton). Third, take a picture of yourself wearing

shorts and a sports bra (very important – it gives you a base photo from which to work with

and will serve as motivation and an accurate picture of how far you have come from day

one.) Get yourself a flip file and store these items in there – we will be reviewing them at

the end of the program.

Are you a Category 1 or a Category 2?

Category 1:

You are a Category 1 if you:

Are not used to regular exercise

Regularly skip breakfast

Regularly eat fast food

Regularly eat processed food or refined carbohydrates

Have struggled to maintain healthy eating habits with previous diets

Drink a lot of calorie containing beverages

Category 2:

You are a Category 2 if you:

Are used to regular exercise

Make healthy eating choices at least 90 % of the time

Don’t eat fast food

Don’t eat processed food or refined carbohydrates

Drink water as your main beverage

Page 5: Bikini Body Workouts™ by Jason & Jen Ferruggia The 60 · PDF fileHi! When we combined our respective skills and specialties and started Bikini Body Secret, in 2009, we remember the

The goal is to ultimately be a Category 2 – that is where the magic happens with body

composition, hormonal balance, health and energy.

That being said, if you are not used to eating in that fashion it will be a very hard approach

to suddenly adopt. We recommend a stepped approach, by first adopting some basic new

nutrition habits and getting used to them and getting the maximum fat loss benefits from

them and the increased exercise, and then moving onto a more detailed and “restrictive”

approach. We promise that you will lose weight on both approaches, depending which

category you fall into. And once you have become accustomed to the habits in Category 1 (3

– 4 weeks), it will be relatively easy to transition into Category 2.

What You Should Eat: Category 1

Before we start worrying about protein ratios, healthy fat etc - we need to get some habits:

Here is what I am going to suggest:

1. Eat Breakfast

2. Eliminate all refined sugar from your diet

3. Drink more zero calorie fluids (particularly water)

4. If you drink alcohol – drink 50% less

5. Reduce carbohydrates by a few bits per meal. So, if you eat a burger and chips for lunch

then don’t eat ALL the chips. If you eat them all start over on day 1.

6. Exercise 5 days per week for 30 minutes (training is already 3 days - so do something on

your other 2 days). What type? It doesn’t matter…just do something!

Page 6: Bikini Body Workouts™ by Jason & Jen Ferruggia The 60 · PDF fileHi! When we combined our respective skills and specialties and started Bikini Body Secret, in 2009, we remember the

7. If you think it’s not a good food choice, then DON’T eat it. There’s more food choice

education out there then there has ever been in history. I think you know that potato chips

are not better than a salad for an appetizer, ice cream is not better than fruit, etc.

You are going to eat according to these rules for 3 weeks continuously. It is very important

that we address these basic habits, before trying to get fancy. Weight loss will still occur

rapidly, because you are adding in the appropriate exercise with the bootcamp classes, as

well as refining your food habits. If you can follow these easy guidelines you are already

doing better than almost 90 % of the population and will have a very solid foundation to

start with the next phase. If you aren’t able to follow these guidelines, it will be very hard to

follow the guidelines for phase 2. So it is very important that we build these basic habits as a

foundation and can grow from there.

What You Should Eat: Category 2

The list below is not an exhaustive list, but it makes things easy to have an idea of what you

are going to eat. Buy enough to last you for at least a week and feel free to substitute your

favourites in here. We are not going to insult your intelligence by telling you what a fruit or

a vegetable is. I encourage you to experiment with some varieties that you have never tried

before. When buying fruit and vegetables, think of the rainbow and buy a whole lot of

different types.

Proteins Fruits Vegetables Fats

Wild salmon Apples Broccoli Avocados

Chicken Berries Spinach Butter

Grass fed beef Pears Rocket Olive Oil

Fish Stone fruits Cauliflower Nut Butters

Eggs Mango Carrots Coconut Oil

Turkey Pawpaw Mushrooms Macadamia Oil

Lamb Kiwi Fruit Cabbage Various Nuts

Page 7: Bikini Body Workouts™ by Jason & Jen Ferruggia The 60 · PDF fileHi! When we combined our respective skills and specialties and started Bikini Body Secret, in 2009, we remember the

You have free reign to substitute whatever varieties of the different food groups that you

desire. The above table is just a starting point. For the purposes of the 28 day rapid fat loss

diet, it is useful to have a list to work off, but feel free to experiment with whichever fruits,

vegetables and proteins you desire – and make sure not to only rely on one or two

favourites! Variety is very important. You are able to substitute a 30 g serving of protein

powder (explained later) for a protein source.

What You Should Supplement

In addition to the food list, there are a few supplements that are highly recommended.

These will really make a difference to the program.

The First is Fish Oil. Fish oil will boost your metabolism (leading to automatic fat loss –

without changing another thing), turn on your fat burning genes, improve your mood,

reduce your cravings and make your joints feel incredible. It really is a marvellous

supplement. We use a liquid fish oil, called Carlson’s. It is a great combination of flavour and

quality. When buying fish oil, it is important to get a high quality one (usually available from

a natural foods store, you will have to talk to the Naturopath on duty). Two other brands

that we recommend are Bioceuticals and Nordic Naturals. These are available in capsule

form, for those that prefer.

The second recommended supplement is a great multivitamin. Once again it is important to

get a good one, and we recommend Metagenics. With multivitamins you get what you pay

for, and most of the multivitamins that you would buy in pharmacies etc are basically going

to turn into expensive urine! Make sure that your multivitamin is a pharmaceutical grade

one – you definitely get what you pay for and will feel the difference.

The third supplement we recommend is a high quality protein powder. In Australia, Horleys

Ice is our favourite for people that can tolerate dairy, and Sun Warrior Rice Protein for those

who can’t. Both of these are very high quality and nice tasting. The reason for a high quality

protein powder is basically convenience. It is sometimes hard to get quality protein at 4

meals a day and protein powders bridge this gap beautifully. Quick, easy and convenient.

Page 8: Bikini Body Workouts™ by Jason & Jen Ferruggia The 60 · PDF fileHi! When we combined our respective skills and specialties and started Bikini Body Secret, in 2009, we remember the

The last supplement we recommend is chocolate. Chocolate? Yes, it is a great source of anti

oxidants and will reduce your cravings for other sweets as well as positively impacting your

mood. Don’t just get any chocolate – it has to be 85 % cocoa, so no Cadbury’s Dairy Milk!

85% dark chocolate is available from all good health stores and usually comes in chunks.

What You Should Drink

There are only three drinks that you are to consume on this program. Water, green tea and

organic black coffee. Green tea and black coffee will speed up your metabolism (just make

sure to only consume two coffees a day) and are loaded with antioxidants. You can’t drink

enough water on this program. I hesitate to give numbers, but 3 – 4 litres would be great.

Yes – that sounds like a lot. And Yes – if you’re not used to that amount of water you will be

going to the toilet a lot more.

Build up to that amount . If you’re not used to drinking so much just keep adding a few

glasses a day until you reach it. Your cells, skin, and energy levels will thank you for it!

Make sure to drink your water out of glass or stainless steel bottles. No plastic!

Plastic leaks estrogen metabolites and Bisphenol A, which will hinder your fat loss as well as

contributing heavily to risk of cancer.

Page 9: Bikini Body Workouts™ by Jason & Jen Ferruggia The 60 · PDF fileHi! When we combined our respective skills and specialties and started Bikini Body Secret, in 2009, we remember the

Putting it Together

Now you know what to eat, how much are you going to eat? We’re going to make this

as simple as possible.

The Rules:

1. You are going to eat 4 times a day – 3 meals and a snack

2. You are going to eat a piece of protein the size of your palm at each main meal (3 times a

day) or 30 g of protein powder

3. You are going to have as many vegetables as you desire at each meal and/or a serving of


4. You are going to have a serving of healthy fats with each meal

5. You will not drink any calorie containing drinks (only water, black coffee and green tea)

6. You will consume fish oil, and multivitamins at two or three of your meals.

7. You are going to break the rules at ONE meal a week - that’s a rule/order!

8. You are to eat 20 g of chocolate a day as a snack

8 Simple Rules – how easy is that?

Let’s Break them down on the next page:

Page 10: Bikini Body Workouts™ by Jason & Jen Ferruggia The 60 · PDF fileHi! When we combined our respective skills and specialties and started Bikini Body Secret, in 2009, we remember the

Rule Number 1:

It is important to eat regularly. Many popular diets nowadays will have you eating 6 - 8

times a day. The many small meals a day hypotheses. This hypotheses is grounded in some

scientific studies that correlated frequent eating with increased metabolism. The studies are

shaky at best, and their have been subsequent studies to disprove the hypotheses.

Honestly? Who has time to eat 6 - 8 times a day? Unless you’re a professional bodybuilder -

you really only need to eat 4 times a day – 3 meals and a snack. This gives you plenty of time

to digest your meals in between feedings. It also allows you to eat a more substantial meal

at each feeding and not feeling like you are always hungry and always eating minuscule


Rule Number 2:

Lean protein is a cornerstone of the program - it is important that you get adequate protein

throughout the day. This will insure that you feel full, as well as contribute to fat loss by

raising your BMR (basal metabolic rate - in short - how many calories you are burning every

second). It is vital that you get protein during your first meal of the day. By eating a protein

and fat rich breakfast, you are setting your neurotransmitters up perfectly for the

subsequent day. By just implementing this simple trick, and eliminating the vegemite toast

and orange juice you will feel fuller throughout the day and won’t experience the mid

afternoon energy crash! Protein keeps you fuller for longer and is very important for optimal


Rule Number 3:

You are to eat as many vegetables as you desire. Vegetables are thermogenic (meaning they

burn fat) as well as fibrous - which keeps you full for longer. It is important to get a varied

supply of nutrients and phytonutrients, and vegetables and fruits definitely fit the bill here!

Vegetables also have a negligible effect on blood sugar and on the whole do not have a lot

of calories - so you are safe to eat them in substantial quantities. Fruit is also really healthy.

Page 11: Bikini Body Workouts™ by Jason & Jen Ferruggia The 60 · PDF fileHi! When we combined our respective skills and specialties and started Bikini Body Secret, in 2009, we remember the

You cannot eat it in unlimited quantities though, as it is more calorie dense - try and limit it

to 2 servings of fruit a day. A serving of fruit or vegetables is equal to a cup size.

Rule Number 4:

You are to eat a serving of healthy fats at each meal. On a program like this, where refined,

unhealthy carbohydrates are limited - it is important to eat healthy fats as an energy source.

Healthy fats are monounsaturated fats (like olive oil and avocado) and polyunsaturated fats

(like fish oil and certain nuts). You don’t want to go overboard on fats, generally a serving

size is equal to a tablespoon of oil, a small handful of nuts or half an avocado. By

incorporating more healthy fats into your diet you will experience better skin, nails,

increased fat loss and an increased feeling of satiety and satisfaction between meals.

Rule Number 5:

As mentioned before, you are limited to non-calorie containing beverages (NO - diet

Coke doesn’t count!). Black or Green Tea, Black Coffee or Water. By drinking things like

juices, cola, milk etc you are really contributing to your overall calorie count with needless

“empty calories”, not to mention ingesting lots of chemicals and sugar which are terribly


Rule Number 6:

Try and spread your fish oil and multivitamins out over at least 2 meals (the more the


With fish oil:

Depending on which brand of fish oil you take you are going to be having 3 g (not 3

capsules) of the active EPA/DHA (check the back) spread out over a couple of meals. This

may seem like a lot - but bear in mind that the therapeutic dosage of fish oil is between 3 - 6

g of Active EPA /DHA (10 - 20 capsules of an average brand), so it is the low end of that. 1 or

2 capsules a day is not going to cut it! Make sure that you check the back of the bottle to see

Page 12: Bikini Body Workouts™ by Jason & Jen Ferruggia The 60 · PDF fileHi! When we combined our respective skills and specialties and started Bikini Body Secret, in 2009, we remember the

how many capsules you will need to take to get your 3 g of EPA/DHA, as various

manufacturers will have differing amounts. Generally the higher the quality the less you

will need to take to get your recommended dose.

Rule Number 7:

Break the rules at least once a week. As a professional fitness coach, I have found that it

takes a superhuman effort of will to stick to a rigid eating plan 100 % of the time. If you

know that you are going to be able to eat your favourite treat on a Saturday night, it makes

it a lot easier to be good on a Thursday afternoon when your boss is stressing you out and

you are craving a Mars Bar. So, once a week allow yourself a treat meal of whatever you feel

like. I find that it is always best to plan this - that way you are in control and can decide

exactly what you want, rather than giving in to a craving. So, on Saturday night eat your

favourite pizza and some ice cream, or go out to your favourite restaurant and order your

favourite. You will enjoy it all the more because it is a treat and a reward for your previous

lean eating and your body and mind will thank you for it.

Rule Number 8:

That can’t be right - is that a mistake? What kind of fitness professional recommends

chocolate? The clever ones...! Dark chocolate (85 % or more) is a very powerful Superfood

that will raise your serotonin and dopamine levels. When these are low, you feel

unmotivated, depressed and you crave carbohydrates and sweets. By raising them up you

will feel awesome, and as though you are not on a diet.

So, as your mid afternoon snack, I urge you to give a piece of dark chocolate a try, along

with a small handful (about 10 - 12) of nuts. 20 g of dark chocolate is recommended - no

more. There will be no more mid afternoon snack attacks, energy crashes and raised

tempers when you implement this strategy! Make sure to eat it slowly and consciously,

savour each little piece. Chocolate is a healthy, nutritious Superfood that will improve your

mood and contribute positively to your fat loss efforts. And besides - it’s chocolate - what

more needs to be said?!

Page 13: Bikini Body Workouts™ by Jason & Jen Ferruggia The 60 · PDF fileHi! When we combined our respective skills and specialties and started Bikini Body Secret, in 2009, we remember the

A Typical Day Of Eating In This Style


Supershake (30 g protein powder, berries, small handful of nuts, half a banana, small

handful spinach)

Multivitamins and fish oil


Huge green salad (with spinach, carrots, tomatoes, onion, broccoli florets), chicken

tenderloins and drizzled with macadamia oil

Mid Afternoon

20 g dark chocolate and small handful cashews


Beef Steak with veggies and a side salad. Berries for dessert

Multivitamins and fish oil

Page 14: Bikini Body Workouts™ by Jason & Jen Ferruggia The 60 · PDF fileHi! When we combined our respective skills and specialties and started Bikini Body Secret, in 2009, we remember the

Final Thoughts:

There you go - easy hey? This lean eating thing does not have to be complicated. No

counting calories. If you need to count calories you are eating the wrong things - your body

will naturally eat the right amounts of the right foods. If you eat like this you can expect a

better mood, a better body and increased levels of energy and stamina. Your joints, skin,

hair and nails will be better and you will feel amazing!

We are trying to create habits that will take you through the rest of your life.

Because what is the point in going on some celebrity whizz bang incredible diet where you

have to count calories and eat certain foods in perfect combinations and are never allowed

to have your favourite foods - sounds terrible to me. And when all your friends are going on

these diets and raving about their magic results and then showing up two months later

fatter and more confused - show them how you are eating - easily, nutritiously and

pleasurably. It’s the only way to do things!

Page 16: Bikini Body Workouts™ by Jason & Jen Ferruggia The 60 · PDF fileHi! When we combined our respective skills and specialties and started Bikini Body Secret, in 2009, we remember the

6 Weeks To A StrongerHealthier Body

Bikini BootcampExercise Guide

Bikini Body Workouts™ by Jason & Jen Ferruggia

Page 17: Bikini Body Workouts™ by Jason & Jen Ferruggia The 60 · PDF fileHi! When we combined our respective skills and specialties and started Bikini Body Secret, in 2009, we remember the

Page 18: Bikini Body Workouts™ by Jason & Jen Ferruggia The 60 · PDF fileHi! When we combined our respective skills and specialties and started Bikini Body Secret, in 2009, we remember the

BEGINNERS: Do your pushups on your knees until you build up the strength to do them on your toes. Start lying face down with hands right outside your chest. Squeeze your abs in and keep your body in a solid plank position as you press away from the floor. (It is okay to peel up at first if you need to until you can build up the strength to hold your body solid -- it̓s bet

BEGINNERS: Do your pushups on your knees until you build up the strength to do them on your toes. Start lying face down with hands right outside your chest. Squeeze your abs in and keep your body in a solid plank position as you press away from the floor. (It is okay to peel up at first if you need to until you can build up the strength to hold your body solid -- it̓s betbetter to get full range of motion than to not push all the way up.) Once you̓re at the top of your plank, shoulders should be directly over your wrists and hands should be about shoulder-width apart, fingers slightly pointed inward. DO NOT arch your lower back. Abs stay tight the entire time and eyes stay on the floor. Slowly lower down. Repeat.

better to get full range of motion than to not push all the way up.) Once you̓re at the top of your plank, shoulders should be directly over your wrists and hands should be about shoulder-width apart, fingers slightly pointed inward. DO NOT arch your lower back. Abs stay tight the entire time and eyes stay on the floor. Slowly lower down. Repeat.

Lay flat on the ground or bench with the weights in each hand straight over your chest with your palms facing inward towards one another. With a slight bend in your elbows, lower the weight toward the floor making a “T” shape with your upper body. Exhale as you bring the weight back up to the starting position.

Lay flat on the ground or bench with the weights in each hand straight over your chest with your palms facing inward towards one another. With a slight bend in your elbows, lower the weight toward the floor making a “T” shape with your upper body. Exhale as you bring the weight back up to the starting position.

Sit down on the ground, pick up your weights carefully and THEN lie back. Lying flat on the ground or bench with abs in and weights in each hand, start with your elbows at 90 degrees (perpendicular to the floor) and arms in line with your chest. Your palms should face down toward your feet and your arms should look like goal posts. Slowly press the weights up until your arms are straight and

Sit down on the ground, pick up your weights carefully and THEN lie back. Lying flat on the ground or bench with abs in and weights in each hand, start with your elbows at 90 degrees (perpendicular to the floor) and arms in line with your chest. Your palms should face down toward your feet and your arms should look like goal posts. Slowly press the weights up until your arms are straight and and your weights are about 2-3 inches apart. Your weights should be right in line with your breastbone, NOT over your face or over your bellybutton. Carefully lower them back down to the starting position and repeat. Inhale as you lower, exhale as you press up.

and your weights are about 2-3 inches apart. Your weights should be right in line with your breastbone, NOT over your face or over your bellybutton. Carefully lower them back down to the starting position and repeat. Inhale as you lower, exhale as you press up.

ADVANCED: Start in a plank position on your toes, squeezing your abs in and keeping your body solid as you lower down to the floor. Shoulders should be directly over your wrists and hands should be about shoulder-width apart, possibly wider. Elbows travel back at about a 45 degree angle and fingers may point slightly inward. Abs should stay tight the entire time. DO NOT arch your lower back. Keep your eyes on the floor as you press the floor away ensuring full range of motion (”chest to deck”).

ADVANCED: Start in a plank position on your toes, squeezing your abs in and keeping your body solid as you lower down to the floor. Shoulders should be directly over your wrists and hands should be about shoulder-width apart, possibly wider. Elbows travel back at about a 45 degree angle and fingers may point slightly inward. Abs should stay tight the entire time. DO NOT arch your lower back. Keep your eyes on the floor as you press the floor away ensuring full range of motion (”chest to deck”).

Page 19: Bikini Body Workouts™ by Jason & Jen Ferruggia The 60 · PDF fileHi! When we combined our respective skills and specialties and started Bikini Body Secret, in 2009, we remember the

Place feet about shoulder width apart. With a slight bend in your knees, lean forward to about a 45 degree angle with a flat back and your core engaged. It̓s SUPER important to keep your abs tight any time you are in a bent-over position. Hold your dumb-bells in front of your chest with a slight bend in your elbow. Raise arms out to your sides, leading with your pinky finger, until your elbows are slightly higher than your shoulders, then return to the s

Place feet about shoulder width apart. With a slight bend in your knees, lean forward to about a 45 degree angle with a flat back and your core engaged. It̓s SUPER important to keep your abs tight any time you are in a bent-over position. Hold your dumb-bells in front of your chest with a slight bend in your elbow. Raise arms out to your sides, leading with your pinky finger, until your elbows are slightly higher than your shoulders, then return to the sstarting position. Exhale as you raise the weights, inhale as you slowly lower them down.starting position. Exhale as you raise the weights, inhale as you slowly lower them down.

Standing upright with your core engaged, hold a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing behind you. Exhale and raise your dumbbells up to shoulder height, then slowly lower until you return to the starting position. Keep your shoulder blades held back and down as much as possible throughout this movement. If doing both arms is too difficult, you may alternate left and right arms, performing only one arm raise at a time.

Standing upright with your core engaged, hold a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing behind you. Exhale and raise your dumbbells up to shoulder height, then slowly lower until you return to the starting position. Keep your shoulder blades held back and down as much as possible throughout this movement. If doing both arms is too difficult, you may alternate left and right arms, performing only one arm raise at a time.

Standing upright with your core engaged, hold a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing in towards your body. Exhale and raise your dumbbells out to the sides up to shoulder height, then slowly lower until you return to the starting position. Keep your shoulder blades held back and down as much as possible throughout this movement. If doing both arms is too difficult, you may alternate left and right arms, performing only one arm raise at a time.

Standing upright with your core engaged, hold a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing in towards your body. Exhale and raise your dumbbells out to the sides up to shoulder height, then slowly lower until you return to the starting position. Keep your shoulder blades held back and down as much as possible throughout this movement. If doing both arms is too difficult, you may alternate left and right arms, performing only one arm raise at a time.

Standing upright with your core engaged, hold a dumbbell in each hand and raise your arms up to shoulder height with your palms facing forward. Pretend your arms are a field goal like in football. Keep your elbows at shoul-der height throughout the exercise. Exhale and p

Standing upright with your core engaged, hold a dumbbell in each hand and raise your arms up to shoulder height with your palms facing forward. Pretend your arms are a field goal like in football. Keep your elbows at shoul-der height throughout the exercise. Exhale and pExhale and press your dumbbells overhead, then slowly lower until you reach the starting position.

Exhale and press your dumbbells overhead, then slowly lower until you reach the starting position.

Page 20: Bikini Body Workouts™ by Jason & Jen Ferruggia The 60 · PDF fileHi! When we combined our respective skills and specialties and started Bikini Body Secret, in 2009, we remember the

Lying flat on the ground or a bench, holddumbbells over your shoulders with straightarms and palms facing each other. DO NOThold them over your face and be verycareful not to drop your weights. Safe formis very crucial here (this exercise is alsokn

Lying flat on the ground or a bench, holddumbbells over your shoulders with straightarms and palms facing each other. DO NOThold them over your face and be verycareful not to drop your weights. Safe formis very crucial here (this exercise is alsoknknown as the “skullcrusher” and you can guess why). Without moving your elbows, inhale as you hinge at the elbow lowering the weights down to frame the outsides of your face. Exhale and press the weight back to the starting position focusing on squeezing the back of your arms.

known as the “skullcrusher” and you can guess why). Without moving your elbows, inhale as you hinge at the elbow lowering the weights down to frame the outsides of your face. Exhale and press the weight back to the starting position focusing on squeezing the back of your arms.

Sit on a stable chair or bench and place your hands on the chair just outside of your hips with your palms down and fingers facing your toes. Keep your knees in line with your hips and stacked over your ankles for Level 1, legs straight for Level 2, and one leg lifted for Level 3. Bring your hips forward off the chair and sl

Sit on a stable chair or bench and place your hands on the chair just outside of your hips with your palms down and fingers facing your toes. Keep your knees in line with your hips and stacked over your ankles for Level 1, legs straight for Level 2, and one leg lifted for Level 3. Bring your hips forward off the chair and sland slowly lower your body toward the ground with your elbows sliding straight behind you (as if they were on parallel railroad tracks) until they make a 90 degree angle. Do NOT let your elbows wing out to the side. Keep your hips as close to the chair or bench as possible throughout the movement. Squeeze the back of

and slowly lower your body toward the ground with your elbows sliding straight behind you (as if they were on parallel railroad tracks) until they make a 90 degree angle. Do NOT let your elbows wing out to the side. Keep your hips as close to the chair or bench as possible throughout the movement. Squeeze the back of of your arms and exhale to push yourself back up to the starting position.of your arms and exhale to push yourself back up to the starting position.

Page 21: Bikini Body Workouts™ by Jason & Jen Ferruggia The 60 · PDF fileHi! When we combined our respective skills and specialties and started Bikini Body Secret, in 2009, we remember the

Holding dumbbells at your sides with straight arms, take a wide step forward into a lunge with your chest up, core engaged and knee behind your toe. The front knee should stack directly on top of your front ankle. Lower down as low as you can while maintaining your balance and a tight core. Push through your forward heel to st

Holding dumbbells at your sides with straight arms, take a wide step forward into a lunge with your chest up, core engaged and knee behind your toe. The front knee should stack directly on top of your front ankle. Lower down as low as you can while maintaining your balance and a tight core. Push through your forward heel to ststand back up and bring your back leg forward to meet the front leg. Switch legs and repeat as you walk across the room.

stand back up and bring your back leg forward to meet the front leg. Switch legs and repeat as you walk across the room.

Using the same squat form, lower your hips back into the squat but don̓t go quite as low for the jump version. Inhale and bring your hands in front of your chest when you lower down, then swing your arms swiftly back behind you to help drive yourself straight into a vertical jump as you exhale. Jump as high as you can, but ALWAYS land softly going from “toe to heel” to safely absorbing the impact. Do not slam your feet down when you land. Do as ma

Using the same squat form, lower your hips back into the squat but don̓t go quite as low for the jump version. Inhale and bring your hands in front of your chest when you lower down, then swing your arms swiftly back behind you to help drive yourself straight into a vertical jump as you exhale. Jump as high as you can, but ALWAYS land softly going from “toe to heel” to safely absorbing the impact. Do not slam your feet down when you land. Do as maland. Do as many as you can in a row with good form and take breaks as Do as many as you can in a row with good form and take breaks as needed.

Hook your dumbbells on your shoulders. Stand with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, toes pointing slightly out. Keep your shoulders back and down with chest up. Engage your core and keep your weight in your heels. You should be able to wiggle your toes throughout this entire movement. Lower your hips back and down into a squat (like you would to sit in a chair) until your thighs are pa

Hook your dumbbells on your shoulders. Stand with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, toes pointing slightly out. Keep your shoulders back and down with chest up. Engage your core and keep your weight in your heels. You should be able to wiggle your toes throughout this entire movement. Lower your hips back and down into a squat (like you would to sit in a chair) until your thighs are paparallel with the ground. Make sure your hips are pushing back behind you, your knees do not go past your toes and your chest always stays in an upright position (it should NEVER face the floor). Exhale and push up through your heels as you squeeze your glutes to come back to stand-ing. Do not let the knees cave inward in your squat.

parallel with the ground. Make sure your hips are pushing back behind you, your knees do not go past your toes and your chest always stays in an upright position (it should NEVER face the floor). Exhale and push up through your heels as you squeeze your glutes to come back to stand-ing. Do not let the knees cave inward in your squat.

Page 22: Bikini Body Workouts™ by Jason & Jen Ferruggia The 60 · PDF fileHi! When we combined our respective skills and specialties and started Bikini Body Secret, in 2009, we remember the

Coming into the same lunge position, step or hop into a lunge on the other side. Switch back and forth for as long as you̓re able to main-tain good form with abs tight. Take breaks as needed. You do not need to go as low into the lunge as you do in a standing lunge. Level 1 -- keep your hands on your hips. Level 2 -- raise y

Coming into the same lunge position, step or hop into a lunge on the other side. Switch back and forth for as long as you̓re able to main-tain good form with abs tight. Take breaks as needed. You do not need to go as low into the lunge as you do in a standing lunge. Level 1 -- keep your hands on your hips. Level 2 -- raise yyour hands vertically in the air.your hands vertically in the air.

(Note: You may do regular lunges if maintain-ing your balance in this position is too difficult.) Holding dumbbells at your sides, place one foot on top of a sturdy bench or chair and step the other foot in front of you in a lunge position. Make sure your front knee is stacked directly over your front ankle. With y

(Note: You may do regular lunges if maintain-ing your balance in this position is too difficult.) Holding dumbbells at your sides, place one foot on top of a sturdy bench or chair and step the other foot in front of you in a lunge position. Make sure your front knee is stacked directly over your front ankle. With yyour torso in an upright position and your weight pressing through your forward heel, “turn the glutes on” as you slowly descend into a lunge. Inhale on the way down, exhale as you drive upward pressing through your heel and continuing to squeeze the legs and glutes. Repeat, completing all reps on one leg before swit

your torso in an upright position and your weight pressing through your forward heel, “turn the glutes on” as you slowly descend into a lunge. Inhale on the way down, exhale as you drive upward pressing through your heel and continuing to squeeze the legs and glutes. Repeat, completing all reps on one leg before switswitching to the other side. switching to the other side.

Page 23: Bikini Body Workouts™ by Jason & Jen Ferruggia The 60 · PDF fileHi! When we combined our respective skills and specialties and started Bikini Body Secret, in 2009, we remember the

On hands and knees on the floor, make sure your shouldersare directly over your wrists and your knees are hip-widthapart. Slide your shoulder blades back and down and holdthem there. Hold one dumbbell with your palm facing in.With your core engaged (bellybutton in), pull dumbbell upto your chest with your elbow leading toward the sky. Exhaleas

On hands and knees on the floor, make sure your shouldersare directly over your wrists and your knees are hip-widthapart. Slide your shoulder blades back and down and holdthem there. Hold one dumbbell with your palm facing in.With your core engaged (bellybutton in), pull dumbbell upto your chest with your elbow leading toward the sky. Exhaleas as you squeeze your upper back muscles as you slide your shoulder blade in and down towards your spine. Inhale as you slowly lower the weight until your arm reaches the ground. Finish all reps on one side before switching to the other you squeeze your upper back muscles as you slide your shoulder blade in and down towards your spine. Inhale as you slowly lower the weight until your arm reaches the ground. Finish all reps on one side before switching to the other side.

Place feet shoulder width apart. With a slight bend in your knees, lean forward with a flat back and your core engaged until your body is at about a 45 degree angle. Hold dumbbells straight down in front of your chest with palms facing inward. Pull them up to your chest by sliding your elbows back and squeezing your shoulder blades together to

Place feet shoulder width apart. With a slight bend in your knees, lean forward with a flat back and your core engaged until your body is at about a 45 degree angle. Hold dumbbells straight down in front of your chest with palms facing inward. Pull them up to your chest by sliding your elbows back and squeezing your shoulder blades together totowards your spine. Your elbows should brush your sides and remain parallel with one another (DO NOT let them wing out to the sides). Slowly lower the weight until your arms are fully extended and repeat. Exhale as you lift, inhale as you lower.

towards your spine. Your elbows should brush your sides and remain parallel with one another (DO NOT let them wing out to the sides). Slowly lower the weight until your arms are fully extended and repeat. Exhale as you lift, inhale as you lower.

Come into a plank position with shoulders stacked over your wrists, abs in and hips/head in alignment. NOTE: You may also do this exercise on hands and knees if you̓re unable to maintain your balance in plank. Reach your right armforward as your left leg lifts, but don̓t let your hips turn tothe sides. Lower arm and leg back down to plank, then switch

Come into a plank position with shoulders stacked over your wrists, abs in and hips/head in alignment. NOTE: You may also do this exercise on hands and knees if you̓re unable to maintain your balance in plank. Reach your right armforward as your left leg lifts, but don̓t let your hips turn tothe sides. Lower arm and leg back down to plank, then switch

Lying face down, reach your arms out overhead (to make it easier, bend your elbows to keep your hands closer to your head). Keep your eyes on the floor

Lying face down, reach your arms out overhead (to make it easier, bend your elbows to keep your hands closer to your head). Keep your eyes on the floor

Lying face up with feet planted hip-width apart, hold the heads of one dumbbell. Keep your arms straight and start with it on top of your thighs.

Lying face up with feet planted hip-width apart, hold the heads of one dumbbell. Keep your arms straight and start with it on top of your thighs.

Keep your bellybutton in as you raise the weight up and over your head, maintaining straight arms throughout. Keep your abs tight and do not arch the back too much. Lower the weight down to about 2-3 inches away from the floor. Keep your shoulder blades back and down as you squeeze your back to pull the weight back over to the starting position. Inhale as you raise, exhale as you pullover. Repeat.

Keep your bellybutton in as you raise the weight up and over your head, maintaining straight arms throughout. Keep your abs tight and do not arch the back too much. Lower the weight down to about 2-3 inches away from the floor. Keep your shoulder blades back and down as you squeeze your back to pull the weight back over to the starting position. Inhale as you raise, exhale as you pullover. Repeat.

as you lift your shoulders and legs off the ground by squeezing your glutes and mid/lower back. Carefully return to the floor and you lift your shoulders and legs off the ground by squeezing your glutes and mid/lower back. Carefully return to the floor and repeat.

Page 24: Bikini Body Workouts™ by Jason & Jen Ferruggia The 60 · PDF fileHi! When we combined our respective skills and specialties and started Bikini Body Secret, in 2009, we remember the

With your shoulders rolled back and down, your core engaged and your dumbbells by your sides with your palms facing your body, exhale as you squeeze your biceps and raise the dumbbells up toward your shoulders. Inhale as you slowly lower back to the st

With your shoulders rolled back and down, your core engaged and your dumbbells by your sides with your palms facing your body, exhale as you squeeze your biceps and raise the dumbbells up toward your shoulders. Inhale as you slowly lower back to the ststarting position and repeat. Make sure your wrists are flat here (not bending backward) and keep your elbows glued to your sides (don̓t swing your arms).

starting position and repeat. Make sure your wrists are flat here (not bending backward) and keep your elbows glued to your sides (don̓t swing your arms).

With your shoulders rolled back and down, your core engaged and your dumbbells by your sides with your palms facing upward, squeeze your biceps raising the dumbbells up toward your shoulders vertically. Slowly lower to the starting position, rotate your palms out

With your shoulders rolled back and down, your core engaged and your dumbbells by your sides with your palms facing upward, squeeze your biceps raising the dumbbells up toward your shoulders vertically. Slowly lower to the starting position, rotate your palms out palms out to the side and curl weight up towards your shoulders laterally. Slowly lower and repeat sequence keeping your wrists flat (not bending backward) and elbows glued to your sides (don̓t swing your arms).

palms out to the side and curl weight up towards your shoulders laterally. Slowly lower and repeat sequence keeping your wrists flat (not bending backward) and elbows glued to your sides (don̓t swing your arms).

Page 25: Bikini Body Workouts™ by Jason & Jen Ferruggia The 60 · PDF fileHi! When we combined our respective skills and specialties and started Bikini Body Secret, in 2009, we remember the

Hold weights in your hands with straight arms by your sides. Keep your shoulders back and down and your abs in. Your feet should be hip-width apart. Keep your legs straight as you rise up onto your toes, then slowly lower back down to the floor and repeat. Exhale as your

Hold weights in your hands with straight arms by your sides. Keep your shoulders back and down and your abs in. Your feet should be hip-width apart. Keep your legs straight as you rise up onto your toes, then slowly lower back down to the floor and repeat. Exhale as your your rise up, inhale as you lower. Do not let your feet turn outward or cave inward; keep them parallel with one another throughout.

your rise up, inhale as you lower. Do not let your feet turn outward or cave inward; keep them parallel with one another throughout.

Lying on the floor with your heels near your glutes and knees in line with your hips, rest weights on top of your hips. Keep your abs engaged as you press your hips up, squeezing the back of the legs and glutes as you exhale. Inhale as you lower down and repeat.

Lying on the floor with your heels near your glutes and knees in line with your hips, rest weights on top of your hips. Keep your abs engaged as you press your hips up, squeezing the back of the legs and glutes as you exhale. Inhale as you lower down and repeat.

On your hands and knees with shoulders directly over your wrists, secure a weight behind one knee by squeezing your leg back to hold it tight. Hold the weight firmly with your leg as you press your heel back and up towards the sky. Slowly return to starting position and repeat all reps on one side before switching to the other side.

On your hands and knees with shoulders directly over your wrists, secure a weight behind one knee by squeezing your leg back to hold it tight. Hold the weight firmly with your leg as you press your heel back and up towards the sky. Slowly return to starting position and repeat all reps on one side before switching to the other side.

Stand on one leg, keeping that leg straight with a soft knee (do not lock out your knee). Keep your shoulders back and abs in as you raise the heel of your other straight leg to tilt forward like a teeter totter. Keep your eyes on the floor in front of you. Your body should remain in plank position throughout the movement; the only thing that changes is your hip hinge. Inhale as you lower, exhale as you lift back to standing. When you lift up, focus on squeezing the back of

Stand on one leg, keeping that leg straight with a soft knee (do not lock out your knee). Keep your shoulders back and abs in as you raise the heel of your other straight leg to tilt forward like a teeter totter. Keep your eyes on the floor in front of you. Your body should remain in plank position throughout the movement; the only thing that changes is your hip hinge. Inhale as you lower, exhale as you lift back to standing. When you lift up, focus on squeezing the back of of your leg and glute, not putting any strain on your back! This part is super important. Complete all reps on one leg before switching.of your leg and glute, not putting any strain on your back! This part is super important. Complete all reps on one leg before switching.

KEEP YOUR ABS ENGAGED throughout this exercise (it is VERY important). With your shoulders rolled back and down, your core engaged, and your dumbbells in front of you with your palms facing your legs, slowly lower them down as you push your hips behind

KEEP YOUR ABS ENGAGED throughout this exercise (it is VERY important). With your shoulders rolled back and down, your core engaged, and your dumbbells in front of you with your palms facing your legs, slowly lower them down as you push your hips behind behind you. Keep a flat back and a slight bend in your knees and only lower down as low as you are able to maintain good form. Inhale as you lower down, exhale as you slowly rise up. Lift using the back of your legs and glutes to stand, NEVER straining y

behind you. Keep a flat back and a slight bend in your knees and only lower down as low as you are able to maintain good form. Inhale as you lower down, exhale as you slowly rise up. Lift using the back of your legs and glutes to stand, NEVER straining yyour back.your back.

Page 26: Bikini Body Workouts™ by Jason & Jen Ferruggia The 60 · PDF fileHi! When we combined our respective skills and specialties and started Bikini Body Secret, in 2009, we remember the

Start in a lying position with arms extended overhead and legs straight. Squeeze your legs together and lift them as you tuck your bellybutton in and reach for your toes, creating a “V” shape with your body. Carefully lower down and repeat.

Start in a lying position with arms extended overhead and legs straight. Squeeze your legs together and lift them as you tuck your bellybutton in and reach for your toes, creating a “V” shape with your body. Carefully lower down and repeat.

Modified V-Ups are just a standard situp with your feet flat on the floor and arms reaching overhead. Come all the way up into a seated position with abs in, then slowly lower back down. You may also fold your arms across your chest if you are not yet able

Modified V-Ups are just a standard situp with your feet flat on the floor and arms reaching overhead. Come all the way up into a seated position with abs in, then slowly lower back down. You may also fold your arms across your chest if you are not yet able able to do the full situp on your to do the full situp on your own.

Starting in standing position, place your hands on the floor shoulder-width apart. Keeping your abs engaged, step or jump back into a plank position (Note: To do a full competition burpee, quickly and carefully lower your body all the way down to the floor at this point), then step or jump back to standing. Try not to let your knees flare out to the sides. Plant your heels & d

Starting in standing position, place your hands on the floor shoulder-width apart. Keeping your abs engaged, step or jump back into a plank position (Note: To do a full competition burpee, quickly and carefully lower your body all the way down to the floor at this point), then step or jump back to standing. Try not to let your knees flare out to the sides. Plant your heels & ddrop your hips as you lift immediately into a verticaljump from here then repeat.

drop your hips as you lift immediately into a verticaljump from here then repeat.

Page 27: Bikini Body Workouts™ by Jason & Jen Ferruggia The 60 · PDF fileHi! When we combined our respective skills and specialties and started Bikini Body Secret, in 2009, we remember the

Start with hands under your hips. Tuck your bellybutton in towards your spine, keep your low back on the floor, and lift your head up as you tighten your abs. Starting with both legs in the air, feet flexed, slowly alternate right and left legs, lowering each heel down only as lo

Start with hands under your hips. Tuck your bellybutton in towards your spine, keep your low back on the floor, and lift your head up as you tighten your abs. Starting with both legs in the air, feet flexed, slowly alternate right and left legs, lowering each heel down only as lolow as you̓re able to maintain your low back contact with the floor and abs in. Each leg counts as 1 rep.

low as you̓re able to maintain your low back contact with the floor and abs in. Each leg counts as 1 rep.

In a plank position (shoulders over wrists, abs in and back flat), alternate tapping your right and left foot as if you were climbing a mountain. Don̓t let your hips rise up here. Each tap counts as 1 rep.

In a plank position (shoulders over wrists, abs in and back flat), alternate tapping your right and left foot as if you were climbing a mountain. Don̓t let your hips rise up here. Each tap counts as 1 rep.

Start in a lying position, bellybutton tucked in towards your spine. With chin slightly tucked and fingers lightly holding your head to help support your neck, bring your left elbow to tap your right knee as your left leg extends. Keep your shoulders and head off the floor as you alternate sides (right elbow to left knee). Each tap counts as 1 rep.

Start in a lying position, bellybutton tucked in towards your spine. With chin slightly tucked and fingers lightly holding your head to help support your neck, bring your left elbow to tap your right knee as your left leg extends. Keep your shoulders and head off the floor as you alternate sides (right elbow to left knee). Each tap counts as 1 rep.

Starting in a seated position (with or without a light dumbbell), sit up tall with your chest up and abs in. Keep your shoulders back. Your legs can either be in “tabletop” position (shown here) or down with feet planted on the ground. Keeping good posture, tap the floor on each side with your weight (or tap clasped hands if using no

Starting in a seated position (with or without a light dumbbell), sit up tall with your chest up and abs in. Keep your shoulders back. Your legs can either be in “tabletop” position (shown here) or down with feet planted on the ground. Keeping good posture, tap the floor on each side with your weight (or tap clasped hands if using no clasped hands if using no weight). Each tap counts as 1 rep.clasped hands if using no weight). Each tap counts as 1 rep.

Page 28: Bikini Body Workouts™ by Jason & Jen Ferruggia The 60 · PDF fileHi! When we combined our respective skills and specialties and started Bikini Body Secret, in 2009, we remember the

Complete Bikini Body Program: