Download - Big Wave Project FEIR: Planning Commission Hearing Nov 17 2010

  • 1. Planning Commission Hearing Wednesday, Nov. 17th 2010 El Granada Elementary School, El Granada CA SANATORIUM OFFICE PARK OFFICE PARK Sabrina Brennan Seal Cove-Moss Beach
  • 2. The proximity of the project to the partially enclosed Pillar Point Harbor and the potential for tsunami events could expose people to inundation by seiche, which represents a potentially significant impact. Big Wave Project DEIR IV.H Hydrology & Water Quality Page IV.H-61
  • 3. Rancho Corral de Tierra POST POST POST Pillar Point Bluff POST OFFICE PARK HMB Airport SANATORIUM FMR Is the Big Wave Project prepared for an emergency?
  • 4. 2007 Grand Jury Report Tsunami Alert and Evacuation On the San Mateo County Coast BIG WAVE SANATORIUM TSUNAMI INUNDATION ZONE Half Moon Bay, CA
  • 5. A seiche (pronounced /se/ "saysh") is a standing wave in an enclosed or partially enclosed body of water.
  • 6. Hilo Bay Seiche April 1st 1946 The tsunami that hit Hawaii in 1946 had a fifteen- minute interval between wave fronts. The natural resonant period of Hilo Bay is about thirty minutes. That meant that every second wave was in phase with the motion of Hilo Bay, creating a seiche in the bay. As a result, Hilo suffered worse damage than any other place in Hawaii, with the tsunami/seiche reaching a height of 26 feet along the Hilo Bayfront, killing 96 people in the city alone. Seiche waves may continue for several days after a tsunami.
  • 7. In 1946 a Tsunami hit Princeton By-The-Sea April 1, 1946 Water Resources Center Archives: Robert L. Wiegel Tsunami Debris
  • 8. April 1, 1946 Princeton By-The-Sea Water Resources Center Archives: Robert L. Wiegel
  • 9. Romeo Pier: April 1, 1946 Water Resources Center Archives: Robert L. Wiegel
  • 10. Water Resources Center Archives: Robert L. Wiegel Romeo Pier: April 2, 1946 (day after the Tsunami)
  • 11. April 1, 1946 Princeton By-The-Sea Tsunami water level Water Resources Center Archives: Robert L. Wiegel
  • 12. Tsunami water level Water Resources Center Archives: Robert L. Wiegel April 2, 1946 (day after the Tsunami)
  • 13. Structures should either be placed at elevations above those likely to be adversely affected during a tsunami or seiche event or be designed to allow swift water to flow around, through, or underneath without causing collapse. Big Wave Project DEIR IV.H Hydrology & Water Quality Page IV.H-61
  • 14. ABAG tsunami maps show that the project would place residential and commercial structures within a mapped tsunami zone.
  • 15. Emergency Evacuation Would you want to be trapped with swirling water and debris all around you? Would you want to desperately try and escape a natural disaster with traffic from the office park choking your exit? How do special needs people get the necessary evacuation help needed?
  • 16. Grand Jury Report The San Gregorio fault, just off the San Mateo County Coast, has the potential of causing a tsunami with essentially no warning time. The San Mateo County Office of Emergency Services (OES) advises that members of the public who are in low- lying areas immediately head for high ground when an earthquake occurs. Grand Jury Report: 2007 Tsunami Alert and Evacuation San Mateo County Coast
  • 17. Princeton, Pillar Ridge & Seal Cove only have ONE Tsunami Evacuation Exit
  • 18. J a m e s V. F i t z g e r a l d Marine Reserve BIG WAVE Pillar Point Marsh Legend Critical Coastal Areas Pilot Project San Francisco Esturay Institute and the Association of Bay Area Governments, Consultants Tsunami Evacuation Area For more information, please contact Eric Zhang, Staff San Francisco Estuary Institute 7770 Pardee Lane, 2nd Floor Oakland, CA 94621 Urban Footprint Kathleen Van Velsor, Staff
  • 19. Emergency Evacuation Route Cypress Ave & Highway 1 Traffic Bottleneck Tsunami Evacuation Exit Princeton Traffic Bottlenecks BIG WAVE BIG WAVE
  • 21. Cypress Ave and Highway 1 is a Traffic Bottleneck How will residents, visitors and employees evacuate Princeton, Pillar Ridge, Seal Cove, the proposed Big Wave office park and sanitarium in the event of an earthquake or tsunami emergency? How will the current emergency evacuation route, ONE exit onto Highway 1 and NO traffic light at Cypress and Highway 1 be adequate in the event of an earthquake or tsunami emergency?
  • 22. Emergency Evacuation Route Cypress Ave and Highway 1 A traffic signal currently needed at this intersection.
  • 23. Emergency Evacuation Route Cypress Ave and Highway 1 A traffic signal currently needed at this intersection.
  • 24. Emergency Evacuation Route Cypress Ave and Highway 1 A traffic signal currently needed at this intersection.
  • 25. BIG WAVE BIG WAVE BIG WAVE Princeton Traffic Bottlenecks Princeton Traffic Must Use Cypress Ave in Seal Cove as the Earthquake and Tsunami Emergency Evacuation Route
  • 26. Prospect at Broadway Princeton Traffic Bottlenecks Capistrano Rd
  • 27. James Fitzgerald Marine Reserve Critical Coastal Area State of California Area of Special Biological Significance (ASBS) part of the federally protected Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary
  • 28. San Francisco Estuary Institute ` a ` a . ! . ! ` a p o S a n F r a n ci sc o Wa t e r sh e d L a n d s d il C re ek p o Mont ara D affo Stat e p o Beach R a n c h o Co r r a l ` a de Tier r a ` a ` a ` a C r e ek ` a ` a `` a a ` a M on t ar a Be a ch ` a ` a ` a ` a e k K anof f ` a ` a e C r ee k ` a ` a Cr ` ` a a ! ! ! ! ` a ` a ar ` a a ` ` a a n t to n is Mo !! n en ! ! ! ! ` a ! D ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ` a ! ` a ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Mont ar a ` a ` a ` a ` a ! ! ` a ` a ` a ` a ` a ` a ` ` a a ` a ` a ` a ! ! ` a ` a ` a Po i n t a ` ! ! ` a ` a ` a ! ! ! ! ` a ` a ` a ` a ` a Point Monta ra M o n t a r a ` a ` a ` a ` a ` a ` a ` a ` a Li g h t ` ` a a ` a ` a ` a ` a ` a ` a ` a ` ` `` a a aa ` a Ho u s e ` a ` a ` a ` a `` aa ` a ` a ` a J a ` a ` a ` a ` a ` a ee k ` a ` a Cr ! ! ` a Locks ! m ! ` a ` ` a a !! ! ! !! ! ! ` a n te ce e !! ! ! ! ! !! ` a ! ! k ! ! ! ! ! ! ` a s ! . ! ee Vi ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! Cr Cr e ! ` a ! Mos!s B ea ch ! Sa ! ! n ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ` a Critical Coastal Area ! V . ! ` a ! n ! ! ! S A N M A T E O ! !! ! ! ! to ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ek ni s ! !! ! !! . ! ! ! ! ! ! !!! en ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ek ! D F i t z g e r a l . ! Lo c k s C ! ! k ! !!! ee . ! ! re ! !!! Cr Boundary including ASBS ! ! s C ! an ! ! D e !! ! ! !! !! !! ! ! !! ! !a ! ` ` a ! n c h ma n