Download - BIG LOCAL - Kensington and Chelsea's Community … · a Youth Manifesto This will spell out ... The Chelsea monster C) ... A) Ashburnham Road B) Cremorne Road C) Uverdale Road The


Winning Logo – Design by RuebenThank you to Chelsea Football Club for their kind

donation of a soccer school place that was given to the winner of the Design a Logo competition.


Local individuals creating a strong and

inclusive community

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We have used different means to reach out to the community to find out how they feel about their area:

l Big Local eventl Questionnaires/Door-knockingl Coffee morningl Visits to under 5s and over 50sl Talking to residents dailyl Youth consultationl Meetings open to all residents

What have we learnt so far about what the residents like?

l Community spiritl Locationl Good access to transportl Multiculturall Views from the Estate l Friendly atmospherel Parksl Shops

What have we learnt so far about what the residents dislike?

l Feeling isolatedl Youths hanging aroundl Problems with the Estate lifts l Anti Social Behaviour

Engaging the Community

The young people would like a Youth Manifesto

This will spell out what the youth expect from the community and organisations and what the community and organisations should expect from them.

They want to publicise this as widely as possible and get people and organisations within the area to sign up to the Manifesto.

Young peoplel More things to dol Workshops for youthsl Skills trainingl Music studiol More youth engagement

12 years and under Positivesl Flashpoint l Activities and eventsl Football cage

Negativesl Lack of amenities in parksl Dirtyl Dogsl Noise

13 years and overPositivesl Friendlyl Multiculturall Football pitchl Youth clubl Central to everythingl Parksl Clean

Negativesl Lack of shopsl Smoking on estate stairwellsl Security issues on estatel Policel Dogsl Price of housingl Racism

Improved open spacesl Improving the Piazzal Allotmentsl Improving the parks and

open spacesl More flowers

Community eventsl Fun daysl More community gatheringsl Regular events for the

over 50sl More events for small children

Business and enterprise l More shopsl Regular marketsl Ladies gyml Creating job opportunitiesl Studio (Music studio)

Following the youth consultation... What are some of the things we have learnt so far?

What do the residents think about where the money should be spent, and what should take priority?

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What is Big Local?Big Local is an exciting opportunity for residents in 150 areas around England to use at least £1m to make a massive and lasting positive difference to their communities. It’s about bringing together all the local talent, ambitions, skills and energy from individuals, groups and organisations who want to make their area an even better place to live.

The World’s End Estate and Lots Road Big Local area is located in the southernmost part of the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea.

The World’s End Estate contains 750 flats divided between the seven towers and the connecting walkways. The estate includes a sheltered housing unit, which is situated on the first and second floors and an over 50s facility.

The estate also has the Chelsea Muslim Community Centre, a Salvation Army church, and commercial storage facilities. The estate’s immediate surroundings include Ashburnham primary school, the Chelsea Theatre, St John’s Church, a neighbourhood advice centre, an Under 5s Centre, a youth club and several retail outlets.

The remainder

of the Big Local area is made up of the Guinness Trust

Estate, Ashburnham Mansions and the Lots Road area as far west as Tadema Road.

The immediate surroundings contain an academy, dentists, a hospital, a pharmacy and two doctors surgeries. There are cafes, restaurants, shops and pubs located nearby. Transport links include Imperial Wharf Station and Earls Court Station.

Jobs, training and enterprise opportunities

l More training for young peoplel Skills with computersl Better employment and help to

get over 25s into workl Greater enterprise skills for

young people

Young People

l More opportunities to build up to employment

l Self-esteem, confidence and self-expression

l Self-worth, ideas, believing in those ideas, dreaming

l More community consciousness

l Encouraging aspirationsl Being listened tol Greater employment

opportunitiesl Healthl Trustl Being part of

the community

Green areas and open spaces

l Expanded community gardens with the possibility of selling produce to local businesses

l More fruit treesl Create a rooftop garden on the

Chelsea Theatrel Make the area more vibrant

with greater use of street artl Create markets for selling

home grown and home made produce alongside commercial retailers

l Making greater use of the common areas throughout the year

l Making greater use of the existing facilities

l Developing the Piazza to make it more inviting

l Spaces with activities for teenagers

l Exercise groups for the elderly

l Improving safetyl Better maintenance

Community Events and Activities

l Developing neighbourliness and networks e.g. Good Neighbour project for elders

l Supporting children with their homework

l Creative e.g. Art Traill At least two major festivals a

year – arts and communitiesl World’s End and Lots Road

football tournamentl Community plays put together

at Chelsea Theatre for budding actors, writers, and producers

l Regular entertainment for elders and over 50s

l Sessions on staying healthy for older people

At the Steering Group meeting on 15th October 2015, which had a fantastic attendance, we explored the emerging priorities over the next ten years...






















Primary School

World’s End


World’s End




Guiness Trust









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A free community event was held with entertainment and various stalls run by local people and businesses.

There was a great turn-out and a really enjoyable day. Local residents had a chance to fill out a questionnaire and say what they would like to see the money spent on.

A huge thank you to the following local businesses who kindly donated various gifts for a free raffle:

l Lush – King’s Road l World’s End Newsagentl The Co-operative l Lloyds Pharmacyl World’s End Pharmacy l Sainsbury’s

Big Local Event – 13th July 2014

The following information has been taken from the 2011 Census and this information may change once the new updated census has been completed.

Population and LanguageThe population of the Chelsea Riverside ward, which includes the Big Local area, is 7,964 of which 1,251 are residents on the World’s End Estate. The population has decreased by 14.3% since the previous Census.

English is the main language of most occupants within the Chelsea Riverside Ward – 68.8% of households. No residents speak English as a main language in 17.2% of households. 3.9% of residents speak Arabic as their main language, 2.7% speak Spanish and 2.1% speak French.

The private rented sector has grown from 15.6% to 20.9%, whilst owner-occupation has decreased from 39.5% to 33.3%.

EthnicityThe White European group accounts for 67.5% of all residents, representing a decrease of 9.0%.

The Asian/British Asian group has grown by 4.6%. The inclusion of the Chinese group in the Asian/British Asian category has contributed to this increase. 4.4% of residents identified themselves as Arab.

Religion55.8% of the population are Christian, 14.5% of residents are Muslim and 16.5% have no religion.

Other religions are Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish and Sikh.


55.6% of residents were born in the United Kingdom. 27.5% of residents arrived more than ten years ago, while 6.8% arrived in the last five to ten years and 10% arrived in the last five years.

CrimeThe crime rate within Chelsea Riverside has decreased over the last four years. The highest percentage of crime is Anti Social Behaviour

l 2011-12: 895 Crimesl 2012-13: 823 Crimesl 2013-14: 705 Crimes

Where did the World’s End get its name from?

A) A Shop B) A Public houseC) A Film

How many blocks are there on the World’s End Estate?

A) Seven B) ThreeC) Six

Lots Road power station is also referred to as?

A) The Chelsea elephantB) The Chelsea monsterC) The Chelsea club

Westfield Park is situated next to what road?

A) Ashburnham RoadB) Cremorne RoadC) Uverdale Road

The jazz club on Lots Road is called?

A) The 116 ClubB) The 606 ClubC) The 266 Club

What is the Indian restaurant on Stadium Street called?

A) GuruB) ExotikkaC) Sunshine

In 30 words or less, what does World’s End and Lots Road Big Local mean to you...



Telephone number

Big Local Quiz First correct entry chosen will win a book token

Please return your completed entry to Vanessa at Chelsea Theatre – Thank you. The closing date for entries is 31st January 2015

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