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BIG BROTHERThe media claims there is a "populist movement"; what they mean is; since Brexit, and Donald Trump winning the U.S. presidential election, a "body" has been exposed that is opposed to the will of the people and that is the governments that proclaim to represent the people. One should then wonder; if elected officials are not working on behalf of the people they claim to represent; who do they work for?

Theresa May; the Prime Minister in Britain; stipulated that she will delay initiating Article 50; the formal separation of the U.K. from the European Union until, March, 2017, although the British people decreed in a democratic referendum, June 23, 2016, they were in favor of the U.K. not being a member of the E.U.; Donald Trump won the U.S. presidential election, November 9, 2016, but will not take over the office of president until, January 20, 2017. In the interim, in a bid to retain their positions of power, those opposed to “nationalism”; strengthening the economies of the respective countries, which would necessarily make them less vulnerable to the influence of other countries, have cast suspicion among the general public that the election results were not authentic. Labour leaders in the U.K., and members of the U.S. Democratic Party, have declared that Russia is responsible for hacking into government data-bases; Hillary Clinton announced that she believes Vladimir Putin; Russia’s President; is directly involved; personally ordered; the hacking of both the Republican, and Democratic, Nation Committee office data-bases, thereby, compromising the viability of a fair electoral process.

One should find it curious that if the respective government officials knew so much about this threat to their national security; why they only decided to release this information after the election? If they knew about it, and did nothing to prevent it, they were, obviously, complicit in the act.



Supporters of the “status quo” are not facing opposition from Russia; they are allies; working side by side to achieve the same objective; preserving the “global economic system” designed to enrich a small portion of the world’s population, while impoverishing the rest. The rich, due to their gluttonous nature, overspend; pay interest on loans they obtain to support their lifestyles, and this assembles the fortune collected by the people at the top of the totem pole; those ruling everybody else; whose identities are hidden by people who profess to belong to a government; ULTRA-RICH!

The capacity to control countries on every continent requires multiple resources in enormous quantity. John F. Kennedy described the situation as such; "For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.” Who is responsible for fabricating this scheme?

There has only been one nation uninterruptedly deserving of the title “superpower” since the conclusion of the Second World War; the United States. The mafia began making forays into the American economy early in the 20th century, and by the 1930’s; the era of “prohibition”; they cemented their hold, and haven’t relinquished it since – that is until Donald Trump won the presidency of the United States.

The mafia is an enterprise that utilizes one simple method to make money; they monopolize a service, or product, then, by resorting to blackmail; coercion; extortion, as well as brute violence, take over the industry dependant on the service, or product.

Hollywood, for example, was taken over by the mafia early in its history at the time the first major studios appeared. The materials used to build film sets were transported; the Teamsters controlled the trucking industry, and that’s why; if film crews wanted materials to build stages for actors to perform on; they had to play by the Teamsters' rules. One step out of line meant you got “whacked”; by a bullet, or a crack to the back of the head with a baseball bat; one way, or another, you’d wind up 6 feet underground where you couldn’t cause any more trouble. Large cities; Chicago; New York, and Boston, were swiftly taken over by the mafia in the 1930’s when they monopolized of the alcohol industry; (the consumption of alcoholic beverages was illegal in the U.S. during the "prohibition" years).

The mafia paid Cops to look the other way while they conducted business. This doesn’t mean they weren’t involved in the affairs of the mafia; quite the contrary; cops were paid by the mafia to help the industry run smoothly, and that meant from time to time taking care of - “whacking” - those who hampered, or had the capacity to disrupt, the sale of alcohol. In order to conceal the partnership of "law enforcement officials” with the mafia, alcohol wasn’t produced in the U.S., (that would have been a little too conspicuous), it was smuggled in from Canada. The distillery responsible for these shipments was owned by the Bronfman family, and due to their capacity to monopolize this market, they were also in a position to dominate all the other mafia families in North America.



When the police no longer fulfilled their duty to fight crime, but, instead, used the resources at their disposal to hide crimes, the mafia had a monopoly on an industry formed on the basis of acquiring revenue from convincing people they needed protection in order to run their businesses without interference; essentially, what this meant was that people could run their businesses without the mafia interfering in exchange for a portion of their revenue - there’s no shortage of Hollywood movies about how the mafia “pressures” people to do what they want.

America was a reluctant participant in the Allied effort to defeat Nazism; it wasn’t until much of Europe; the Baltic States; the Ukraine, and a portion of Russia, was controlled by the Nazis, that America used the bombing of Pearl Harbor as their excuse to join the war.

When the Second World War concluded in 1945, much of Europe was left in ruins. The mafia, now run by the Bronfman family, saw this as an opportunity to expand their operations; using the guise of extending a helping hand to rebuild shattered economies, they infiltrated countries that’d fought Nazism, and paid a dear price for doing so.

They confiscated much of the riches the Nazis stole from the 6 million Jews killed during the Holocaust. The Bronfman’s claim they're Jewish, though, judging from their behavior, they cannot legitimately claim the right to belong to any religion; there is no law they respect; they do whatever they can get away with, and they encourage those who work on their behalf to do the same.

Expanding their operations, and dealing with a great many more people, meant they had to adapt different methods to achieve the same results. “Pressuring” people abroad became the job of elected officials in foreign lands. The C.I.A., and the U.S. military, worked in tandem to make sure leaders pretended to have the best interests of their people in mind, all the while, however, their real concern was making sure the mafia got what they wanted.

The mafia takes advantage of conflicts by using as avenues to infiltrate, and control, foreign countries; they usually claim while doing so that their concern was purely humanitarian, however, if one were to survey a list of the humanitarian crises since the Second World War, one would, on the contrary, conclude their philanthropic efforts solely extend to regions capable of serving their economic interests.

The mafia also created conflicts, and covertly tendered military support to the warring parties, then got involved by presenting themselves as a protector of democracy, and human rights, and overtly supported the country appearing to buttress the same ideals.

The strategy used by the mafia abroad to amass wealth, was the same as they used in the U.S. during the years of prohibition. They hide their presence; methods, and the resources they use to conduct their endeavors, so the public is kept unaware they have an enemy, and the weapon their adversary is using against them; in other words, the world has been in an undeclared state of war since the conclusion of WWII.

People didn't have a chance to win the fight, because they had no idea they were in combat; the governments who are supposed to look after their interests act as a “smoke screen” to hide the



identities of their foe. The mafia attends to its own interests, regardless of the cost to others, however many that might be. They have no allegiance to any country, and that includes Israel.

The Bronfman family has preyed upon the State of Israel by using it as a pawn to keep the Middle-East in a perpetual state of unrest; the West Bank remains a disputed “occupied territory” to this day for this reason.

Anybody who works to ensure the security of Israel, is an enemy of the Bronfman family, and is taken out of commission; such was the case with, Menachem Begin; the Israeli Prime Minister who brokered, with the help of Jimmy Carter, (who was later “disgraced” due to his inability to rescue American hostages held in Tehran), a peace agreement with Egypt.

Begin had intentions of furthering Israel’s security by annihilating the missiles the P.L.O. was launching from southern Lebanon upon northern Israeli townships in 1982. Ariel Sharon, the Israeli defense minister, was given command of the mission; however, although Begin did not give authorization, he invaded Lebanon as far north as Beirut, where the P.L.O. headquarters were located, and set the stage for two massacres in the Sabra, and Shatila, refugee camps. Israeli military personnel were aware of the carnage, but they were instructed by Ariel Sharon not to intervene. Begin had little to say to the media about this whole affair. He resigned in October, 1983, and never entered politics again.

Israel claims "ironclad" proof that the Obama administration was behind U.N. rebukeJERUSALEM - Doubling down on its public break with the Obama administration, a furious Israeli government on Tuesday said it had received “ironclad” information from Arab sources that Washington actively helped craft last week’s U.N. resolution declaring Israeli settlements illegal.

The allegations further poisoned the increasingly toxic atmosphere between Israel and the outgoing Obama administration in the wake of Friday’s vote, and raised questions about whether the White House might take further action against Israeli settlements in its final weeks in office.

With the U.S. expected to participate in an international peace conference in France next month and Secretary of State John Kerry planning a final policy speech, the Palestinians said they were hoping to capitalize on the momentum from the Security Council vote.

Israel claims "ironclad" proof that the Obama administration was...

The influence the mafia has around the world is due to their success in controlling people’s behavior; "persuasion psychology” is the weapon the public is unaware the mafia is using against them. Governments, and the media, deceive the public, and people, due to being brainwashed, fail to question what they’re told. The masses are brainwashed due to the weakening of their



minds, which makes them “open to suggestion”. Messages are implanted in their unconscious minds that direct their behavior, and that's why they are called “subliminal suggestions”.

The mafia has unwaveringly employed the same propaganda techniques the Nazis used to persuade German people to engage in genocide. The Second World War was a landmark event in terms of exposing the evil people can do. Many valuable lessons were learned that the Bronfman family; in collusion with various Jewish organizations members of the Bronfman family belong to; has withheld from the general public. This buried evidence convinced them to economize their propaganda by focusing on females instead of males. The barbarity perpetrated against Jews throughout Europe during the reign of the Nazi party is unparalleled in recorded history; what was previously unknown, as well, was the level of savagery females are capable of.

Recently disclosed records reveal that female guards stationed in concentration camps where Jews were undernourished; confined in quarters rip for the spread of disease; crammed into chambers, and killed with toxic gas; their corpses burned to ashes in crematoriums, or dumped in mass graves, were capable of a far greater sadism, and arrogance, than the male guards.

Compiled evidence that has surfaced corroborates theories formulated by Sigmund Freud regarding female behavior, that Feminists since has fought to suppress, and disparage, which, conversely, has been a disservice to females due to making them fodder for the mafia’s propaganda. The reasoning behind their strategy to concentrate their propaganda on females was so they could be used as instruments to brainwash males.

Consider the fact that wherever one may be its impossible not to find a female yapping away; offering her two cents worth on just about any subject under the Sun, and, sadly, males either put up with it, or listen enraptured to the nonsense that spews out of their mouths. Objecting to their behavior, or disagreeing with their opinion, (one must have a mind capable of accumulating, and processing, information in order to formulate an “opinion”, therefore, “prejudicial remark” is the correct expression), will more than likely become the victim of some form of vindictive reprisal. A price is paid for revealing ones reluctance to conform.

Women have a privileged status in “consumer” countries today. Canada, for example, has a Minister of Status of Women, which is ironic, because according to Canada’s Charter of Human Rights and Liberties, all Canadians, regardless of their gender; religious affiliation; ethnicity, or disability, is equal in terms of rights and liberties.

The mafia, much the same as organized religions, controls its audience, (although the public is unaware who’s watching them, never mind, the reason why), by arousing fear, and doubt, which weakens the mind, making people more open to suggestion. The mafia creates this effect by manufacturing a foe the public is convinced they must be continually vigilant of. Immediately after the Second World War the Soviet Union, and the threat of nuclear weapons obliterating the Earth, was used for this purpose. Later, after the break-up of the U.S.S.R., terrorist acts; the “War on Terror”, was constructed to de-stabilize regions, and keep people on guard.

The agencies responsible for keeping the public secure; enforcing laws, and creating order, make it possible for people to perform terrorist acts. The police, (A.K.A.; "Mafia Hit Men"), stand



guard; machine guns ready, while the components used to assemble bombs are smuggled through airports, as well as the literature put on shelves in public libraries that encourages people to perform perverse; barbaric, deeds. The public fails to notice these dastardly deeds due to being placed "at ease" by the obtrusive presence of the police.

Courts have their role to play in manufacturing terrorism; they don't incriminate people who participate in organized crime; they prosecute the people victimized by criminals. The leaders of all countries, excluding Britain, participate in this hideous, demonic show, including the puppet Angel Merkel; Germany’s Chancellor, who allowed approximately 1 million “refugees” to enter Germany; most of them from the Middle-East, and had the audacity to state after the terrorist attack in Berlin that it was; “gruesome, and incomprehensible. Evidence reveals, however, that it was the collaboration of the German government; police, and courts that made the attack inevitable. The guilty party was a known terrorist threat; he was under police surveillance for approximately a year, and courts failed to deport him to Tunisia, although having the opportunity to do so.

Berlin terror attack: Horrifying dash cam video shows truck speeding into Christmas market • 12 dead and dozens injured at Berlin market

• German police hunt Tunisian man Anis Amri, 24

• Suspect was investigated over earlier plot

• Everything we know about suspect Anis Amri

• Dash cam video shows moments truck speeds into Christmas market

Berlin terror attack: Horrifying dash cam video shows truck speeding... › News

Erich Fromm described evil as "disconnectedness"; evil people are unaffected by the suffering they create. To love someone, means to connect with another person. If a person does not have the capacity to do so, it means he is without light, a soul; a mind that functions - he is evil; in the Bible the dark is described as Night. A person without a soul does not have the ability to change his behavior.

When one scrutinizes Hillary Clinton behaviour, (speech patterns; body language), during the presidential debates with Donald Trump; her evil nature; the memory of her evil deeds in her unconscious mind, are disclosed in her gestures; involuntary movements; slips of the tongue, her avoidance of discussing certain issues, and saying certain words.



The "American Monster Club" uses social science to control people’s behaviour; they exploit vulnerabilities in order to brainwash. In order to insure the methods they use to dominate; manipulate, and control, remain secret, certain "words" are deemed "anti-social", and a person then deserves the defamatory label of an anti-Semite; misogynist; racist; xenophobe, or one who has an irrational fear such as "Islamophobia".

Who is Big Brother; the person hiding behind a curtain directing the monster show on Earth? He runs the United Jewish Council; he’s co-founder of Birthright Israel; he owns movie studios; sports teams; shopping malls; Cadillac Fairview; this is just the portion of his wealth he's prepared to let the public know about. He’s also a philanthropist. His family owned Seagram Company Limited, (Al Capone’s favorite distillery). His name is CHARLES BRONFMAN.

Your enemy is no longer hidden. The weapon he uses against you is no longer a mystery.

Monsters like to hide in the dark, where they can’t be seen; when they appear in public, they typically portray themselves the opposite of what they are. “The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.” (The Usual Suspects)

John 8:44 (NIV)

44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him.

When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.