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Many thanks to Eni and the Italian Geological Survey for sponsoringthe publication. We are particularly indebted to JONATHAN CRAIG,MAURIZIO ORLANDO, GIORGIO GIORGETTA, CIRO PAGANO,UMBERTO VERGINE for Eni E&P, LEONELLO SERVA,DOMENICO TACCHIA and SILVANA FALCETTI for the ItalianGeological Survey. ROBERTO GATTI stimulated this volume andRODOLFO CAROSI kindly reviewed the manuscript.


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1. Elements of rheology pag.2. Fault mechanics: some basic aspects 3. Thrusts, folds and orogens 4. Normal faults and rift zones 5. Strike-slip faults - Opposite migration of seismicity 6. Salt tectonics 7. Geodynamic framework of subduction zones 8. Tectonics and Sedimentation 9. Mediterranean Geodynamics 10. Stratigraphy of the Dolomites11. Tectonics of the Dolomites Dolomites field trip - 1st day excursion

2nd day excursion3rd day excursion4th day excursion5th day excursion























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