Download - Bible passages for Holy Week

Page 1: Bible passages for Holy Week

Follow in your Bible and read the activities of Jesus during Holy Week (24 -31 March 2013)

• Sun, 24 Mar - Sunday Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem Mark 1 1:1-1 1

• Mon, 25 Mar - Cleansing of the Temple Mark 11:12-19

• Tue, 26 Mar - Parables and Teachings Mark 11:20-13:37, Matthew chapters 21-25

• Wed, 27 Mar - Anointing of Jesus and Judas' Betrayal Mark 14:1-11

• Thu, 28 Mar - Last Supper, Arrest, Peter's denial Mark 14:12-27

• Fri, 29 Mar - Trial before Pilate, Crucifixion, Burial Mark 15:1-47

• Sat, 30 Mar - Disciples mourn Christ's death Matthew 27:62-66

• Sun, 31 Mar - Easter – Resurrection of Jesus Mark 16:1-20