Download - BIBLE AT HOME BOOK OF GENESIS-5 - 6 · PAGE 1 Genesis is the first book of the Bible. It means “beginning”. In this book of the bible we learn about the beginning of: Our whole

Page 1: BIBLE AT HOME BOOK OF GENESIS-5 - 6 · PAGE 1 Genesis is the first book of the Bible. It means “beginning”. In this book of the bible we learn about the beginning of: Our whole

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Page 2: BIBLE AT HOME BOOK OF GENESIS-5 - 6 · PAGE 1 Genesis is the first book of the Bible. It means “beginning”. In this book of the bible we learn about the beginning of: Our whole


Genesis is the first book of the Bible.

It means “beginning”.

In this book of the bible we learn about the beginning of:

Our whole WORLD (chapter 1:1-25(

The PEOPLE of our world (chapter 1:26 – 2:25)

The SIN in our world (chapter 3:1-7(

The BIG PROMISE! – The coming of a Saviour (chapter 3:8-24(

FAMILY life (chapter 4:1-15(

CIVILIZATIONS the world (chapters 4:16 – 9:29)

All the different NATIONS and languages in the world (chapters 10,11(

The nation of ISRAEL (chapters 12-50(

The very first time that God promised to send a Saviour is found in

Genesis chapter 3:15.

Adam and Eve are tempted by Satan and they choose to disobey God.

God promises that Satan will be crushed by a child born to a woman.

This promise comes true when many years later Jesus is born of a

woman. When Jesus died on the cross and pays the penalty of our sins

Satan was crushed.

It was written by Moses the prophet



Page 3: BIBLE AT HOME BOOK OF GENESIS-5 - 6 · PAGE 1 Genesis is the first book of the Bible. It means “beginning”. In this book of the bible we learn about the beginning of: Our whole

God told Adam to eat from all the trees EXCEPT the tree of

knowledge of good and evil . The serpent tempted Eve she ate

and gave Adam he ate too.

God kicked them out of the Garden an placed a Cherubim with a flaming sword to guard the gate of the Garden

Chapters 1-11

We learn about the very beginning of the world, and about the beginning of people, nations, and languages.

The world is destroyed by the flood. God makes a promise to Noah after the flood: NEVER again will He send a flood that would destroy. He puts a rainbow in the sky as a

reminder of His promise.

God accepts the sacrifice of Able and

did no accept the sacrifice of Cain.

Cain kills Able.

God Told Noah that He will

send rain for 40 days and 40 nights.

God asked Noah to build an

ark and take his family 7 of

each clean animals and 2 of

each unclean animals “I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth.” Genesis 9:13

God did not forget Noah and all who were with him on the ark. The water stopped and eventually the ark came to rest on mountain Ararat.


People decided to build a city

and a tall tower whose top will

touch the clouds. The Lord

Confused their languages They called the city Babel


Page 4: BIBLE AT HOME BOOK OF GENESIS-5 - 6 · PAGE 1 Genesis is the first book of the Bible. It means “beginning”. In this book of the bible we learn about the beginning of: Our whole

Chapters 12-38

We learn how God created a great nation

called Israel.

God calls Abraham.

Abraham has a son Ishmael, form Hagar

God promises Abraham another son.

Abraham’s second son—from Sarah—is

born, his name is Isaac. He is the one

that God promised Abraham.

Isaac marries Rebekah.

Isaac and Rebekah have twin sons and

they name them Jacob and Esau.

God gives Jacob a new name, “Israel”.

God said to Abraham get out of your country,

from your family, and from your father’s house,

to a land I will show you”

Have you ever tried to count all the stars in the sky?

“Look now toward heaven, and count the stars if you are able to number them.” And he said to him (Abraham), “so shall your descendants be.” Genesis 15:5

Isaac must NOT go back.

God changed Abram’s name to Abraham meaning ‘father of the faithful” He changed Sarai’s name to Sarah meaning “princess”

God asked Abraham to offer

Isaac as a sacrifice

God will provide the Lamb


Abraham asked his servant to go to his home land to find a

wife for Isaac. Isaac and Rebekah were married.

Then Rebekah had twins. The first was

named Esau and the second, Jacob



Jacob his


Jacob tricked Isaac and

took the blessing.

Isaac could not take away the blessing he had given to Jacob

Rebekah asked

Jacob to flee from

his brother and go

to her brother

Laban in Haran


Page 5: BIBLE AT HOME BOOK OF GENESIS-5 - 6 · PAGE 1 Genesis is the first book of the Bible. It means “beginning”. In this book of the bible we learn about the beginning of: Our whole

Chapters 37-50

The main person in these chapters is Joseph.

Joseph is sold as a slave and is carried to Egypt.

Joseph is sent to prison for a sin he did not do.

Joseph’s brothers come to Egypt because they

are hungry and are searching for food.

Joseph reveals his identity to his brothers.

Jacob’s family moves to Egypt.

Jacob blesses Joseph’s sons and his own sons

before he dies.

Joseph dies and is buried in Egypt.

Jacob and Rachel finally

had a son, they named

him Joseph. Jacob had

10 others sons from Leah

but Joseph was his


So he made Joseph a

beautiful tunic with all

the colors of the rainbow

woven into it.

Joseph had

dreams that he

told his brothers

about, this made

his brothers


Joseph went to check on his brothers, they plot against him

and sold him to the Midianite merchants.

And they took Joseph’s tunic, killed a goat, and dipped the tunic in the blood. They brought it to

their father and said, “We have found this. Do you know whether it is your son’s tunic or not?”

And he recognized it and said, “It is my son’s tunic. A wild beast has devoured him.”

The Lord was with Joseph, and he was a successful man: 39:2

Joseph was taken to Egypt and sold to a man named Potiphar, an

officer of Pharaoh, captain of the guard

But Potiphar's wife was not a good

woman, and one day she accused

Joseph of betraying her husband.

Although her words were false,

Joseph was put in prison.

In prison Joseph interprets

the butler’s and the

baker’s dreams. PAGE 4

Page 6: BIBLE AT HOME BOOK OF GENESIS-5 - 6 · PAGE 1 Genesis is the first book of the Bible. It means “beginning”. In this book of the bible we learn about the beginning of: Our whole

God showed Joseph what Pharaoh's dreams meant

“Inasmuch as God has shown you all this,

there is no one as discerning and wise as you.

You shall be over my house, and all my

people shall be ruled according to your word;

only in regard to the throne will I be greater

than you.” Genesis 41: 40-41

People from all over came to Egypt for food. Even

Joseph's brothers came to buy grain. They bowed before

the Egyptian governor—not knowing he was Joseph!

“God will surely visit you, and you shall carry up

my bones from here.” Genesis 50: 25

Two years later, Pharaoh had two troubling dreams

Pharaoh said to Joseph,

At last Joseph reveals himself to his brothers

“So now it was not you who sent me here, but God; and He has made me a father to

Pharaoh, and lord of all his house, and a ruler throughout all the land of Egypt.” Genesis 45: 8

Jacob’s family moves to Egypt

Before he dies Joseph told his brothers,


Page 7: BIBLE AT HOME BOOK OF GENESIS-5 - 6 · PAGE 1 Genesis is the first book of the Bible. It means “beginning”. In this book of the bible we learn about the beginning of: Our whole


Introduction 1- Who wrote the book of Genesis?

A. Moses B. Joshua C. An unknown prophet

2- What is the meaning of the word “Genesis”?

A. “The end” B. “The future” C. “The beginning”

Chapter 1 3- Fill in the blank: “In the beginning -------------- created the heaven and the earth” 4- God created man in His own image according to His own likeness. (True/False) 5- What three things did God create on the fourth day to light the universe? Chapter 2 6- What did God do on the seventh day? 7- Who named all the animals?

A. God B. Adam C. Noah

8- Why did Adam call his wife “woman”?

A. Because God told him to B. Because she was taken out of man C. We are not told.

Chapter 3 9- God expelled Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden so that they would not

A. Meet up with the serpent again. B. Eat of the fruit of life and live forever. C. Eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

10- What did Adam name his wife?

A. Madam B. Abigail C. Mary D. Eve

11- The very first time that God promised to send a Saviour is found in verse_____.

Page 8: BIBLE AT HOME BOOK OF GENESIS-5 - 6 · PAGE 1 Genesis is the first book of the Bible. It means “beginning”. In this book of the bible we learn about the beginning of: Our whole

12- Who did God put in place to guard the tree of life? A. Cherubim B. Soldiers C. An army

Chapter 4 13- Who was Adam and Eve’s first son? 14- What was Abel’s job?

A. Keeper of sheep B. Fisherman C. Carpenter

15- Cain was happy that God respected Abel and his offering (True/False) 16- After he killed his brother, Cain was afraid that

A. God would punish him B. His parents would kill him C. Anyone who found him would kill him

17- Who is known as the father of all those who play the harp?

A. David B. Jubal C. Seth D. Asaph

Chapter 5 18- This man walked with God, and one day God simply “took him”.

A. Enoch B. Abel C. Jared

19- What are the names of Noah’s Sons? Chapter 6 20- The whole world was evil, only ____ found grace in the eyes of God.

A. Lamech B. Ham C. Noah

21- How many windows were in Noah’s Ark?

A. One B. Two C. None

22- How many people were saved by the Ark?

A. 3 B. 25

Page 9: BIBLE AT HOME BOOK OF GENESIS-5 - 6 · PAGE 1 Genesis is the first book of the Bible. It means “beginning”. In this book of the bible we learn about the beginning of: Our whole

C. 8 Chapter 7 23- The flood lasted how many days?

A. Sixty B. Forty C. Hundred

24- The water of the flood was so high that the top of the mountains were covered. (True/False) 25- The water prevailed on earth for _____ days.

A. 100 B. 150 C. 200

Chapter 8 26- On which mountain did Noah’s ark settle as the great flood subsided?

A. Ararat B. Sinai C. Moriah

27- Noah knew that it was safe to leave the Ark when:

A. The dove returned with the olive leaf. B. The dove did not return again. C. The dove returned to the ark right away.

28- What did Noah do when he went out of the Ark?

A. Started to plant the earth. B. Built an altar and offered a sacrifice to God. C. Counted the clean animals and birds.

29- After the flood, what did God gtve Noah permission to eat?

A. Vegetables B. Beans C. Animal food D. Fruits

Chapter 9 30- What did God tell Noah would be the sign of His covenant to never flood the earth again?

A. The sunshine B. The rainbow C. The pillar of fire

31- Which of the following was not a son of Noah?

A. Ham B. Kenan C. Shem D. Japheth

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Chapter 10 32- Who was a mighty hunter before the Lord?

A. Nimrod B. Ham C. Seba

Chapter 11 33- What did the people of Babel try to build to reach to heaven?

A. A rocket B. A ladder C. A tower

34- Where did God confuse the language of the early humans?

A. Babel B. Sodom C. Nineveh

35- Abram was Lot’s

A. Grandfather B. Uncle C. Godfather D. Great-uncle

Chapter 12 36- Fill in the blanks: The Lord said to Abram: “I will make you a ____________; I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a __________. I will ________ those who bless you, and I will _________ him who curses you; and in you all ___________________ shall be blessed.” 37- Abram went to Egypt because

A. There was famine in the land B. There was a war in the land C. The weather was better in Egypt

Chapter 13 38- Both Abraham and Lot were rich. (True/False) 39- Why did Abraham ask Lot to separate from him?

A. Because he did not like him. B. Because there was a strife between Abraham’s and Lot’s herdsmen. C. Lot wanted to leave.

40- Were did Abraham dwell?

A. In the land of Jordan B. In Egypt C. In the land of Canaan

Chapter 14

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41- What did Abraham do when he heard that Lot was taken captive? A. He was very happy. B. He went to his rescue. C. He sent a message to the king.

42- Who was Melchizedek?

A. The king of Sodom. B. The priest of God most High. C. All of the above.

43- What did Abram give to Melchizedek?

A. A tithe of all that he had. B. Bread and wine. C. A big share of all his goods.

Chapter 15 44- God promised Abram that he would have descendants like the heaven stars in numbers. (True/False) 45- Abram believed in the Lord and He accounted it to him for ________________. Chapter 16 46- When Sarai dealt harshly with Hagar, Hagar…

A. …fled from her presence. B. …complained to Abraham. C. …called the neighbours for help.

47- Who asked Hagar to return and submit to Sarai?

A. Abram B. An angle of the Lord C. Abram’s servants

48- Hagar bore Abram a Son, and Abram named him ____________. Chapter 17 49- What new name did God give Abram?

A. Abel B. Abraham C. Adam

50- Fill in the blank: “But My covenant I will establish with _________ whom __________ shall bear to you at this time next year.” Chapter 18 51- Sarah did not believe that she would have a son because

A. She was old B. Abraham was old C. A and B

Page 12: BIBLE AT HOME BOOK OF GENESIS-5 - 6 · PAGE 1 Genesis is the first book of the Bible. It means “beginning”. In this book of the bible we learn about the beginning of: Our whole

52- What do we call the prayers of Abraham for the city of Sodom? A. Loving others B. Intercession C. Caring for and wanting to save others

53- How many righteous people did the city of Sodom need to keep God from destroying it?

A. 200 B. 50 C. 10

Chapter 19 54- The two angels struck the people outside Lot’s house with

A. Blindness B. Leprosy C. Severe headaches

55- But Lot’s wife looked back behind him, and she became a ___________________. Chapter 20 56- Abimelech knew that Sarah was Abraham’s wife when he took her to his house. (True/False) 57- God told Abimelech that Abraham was a

A. Priest B. Prophet C. Prince

Chapter 21 58- Abraham called the name of his son who was born from Sarah _________ 59- God promised to make Ishmael a great nation because

A. He was older than Isaac B. He was the son of Abraham C. Hagar asked Him to

60- Hagar was afraid her son would die because

A. She ran out of water B. The sun was too hot C. She had no food left

Chapter 22 61- God asked Abraham to go to the land of _________ and offer his son ___________ as a sacrifice. 62- God sent Abraham a ______ to offer instead of his son. 63- What did God promise Abraham because of his obedience?

A. That he would be blessed. B. That his descendants would be as the stars in heaven and the sand at the seashore. C. That his descendants would possess the gates of their enemies.

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D. That in his seed all the nations would be blessed. E. All of the above.

Chapter 23 64- How old was Sarah when she died? 65- Were did Abraham bury Sarah?

A. In Egypt B. In the cave of the field of Machpelah C. We are not told

Chapter 24 66- Abraham wanted Isaac to take a wife from

A. Egypt B. Canaan C. His country and his family

67- Abraham’s servant prayed that the woman who would say ________ when he asked her for a drink would be the one that God chose for Isaac.

A. “Why are you asking me for a drink?” B. “Drink and I will also give your camels a drink.” C. “Here is the pitcher, take it and help yourself.”

68- What was the name of Isaac’s wife?

A. Rachel B. Rebekah C. Tamar

Chapter 25 69- Who buried Abraham?

A. Isaac B. Ishmael C. Both Isaac and Ishamel

70- How many sons did Isaac have?

A. 2 B. 5 C. 7

71- To whom did God say, “Two nations are in your womb, and two people shall be separated from your body.”?

A. Hagar B. Sarah C. Rebekah

72- What were the names of Rebekah’s twins?

A. Esau and Jacob B. Esau and Isaac C. Jacob and Abraham

Page 14: BIBLE AT HOME BOOK OF GENESIS-5 - 6 · PAGE 1 Genesis is the first book of the Bible. It means “beginning”. In this book of the bible we learn about the beginning of: Our whole

73- Esau sold his birthright to Jacob for

A. 30 pieces of silver B. a stew of lentils C. a fatted calf

Chapter 26 74- Isaac and his family had to move to Gerar because

A. Of a business opportunity B. There was a famine in the land C. His friends invited him

75- What covenant did Abimelech and his people make with Isaac?

A. That they could work together. B. That he would do no harm to them. C. That he would fight for them if needed.

Chapter 27 76- Who was listening when Isaac was talking to Esau about the blessing?

A. One of the Servants B. Jacob C. Rebekah

77- Who prepared the food that Isaac ate?

A. Rebekah B. Esau C. Jacob

78- Esau was very angry because Jacob took his father’s blessing (True/False) 79- Rebekah asked Jacob to escape from Esau and go to:

A. Laban her brother B. The land of Egypt C. Abimelech the king

Chapter 28 80- What did Jacob see in his dream? 81- What did God do to Jacob?

A. Bless him B. Promise to be with him C. A & B

82- What vow did Jacob make, if God would be with him?

A. That the Lord will be his God. B. That the pillar will be God’s house. C. That of all that God give him, he would give a tenth to God. D. All of the above.

Page 15: BIBLE AT HOME BOOK OF GENESIS-5 - 6 · PAGE 1 Genesis is the first book of the Bible. It means “beginning”. In this book of the bible we learn about the beginning of: Our whole

Chapter 29 83- What were the names of Laban’s daughters?

A. Rebekah and Rachel B. Leah and Rachel C. Leah and Sarah

84- Why did Laban marry Leah to Jacob first?

A. Because she was the firstborn B. Because Rebekah asked him to C. Because he wanted more money

85- How many years did Jacob serve his uncle in order to marry Rachel?

A. 7 B. 14 C. 28

Chapter 30 86- _____________ Was Rachel’s first son. 87- Laban wanted Jacob to stay because:

A. He wanted him to work in his field. B. He did not want his daughters to leave. C. He knew that God had blessed him for Jacob’s sake.

88- Jacob became exceedingly prosperous and rich. (True/False) Chapter 31 89- Jacob decided to go back to the land of his fathers because:

A. He saw that the countenance of Laban was not favourable toward him. B. The Lord told him to return. C. A & B

90- How many times did Laban decide to change Jacob’s wages?

A. 7 B. 10 C. 20

91- Leah and Rachel refused to return with Jacob to his father’s land. (True/False) 92- Who warned Laban to speak neither good nor bad to Jacob?

A. The Lord B. Rebekah C. Laban’s sons

Chapter 32 93- When Jacob heard that Esau was coming to meet him, he was:

A. Extremely happy B. Greatly afraid

Page 16: BIBLE AT HOME BOOK OF GENESIS-5 - 6 · PAGE 1 Genesis is the first book of the Bible. It means “beginning”. In this book of the bible we learn about the beginning of: Our whole

C. Neither happy nor afraid 94- What was the new name given to Jacob by the man (angel) he wrestled with? Chapter 33 95- Jacob put Rachel and Joseph last because:

A. He did not like Rachel. B. Joseph was still too young. C. He wanted to protect them.

Chapter 35 96- Jacob called the name of the place where God spoke with him, __________. 97- Rachel died when she was giving birth to _________ and she was buried on the way of ________. 98- Jacob’s firstborn was

A. Joseph B. Dan C. Gad D. Reuben

Chapter 36 99- Esau was the father of what group of people?

A. The Canaanites B. The Israelites C. The Edomites

Chapter 37 100- What did Jacob make for Joseph? Why? 101- What were Joseph’s dreams that made his brothers hate him even more?

A. His brothers and father kneeling in front of him. B. His brothers’ sheaves bowing down to his sheaf. C. The sun, the moon and eleven stars bowing down to him. D. B and C

102- What were Joseph’s brothers planning to blame his death on after they killed him?

A. Thieves B. Thirst and heat C. A wild animal

103- Who returned to the pit to rescue Joseph but was too late? 104- The Midianites sold Joseph in ________ to __________, an officer of Pharaoh and captain of guard. Chapter 39 105- The _______ was with Joseph and he was a ___________ man.

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106- Why was Joseph put into prison?

A. Because he broke precious statues B. Because Potiphar’s wife accused him falsely C. Because he left the house without permission

107- God gave Joseph favour in the sight of the keeper of the prison. (True/False) Chapter 40 108- Joseph was in charge of serving the chief butler and the chief baker. (True/False) 109- According to Joseph’s interpretation of the chief butler’s and the chief baker’s dreams,

A. Pharaoh would restore the chief butler to his position. B. Pharaoh would execute the chief baker. C. A and B

110- The chief butler remembered Joseph when he went to Pharaoh. (True/False) Chapter 41 111- What dreams did Joseph interpret for Pharaoh that ultimately led to his being put in charge of all the land of Egypt?

A. The dream of seven fat cows eaten by seven ugly skinny cows. B. The dream of seven thin heads of grain springing up after seven good heads of grain. C. A and B

112- Who were the sons of Joseph? Chapter 42 113- When the famine was in the land of Canaan, who went to Egypt to buy food?

A. All of Jacob’s sons B. Jacob and his sons C. Only 10 of Jacob’s sons

114- When they saw Joseph, his brothers recognized him. (True/False) 115- What did Joseph ask his brothers to do to prove they were not lying?

A. To bring Benjamin B. To bring Jacob their father C. To bring more money

116- Joseph’s brothers were very happy to see their money back. (True/False) Chapter 43 117- Jacob’s sons did not want to return to Egypt to buy food unless

A. They took Benjamin with them. B. They took the money that was returned to them. C. They took Jacob with them.

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118- Who promised to take care of Benjamin? A. Judah B. Simeon C. Gad

119- Joseph’s brothers were afraid when they were brought into Joseph’s house. (True/False) 120- What did Joseph do when he saw Benjamin?

A. He was deeply moved and looked for a place to weep. B. He asked Benjamin to stay with him. C. He gave him a big present.

Chapter 44 121- The steward of Joseph’s house found his cup in

A. Benjamin’s sack B. A corner in the house C. Judah’s sack

122- Who interceded for Benjamin?

A. Jacob B. Judah C. All of his brothers

Chapter 45 123- Who was around when Joseph made himself known to his brothers?

A. Pharaoh B. Pharaoh’s servants C. No one

124- What was the first thing Joseph asked his brothers?

A. “Why did you do this to me?” B. “Is my father still alive?” C. “How was your trip?”

125- Joseph told his brothers that it was God’s plan that he came to Egypt. (True/False) Chapter 46 126- God appeared in a vision to Jacob and told him

A. Not to fear going to Egypt B. Not to go to Egypt C. That He would go down with him and would bring him up again D. A & C

127- How many people from the house of Jacob went to Egypt?

A. 70 B. 100 C. 120

Chapter 47

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128- Where did Joseph’s family dwell in Egypt?

A. In the city of Pithom B. In Goshen C. In Luxor

129- Joseph brought Jacob before Pharaoh and Jacob blessed Pharaoh. (True/False) 130- When the money failed in the lands of Egypt and Canaan, people bought food by exchanging

A. Their livestock B. Their lands C. A & B

131- Jacob asked Joseph to bury him in ________ after he died.

A. Egypt B. In his fathers’ burial place C. Anywhere he liked

Chapter 48 132- Why was Joseph displeased when Jacob laid his right hand on Ephraim’s head?

A. Because Ephraim was the youngest B. Because Joseph did not like Ephraim C. A and B

133- When Jacob blessed Joseph’s sons he did not know who the firstborn was. (True/False) 134- Before he died, Jacob told Joseph that God

A. Would bring them back to the land of their fathers B. Would leave them in Egypt forever C. Would send them to a new land

Chapter 49 135- Jacob said “You are he whom your brothers shall praise” to:

A. Joseph B. Judah C. Levi

136- Jacob said that Joseph

A. Was a lion B. Was a fruitful bough by a well C. Would dwell by the haven of the sea

Chapter 50 137- When Jacob died, Joseph buried him in

A. Canaan B. Egypt C. We are not told

138- But as for ______, you meant ________ against me but ________ meant it for _____.

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139- What oath did Joseph take from the children of Israel?

A. That they never leave Egypt B. That they carry up his bones from Egypt C. That they leave his coffin in Egypt

140- The book of Genesis ends with

A. The anointing of Moses B. The rising of a new Pharaoh who disliked the Hebrews C. The death of Joseph