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Kingdom: Plantae

Order: Fabales

Family: Fabaceae

Genus: Albizia

Species: A. lebbeck

Binomial name

Albizia lebbeck


Common names: Woman's-tongue Tree

Botanical description :- The leaves are bipinnate, 7.5–15 cm long, with one to

four pairs of pinnate, with 6–18 leaflets. Plant: 18-30m tall deciduous tree with a trunk 50cm to

1m in diameter.Flowers: White, with numerous 2.5–3.8cm long

stamens, and very fragrant.Fruit: Pod 15-30cm long and 2.5-5.0cm broad,

containing six to twelve seeds.

Seed BiologySeed Collection time-January – FebruaryNo. of Seeds per kg-12000-16000Viability-Upto 2 YearsGermination percentage-15%Freshly collected seed

has about 70% germination capacity for 1-2 months. About 880 pods weigh 1 kg and will yield about 300 g

of seed

Seed treatments:-Hot water - Pour boiling water over the seeds at a

volume five times the volume of seeds. The seeds must be stirred gently during the 2-5

minute soak. Hot water can kill the seed - it is important not to soak the seed for too long! Pour off the hot water, replace it with cool water and soak for 12 hours. This treatment is appropriate for seeds with hard or thick seedcoats.

Cool water - Seeds are soaked in cool, room temperature, water until they swell. The volume of water should be five times the volume of seeds. Soaking time may from 648 hours depending on species, provenance, age and quality of seed. This treatment is appropriate for seeds with a thin or soft seedcoat, recently harvested seeds.

Nursery technique

Germination takes place from 7 days to 25 days. For the Nursery red soil and FYM mixture may be

preperred for raising in poly bags. Plants can be raised in 6 months. Addition of Bio-fertilizer and Rhizobium and

Phospobacter will increase the growth rate.

A. lebbeck coppices well, responds to pollarding, pruning and lopping, and will produce root suckers if the roots are exposed.

Seed storage behaviour is orthodox. Viability is maintained for several years in hermetic storage at room temperature with 11-15% mc; even seeds stored 30 years show 5% viability.

Reference:-Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth.. In: Flora of Pakistan (Vol.

36: Mimosaceae). University of Karachi, Karachi.The wealth of