Download - BG MT760 – International Bank Guarantee – Bank Guarantee Providers

Page 1: BG MT760 – International Bank Guarantee – Bank Guarantee Providers

How to Get Bank

Guarantee from Rated


Presented by,

Page 2: BG MT760 – International Bank Guarantee – Bank Guarantee Providers

What is Bank Guarantee?

Bank Guarantee, as the name implies, it’s a

guarantee issued by a bank upon request to

ensure that the client will meet the obligations

without fail.

Bank Guarantee – BG MT760 are mostly used to

purchase heavy machineries, equipment, raw

materials, get draw down loans etc.

Page 3: BG MT760 – International Bank Guarantee – Bank Guarantee Providers

Importance of Having Bank Guarantee

Having BG MT760,

▪ Helps businesses to conclude worthy trade deals and

contracts with suppliers that would otherwise not be


▪ No need to tie up your entire working capital in a single


▪ Mitigate the risks involved in non-performance of both the


▪ No need to give advance payments to the counter parties.

Page 4: BG MT760 – International Bank Guarantee – Bank Guarantee Providers

How to Get Bank Guarantee from Rated Banks

Submit Your BG

Requirements to us

We Will Study and

Approve Your Request.

Once the service

agreement is signed and

the service charges are

paid, we will structure

your BG transaction and

provide BG Draft for your


After the BG Draft

approval and the BG

issuance fee receipt, we

will instruct our bank to

issue the Bank Guarantee

from our European Bank





Page 5: BG MT760 – International Bank Guarantee – Bank Guarantee Providers

Our Success in Issuing Bank Guarantee

By Having Our Own Account in European Banks, We Have

Facilitated Bank Instruments On Behalf of Importers,

Exporters, Contractors, and Manufacturers!

We Have Assisted More than 25,000 Clients With Their

Trade Finance Needs!

Read Bronze Wing Trading


Page 6: BG MT760 – International Bank Guarantee – Bank Guarantee Providers

Get Bank Guarantee from Us

Apply for Bank Guarantee Now &

Get the BG MT760 Issued On Behalf of Your Company

From European Banks

Within 48 Hours!

Apply Now!