Download - Beyond Tweets & Likes: The Future of Word-of-Mouth


Beyond Tweets & Likes:The Future of Word-of-Mouth


Suzanne Fanning

President, WOMMA

[email protected]


Jeff Epstein

Founder/CEO, Ambassador

[email protected]



The Past, Present, and Future of Word of Mouth Marketing

Referral Marketing Today

Scaling Word-of-Mouth With Referral Marketing Technology




Starter Kit


The Past, Present, and Future of

Word-of-Mouth Marketing

Since the beginning of time, WOM and referrals have always been the best way to grow a business

How Old Is Word-of-Mouth?


Basics Of Good Word-of-Mouth Marketing




Measurable Repeatable

Honest and authentic messages from

brands-to-customers and from person-to-person

Involves brands listening to, responding to, and

encouraging conversation online and offline

The capability to do it over and over again in

order to become a talkable brand

Ability to define, monitor,

and evaluate success

Transparent and trustworthy behavior as it relates to

privacy matters between brands and consumers

92% of consumers worldwide

trust recommendations from

friends and family more than any

form of advertising

WOM is responsible for $6 Trillion

of annual consumer spend

The value of a single word-

of-mouth impression is

anywhere from 5 to 200x

more effective than a paid

media impression

WOM Today#WOMMAwebinar


Referral marketing is a natural progression of WOM in today's digital age

A New Era#WOMMAwebinar


Referral Marketing Today

Referral marketing is a method of promoting products or

services to new customers through referrals, usually word-of-

mouth. Such referrals often happen spontaneously but

businesses can influence this through appropriate strategies.

What isReferral Marketing?


Affiliate Marketing: performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or more

affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate's own marketing efforts.

Advocate Marketing: a partnership aimed to drive brand awareness through high social

sharing. Generates web traffic for maximum exposure.

Referral Marketing: Rewards users for referring new business. Focuses more heavily on

engagement to generate high quality leads and/or loyal customers.

Lesson in Terminology


Running referral marketing programs manually

Losing the ability to scale or measure word-of-mouth

Missing the opportunity to gain loyal customers

Challenges forBusinesses & Organizations


The Difference

Many businesses might not know that this type of technology exists

Automate the entire referral marketing process

Increase engagement and acquire new customers

Opportunity forToday


Enroll Track

Reward Manage

Scaling Word-of-Mouth With Referral

Marketing Technology

Benefits ofReferral Marketing





The DifferenceReferral Marketing

Starter KitThe next evolution of

WOMM is referral

marketing technology

Q & A

Jeff Epstein

[email protected]