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Beyond the space: the LoCloud Historical Place Names microservice

LoCloud is funded by the European Commission's ICT Policy Support Programme

Rimvydas Laužikas, Justinas Jaronis, Ingrida VosyliūtėVilnius University Faculty of Communication

Short Historical Memory Test

• Are people who are from Albion there?

• Are people who are from Albion there?

Insulae Albion et Hibernia cum minoribus adjacentibus, 1600-1699, Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Cartes et plans, CPL GE DD-2987 (9732), [].

• Have you ever been to Aquinicum?

• Have you ever been to Aquinicum?

Plattegrond van Buda, 1686, Harmanus van Loon, Lodewijk XIV (koning van Frankrijk), 1693 - 1696, Rijksmuseum, RP-P-1892-A-16766, [].

• Do you know where Atlantis is located?

• Do you know where Atlantis is located?

Carte de l'Atlantide : d'après Platon et Diodore, 1775, Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Cartes et plans, GE D-17772, [].

• The set of place names in historical sources.    Three points of view: geographical (earth sciences), historical (humanities), IT

(technical). Two understandings: geo-name as tool [for information management], geo-name as

intangible heritage. Technically [in mean of CIDOC-CRM] an HPN is a place appellation, which may

refer to several places, because its use may change over time. On the other hand, the place as an object is determined in GIS as a defined

immovable geographic object: point, polygon or a line on a map A place name can be understood as an historical identifier for several places and (or)

as a kind of intangible heritage (“non-material products of our minds”).

What are Historical Place Names?

1. Interoperability.[, 09-02-2015: Lietuva: 39697;

Lithuania: 28948; Litauen: 11308; Lituanie: 8770; Litwa: 20647; ...].

2. Conservation of intangible heritage.[HPN as a link between past and present

(“enduring voices”), losing HPN is losing our cultural signs].

3. Creation of European “multi-narrative”/”political narrative”.

[“the mind and body of Europe”].

What are the problems?

Sebastian Munster. Europa Regina, Cosmographia, Basel, 1570, [].

What is the possible solution?

• HPN microservice

What is the HPN microservice?• A semi-automatic historical geo-information

management function and web service. • An application which enables local cultural

institutions to collaborate in developing the Thesaurus of HPN and enriching ingested metadata.

• Developed by Vilnius University Faculty of Communication in collaboration with LoCloud partners.

How the HPN microservice work?

User Case I: Local history researcher

[unregistered user]

• To verify the availability of a historical place name in the LoCloud HPN Thesaurus

• To get information about the interconnection of HPN with contemporary place names, its linguistic variations and geographical coordinates

• To propose [crowdsource] a new historic place name for the LoCloud HPN Thesaurus

User Case II:Local history database administrator

[registered user]

• To export selected LoCloud HPN Thesaurus data sets.

• To interconnect contemporary place names, different historical and linguistic place name forms and geographical coordinates.

• To enrich a local system with exported HPN geo-data.

• To collaborate in developing the LoCloud HPN Thesaurus by sending local data and contacting us.

Next steps

• Polygon data• Enrichment of content of HPN Thesauri• Improve multilinguistics by connection with Wikipedia• Development of HPN “toolbox” (e.g. by historical maps creating tool,

historical geo-information analysis tool and etc.)• Enabling of interoperability between LoCloud HPN services and

another similar tools

• HPN as part of national service: Integral Thesaurus of historical places, personal names and historical chronology as part of project “Virtual Electronic Heritage System (VEPS) 3”

Thank you for your attention

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