Download - Beyond the Bean BOOK 2

Page 1: Beyond the Bean BOOK 2

BTBBook 2.5

Drinks. Gear. Knowledge.Now w


Byron Bay


Page 2: Beyond the Bean BOOK 2

8 JugsandThermometers10 Essentials12 CreamwhipperandSaucepump14 BTBOntour16 Tampers18 BumperGear20 BaristaKit22 BTBCommunity

24 Blenders32 SyrupsandSauces34 Smoothies36 Frappés38 Hotchocolate40 Chai42 Tea44 TheBTBFamily

46 ByronBayCookies48 Biscotti50 Cupsandlids52 Environmentfriendly54 Disposableaccessories56 Cleaning60 BTBKnowledge62 BTBOnline


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Allthebest,The team at Beyond the Bean

Welcome to the latest edition of our catalogue, which includes everything you need to run a successful coffee business. Whether you’ve been in business for years or are thinking of starting your first venture, you’ll find all the drinks, gear and knowledge you need.

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Drinks. Gear. Knowledge.

Our gear section contains all the essentials for making great espresso based drinks.

We really understand the importance of quality equipment; that’s why we take our time sourcing, testing, finding out customers’ opinions and then testing some more before we make any final decisions. Not every product we test reaches our standards or is exactly what we are looking for, so we commission gear to our own designs. We know our customers are professionals needing professional kit and that’s what we supply every time.



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Through our involvement in barista championships around the world we’ve seen first hand the difference a good jug can make. We had to search far and wide to find these jugs as we found that many available on the market really didn’t make the grade (it’s amazing how many of them just don’t pour properly). These Motta pitchers are excellent for milk

rotation and have a more pointed spout that pours smoothly and neatly. The standard for any barista, and also perfect for the most advanced latte art.

Jugs perfect for latte art, thermometers to steam milk to the perfect temperature, all quality gear that withstands not only rigorous BTB testing, but also the test of time.

BTBGearJugs and Thermometers

�+44 (0)117 �53 3522�


Stainless steel steaming pitcher Availablein60cl,1litre,1.5litreand2litre.Straightsidedwiththeperfectspoutforlatteart!

Motta JugsAvailablein50cl,75cland1litre.StylishItalianmilkpitchers,favouredbymanyworkingbaristi,idealforlatteart..


BTB thermometerOurownthermometer,madebytheguysatTaylorwhodoitbest.Markedupclearlybetween60°Cand70°Cfortheperfectsteamingtemperature.

Standard thermometer (centigradeorfahrenheit)Atough,reliablemilksteamingthermometeralsofromTaylor’s,forusewithsmallersizedpitchers.

Long thermometerDesignedtobeusedwiththelargersizesofpitcher,withdualtemperatures.

Long thermometer clipTheoneweliketousethemost,andsuitableforusewithanyofourthermometers.

Triangular thermometer clipKeepsyourmilkthermometerfirmlyclippedintoplaceandcanbeusedwithanythermometer.


For more information on latte art and steaming milk visit



Page 6: Beyond the Bean BOOK 2

Quality shots are the key to producing great espresso based drinks, and little things do make a big difference. Although small, these pieces of kit will go a long way towards getting the best out of your beans and machines.


11+44 (0)117 �53 352210


Shot pitcher – 3ozCan’tfityourcupsdirectlyunderyourespressomachine?Thesehandylittlestainlesssteelpotsarejustthejob.

Digital shot timerTohelptimeyourshotstoperfection,thisnecktietimercountsbothupanddown.

Digital grinder scalesAreyougoingtocompromiseyourespressoquality,orsplashoutonourgrinderset-upscales?

2oz lined BTB shot glasses Linedat1oz–exactlywhatyouneedformeasuringandcheckingyourespressoshots.Availableinpacksof12orindividually.Alsoavailableunbranded.

Stainless steel cocoa shakerAqualityshakerfordustingcappuccinosandotherdrinks.

Chrome mini whiskAneatlittlewhisktospeedupyourhotchocolatemaking.

Stainless steel milk spatulaKeepyoursteamedmilkundercontrol.

Square open knock boxDesignedtosinkintoyourcountertopforasimplebuilt-inknockoutsystem.Addingabinunderneathwillgiveyouaclean,

Square closed knock boxAself-containedcountertopsystem.Likeallourknockboxes,thesolidrubberbarmountedinstainlesssteelisquietbutcompletelysolidwhenyouknockoutagainstit.

Square wooden knock box holderUsethistohouseyoursquareclosedknockbox.

Rubber gasket for knock boxTakingtheknockoutofknockbox.


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Using professional kit for your business not only helps with the quality of your drinks, but adds a touch of professionalism to the workplace. We’ve been using both these items since we started the business ten years ago and have yet to find anything better.

Cream whipperUse this swanky little number to add freshly whipped cream to hot chocolates, mochas, frappés, milkshakes – just about anything! You could take it one step further – try adding a little syrup to flavour up your cream (for example, vanilla works nicely). The whipper is easy to clean and maintain. And best of all, it’s great for cream fights (although obviously BTB do not condone any such tomfoolery in a professional workplace).

Sauce pumpThis heavy duty stainless steel pump will dose your chocolate sauces accurately and effortlessly time after time. It looks good, it works great, and it has a range of low-cost replacement parts for occasional maintenance.

Cream whipper and Sauce pump

12 13+44 (0)117 �53 3522


iSi cream whipperStainlesssteel,1litre.

iSi nitrous oxide gas charges 10perbox.

Dosing and spare parts Detailsofalltheavailablesparepartsforbothitems,andhowtochangethedosesizeonthesaucepump,

Server sauce pumpStainlesssteel,adjustabledosesizes.

Server sauce jar Stainlesssteel,3.8litre.

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IndiaThe home of chai, elephants, and banana based espressos from the Indian Barista champion.

ChinaThe orient espresso took us to the home of tea ceremonies, death defying jay-walking and the theory that caffeine ages you? Nonsense…

El SalvadorOur friends at the Coffee School of El Salvador help to support baristas in South America.

SpainCoffee with curry and coconut made its debut at this championship, and we thought we had seen it all…

ItalyWhere the 200� European Team Challenge will see 10 countries competing to take the title from Russia.

ParaguayWhere Zuma are helping farmers get a fair price on their sugar.


MoscowHelen is still reeling from the fact there were no takeaway lattes. Shocking.

USAThe place to be in April for the 200� World Barista Championship.

KenyaBudding barista enjoy using our barista kits here.

Our travels really do take us around the wonderful world of coffee. Whether it’s supporting barista competitions, sourcing new products or setting up a new BTB, we really are here, there and everywhere!

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Tamping is a crucial step in the preparation of great espresso. Maintaining the all important 30lbs of pressure and keeping your tamping consistent shot after shot means a solid comfortable tamper is essential.


1� 17+44 (0)117 �53 3522

Beyond the Bean tamperHighlypolishedstainlesssteelwithablackcoatedaluminiumhandle,thisisoneofourowndesigns.Weighinginatjustunderhalfakilo,itfitsperfectlyintothepalmofyourhand,givingaquicksolidtampaction.


Clicker tamperAninnovativeideafromBeyondtheBean–anautomaticpressureregulatingtamper.Justpushtillitclicksandyou’vegotexactlytheright30lbtampeverytime.



Reg Barber tamperTheclassicstainlesssteelRBtamperfromCanadawithawoodenhandle.Availablein58mm,flat.

Aluminium hand tamper58mm,flat.

Rubber counter tamp padAsimpleandcompactnon-slipmattoprotectyourcountersurfaceandgrouphandlespouts.




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We’re really excited about this new range of gear. Not only does it look sexy but it does a great job too. We think you will find a hundred and one uses for the new bash mat too!

Bumper GearBTBGear

1� 1�+44 (0)117 �53 3522

Tamper standWelovethisbitofkitanddon’tknowhowwemanagedwithoutit.Usingatamperstandhelpspreventstraygroundsfromstickingtotheportafilterandendingupinyourcoffee.Thestandisagreatbaseonwhichtorestawobblysinglespoutedportafilterandisalsoidealforthenewtrendinnaked(orbottomless)portafilters.

Latte art pitcherAsimpleno-nonsense60cllatteartmilkpitcher.Madetoaveryhighstandard,thisjugweighsjust240gandtheBumperlogoembossedonthesideaddsanicefinishingtouch.

Knock box Fromthehumblebeginningsoftheknockbox,(basicallyaboxwithaboltfittedintoit)thisdesignissomethingtoreallyshowoff.Theknockboxconsistsofaroundstainlesssteeltubwiththeraisedbackactingasasplashguard.Addedfeaturesincludeaprotectiverubbergasketandit’sneatlyfinishedwithanonslipbasethathelpscushiontheimpactonyourwristsanddeadensthesound.Eachboxcomeswithasparerubbergasketand2rubberbars.

Bumper Bash MatTiredofdentsinyourworktopfromtampingandgeneralbashing?ThenthenewBashMatisforyou.Measuring25cmx20cmthevirtuallyindestructiblehasanindentforyourtamper,andastrengthtochallengeanybarista!

Bumper tamper TheBumperrangeoftampersarearealfind.Thehandlesaremetalfinishedwithathickrubbercoating,sotheyfeelcomfyinyourhandwithoutlosingweightneededforperfecttamping.ChoosefromtheoriginalClassic,V-shape,orBallstyleofinterchangeablehandle.



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Barista Champions around the world are now using these kits when they travel to competitions and for training, safe in the knowledge that everything they need is all in one place.

Barista kitOur Barista kits really have become the barista’s favourite. They make great incentives or prizes for staff too. All the contents are fitted into a custom moulded case with foam ensuring nothing gets damaged on the road.

Barista Kit

20 21+44 (0)117 �53 3522



BTB Barista Kit Pro WithBTBtamper.

BTB Barista Kit WithoutBTBtamper(notshown).

Page 12: Beyond the Bean BOOK 2

Thomas Liebe Switzerland

Brazilian Champion, Silvia

Romanian Champion, Catalin

Ed Buston, Clifton Coffee Company

Vikram Kashyap, Indian Champ’

Fabien Folio an

d Pamela Vince


Baristas and cof

feeshop owners


la Test de Buch (ne

ar Bordeaux)

Thomas Liebe – Swiss Barista Ilovethefactthatyouareincontactwithmanyveryinterestingpeopleincoffeebars–CoffeeCompetenceConnects!Withalotofenthusiasm,professionalismandatmosphereyoucanbringthisworldofunbelievabletasteclosertoallthepeople.



Catalin Hogea Radu – Romanian Champion ThebestthingaboutbeingabaristainRomaniaisthecreativepartofthejob,youarenevertootiredtomakegoodcoffeebecauseyoumustalwayspayattentiontoit.Itisapleasuretopullthebestshotseverytime.Themostimportantthingitishavingapassionforcoffeeandafterthatyoumustpractiseuntilyoucanpourthebestshots,lattesandcappuccinos.That’swhyitisalotofworktobethebest.

Baristas play a vital role in the growth and promotion of the industry, bringing much needed vitality and innovation. They are the industry link to the public so it is vital they are fully trained, knowledgeable and motivated.

Silvia Magalhães – Brazilian Barista Champion ThethingIlikemostisteachingpeoplehowtomakethebestcoffee.Forenteringcompetitionsitisimportanttodoalotoftrainingbeforeandnottobenervousduringthecompetitionandofcoursefindthebestcoffeeandthebestsignaturedrink!ThebestthingaboutbeingabaristaisthatinBrazilwehavegreatcoffeesandmanyfarmsofcoffees,sowegettoknowthefullcircle–thebeantoa


Fabien Folio and Pamela Vincent –Baristas and coffeeshop owners in la Test de Buch (near Bordeaux)ThebestthingaboutbeingabaristainFranceforusisthecontactwiththecustomer;whoareoftenveryinterestedindiscoveringthelatte-art


Vikram Kashyap – Indian Barista Champion InIndiawehavealltheresourcesforgreatcoffeeatourfingertips.Thecustomerappreciationandcommunicationisthebestthingforme.IwouldrecommendanynewbaristastowatchandreadanythingfromDavidSchomer,andmakesuretheylearnthebasicespressoandmilksteamingskills.

Beyond the Bean is involved with both the SCAE and the UKBC and committed to the continued development of the barista community. We are proud to sponsor the UK Barista championships and support many others around the world, including the barista programme at the Coffee School of El Salvador.

We are looking forward to the much-anticipated World Barista Championship in Atlanta where nearly 55 countries will compete for the title of World Barista Champion. For more information on how to take your baristas to the next level visit or

Beyond the Bean – the barista’s choice.


Page 13: Beyond the Bean BOOK 2

One of our favourite things about the guys and girls at Blendtec is that they don’t take themselves too seriously. Their ‘Will it Blend’ series became one of the most viewed downloads on the web in 200�. See for yourself at – and remember, don’t try this at home…


Blended drinks account for more than 30% of summer drinks sales in coffee bars and cafes. You can offer an almost infinite range of smoothies and frappés to generate cash all summer (and winter too). That’s why your choice of blending equipment is such a big deal for your business.

The new Q-seriesWith the development of the Q-seriessound reduction technology, Blendteccontinue to deliver industry leadingperformance. Known as the ‘strongsilent type’ the Q-series has anoise reduction of up to 10 decibels, roughly half the noise of a normal blender. As with all Blendtec models it can bemounted in-counter.

The Q-series new jar design offers improved overall performance and durability. The shape of the stainless steel blending platform dampens sound and drains liquid away from the blender drive socket. With a breakthrough fan design, improved motor air flow and cooling capacity, the Q-series really is the quietest you will find.

24 +44 (0)117 �53 3522 25

Q-series blenderBTBGear

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The blade tips rotate at over 200 miles per hour, using 2,000 watts of power. Crikey. Metal to metal direct drive contact means longer lasting equipment, meaning less investment for your business. The

‘sound enclosure’ reduces blending noise by about 30%. All Blendtec blenders have pre-programmed variable speed auto shut off drinks cycles that ensure consistently blended drinks every time.

Blendtec blenders are designed for high volume production of ice blended drinks. They’re the worldwide industry standard and are powerful, tough and clever too.

All Blendtec blenders from Beyond the Bean come with 2 jars and 2 lids as standard.




27+44 (0)117 �53 3522

Q-series blenderTheblenderchosenbymostcoffeechainsintheUKandworldwide.30pre-programmedblendingprofiles,choiceofblendingjarsizes,insulatedmotorenclosureandsoundsurroundfornosereduction.Italladdsuptoaqualitypieceofkit.

Blendtec Xpress blenderItmaybethebabyintheBlendtecfamilybutit’snolightweight.5pre-programmedprofilesandautoshut-off.

Blendtec SpaceSaver blenderAllthepowerandprogrammesofaQ-seriesinacompactformat.

Blendtec jars1litre–foruseonallmodels.1.5litre–forincreasedblendingcapacity.UsewiththeQ-seriesandSpaceSaver.1litre–Q-seriesjarwithallitsbenefits–seepages24-25.

Blendtec spare lidForusewithQ-seriesblenders.

Blendtec gripper lidForusewiththeSpaceSaverandXpress.

Blendtec Little Red RinserTheeasiestandquickestwaytorinseblenderjarswithouttyingupsinkspaceorwastingwater(anditgetsintothecornershandwashingjustdoesn’treach).

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Page 16: Beyond the Bean BOOK 2

Drinks. Gear. Knowledge.

On the following pages, you’ll find the whole Sweetbird range including smoothies, sauces and syrups, delicious frappés and chocolate from Zuma, as well as teas from Island Rose.

So, what’s new this year? Sweetbird’s 100% ready to drink smoothie, and in the food section, the delicious range of cookies from Byron Bay. Together with our existing range including Fairtrade Frappés and Hot Chocolate, Zuma Chai you will have no end of ideas to expand and update your menu.

You can use these ingredients to make signature drinks, seasonal specials or challenge your baristas to get their own recipes on the menu!

Whether you’re just starting out or livening up an existing menu, if you’re in the business of selling drinks you’re looking in the right place.

30 www.beyondthebean.com30


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Since its launch we’ve seen Sweetbird go from strength to strength. Use Sweetbird syrups and sauces to create flavoured espresso based drinks or deliciously different hot chocolates. They’re great for cold drinks too, including iced teas, granitas, milkshakes and sparklers. The possibilities are as endless as your imagination!

Syrups All 33 flavours of original and 5 flavours of sugar free Sweetbird syrups are approved by the Vegetarian Society and are free from GMOs and artificial flavours and colourings. If you need further inspiration have a look at for hundreds of recipe ideas and details of the posters, menus and table toppers available in the funky Sweetbird style... Gingerbread latte anyone?

Sauces Uncompromisingly tasty, sweet and sumptuous, Sweetbird sauces are rich and delicious and exactly what you want from a sauce. Use them to make the classic Caramel Macchiato, hot chocolates, sweet coffee concoctions and even milkshakes. You can mix them up in the drink like syrup or drizzle over the top as a final touch. And they’re easily dispensed with a portion control pump from a compact stand that sits neatly on your counter.


Syrups and SaucesBTBDrinks

32 33+44 (0)117 �53 3522


Classic flavours Almond,Amaretto,Butterscotch,Caramel,ChocolateMint,Chocolate,Cinnamon,Coconut,EnglishToffee,FrenchVanilla,Gingerbread,Hazelnut,IrishCream,Mint,ToastedMarshmallow,Vanilla,WhiteChocolate.

Fruit flavours Banana,Blueberry,Cherry,Cranberry,Lemon,Lime,Orange,PassionFruit,Peach,Pineapple,Raspberry,Strawberry.

Tea flavours IcedTea,PeachIcedTea,RaspberryIcedTea,SpicedChai.

Sugar FreeCaramel,Hazelnut,IrishCream,Amaretto,Vanilla


250ml Glass Retail BottlesEnglishToffee,Hazelnut,CaramelAvailablein6x250mlbottles

Stainless steel syrup pourers12pack

Black Sweetbird syrup pump 7.5ml/1/4ozdose

Sweetbird clear perspex stand For5bottles




Sweetbird sauce pump – 15mldose

Sweetbird sauce display stand – holds3bottles

‘Squirty’ bottle for drizzling – 35cl


Page 18: Beyond the Bean BOOK 2

Smoothies are an unbeatable menu item in summer but they’re fast becoming a year round healthy choice for many customers as well. Sales of smoothies have risen by a staggering 523% in the last 5 years, and the number of smoothies sold is expected to treble by 2011*. *source, Mintel Report


34 35+44 (0)117 �53 3522

Sweetbird Blended SmoothiesMango,Peach,StrawberryandBanana,Wildberry,Strawberry,Banana.


Sweetbird Fruit SmoothiesMango&Orange,Pineapple&Passionfruit,Blueberry&Blackberry


Sweetbird 100% Fruit SmoothiesAvailable in 3 delicious ready to drink flavours, Orange & Mango, Pineapple & Passionfruit and Blackberry & Blueberry, the 330ml 100% fruit smoothies come in 100% recyclable PET bottles. As with all Sweetbird products, the smoothies contain no artificial colours, preservatives, GMO’s or flavourings. All the fruit is ethically sourced, making sure that everyone involved is looked after as well as your customers. At 30% larger than most bottled smoothies, and only requiring ambient storage, the new smoothies are ideal for people who don’t have much chilled storage space.

Sweetbird Blended SmoothiesMade with real fruit and a touch of green tea extract and ginseng, Sweetbird Smoothies are ��% fat free and offer a high margin sales opportunity, helping you make the most of this massive growth. If you would like some more ideas on how to make the most of your smoothies visit Sweetbird at home There is plenty of room for improvisation by adding fruit, syrups or just using your imagination!


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Zuma frappés allow you to create thick, smooth and consistently delicious iced blended drinks. Containing real chocolate, real vanilla and real toffee pieces to give strong, natural flavours, Zuma Frappés have a low fat content and contain no dangerous or unhealthy hydrogenated fats. Caffeine-free Chocolate and Caffeine-free Vanilla mean you can add your own blend of espresso or serve them to kids.

The UK’s first Fairtrade FrappéWe know that consumers are becoming more concerned about how their products are made and how producers are treated, so we’re really proud to bring you this delicious Fairtrade frappé blend, production of which helps support coffee farmers in Columbia and Paraguay. Available in single serve sachets for ease of use and portion control, the attractive 10-pack box is also great for retail sales.

Frappés are a delicious alternative to hot coffee in the summer and are so easy to make. Just add ice, milk and a scoop of frappé mix into your blender and blend until smooth.

The FAIRTRADE Mark on Zuma products guarantees• Farmers a fair and stable

price for their products

• Extra income for farmers and estate workers to improve their lives

• A greater respect for the environment

• Small farmers a stronger position in world markets

• A closer link between consumers and producers


3� 37+44 (0)117 �53 3522

Caffe frappé MediumroastBraziliancoffeewithafullcreamyflavour.

Mocha frappéAsuperbblendofmediumroastBraziliancoffee,cocoaandrealchocolate.

Sticky Toffee frappéAgreatcombinationofcoffee,cocoaand10%realtoffeepieces.

Chocolate frappé (caffeine-free)BlendedWestAfricancocoawith10%realchocolateforrealchocoholics!

Vanilla frappé (caffeine-free)Agreatfrappébasemadewithrealwhitechocolateandvanilla.Formakingblendedcoffee,syrup,orfruitdrinks.


Fairtrade Caffe frappé single serve sachetIdealforeasyportioncontrolandconvenience,madewithsugarfromParaguayandcoffeefromSanDomingo.


Frappé portion scoop (40g)Fortheperfectblendeverytime.

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Hot chocolate is as popular as ever, with customers becoming more discerning and sophisticated in their tastes, and should account for around 15% of your winter drinks turnover.

Available in both Original and Dark, Zuma Hot Chocolate caters to hot chocolate lovers of all tastes around the world.

Zuma hot chocolate is good as cold chocolate too – just mix it up with ice on hot days. Or you could create some interesting flavour variants, coconut and chocolate, chocolate orange or even chilli and chocolate.

Zuma’s 100% Fairtrade Dark Chocolate contains 32% cocoa from San Domingo, with fairly traded sugar from Paraguay. Helping farmers to get a fair price for their produce and helping your customers to indulge themselves with a clearer conscience.

BTBDrinksHot chocolate

3� 3�+44 (0)117 �53 3522

Original hot chocolateAsmooth,sweet,andcreamychocolatetastewith26%cocoa.


Hot Chocolate portion scoop (2�g)Fortheperfectportioneverytime.

Dark hot chocolate 32%darkroastcocoabeans,fortherealchocolateconnoisseur.



100% Fairtrade Dark hot chocolate Madewithdarkroastcocoabeans.32%cocoacontent.


Paddle machineAsthepaddlemachinegentlywarmsthechocolateandslowlyswirlsitround,theairfillswithalovelycomfortingsmellofwarmchocolate.Thechocolateisgentlysteam-heatedsoitneverburnsandisalwaysperfectlyreadytoserve.Justaddsteamedmilk,orserveasashotofthickhotchocolate,greatfordippingfruitorfingersin!


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A great alternative to tea or coffee, chai is a spiced milk tea traditionally handmade with various spices, varying from region to region around India. The most common ingredients are cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, and pepper.

Zuma have developed their own recipe, available in three flavours and packed in distinctively designed, easy to use single serve sachets. This also gives your customers the opportunity to take a box home to enjoy!

Chai has been a favourite spiced drink in India for centuries and is emerging as the next big trend in the speciality coffee arena.Made with a blend of exotic spices, we recommend chai for anyone in need of comfort, energy and a dash of happiness.


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Spiced Chai Asubtlecombinationofnaturalingredientsincludinghoneyandrealginger,cinnamonandcloves.

Vanilla Chai Asmooth,aromaticblendofnaturalingredientsincludingrealvanilla,honeyandspices.

Red Chai & Cranberry MadewithRooibosandcranberries,burstingwithnaturalingredientsandfullofhealthyantioxidants.


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Island Rose TeaIsland Rose has an extraordinary range of flavours, full of interesting mixes and clever combinations. Their fruit teas are made with actual fruit (relatively uncommon in the world of tea). Taste something like their Orange Fountain fruit tea and you’ll see exactly what we mean. Their green and black teas all have a single estate origin, and all teas are guaranteed free of pesticides and residues. Island Rose teas are great iced too – just brew up 1 litre of boiling water with four or five teabags (depending on required strength). Chill in the fridge, and then serve over ice and fresh lemon slices. Mmmmmm.

TeaspoonA special teaspoon, not just a spoon to stir, but also to filter. Just fill the spoon with tea leaves, pour in boiling water into the cup and relax as the tea aroma dilutes through the specially designed pores. Made of fine grade silicone rubber, the teaspoon can stand up to 250°C. Get them in the full range of colours to really brighten up your customers’ day, or if you’re just looking for something a little funkier! As with the Teastick, they make great gifts or products to sell on.

Teastick We love innovative gadgets at Beyond the Bean and this one is no exception. Tea drinking has never been so stylish with this contemplative toy which infuses clouds of flavour before your eyes. Its cool “scoop-slide-steep” functionality, together with a stainless steel construction, means your loose tea drinking is a pleasure, no longer the messy business it used to be. It fits nicely into most glasses and mugs, and makes a lovely gift for staff and friends alike, or even to sell on to customers.

BTBDrinksTea 43+44 (0)117 �53 352242

Island Rose tea flavoursCommonwealthTradition,OrganicBergamot,OrganicCeylonRose,ExumaLemon,LongIslandCola,Mummy’sPassion,OrangeFountain,GreenLime,StrawberryVanilla,RumVanilla,MandarinLapacho,CatIslandChamomile,BiminiMint.


Experience 20 pack AgreatstarterpackcontainingaselectionofIslandRoseTeas.

Tea rackAnattractivedisplayunitholdingfourboxesandidealforoncounterdisplay.

Luxury tea chestAreallylovelygiftset,greatforgiveawaysorpromos–orevenasanincentiveforyourstaff!



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Meet the BTB Family...

1. Nikki2. Helen too3. Jonathan4. Kim5. Rob�. Little Ben7. Jem�. Miranda�. Terry10. Helen11. Zak12. Caroline 13. Maciej

1 2 3 4 5

� 7 � �

10 11 12 13

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4� 47+44 (0)117 �53 3522

Byron Bay Cookies are a premium American style cookie, sold in either stylish glass jars or individually wrapped for the Grab’n’Go market. They are the market leader, winning many awards world wide. The full range includes a selection of Gluten Free, and Reduced Fat options.

BTBFoodByron Bay Cookies

www.beyondthebean.com4� 47+44 (0)117 �53 3522

Cafe Cookies (CC)Byron Bay Café Cookies are sold from stylish glass jars, which are available with branded mats, tongs and swing tags. Each cookie weighs between 55g and �5g and they’re packed in biodegradable trays of �.

Single Wrap Cookies (SW)Byron Bay have packaged their all time favourite classic varieties into fast, convenient grab and go cookies for people on the move. Packed into attractive counter display boxes, Gluten Free are also available. Each cookie is 55g – �5g, packed in trays of 12.

Gluten Free (GF & GFSW)GlutenFreedoesn’thavetobetastefree;ByronBayhaveproducedanacclaimedrangeofglutenfreecookiesforanumberofyears.

Baby Buttons (BB)If you’re catering for the masses, then these are ideal. Each cookie weighs 13g – 15g and are all packed in 500g bags.

Limited Edition (LE)New limited edition flavours are available throughout the year – give us a call to find out what this seasons flavours are.

Byron Bay cookies are baked in the UK using locally sourced ingredients and free range eggs. With biodegradable packaging, low food miles, approval from the Vegetarian Society (and approval from the Coeliac Society for the Gluten Free range) we’re sure you customers will love them as much as we do.


Dark Choc Chunk & Macadamia NutFilledwithdarkchocchunksandcrammedwithmacadamianuts.AvailableinCC.

Reduced Fat Fig & PecanAmoistchewycookiecrammedwithpecansandmoistfigs,enhancedwithasubtleflavouroforange.AvailableinCC,SW.

Traditional ShortbreadAgreatcookiewithafternoontea,madewithpremiumingredientsandlashingsofbutter!AvailableinCC.

Lemon & Macadamia Nut ShortbreadCrammedwithmacadamianutsanddelicatelyflavouredwithlemoncitrus,thiscookiewonGoldattheGreatTasteAwardsAvailableinCC,SW,BB.

Dark Chocolate OrangeRichdarkchocolatepieceswithasplashofrealorange,arealclassiccombination.AvailableinGFSW.

Spiced Apple & Sultana Amoist,chewy,delicatelyspiced,muesli-stylecookiewithappleandsultanas.AvailableinGFSW.

White Choc Chunk & Macadamia NutOuroriginalclassiccookiefilledwithwhitechocchunks&crammedwithmacadamianuts.AvailableinCC,SW,GFSW,BB.

Sticky Date & GingerAmoistchewycookie,delicatelyspicedandoverflowingwithdates,walnutsandchunksofsucculentginger.ThiscookiewonGoldattheGreatTasteAwards.CC,SW,GFSW,BB.

Dotty ™Thefamousgoldencookiesmotheredincolourful‘chocdrops’andcrammedwithcreamymilkchocchunks.Afavouriteamongstadultsandchildrenalike.AvailableinCC,SW.

Triple Choc FudgeArich,darkchoccookiecrammedwithwhiteanddarkchocchunks.AvailableinCC,SW,GFSW,BB.

Natural Honey & OatmealAmoistchewycookiebrimmingwithoats,coconutanddelicatelyflavouredwithlocalhoney.AvailableinCC.

Milk Choc ChunkAclassiccookiepackedwithcreamymilkchocchunks.AvailableinCC,SW.



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Biscotti originated as off-cuts from the edges of trays of biscuits, hence being slightly crunchier. Nikola’s are handmade following a century-old method, using premium ingredients, in a range of spectacular flavours using pistachio, chocolate, raspberries, hazelnuts, apricots and more. Kosher certified and double baked for dunking durability, we think you’ll be pushed to find a better quality biscotti.

We’ve been working with our old friends at Nikola’s (and eating their biscotti) for years – and we still think they’re the best.


4� 4�+44 (0)117 �53 3522

Morsa TheItalianoriginalwithbutteryalmonds,pistachiosandrichdarkchocolate.





Small round glass jarAnattractivedisplayjar.

Large round glass jarAclassicdesigntodisplayyourbiscotti,greatfortillsales.

Small square glass jarGreatifyou’reshortofspace.

Square biscotti display standBiscottitograbandgo?Thisoneholdsapproximately40biscuitsandisgreatforimpulsesalesatthetill.

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Where would we be without coffee to go? If you are looking for funky designs, great insulation or just something bright to liven up your business, we have cups for every taste and style.

Solo cups have earned their place as the industry standard. They’re made from particularly fluffy fibres, resulting in thicker, tougher card, and they’re used by some of the world’s most demanding customers. If they’re good enough for them, we think you’ll like them too.

This year we’ve developed a new design for the unique Ripple-Wrap cups from our friends at Detpak. Providing increased comfort and insulation, the cups come with a contemporary illustrated ‘50 cups’ design suited to any stylish establishment.

BTBTakeoutCups and lids

50 51+44 (0)117 �53 3522

Solo double walled colour cups8oz-PeaGreen,12oz-Blueberry,16oz-PlumAll1,000toacase.

Solo Circle design cups4oz-LightBrown,8oz–Cream,12oz–Brown,16oz–CaramelAll1,000toacase.

Solo single colour cups4oz-White,8oz–Orange,12oz–Purple,16oz–AquaAll1,000toacase.


Small Solo traveller sip thru lidsBlackorwhite1,000toacasefor8ozcups.

Large Solo traveller sip thru lidsBlackorwhite1,000toacasefor12oz,16ozand20ozcups.

Ripple cups8oz–Charcoal,12oz–ChocolateBoth1,000toacase.


Small white lids1,000toacase,sipthrulidsfor8ozRipplehotcups.

Large white lids1,000toacase,sipthrulidsfor12ozand16ozRipplehotcups.


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Clear Eco-cups The facility to separate rubbish for recycling when we are out and about is rarely available so although some cups can be recycled, it’s not always possible when you are on the go. That’s the beauty of this product. A fully compostable cold drink cup made entirely from natural corn starches and therefore renewable annually through harvests. Within 50 days (yes, really) there will be nothing left of the cup.

The benefits of this are multiple including reduced fossil fuel usage, and decreased landfill contamination. 100% compostable with a crystal clear, slanted rib design and a smooth rolled rim – what more could you ask for?

Eco-sleeveAs with our new eco-cups, these sleeves are 100% biodegradable. The only sleeve certified by the Environmental Choice

programme, the sleeves are made from MemoryTech™ technology. They insulate against hot or cold, and they’re waterproof so protect against leaks, spills and general sogginess. 100 cases of Eco-sleeves can save 10 trees! For more information visit

Eco-strawsTo go with your bio-cups and clutches, how about some straws? We’ve had these straws specially developed for

us so they have a diameter of �mm, great for slurping up even the thickest of frappés and smoothies. Once they come into contact with soil the degradation process begins – total disintegration will take place within two years… nice.

Being an environmentally friendly bunch here at BTB we’ve been looking far and wide for a range of products that can help you help the environment. Visit our website for more detailed information about these green products… you know, the science bits.

Environmentally friendly

www.beyondthebean.com52 53+44 (0)117 �53 3522


Clear Eco-cups12oz and 1�oz; 1,000 to a case.

Clear Eco-domed lid12oz and 1�oz; 1,000 to a case.

Eco-sleeves Green, black, red or natural.Available in cases of 12 x 100 sleeves.

Also available branded with your own logo.

Eco-straws200mm x �mm strawsBlack – straightClear or Green – bendy

Available in boxes of 250.

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If your customers are tired of grabbing a takeaway coffee and promptly spilling it down their shirt then StixToGo is the product they’ve been waiting for.

This little gizmo fits any hot beverage lid and seals the sipping hole so beverages can’t escape, and stay hotter for longer.

StirStix develop the idea further by being a stirrer and a lid seal in one. Simply stir, snap and offer your customers all the benefits of StixtoGo at little extra cost to you.

StixToGo are available off the shelf in solid black or white and StirStix are available in clear red or blue. You can also have StixToGo branded with your logo, so your brand stays with customers as long as their drink.

BTBTakeoutDisposable accessories

54 55+44 (0)117 �53 3522



Clear plastic rod stirrer2,000toacase.

Wooden stick stirrerSimpleandeffective,1,000toacase.

4oz white Solo espresso cup1,000toacase.

2 cup carry tray360toacase.

4 cup carry tray300toacase.

Brown Fairtrade sugar sticks100%fairlytraded,1,000toacase.

White Fairtrade sugar sticks100%fairlytraded,1,000toacase.

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Cleaning your coffee machine is absolutely essential. It keeps your coffee tasting good and fresh, and means your equipment will serve you longer.

The products and tools on these pages help ensure your machine is performing at its peak and as clean internally as the rest of your workplace. Any item that comes into contact with espresso should be thoroughly cleaned to avoid any residues or build up of coffee oils and grinds. Use Joe Glo daily to backflush your espressomachine, and to soak your group handles.Joe Glo is specially designed and formulatedto tackle the heavy duty cleaning required forespresso machines. The revolutionary Coffeetool

is a whole bunch of really useful tools in one and the definitive answer to group head cleaning – we vote it the number one low cost must-have item for baristasworldwide. For extra technical tips and know-how about Joe Glo visit or for more info about the handy Coffeetool take a look at


5� 57+44 (0)117 �53 3522

Joe Glo706gor113gtubswithscrewcaps

Rubber backflush insert


3 bristle replacement pack

Steamy Wanda Nowthere’sabetter,smarter,morecomfortablewaytocleanyoursteamwands.Twodifferentsizesavailable,thesmallsizeingreenandthelargerinred.

BTB Caffeine Wrench Lotsofusefultoolsforthecoffeeshopallpackedintoonemeanlittlewrench.

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Page 31: Beyond the Bean BOOK 2

It’s not just equipment and ingredients that count – good drinks are about the culture, the history, techniques, skills, and of course nothing beats great training.

There are a number of excellent schools offering courses in coffee preparation, latte art, roasting, or tasting. We recommend the London School of Coffee in the UK or �bar who run a comprehensive programme of barista courses at their schools in both Italy and France.

Details of all their courses can be found at or � If you have any general queries or are looking for some new ideas, we’re here to help too.

There are also some useful DVDs out there on how to make great coffees. Or you can turn to books. Here are some that have caught our eye.

Beyond the Bean is all about knowledge, understanding every aspect of the business, including how the speciality coffee industry is developing in other parts of the world.

Caffe Latte Art

Techniques of the Barista

DVDs also available from David Schomer.

The Coffee Book Gregory Dicum and Nina Luttinger

A successful attempt at encapsulating the entire coffee industry in a relatively small book!

The New Complete Coffee Book Sara Perry

The Devil’s Cup Stewart Lee Allen

Coffee Basics Kevin Knox and Julie Sheldon Huffaker

Professional techniques David Schomer

If you are interested in making espresso taste good, this is the place to start. Our biggest selling book, this is often used for training.

Training with the Champions - Bellissimo Coffee This training DVD is the first in which regional, national and world barista champions share their passion one-on-one with the coffee world.

BTBKnowledgeBooks, DVDs and Training

�0 �1+44 (0)117 �53 3522


Café Europa –TheSpecialityCoffeeAssociationofEurope’sbi-monthlymagazine.

Barista Magazine –Greatforallbuddingcoffeeheads,writtenbybaristasforbaristas.

Tea and Coffee–Aninternationalviewoftheteaandcoffeeindustries,publishedsince1901.

Café Culture–Dedicatedtothecaféasawayoflife

Fresh Cup–Aleadingvoiceinthespecialtycoffeeandbeverageindustry.

Boughton’s Coffee House–Atotallyindependentvoiceintheindustry.

Café Business–Industrynews,reviewsandideas.

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Drinks. Gear. Knowledge. is a comprehensive knowledge resource where you will find information on tamper sizes, smoothie making, menu planning, signature drinks, promotions, staff incentives and much much more. You can give us a call to discuss any of these topics, or if you prefer email [email protected]

You can also sign up for the informative BTBMail, our quarterly e-newsletter which will keep you informed of new products, adventures as BTB goes on tour and promotions throughout the year. Simply sign up at to receive the current and all future editions.

BTBGlobalWe are very lucky at Beyond the Bean to work with some great people around the world who are as passionate about coffee as we are. So, whether you’re planning to sell short espressos in Italy, flavoured lattes in the UK or tea in China there is a BTB nearby to help you. Call us in the UK or email [email protected] and we will put you in touch with your nearest BTB.

You can reach us in the UK:+44 (0)117 �53 [email protected]

Metric converterThere’s a lot of confusion about all the different weights and measures used in the coffee industry, especially as the information is drawn from many different sources around the world. Although by no means exhaustive, we hope the tables here will come in handy for those occasional conversions you have to do…


0ºC = 32ºF10ºC = 50ºF20ºC = 68ºF30ºC = 86ºF40ºC = 104ºF50ºC = 122ºF60ºC = 140ºF70ºC = 158ºF80ºC = 176ºF90ºC = 194ºF100ºC = 212ºF


1oz = 30ml(3cl)8oz = 240ml(24cl)12oz = 360ml(36cl)16oz = 480ml(48cl)20oz = 600ml(60cl)


1kg = 2.2lbs2kg = 4.4lbs3kg = 6.6lbs4kg = 8.8lbs5kg = 11lbs

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Drinks. Gear.