Download - BEYOND TESTING Strategies for Growing Testing Departments Lou Woodruff NCTA National Conference Friday, September 8, 2006.

Page 1: BEYOND TESTING Strategies for Growing Testing Departments Lou Woodruff NCTA National Conference Friday, September 8, 2006.
Page 2: BEYOND TESTING Strategies for Growing Testing Departments Lou Woodruff NCTA National Conference Friday, September 8, 2006.


Strategies for Growing

Testing Departments

Lou Woodruff

NCTA National Conference

Friday, September 8, 2006

Page 3: BEYOND TESTING Strategies for Growing Testing Departments Lou Woodruff NCTA National Conference Friday, September 8, 2006.

It seems

like we never

get out from under

the day to day


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Page 5: BEYOND TESTING Strategies for Growing Testing Departments Lou Woodruff NCTA National Conference Friday, September 8, 2006.


But promoting the growth of our

testing programs often requires

us to move beyond the daily

demands of operating them.

Page 6: BEYOND TESTING Strategies for Growing Testing Departments Lou Woodruff NCTA National Conference Friday, September 8, 2006.

This presentation offers some strategies

for moving beyond the daily demands

of running our testing departments . . .

to develop opportunities for positioning

ourselves and our departments for growth.

But promoting the growth of our

testing programs often requires

us to move beyond the daily

demands of operating them.

Page 7: BEYOND TESTING Strategies for Growing Testing Departments Lou Woodruff NCTA National Conference Friday, September 8, 2006.

some of these ideas may

require investing more time

and some will work better in

one situation than in another

Among them you may find

an opportunity that fits!

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Page 9: BEYOND TESTING Strategies for Growing Testing Departments Lou Woodruff NCTA National Conference Friday, September 8, 2006.

Align withAgents of Change

Page 10: BEYOND TESTING Strategies for Growing Testing Departments Lou Woodruff NCTA National Conference Friday, September 8, 2006.

On every campus there are individuals

who develop and lead new initiatives to

improve the teaching and learning, or

the overall well being of the institution.

They gain

the support of

the administration

and can actually shape

the Institution’s priorities

Page 11: BEYOND TESTING Strategies for Growing Testing Departments Lou Woodruff NCTA National Conference Friday, September 8, 2006.

Find The Assessment Link

Within Each of Their Projects

Think Assessment – Not Just Testing

Then meet that need through your

expertise and testing resources

Page 12: BEYOND TESTING Strategies for Growing Testing Departments Lou Woodruff NCTA National Conference Friday, September 8, 2006.

AcademicInitiativesAcademicInitiatives - Hybrid Courses

- Accelerated Learning Models

- Outcomes Based Education

- Modified Faculty Roles

- On-Line Learning Communities

Here are examples of initiatives with potential assessment

components that may be in progress on your campus:

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- Accreditation Responses

- Retention Strategies

- Recruitment Activities

- Institutional Research Projects

- Advising and Career Planning

Here are examples of initiatives with potential assessment

components that may be in progress on your campus:

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When it’s the right person & the right project

it pays off for both us and our Departments!!

People are usually genuinely grateful

when you offer to enhance their project

as long as they can retain the credit

and you take on any incremental work!

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Align withAgents of Change

Play thePoliticalScene

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The Faculty


The Faculty






Student Services


Student Services


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Welfare to WorkInitiatives

Welfare to WorkInitiatives

Education Organizations

Education Organizations



Job Corps Programs

Job Corps Programs

Believeyou can!

and you will

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Align withAgents of Change

Play thePoliticalScene

Position with the PowerBrokers

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This traditional view

can leave even the best

of us feeling powerless

Power on a campus is

most often associated

with authority and $$$

But power is a complex

phenomenon extending

beyond roles and dollars

Broader understandings

enable us to leverage the

power we actually have

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Leveraging these qualities in building political relationships and

engaging “agents of change” on campus will expand your power!

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Align withAgents of Change

Play thePoliticalScene

Position with the PowerBrokers


Face Validity

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Increasingly, budget concerns

are driving decisions in every

area within Higher Education

Some Testing Departments

must support themselves

solely through revenue earned.The revenue earned by many

of us disappears into a black

hole called the General Fund!

And all of us will at some point

find ourselves trying to justify

the costs of what we are doing.

Page 26: BEYOND TESTING Strategies for Growing Testing Departments Lou Woodruff NCTA National Conference Friday, September 8, 2006.

Increasingly, budget concerns

are driving decisions in every

area within Higher Education

Some Testing Departments

must support themselves

solely through revenue earned.The revenue earned by many

of us disappears into a black

hole called the General Fund!

And all of us will at some point

find ourselves trying to justify

the costs of what we are doing.

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• Taking Credit for Your Revenue

• Managing Bottom Line Perceptions

• Telling Your Financial “Story”

• Controlling Your Budget Presentation

• Defining Your “Measures of Success”

The Following Slides Will Look At

Page 28: BEYOND TESTING Strategies for Growing Testing Departments Lou Woodruff NCTA National Conference Friday, September 8, 2006.

Even if the General Fund takes it without reporting back to you• Taking Credit for Your Revenue• Taking Credit for Your Revenue For Tests For Which You Collect Revenue

Report what the General Fund should have received:

Test 1 Volume X

Test Fee =

Test 1 Revenue

Test 2 Volume X

Test Fee =

Test 2 Revenue



Take Credit for Your Revenue

Prepare Your Own Testing Revenue Report

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• Taking Credit for Your Revenue For Tests Delivered Through Vendors

Whether P&P tests delivered on Saturdays

or computerized tests delivered daily . . .

Report all Honoraria as Revenue . . .

Honoraria paid is revenue, disbursed

to offset the expense of the work you

perform in support of your mission.

even if it is paid directly to a proctor!

Take Credit for Your Revenue

Prepare Your Own Testing Revenue Report

Page 30: BEYOND TESTING Strategies for Growing Testing Departments Lou Woodruff NCTA National Conference Friday, September 8, 2006.

• Taking Credit for Your Revenue

• Managing Bottom Line Perceptions

• Telling Your Financial “Story”

• Controlling Your Budget Presentation

• Defining Your “Measures of Success”

Page 31: BEYOND TESTING Strategies for Growing Testing Departments Lou Woodruff NCTA National Conference Friday, September 8, 2006.

Manage Bottom Line Perceptions

Tell “The Story”Tell “The Story” Every budget report

has a story to tell . . .

of drama, challenges,

initiative and victory

Page 32: BEYOND TESTING Strategies for Growing Testing Departments Lou Woodruff NCTA National Conference Friday, September 8, 2006.

Every budget report

has a story to tell . . .

of drama, challenges,

initiative and victory

There are opportunities to report success

even in the midst of great declines!

drama, challenges,

initiative and victory

Manage Bottom Line Perceptions

Tell “The Story”Tell “The Story”

Page 33: BEYOND TESTING Strategies for Growing Testing Departments Lou Woodruff NCTA National Conference Friday, September 8, 2006.

Don’t rely on the

budget format from

your financial system

to deliver your message

Tell “The Story”Tell “The Story”

Manage Bottom Line Perceptions

Control the PresentationControl the Presentation

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Use a reporting format

that supports all the

details of your storyTell “The Story”Tell “The Story”

Manage Bottom Line Perceptions

Control the PresentationControl the Presentation

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Tell “The Story”Tell “The Story”

Manage Bottom Line Perceptions

Fixed Semi-Variable Variable

try to

maintainor reduce

use to


good for

shaping perceptions

Control the PresentationControl the Presentation

Recurring costs

that stay about the

same each year

Costs that vary with

changes in volumes

or levels of services

Costs that vary with

some changes but

not with others

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Tell “The Story”Tell “The Story”

Manage Bottom Line Perceptions

Control the PresentationControl the Presentation

Define the “Measures of Success”Define the “Measures of Success”

Select measures

that frame the

facts as success

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Traditional measures of success are OK

if your financials work well with them !

Plan Actual % Var$ Var LastYear





But if comparing your plan

to your actual, or this year

to last year, doesn’t paint

a positive enough picture . . .

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Highlight Measures of Efficiency & ProductivityHighlight Measures of Efficiency & Productivity

How effectively you manage

your Operating ExpensesHow much work is

done by your staff

compared with

Staff Expenses

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First, clean out your expense lines.

Show (non-staff) Operating Expenses

and (operational) Staff Expenses only.

Highlight Measures of Efficiency & ProductivityHighlight Measures of Efficiency & Productivity

Set Aside:

- Non-Operational Expenses

- Administrative Staff Costs

- Costs for Special Projects

- Test Purchases

Page 40: BEYOND TESTING Strategies for Growing Testing Departments Lou Woodruff NCTA National Conference Friday, September 8, 2006.

Highlight Measures of Efficiency & ProductivityHighlight Measures of Efficiency & Productivity

Next, identify “Units of Measure”

taken from the work performed

within your area of responsibility.


- Other Measures

- Test Volumes

- Scanning Volumes

- Service Hours

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Highlight Measures of Efficiency & ProductivityHighlight Measures of Efficiency & Productivity

Align your Staff Expenses and

Operating Expenses with the

Units of Measures you identified.

Put each Unit of Measure together

with the Staff Expenses and

Operating Expenses associated

with it . . . into a formula to yield

your Staff Expense per Unit and

your Operating Expense per Unit.

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$$ per Unit

Operating Expenses

Unit of Measure


$$ per Unit

Highlight Measures of Efficiency & ProductivityHighlight Measures of Efficiency & ProductivityEfficiency Productivity

Test Volumes

Scanning Volumes

Service Hours

Other Measures

Staff Expenses

Then compare each of your actual

$$ per units this year with what

was planned, or with what actually

happened the previous year.

Example: relates to relates to

Page 43: BEYOND TESTING Strategies for Growing Testing Departments Lou Woodruff NCTA National Conference Friday, September 8, 2006.

If your Staff $$ per Unit has decreased

Your Productivity has gone up !!

If your Operating $$ per Unit has decreased

Your Efficiency has improved !!

Highlight Measures of Efficiency & ProductivityHighlight Measures of Efficiency & ProductivityEfficiency Productivity

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• Tell “The Story” Behind the $$

• Control the Presentation

• Define Your “Measures of Success”

“Finances and Face Validity”(Review)

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Align withAgents of Change

Play thePoliticalScene

Position with the PowerBrokers


Face Validity

Use YourValue Add

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Your “Value Add” is the fuel

that protects your program

and promotes its growth . . .

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But YOU cannot decide

what “Value Add”

you have to offer . . .

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The “Value” that you “Add”

is determined by the needs

of those who receive it.

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Stay alert to the many needs

you are meeting and those

still unmet . . . which represent

opportunities for enhancing

your “Value-Add” on campus.

Page 50: BEYOND TESTING Strategies for Growing Testing Departments Lou Woodruff NCTA National Conference Friday, September 8, 2006.

focus on meetingthe needs ofothers

focus on meetingthe needs ofothers

identify needsthey didn’t realize

they had

identify needsthey didn’t realize

they hadcontinue to broadcast the value you add

continue to broadcast the value you add

On the Road to Value Add On the Road to Value Add

remember . . .

it’s all about the journey BeIntentional BeIntentional

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Align withAgents of Change

Play thePoliticalScene

Position with the PowerBrokers


Face Validity

Using YourValue Add

MarketEverythingEvery Day

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Page 53: BEYOND TESTING Strategies for Growing Testing Departments Lou Woodruff NCTA National Conference Friday, September 8, 2006.

Marketing is a state of mind

that finds the opportunity

for shaping perceptions

in every moment

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So what

should we

actually market?

Services Revenue


AcademicContribution Affiliations



Market Yourself


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Align withAgents of Change

Play thePoliticalScene

Position with the PowerBrokers


Face Validity

Using YourValue Add

MarketEverythingEvery Day


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They don’t really understand whattesting is all about.

They don’t really understand whattesting is all about !

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Status in Academia is


in part, through


expertise in your field.

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However, some individuals on campus

may downplay your skills if they feel

there is nothing special about what

you do.

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develop atesting mystique

develop a

testing mystique

speak about applying

national testing standards

reference affiliations with

with major test vendors

and test publishers

underscore your alliances

within academic affairs

highlight your partnerships

within student affairs

leverage your involvement in NCTA

be knowledgeable about

assessment issues that

impact higher education

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Market Yourself as a Testing ProfessionalMarket Yourself as a Testing Professional

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Align withAgents of Change

Play thePoliticalScene

Position with the PowerBrokers


Face Validity

Using YourValue Add

MarketEverythingEvery Day


Skills SkillsDesireDesireOurOur Initiative Initiative

it is

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Skills SkillsDesireDesireOurOur Initiative Initiative

it is





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“It’s always better with a friend!”

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“It’s always better with a friend!”

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For a copy of this

slide show contact

Lou Woodruff

[email protected]