Download - BETHEL H ERALD August Herald.pdfBethel Evangelical Lutheran Church * 4120 17th Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55407 * 612-724-3693 * August 1 2

Page 1: BETHEL H ERALD August Herald.pdfBethel Evangelical Lutheran Church * 4120 17th Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55407 * 612-724-3693 *  August 1 2


Pastor’s Column .................. 1–2

Step-Up .................................. 2

Outreach Events...................... 2

Habitat Thank You!.................. 2

Mia Outing Invitation ............... 3

Faith’s Forum .......................... 3

Sew School Bags .................... 4

Donate School Supplies .......... 4

Renewal Sunday ..................... 4

Talent Give Away .................... 4

WANTED: Flat Jesus............... 5

Live as a Steward.................... 5

Personnel Interview Update .... 5

Calendar............................ 6 & 7

Birthdays & Anniversaries ...... 8

Thank You ............................... 8

Sunday Servers....................... 9

In Our Prayers ..................... 10

Board of Administrators......... 11

Mission Council ..................... 11

Volume 80 Volume 80 Volume 80 Volume 80 Number 8Number 8Number 8Number 8 August 2016 August 2016 August 2016 August 2016

In gratitude, Bethel Evangelical Lutheran Church amplifies God’s grace, nourishes all creation, reaches out, and builds community. •We are a Reconciling in Christ Congregation. •Bethel CYF Ministries bridges generations to model, equip, and encourage a foundation of trust in God’s story.

Sept. 11, 2016

Worship at 10:30 AM

Summer Fun Continues!Summer Fun Continues!Summer Fun Continues!Summer Fun Continues!

Since we shared quotes and photos from the Civil Rights Trip in the July news-

letter, it only seems appropriate to do the same regarding Luther Crest Bible

Camp and South Minneapolis Day Camp. Not to mention #belcflatjesus

hanging out in our back yard.

Franklin, Michael, and Stella had a fabulous time at Luther Crest Bible Camp. Each of them enjoyed their own camp program by attending Leapers Camp, Wet and Wild Camp, and Joyful Noise Camp (respectively). Pr Brenda had a great time too, playing ukulele with Stella and the gang, as we all learned to “live out justice, forgiveness, care, live out service, live out prayer!”

South Minneapolis Day Camp was enjoyed by 91 children and youth from 4 years old – 8th grade, we also had assistant leaders from 9th-12 grades. Be-thel enjoyed hosting this event again, and we had a blast! Thank you for all our kitchen volunteers. Pr Brenda and Pr Racheal (from Living Table UCC) lead a separate track for middle school youth and made the week “awesome” for that age group.

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2 Bethel Evangelical Lutheran Church * 4120 17th Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55407 * 612-724-3693 *

STEP—UP Youth are back this summer. This summer we are delighted to have one Step-Up youth working with us. Keona is here through August 19th. She will be helping Jim around the building as well as our gardeners outside the building. She has been with us for a month and has been hard working and enjoyable. When you see her, please introduce yourself and chat with her. We are lucky to have her. The Step-Up program is designed to assist youth in gaining job experience and skills. This is typically their first employment. We hope they get as much out of this summer as we will.

We did service projects, field trips, and planned & facilitated a kid’s carnival on the last day of camp. Our theme was “Peace~Salaam~Shalom” and we ended the week with a peace march through our neighborhood. What a blessing!

BELC Flat Jesus hung out at the Annual Ban-croft Neighborhood Ice Cream Social this past month. As you can see, Flat Jesus made some friends and now plays the banjo and drums! Watch for more Flat Jesus on Sun-day, August 14, 5-7pm. with you, for Christ,

MUSICAL Instrument DriveMUSICAL Instrument DriveMUSICAL Instrument DriveMUSICAL Instrument Drive———— August 21st 11:00 AM August 21st 11:00 AM August 21st 11:00 AM August 21st 11:00 AM----4:00 PM4:00 PM4:00 PM4:00 PM

Do you have a musical instrument in playable condition lying around that is going unused? Please consider donating it to my Eagle Scout projectEagle Scout projectEagle Scout projectEagle Scout project, a musical instrument drive to support my elementary school.

The Musical Instrument Drive is on August 21st from 11amThe Musical Instrument Drive is on August 21st from 11amThe Musical Instrument Drive is on August 21st from 11amThe Musical Instrument Drive is on August 21st from 11am----4pm at Oxendale’s Market, 4pm at Oxendale’s Market, 4pm at Oxendale’s Market, 4pm at Oxendale’s Market, 5025 34th Ave. S.5025 34th Ave. S.5025 34th Ave. S.5025 34th Ave. S.

Please prePlease prePlease prePlease pre----register your instrument donation register your instrument donation register your instrument donation register your instrument donation at the online database, Instruments in the Cloud, at and make sure to enter Saint Helena Catholic School. Or feel free to drop your donation off at the drive. Questions? Contact Henry Warwick at (612) 721-3255.

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Bethel Evangelical Lutheran Church * 4120 17th Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55407 * 612-724-3693 * 3

Faith’s Forums Faith’s Forums Faith’s Forums Faith’s Forums begin again on begin again on begin again on begin again on Renewal Sunday, Renewal Sunday, Renewal Sunday, Renewal Sunday, Sept 11th.Sept 11th.Sept 11th.Sept 11th.

Faith’s Forum Sunday at 9:15 a.m.Sunday at 9:15 a.m.Sunday at 9:15 a.m.Sunday at 9:15 a.m.

in the Church Parlorin the Church Parlorin the Church Parlorin the Church Parlor

Faith’s Forum starts off the year with a two part series on Aging.Faith’s Forum starts off the year with a two part series on Aging.Faith’s Forum starts off the year with a two part series on Aging.Faith’s Forum starts off the year with a two part series on Aging. The presenter will be Patty Crawford, M.A. She has worked in the field of elder services for forty years. Currently she manages Augustana’s Open Circle Adult Day Center in Apple Valley. Sept. 11 Sept. 11 Sept. 11 Sept. 11 Aging and Identity Aging and Identity Aging and Identity Aging and Identity (Part 1) Patty believes that every part of

life has a purpose. As we age we sometimes wonder what that is. We will discuss this topic which grew out of her work on elderspeak and identity subversion.

Sept. 18Sept. 18Sept. 18Sept. 18 Memory Loss: Why Are We So Afraid? Memory Loss: Why Are We So Afraid? Memory Loss: Why Are We So Afraid? Memory Loss: Why Are We So Afraid? (Part 2) Patty hopes

that opening a discussion on this topic will inspire people to think deeply about life and encourage them to claim their value and position in society.

Sept 25Sept 25Sept 25Sept 25 Civil Rights Tour presentation by our Youth Civil Rights Tour presentation by our Youth Civil Rights Tour presentation by our Youth Civil Rights Tour presentation by our Youth The Bethel

Youth that traveled on the Civil Rights Tour will talk about what they did, and saw, and felt. They will talk about how they have been impacted and what they think about the world today.

2016 Habitat for Humanity Project Thanks to everyone that came out to work on our habitat house. This is hard work which is more fun with friends. Your time,

energy and presence was greatly appreciated!

“I am really happy. Every single day I wake up and say ‘Thank

God’ for my Habitat home.” ~ Yeshi, Habitat homeowner

“I’m very happy to move into our new house, because I get to have my own room and space for my own stuff. We don’t have

to move anymore. Thank you!” ~Yusra, age 10

You’re invited to join fellow Bethel members for a docent-led tour of the upcoming exhibit at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts (Mia) titled "Martin Luther: Art and the Reformation." "Martin Luther: Art and the Reformation." "Martin Luther: Art and the Reformation." "Martin Luther: Art and the Reformation." Artworks and historical objects, traveling outside Germany for the first time ever, will include paintings, sculpture, gold, textiles, and works on paper, as well as Luther's personal possessions and recent archaeological finds. The approximate one-hour tour is set for Saturday, December 3rd at 11amSaturday, December 3rd at 11amSaturday, December 3rd at 11amSaturday, December 3rd at 11am. Tickets are $15 each. We have 30 spots.

Questions? Questions? Questions? Questions? Contact Karen WarwickContact Karen WarwickContact Karen WarwickContact Karen Warwick 612612612612----721721721721----3255.3255.3255.3255.

Thank you!

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4 Bethel Evangelical Lutheran Church * 4120 17th Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55407 * 612-724-3693 *

Time to Sew School BackpacksTime to Sew School BackpacksTime to Sew School BackpacksTime to Sew School Backpacks There is still time…. if you would like to sew backpacks, you may get the instructions from Bethel office or Sharon Rodi. We will be filling these bags again this year on Renewal Sunday.

Join us for Renewal Sunday, Sept. 11th!Join us for Renewal Sunday, Sept. 11th!Join us for Renewal Sunday, Sept. 11th!Join us for Renewal Sunday, Sept. 11th!

9:15 AM Faith Trek, LYFE & Faith’s Forum begin again. 9:15 AM Faith Trek, LYFE & Faith’s Forum begin again. 9:15 AM Faith Trek, LYFE & Faith’s Forum begin again. 9:15 AM Faith Trek, LYFE & Faith’s Forum begin again. 10:30 AM Worship 10:30 AM Worship 10:30 AM Worship 10:30 AM Worship – including: blessing of the new school year! Bring your backpack, lesson planners, school IDs, etc. 11:45 AM Lunch & Service 11:45 AM Lunch & Service 11:45 AM Lunch & Service 11:45 AM Lunch & Service

During lunch we will draw the winners of our Talent Give Away. Talent Give Away. Talent Give Away. Talent Give Away. After lunch everyone will be able to serve our community by filling all the School bags School bags School bags School bags for our “God’s Work, Our Hands” “God’s Work, Our Hands” “God’s Work, Our Hands” “God’s Work, Our Hands” project.

Bring your donated items in by September 4th!Bring your donated items in by September 4th!Bring your donated items in by September 4th!Bring your donated items in by September 4th! School supplies and bags can be brought to Bethel anytime. School supplies and bags can be brought to Bethel anytime. School supplies and bags can be brought to Bethel anytime. School supplies and bags can be brought to Bethel anytime.

For more details contact Sharon Rodi.For more details contact Sharon Rodi.For more details contact Sharon Rodi.For more details contact Sharon Rodi.

School bagsSchool bagsSchool bagsSchool bags School bags are urgently requested from Lu-theran World Relief (LWR). School bags are sewn from sturdy cloth and filled with basic school supplies. Each bag contains: Each bag contains: Each bag contains: Each bag contains: 4 70-sheet spiral notebooks 1 30 centimeter ruler 1 pencil sharpener 1 blunt scissor 5 unsharpened #2 pencils w/erasers 5 blue or black ballpoint ink pens 1 box of 16 or 24 crayons 1 2 ½ inch eraser How many bags can we sew and fill with requested school supplies? Currently 30 bags are sewn. Anyone wanting to sew bags can contact Sharon Rodi.

PLEASE: NO colorful pencils w/ flags, sayings, smiley faces, PLEASE: NO colorful pencils w/ flags, sayings, smiley faces, PLEASE: NO colorful pencils w/ flags, sayings, smiley faces, PLEASE: NO colorful pencils w/ flags, sayings, smiley faces,

camouflage or the like. Just plain yellow pencils. This goes camouflage or the like. Just plain yellow pencils. This goes camouflage or the like. Just plain yellow pencils. This goes camouflage or the like. Just plain yellow pencils. This goes

for all items donated. These images are irrelevant to the for all items donated. These images are irrelevant to the for all items donated. These images are irrelevant to the for all items donated. These images are irrelevant to the

children receiving these supplies.children receiving these supplies.children receiving these supplies.children receiving these supplies.

TALENT GIVE AWAY 2 Remember doing this in 2014?

We would like YOU to give away one of your talents! We need to know what you would like to give to your community.

• Maybe you will give a couple hours of snow shov-eling or babysitting or house work or organizing

• Are you willing to bake cookies, bread, make soup • make a birdhouse, stocking cap, mittens, • or pray for someone. • You could drive someone around to accomplish a


• or help put addresses on Christmas card enve-lopes.

• Maybe you would simply like to visit someone for a couple hours.

Whatever you want to give away … it has to be related to a talent that you have!

Please let the office know what you would like

to give away no later than August 19th. Once we know the items available, we will create a drawing for each talent donated and you will have an opportunity to put your name into as many or as few drawing as you would like.

Finally, on Sunday, September 11, at our Renewal Sunday lunch, we will select winners of all our talents! We will connect folks who need to make plans (what kind of cookies you like, when you need a ride someplace, etc) and give away any physi-cal prizes that were offered as well (something knitted, drawn, made). This is going to be fun ~ again!!!

Email or write down what you want to give away and make sure our office gets it by Aug 19! [email protected]

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Bethel Evangelical Lutheran Church * 4120 17th Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55407 * 612-724-3693 * 5

Live as a StewardLive as a StewardLive as a StewardLive as a Steward Most church goers associate the word "stewardship" with "the church needs money." It is true that the con-

gregation, like individuals, needs money to function in this world, but that was not the key point when our Lord di-rected all people to be stewards of the earth. Our individual challenge is to consider ourselves first. If our own lives are in order, then we are positioned to care for others. This mental shift to focusing on ourselves doesn't come easy, particularly for those who have been taught to put others first.

When reflecting on Jesus' "Golden Rule” (Matthew 7:12), please consider that Jesus isn't asking a bigger sacrifice for others than we would do for ourselves. To love others, we must first love ourselves. If we don't love ourselves, it is hard to love others.

Healthy self-love inherently leads to love for our surroundings and a loving environment. In Genesis 1:28, the Lord directs all people to care for our planet by being in charge of it. An improper me-first attitude might want to destroy the earth, but a truly self-loving attitude will result in caring for the earth because the earth is our home.

When you think of stewardship, I encourage you to think of stewardship truly in a holistic fashion that in-cludes ourselves. If our priorities are properly set, I believe everything else will fall into place. ~ by Paul Kile

Your pictures of Your pictures of Your pictures of Your pictures of FLAT JESUSFLAT JESUSFLAT JESUSFLAT JESUS

Flat Jesus seems to be eluding us this summer. Your assis-tance in sending photos of Flat Jesus with you will be greatly appreciated. Send them to us at: [email protected]

Personnel ReportPersonnel ReportPersonnel ReportPersonnel Report As mentioned by your Board President and Council Chair, we are currently in the midst of hiring processes for our new Engagement Coordinator, as well as our new Organist/Pianist.

The Engagement Coordinator search is in its final stages as we check references and come down to our final candidate. This search process provided 10 strong candidates, and we are blessed with the opportunity to choose between three excellent people.

The Organist/Pianist search is just getting under-

way. We have seven very strong candidates and will narrow that number down in the next week or so. Jaquie Archer (our new Vice Presi-dent) and Hsu-hui will be leading this search process. In the meantime, we have substitute musicians covering our worship services and are very thankful for these folks who are sharing their talents with us.

Prayers of Sympathy

for the family of

Linda Thone

Linda’s life was celebrated here at Bethel

on Friday, July 22.

Prayers of Sympathy for

Cherise Williams and family

at the loss of their still born baby boy,

Roman Vici.

Naming ceremony and private funeral

was held July 26th here at Bethel.

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AugustAugustAugustAugust flatjesus@bethelflatjesus@bethelflatjesus@[email protected] #belcflatjesus#belcflatjesus#belcflatjesus#belcflatjesus @belcflatjesus@belcflatjesus@belcflatjesus@belcflatjesus

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday

1 9:00 AM NHS Senior Cards

7:00 PM BNA Yoga

2 8:45 AM OA- Meditation

9:30 AM Overeaters Anonymous

10:00 AM NHS Exercise Class

10:30 AM Staff meeting

6:30 PM Pentecostal Music Practice

National Night Out

3 10:00 AM NHS Art Group

10:00 AM NHS Yoga & Breathing

6:00 PM Quartet Rehearsal

6:00 PM Mission Council Meeting

6:30 PM AA Group

Lake Hiawatha Neighborhood Fest

7 Pentecost 12 Family Camp Luther Pt Bible Camp

10:30 AM Worship @ Minnehaha Falls!

1:00 PM Pentecostal Casa Worship

1:30 PM MN Casa Worship


Meal Prep

9:00 AM NHS Senior Cards

7:00 PM BNA Yoga

9 6:00 AM Primary ELECTION

8:45 AM OA- Meditation

9:30 AM Operation Love

9:30 AM Overeaters Anonymous

10:00 AM NHS Exercise Class

10:30 AM Staff meeting

6:00 PM Board of Administrators

6:30 PM Pentecostal Music Practice

10 10:00 AM NHS Art Group

10:00 AM NHS Yoga & Breathing

6:00 PM Quartet Rehearsal

6:30 PM AA Group

14 Pentecost 13 9:40 AM Sunday ~ Story ~ Song ~ Snack

10:00 AM Worship w/Communion

1:00 PM Pentecostal Casa Worship

1:30 PM MN Casa Worship

5:00 PM Bethel’s Annual Summer

Picnic & Concert

15 9:00 AM NHS Senior Cards

7:00 PM BNA Yoga

16 8:45 AM OA- Meditation

9:30 AM Book Group (private)

9:30 AM Overeaters Anonymous

10:00 AM NHS Exercise Class

10:30 AM Staff meeting

6:30 PM Pentecostal Music Practice

6:30 PM Worship & Music Committee

17 10:00 AM NHS Art Group

10:00 AM NHS Yoga & Breathing

6:00 PM Quartet Rehearsal

6:30 PM AA Group

21 Pentecost 14 9:40 AM Sunday ~ Story ~ Song ~ Snack

10:00 AM Worship w/Communion

1:00 PM Pentecostal Casa Worship

1:30 PM MN Casa Worship

22 9:00 AM NHS Senior Cards

7:00 PM BNA Yoga

23 8:45 AM OA- Meditation

9:30 AM Overeaters Anonymous

10:00 AM NHS Exercise Class

10:30 AM Staff meeting

6:00 PM Welcome Committee

6:30 PM Pentecostal Music Practice

24 10:00 AM NHS Art Group

10:00 AM NHS Yoga & Breathing

1:00 PM HERALD ASSEMBLY 4:15 PM NHS Outreach/Tech Mtg

6:00 PM Quartet Rehearsal

6:30 PM AA Group

28 Pentecost 15 9:40 AM Sunday ~ Story ~ Song ~ Snack

10:00 AM Worship w/Communion

1:00 PM Pentecostal Casa Worship

1:30 PM MN Casa Worship

29 9:00 AM NHS Senior Cards

7:00 PM BNA Yoga

30 8:45 AM OA- Meditation

9:30 AM Overeaters Anonymous

10:00 AM NHS Exercise Class

10:30 AM Staff meeting

6:30 PM Pentecostal Music Practice

31 10:00 AM NHS Art Group

10:00 AM NHS Yoga & Breathing

6:00 PM Quartet Rehearsal

6:30 PM AA Group

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Bethel Evangelical Lutheran Church * 4120 17th Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55407 * 612-724-3693 * 7

2016 2016 2016 2016 Thursday Friday Saturday

4 9:30 AM NHS - Nurse is in

10:00 AM NHS Exercise Class

11:15 AM NHS Health Talk

1:00 PM NHS Dev Committee

4:30 PM BELONG Dinner

7:00 PM MN Casa - Bible Study

5 11:00 AM NHS Yoga

6:00 PM Pentecostal Casa Worship

6 9:00 AM AA Amigos II

9:00 AM Debtors Anonymous (S Mpls)

12:00 PM Pentecostal Casa Private


11 9:30 AM NHS - Nurse is in

10:00 AM NHS Exercise Class

11:30 AM NHS Staff mtg & Care Conf

1:00 PM NHS Dev Committee

6:30 PM Nokomis Quilters

7:00 PM BNA Board Meeting

7:00 PM MN Casa - Bible Study

12 11:00 AM NHS Yoga

6:00 PM Pentecostal Casa Worship

13 7:45 AM Intergroup Debtors Anonymous

9:00 AM AA Amigos II

9:00 AM Debtors Anonymous (S Mpls)

12:00 PM Casa de Oracion Conference

18 9:30 AM NHS - Nurse is in

10:00 AM NHS Exercise Class

1:00 PM NHS Dev Committee

4:30 PM BELONG Dinner

6:00 PM Beer & the Bible

7:00 PM MN Casa - Bible Study

19 11:00 AM NHS Yoga

6:00 PM Pentecostal Casa Worship


20 9:00 AM AA Amigos II

9:00 AM Debtors Anonymous (S Mpls)

12:00 PM Wedding Derek & Alexis

25 9:30 AM NHS - Nurse is in

10:00 AM NHS Exercise Class

11:00 AM NHS "Password"

1:00 PM NHS - Caregiver Support Group

1:00 PM NHS Dev Committee

4:00 PM NHS Exec Committee

6:00 PM BNA-Housing & Commercial Dvlp.

6:30 PM Nokomis Quilters

7:00 PM MN Casa - Bible Study

26 11:00 AM NHS Yoga

6:00 PM Pentecostal Casa Worship

27 9:00 AM AA Amigos II

9:00 AM Debtors Anonymous (S Mpls)

Our worship on August 7, 2016 is at 10:30 AM

at the band shell at Minnehaha Falls.

Bring your own chair and bring your own picnic lunch!

Bethel Family Camp 2016 Aug 5Bethel Family Camp 2016 Aug 5Bethel Family Camp 2016 Aug 5Bethel Family Camp 2016 Aug 5————Aug 7Aug 7Aug 7Aug 7

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8 Bethel Evangelical Lutheran Church * 4120 17th Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55407 * 612-724-3693 *

If your birthday or anniversary is missing from this page, please let the office know so we can update our records!

Mike Greer Aug 3 Frank Phillips Aug 19

Malakai Keating Aug 5 Troy Ramerth Aug 20

Matt Psick Aug 6 Kathy Hundt Aug 24

Jim Haraldson Aug 7 Jan Walker Aug 24

Matt Nordine Aug 7 Sharon Warwick Aug 24

Hunter Maddaus Aug 8 Norma Lanning Aug 28

Dan Hauge Aug 10 Amanda McCaughan Aug 30

Lizzy Kile Aug 13 Megan Psick Aug 30

Evelyn Froise Aug 17

Gavin Chovan-Spence Aug 17

Dave & Gabby Hauge Aug 7

Erika & Casey MacCallum Aug 7

Kellie & Clint Riley Aug 8

Mike & Grace Simons Aug 8

Dan & Kathy Hundt Aug 10

Ryan & Emily Kjesbo-Johnson Aug 15

John & Karen Ramerth Aug 17

Barb & Bob Wandberg Aug 23

Gail & Doug Hanson Aug 26

Bev Berg & Mike Riley Aug 29

Kathy Burk & Tim Berens Aug 30

There are so many things for which I am thankful.

� Pr. Brenda for the fine sermon

� Hsu-hui and the choir for their beautiful music selection and rendition

� All who worked so hard in making the reception a success

� The congregation for the gift

� All who sent cards with remembrances and well wishes

� Also the congregation for giving me the privilege of practicing on the organ and piano in my retirement years

Forgive me if I have forgotten anyone or anything. It was a fine celebration for my 52 years of sharing my music ministry with this congregation. I will hold you close to my heart always. Love, Paul

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Bethel Evangelical Lutheran Church * 4120 17th Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55407 * 612-724-3693 * 9

August 7 August 14 August 21 August 28

Pentecost 12 Pentecost 13 Pentecost 14 Pentecost 15

Worship @

Minnehaha Falls Worship with Communion

by Intinction Worship with Communion by

Intinction Worship with Communion

by Intinction

Scripture Readings Scripture Readings Scripture Readings

Prophet: Micah Prophet: Joel Prophet: Amos

Assisting Minister Assisting Minister Assisting Minister

Kristin Cleary Sharon Rodi Anna Olsen

Communion Assistants Communion Assistants Communion Assistants

Bruce Gramentz Les Johnson Libby Krogh

Darlene Olson Larissa Hoover Marilyn Newborg

Don Olson Becky Johnson Teondre Martinez

Lector Lector Lector

Wendy Krogh Don Olson Dean Anderson

Acolyte Acolyte Acolyte

Ella Soderberg Josi Alberts Megan Psick

Ushers Ushers Ushers

Dan Hundt Mike Greer Dave Krogh

Dan Hauge Mary Sunde Jim Haraldson

Mike Greer Dean Anderson Casey MacCallum

David Sunde Stan Rosby

Toddler Care Toddler Care Toddler Care

Becky Johnson Christian & Wendy Ledesma Karen Tennis

Hospitality Hospitality Hospitality

Sharon Rodi Joan Bargman Laurie Hauge

Sacristy Sacristy Sacristy

Alice Evenson Becky Johnson Marilyn Newborg

Van Driver Van Driver Van Driver

Round Trip: Pick up: Les Johnson Round Trip:

Dan Hundt Return: Dave Krogh Mike Greer

Finance Team Finance Team Finance Team

Les Johnson Pat & Bruce Gramentz Jim & Kristin Cleary

Scott & Jean Artola Ken & Leanne Puckett Dan Hauge

Ella Soderberg Shirley Elavsky

Marilyn Newborg

Altar Guild Team 5: Kristin Cleary, Janet Anderson

August 7th —Worship will be at Minnehaha Falls at 10:30 AM

Bring a chair to sit on. Bring your own picnic lunch. Will be a blast!

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10 Bethel Evangelical Lutheran Church * 4120 17th Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55407 * 612-724-3693 *



Bangladesh Mission

Ecumenical Prayer CycleEcumenical Prayer CycleEcumenical Prayer CycleEcumenical Prayer Cycle:

Aug 7Aug 7Aug 7Aug 7 Canada, USA

Aug 14Aug 14Aug 14Aug 14 Aotearoa New Zealand, Australia

Aug 21Aug 21Aug 21Aug 21 The Pacific Islands

Aug 28Aug 28Aug 28Aug 28 Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania


IN THE MILITARY Robert Hundt Katrel Bishop (Pastor Brenda’s nephew) Emily Dorumsgaard (Sue’s niece) Adam Froisland (Pastor Brenda’s nephew) Dwana Froisland (Pastor Brenda’s niece) Brian Hansen (Kaka’s husband) Aaron Larson (Rosie Smith’s grandson) McLain Merical (Kathy Hundt’s nephew) Miles Napue (Barb Noethe’s grandson)

Please call regarding Please call regarding Please call regarding Please call regarding Pastoral Visits, Hospitals, and Care Centers. Pastoral Visits, Hospitals, and Care Centers. Pastoral Visits, Hospitals, and Care Centers. Pastoral Visits, Hospitals, and Care Centers.

If you or a family member would like to have a visit from the pastor during a hospital stay, please notify the church office.

If you or a family member are moved to a care center, please notify the church office. We want to stay in contact with you and continue our ministry of presence and prayer.

Due to privacy rules hospitals and other care facilities are not allowed to share that information when we call.

We depend on you. 612612612612----724724724724----3693 ~~ bethel@bethel3693 ~~ bethel@bethel3693 ~~ bethel@bethel3693 ~~ [email protected]

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Cherise & JaRied Williams

Melissa Tapio Elaine Vogel Bob Allstop Sharon Warwick Mark Walker Crystal Vaughn Mel Olson Rita Moen Karen McBride Joan Hurtovenko Brandon Puckett Jeff Fossum Carrie Melhus Sheila Nelson

Janet Peterson Evelyn Froise Teddy Gaines Pikkarainen Family Ryan Summer Andy Martinson Pearl Nelson Joan Dahlman Audrey Campbell Gladys Person Doris Christianson Suzette Miller Madalynn Bresina Eula Johnson

RELATIVES & FRIENDS OF BETHEL MEMBERS RELATIVES & FRIENDS OF BETHEL MEMBERS RELATIVES & FRIENDS OF BETHEL MEMBERS RELATIVES & FRIENDS OF BETHEL MEMBERS Dennis (Jim Blomgren’s friend) Cheryl (Karen McBride’s sister) Beth (Trent Rosby’s wife) Yi-shioung (Hsu-hui Wang’s father) Pat McDougall (Laurie Hauge’s dad) Diana Cook (Pr. Brenda’s friend) Marlene (Pr. Brenda’s family friend) Henrietta Hundt (Dan Hundt’s mom) Gretchen (Larissa Hoover’s mom) Excel Arradondo (Crystal Vaughn’s father) Charista Harristhal (Tom Keating’s god daughter) Gwen Bity (Larissa Hoover’s aunt) Marty Evenson (Alice Evenson’s sister-in-law) Ann Baskett (Crystal Vaughn’s grandmother) Carol Nelson (Friend of Bethel) Bob Swenson (Jan & Mark Walker’s neighbor) Ellie (Wohnoutka’s family friend) Claire Tarr (Margaret Johnson’s god child) Meghan (Sue Dorumsgaard Ayer’s friends) Kathryn Moen (Paul Comnick’s friend) Al & Terry (Mary & Stan Rosby’s neighbors) Vi & David (Sue Dorumsgaard Ayers’ mom & friend) Andrea (Mona Falk’s daughter) Jim Wedlund (Dody Schlottke’s brother) Eloise Zenanko (Roberta’s mom) Diane Moen (Shirley Elavsky’s niece) Laney Hays (Ann Allison’s niece) Sharon Wang (Hsu-hui Wang’s sister-in-law) Gladys Scurr (Paul Comnick’s cousin) Stan Hill (Erin & Jim Gaines’ brother-in-law) Jamie (Sheila Nelson’s friend)

Page 11: BETHEL H ERALD August Herald.pdfBethel Evangelical Lutheran Church * 4120 17th Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55407 * 612-724-3693 *  August 1 2

Bethel Evangelical Lutheran Church * 4120 17th Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55407 * 612-724-3693 * 11

Mission Council

Bethel Evangelical Lutheran Church

4120 17th Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55407 General e-mail:

[email protected] Phone: (612) 724-3693 Fax: (612) 724-3694

Transportation Phone: Call the church office

Office Hours M—F 8 a.m.—3 p.m.

Pastor: Brenda Froisland [email protected]

Music: Hsu-hui Wang, Director [email protected] Barb Saunders, Erin Gaines

Office Administrator: Susie George [email protected]

Assistant Treasurer: Becky Johnson [email protected]

Head Custodian: Jim Blomgren Assistant Custodians Chris Hoover JanBert Jacobse

Board of Administrators: Anna Olsen, Pres. Jaquie Archer, Vice-Pres Don Olson, Treasurer Andrea Allie Sarah Berke, Secretary Matt Nordine

Mission Council: Ted Allison Clarice Lovstuen Bryan Mann-Entzel, Chair Karen McBride Heidi Nordine ____________

Visitation Committee Sharon Rodi, Coordinator

Children, Youth & Family Committee Jeff Alberts Wendy Krogh Erika MacCallum Gretchen Mitcham, Chair Sheila Nelson Katie Phillips

Sept. Publication Deadline: Approved Article, Advertisement and

Calendar deadline is:

August 19th!

Board of Administrators

Summer seems to be moving right along. We have been represent-ing Bethel at many community activities. I hope that you will consider be-coming involved in these wonderful opportunities if asked. We are so close to the completion of our solar garden. It will be in-teresting to be able to watch our electric bills and see the results of what the sun can do. We have one more project to work on for the completion of the sanctuary. We are forming a committee to create textile art for the space just below the balcony. We have received applications for both positions of an Engagement Coordinator and Organist/Pianist. The interviews have begun. Thank you to the personnel committee for handling this project.

Your faithful servant, Anna Olsen

Bryan Mann-Entzel MC Chair

Welcome to the heat of summer as we forge ahead and try and take in every moment of the beautiful weather and surroundings.

The Mission Council met mid July and there was no shortage of things to discuss. The Engagement Coordinator position is moving for-ward nicely with the hiring panel narrowing our candidate list to three. We are hopeful to have an offer out to the chosen candidate in the coming month.

We also have had a lot of discussion about recent events in the news and have begun brainstorming where Bethel's calling lies with these--"How can we be an asset to the community?" As we go forward and once we are able to sit down with our newly hired Engagement Coordinator, we expect to have more insight into this idea. We have a lot of love to share here at Bethel and we aim to harness it in our own unique way.

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12 Bethel Evangelical Lutheran Church * 4120 17th Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55407 * 612-724-3693 *

THE BETHEL HERALD (USPS 052-980) published monthly and entered as periodicals matter and periodicals postage paid at Twin Cities, MN by Bethel Lutheran Church, 4120 17th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55407-3318. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Bethel Lutheran Church, 4120 17th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55407-3318. DATED MATERIAL


BBETHELETHEL H HERALDERALD Bethel Evangelical Lutheran Curch

Connecting people to God, each other, and their mission in the world A Reconciling In Christ Congregation of the ELCA

BBETHELETHEL H HERALDERALD In gratitude, Bethel Evangelical Lutheran Church

amplifies God’s grace, nourishes all creation, reaches out, and builds community. We are a Reconciling in Christ Congregation

Bethel’s Annual

Summer Picnic & Concert! Sunday August 14th 5:00 PM—7:00 PM

FREE and open to the public! There will be food, fun, and fellowship not to mention some great entertainment!

Join us!

4120 17th Ave S, Mpls, ~ Back yard

Big Wiz, Dj Big P, t la Shawn, Abhinav & special guests Rappers from the SE & N side

Fiddlefarkenfoe: Jeff & Eric Old friends playing gypsy, jazzy, swingin’ standards

on classical guitars and saxaphones.