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WHAT IS CANDIDA? Candida is a dimorphic organism.

This means that it can exist in two forms, as a benign yeast or as a pathogenic fungi.

It is a yeast genus which has many species.

In the fungal form of Candida, it appears as finger-like projections which are known as hyphae. This enables the Candida to dig in and damage tissues.

Several species of Candida are known to be harmless to humans and exists naturally at the digestive tract, skin, sinuses, and vagina.

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CANDIDA INFECTION Normally, Candida is kept at normal

level by the acidic pH of the terrain it is in. However, when the body’s system becomes impaired or altered, such as in the case of antibiotic use, Candida overgrowth occurs.

When the normal flora becomes destroyed, the pH of the tissues become alkalinic. This means a more suitable environment to Candida. When Candida’s growth gene is stimulated by the alkalinic pH, it then becomes converted to its pathogenic fungi form.

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WHAT ARE PROBIOTICS? Probiotics are live active

microorganisms which are believed to have beneficial health effects to the one who consumes them.

These come in the form of supplements (capsules, pills, powders) and fermented food (yogurt, kefir, kombucha, cereals).

Known for their beneficial effects on health such as treatment of digestive problems such as diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, and inflammatory bowel diseases. It is also discovered as a great aid in boosting the immune system.

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part in the Candida treatment program. This is considered to be the most important component of the treatment program. When combined with potent antifungals and candida diet, these can reverse or slow down Candida overgrowth.

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HOW DO PROBIOTICS FIGHT CANDIDA? First, probiotics replenish the intestinal

microflora with good bacteria that were destroyed during the overgrowth of Candida.

Second, the probiotic bacteria supplied to the gut brings back its normal acidic pH. Acidic pH kills off Candida so overgrowth is controlled. This is possible through the lactic and acetic acid that are produced by the good bacteria that are supplied by the probiotics.

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WHAT TO LOOK FOR THE BEST PROBIOTIC FOR CANDIDA?1. Bacteria per capsule Most probiotics come up with 1 billion or more live bacteria

cells. When starting probiotics, start with low dosage, then gradually increase it to prevent die-off reaction.

2. Strains of bacteria Most naturopaths believe that the more strain contained, the

more benefits are obtained from probiotics. Suggested effective strains for Candida overgrowth are

Lactobacillus Acidophillus and Bifidobacterium Bifidum.3. Supplement or fermented food Probiotic supplements are advised due to the number of live

bacteria. However, overdose and side effects are almost impossible in fermented food because it has less live bacteria.

4. Synbiotics Many experts recommend probiotics with prebiotics. With

these two combined, their effects are believed to be more extensive.

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BEST PROBIOTIC STRAINS FOR CANDIDA1. Bacillus subtilis One of the most desired strains of probiotic,

this high end probiotic is highly beneficial in fighting against candida infections.

2. Lactobacillus Acidophillus This species of probiotic bacteria produces by-

products such as hydrogen peroxide and lactic acid when it reaches the gut tissues. These kills off the Candida.

3. Lactobacillus Casei This strain of probiotic bacteria is resistant to

stomach acidity. This means that these bacteria are able to reach the intestines without much of them dying as they pass the gastrointestinal tract.

4. Bifidobacteria These are known to be naturally located at the

intestines. These are known to be beneficial in relieving digestive problems and candida overgrowth symptoms.

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BEST PROBIOTIC RECOMMENDED FOR CANDIDA Probacto is the best probiotic that I

have ever run into. They use multiple strains and they are spore forming so they can last while not refrigerated. They do not use cheap bacteria, but expensive ones such as B. Subtilis.

Probacto also contains prebiotics to help stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria in your gut.

Probacto contains digestive enzymes to assist in your digestion.

Probacto is enteric coated and made to be slow release so it will release in your gut gradually.

Another option for a good probiotic is homemade Kefir.

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CONCLUSION There are microorganisms in the body

that are harmless when kept at normal levels. However, when the body’s system becomes altered, the chances are that problems such as Candida overgrowth can occur. So, with this, it is very important to maintain healthy lifestyle. Together with a healthy lifestyle, probiotics can provide a great contribution in maintaining the balance in the function of body systems particularly the digestive and immune system.