Download - Best Practices for Using async and await

Page 1: Best Practices for Using async and await

Dobre prakse pri uporabiasync in await

Damir Arh, Razum d.o.o., Microsoft MVP

Page 2: Best Practices for Using async and await


• Osnove• async void je nevaren• Lažne sinhrone metode• ConfigureAwait(false)

Page 3: Best Practices for Using async and await

O odzivnem uporabniškem vmesniku

Sinhrono : asinhrono

Page 4: Best Practices for Using async and await

Sinhrono izvajanje

private void OnSync(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e){ StatusText.Text = "Processing..."; Thread.Sleep(_sleepPeriod); StatusText.Text = String.Empty;}

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Page 5: Best Practices for Using async and await

Asinhrono izvajanje

private async void OnAsync(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e){ StatusText.Text = "Processing..."; await Task.Delay(_sleepPeriod); StatusText.Text = String.Empty;}

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Page 6: Best Practices for Using async and await

Ne, hvala!

async void?

Page 7: Best Practices for Using async and await

async voidprivate async void OnGetData(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e){ try { DownloadMessages(); await Task.Delay(75); Status.Text = $"Received: {_messages.Count}"; } catch (Exception exception) { Status.Text = exception.Message; }}

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private async void DownloadMessages(){ _messages = await _repository.GetMessagesAsync();}

Page 8: Best Practices for Using async and await

Lovljenje izjemprivate async void OnGetData(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e){ try { DownloadMessages(); await Task.Delay(75); Status.Text = $"Received: {_messages.Count}"; } catch (Exception exception) { Status.Text = exception.Message; }}

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private async void DownloadMessages(){ _messages = await _repository.GetMessagesAsync();}

Page 9: Best Practices for Using async and await

Popravljena kodaprivate async void OnGetData(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e){ try { await DownloadMessagesAsync(); await Task.Delay(75); Status.Text = $"Received: {_messages.Count}"; } catch (Exception exception) { Status.Text = exception.Message; }}

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private async void Task DownloadMessagesAsync(){ _messages = await _repository.GetMessagesAsync();}

Page 10: Best Practices for Using async and await

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V smrtnem objemu

Page 11: Best Practices for Using async and await

Smrtni objem

private void OnDeadlock(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e){ var result = GetAsync().Result;}Glavna nit

private async Task<string> GetAsync(){ await Task.Delay(500); return String.Empty;}

Page 12: Best Practices for Using async and await

Popravljena koda

private async void OnDeadlock(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e){ var result = await GetAsync().Result;}Glavna nit

private async Task<string> GetAsync(){ await Task.Delay(500); return String.Empty;}

Page 13: Best Practices for Using async and await

Ne naredite si medvedje usluge

ConfigureAwait pomaga

Page 14: Best Practices for Using async and await


• Abstrakcija privzetega izvajalnega konteksta• Odvisen od tipa aplikacije

– WindowsForms– WPF– ASP.NET

• Vračanje na privzeti kontekst– V aplikaciji običajno zaželeno– V knjižnicah tipično nepotrebno

Page 15: Best Practices for Using async and await

Ključni poudarki

• Uporabljajte async void le pri odzivih na dogodke

• Uporabljajte asinhrone operacije kot takšne• Razmislite, kako se bodo asinhroni klici izvajali

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• ••

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