Download - Berwick Lodge Primary School, Newsletter, June 2011



Friday 3rd June Interschool Winter Sport (home

Beaconhills College)

Monday 6th-Wednesday 8th June 5/6 Camp1 (5T, 5C, 6K,


Wednesday 8th-Friday 10th June 5/6 Camp 2 (5H, 5W, 6P, 6N)

Tuesday 14th June Curriculum Day - Pupil Free Day

Monday 20th June Prep, Grade 1&2 Swimming

Program starts


NOTICES DUE BACK BY Friday 3rd June Prep, Grade 1&2 Swimming


All Chocolates & Money due


Friday 24th June Last Instalment - Singapore Trip

BERWICK LODGE PRIMARY SCHOOL Phone: 9707 1766 Fax: 9796 2198

E-mail: [email protected]

Visit our Websites : http://,

Camp Australia/Out of School Hours Care: 9769 8251



Lynne Brenner will be commencing Long Service Leave tomorrow and will

be away until the beginning of term 3. We all wish Lynne a very enjoyable

time while on leave and look forward to hearing all about her trip when she

gets back. Traceye Rapinett will

join our Principal Class team for the remainder

of term 2 while Lynne is on leave. Melanie Hare,

one of our CRT‟s will replace Traceye in her

class during this time. Trish Luke has informed me that her treatment for cancer will be continuing

during term 3 and that she will not be resuming work until term 4 at the

earliest. Trish is in good spirits and is looking forward to regaining her health

and returning to Berwick Lodge as soon as that is possible. Our best

wishes are with her.


EDUCATOR This year Dr Lawrie Shears celebrates

his 90th birthday and he deserves to be acknowledged for his very significant

contribution to Victorian public education. Dr Shears went through the state primary and secondary education

systems as both a student and teacher. For 15 years from 1973 to 1988 he

held the position as Director-General

of Education in Victoria. Among his

many achievements as a reformer, his influence in developing school-

community partnerships remains an enduring legacy. He introduced policies

that changed the way schools and communities interact and provided

community members with a voice within school organisations. I recall Dr

Shears as very highly respected bureaucrat who cared very deeply for

children and valued the

importance of parents in their

child‟s education with a passion. I also recall Dr

Shears commitment to

broadening our educational horizons – he promoted

the international links that have formed the basis of today‟s policies

and practices. A great educator by any measure!


QUESTIONS (FAQ‟s) Q. My child is suddenly claiming

to suffer from tummy aches or „not feeling well‟ in the morning

on school days. Should I send them to school or keep them home?

A. Sooner or later this happens in many households with school age

children. It can mean many things.

Your child is

genuinely unwell. Your child is having

some sort of problem at school –

this could be with other children, their

work or staff. It could also relate to anxiety issues your child may be

experiencing with the consequence being that they want to stay home with

you. It may also be that they simply want to stay home on that day and are

just testing the waters. You know your child best – firstly check to see if they

appear unwell, have temperature, seem pale or in obvious pain. If you feel there may be some other reason,

have a chat with them. If this proves inconclusive, speak with your child‟s

teacher. Importantly, don‟t over react on the

first occasion – watch for any pattern that may emerge. It‟s hard to draw

firm conclusions, other than illness the first time, but if the behaviour

becomes repetitive, then a visit to the doctor and/or a meeting with your

child‟s teacher would be wise to consider.


‘Old habits die hard – so do new ones.’






8:30AM - 4:00PM




As schools and early childhood

services across Victoria prepare

for the onset of the cold autumn

and winter months, SunSmart is

encouraging everyone to get some

sun exposure during their week to

help with vitamin D levels.

Although ultraviolet (UV) radiation

from the sun is the main cause of

skin cancer, it is also the best

natural source of vitamin D,

essential for strong bones, muscles

and overall health.

Whenever UV Index levels reach

three and above sun protection is

required. At that level, UV

radiation is intense enough to

damage the skin and contribute to

the risk of skin cancer. In Victoria,

average UV levels are below three

between May and August, making

it a great time to

get outside for

some sun to help

with vitamin D


At this low level,

the UV is generally not damaging

to the skin and sun protection is

not required unless in Alpine

areas, near highly reflective

surfaces such as snow or if you

are going to spend extended

periods of time outdoors.

Children and young people with

fair to olive skin should receive

two to three hours of sun

exposure to face, arms and hands,

or equivalent area of skin spread

across a week.

Children and young people with

naturally very dark skin will need

approximately three to six times

this recommended exposure level.

Given that UV levels vary across

the state, SunSmart recommends

checking the SunSmart UV Alert

for your region each day to make

sure UV levels are below three.


We have recently had all our

playground equipment audited and

repairs have been undertaken to

improve the safety of the

equipment and to ensure it meets

with the current Australian


These repairs


replacement of

many of the


replacement of

several landing platforms and

removal of the flying fox from our

Year 1 and 2 playground. These

audits are undertaken on a regular

basis to ensure the safety of our

students. We have also recently

had the slide replaced on the Year

1 and 2 playground. The total cost

of the audit repairs and slide

replacement was $6540.00 We

would like to thank the PFA who

donated $1210.00 of their funds

for the new slide. The children

have been very excited having this

popular piece of equipment



Last night we held our „Step Into

Prep‟ evening which was well

attended by families who have

children enrolling for primary

school next year. Those who

attended thoroughly enjoyed our

guest speaker, Dot Deviny who

spoke about the development of

children and their readiness for

school. We would like to thank

the members of our Prep team

who also spoke to families giving

an outline of the programs offered

at Berwick Lodge and specifically

in the Prep area. We look

forward to welcoming these new

families in 2012.


Next week our Grade Five and Six

students will be going on camp to

Coolamatong at Paynesville. They

are all very

excited and

looking forward

to the many

exciting activities

planned. We

hope the weather is kind to them

but we are sure that they will

make the most of their time away.

We would like to wish them a

happy and safe time on camp and

we look forward to hearing their

reports on their return.


We have noted an increase in the

number of children who have not

been collected by their families by

3:45PM. This is impacting on our

administration staff who are

required to contact families to

clarify pick up arrangements and

supervise these students until their

parents arrive. Frequently we are

finding that some students are still

waiting to be picked up well after

4:00PM. While we understand

that there can be extenuating

circumstances for late pick up, we

remind families that our

procedure for students not

collected by 4:00PM is to

accompany the children to the

Out of Hours School Care

Program where they can be

collected and a charge will be

issued to the family concerned.








Please ensure you let the school office know if you have changed address or updated mobile phones with new numbers.

This information alleviates stressful situations on students when they are ill and we cannot contact parents


Things to Say to Communicate “Being Tolerant of Others” “We can‟t make assumptions about what people are like without really knowing anything about

them. You need to take the time to find out.”

“You accept people, warts and all. You are a true, blue friend,” “People will sometimes make mistakes or do disagreeable

things. This doesn‟t make them totally bad; they are still

worthwhile people. I think you apply this understanding in

your dealings with others.” “You are taking time to find out more about a

person without judging them.” “You show real tolerance of others. You are a

good role model for helping all of us get along.”

Dear Parents/Guardians,

This year all Grades 3 to 6 children will be participating in the Fantastic Fridays Program in Term 2. This program

will run on Friday afternoons (2:30pm to 3:30pm) starting from Week 2 and will run for approximately 8 weeks. It

is an elective program where students will be mixed with their peers to learn a variety of different subjects outside

the normal curriculum areas of Literacy and Numeracy. The elective programs on offer are:





Art / Craft Construction


County Fair

Fashion / Jewellery Making

Science and Technology

We have a number of teachers allocated to the various programs but are asking our school community for some

support. If you have any expertise in any of the following areas and would like to participate in the

program we would greatly appreciate your time and experience. These activities

require different materials and resources and we would greatly appreciate any

donations to support our Fantastic Fridays Program. These could include-

construction materials such as wood, screws, wheels, art supplies, foam cups etc.

Please see Traceye Rapinett for information or details about the program.

Next Week at Camp Australia we

will visit another interesting and

colourful country...Mexico!

M: Mexican Placemat

T: Papel picado (pinched paper)

W: Maracas

T: Handprint Sun


F: Pinata

Star of the Week:

William 2Z: For

always being polite

and offering his help

to the staff.

Curriculum Day : Tuesday 14th

June 2011

A friendly reminder that Curriculum

Day is Tuesday 14th June 2011 and

we have an Expression of Interest

Form, so fill one in if you think you‟ll

need care for this day. The session

would run form 6:45am - 6:30pm.

However, we need minimum of 20

children to run a program on the

day. These forms need to be filled

out no later than Friday 3rd June


New Enrolments/Bookings

& Cancellations: All new enrolments/Bookings &

Cancellations are completed online


OSHC Hours: Before School Care

6:45am - 8:45am

After School Care

3:30pm - 6:30pm

Our direct line is 9769 8251 or you

can call the Camp Australia Admin

on 1300 105 343

Thank you

Dorien and the OSHC Team


Art News

Mosaic Madness!

On Monday, the 1/2 students took part in the beginning of our second Mosaic Wall. We are lucky to have back again with us,

artist Helen Harman to teach the students a range of basic mosaic skills and techniques to create a fabulous mural.

The mosaic mural represents happy and good emotions, featuring smiley faces with bright coloured tiles as a background

The students are very excited and proud of this project and we are sure the completed work will be a valuable addition and

extension to the Visual Arts Program for the 2011 Year 1 & 2 students.

Be sure to have a look at the amazing work, which is on the exterior wall of the Art

Room in the prep area.

Jo Zammit and Julie Mc Leod

Visual Arts Teachers

Library News

I am pleased to announce that the Berwick Lodge Primary School Library Blog is now up and running. It showcases

the work the students have been doing in the library during Term 1 and Term 2 as well as information about our

captains, the programs and the library in general.

If you would like to visit our blog it can be found at:

It would be fantastic to see some comments written on our blog by our wonderful students and also our very

supportive parent community!


Miss Vine


The Australian Mathematics Competition Awards is a competition open to any student in Grades 3 - 6.

Following our successes in past years, we are pleased to announce that we will once again be offering the

opportunity for Grade 3 - 6 students to participate in this competition. All students who participate will receive

a certificate showing their level of achievement and a detailed report of their performance on each problem with

comparative statistics.

The competition will be undertaken at school on Thursday 4th August 2011. The

cost for entering the competition is $5.50 per student. If you are interested in

having your child/children participate in this competition, please complete the reply

slip below, include the registration fees and return to your child‟s class teacher by

Friday 3rd June 2011.

Should you have any further queries about the competition please do not hesitate to

contact Mr. Paul Whitehead, Numeracy Co-ordinator in Room 24.

Please note that no late registrations will be accepted.

(Only children in Grade 3-6 are eligible to enrol).


Name of Student/s : _____________________________ Grade______

_____________________________ Grade ______

Total moneys enclosed at $5.50 per child is $ ___________

Parent / Guardian Signature : _________________________________

You Can Schools Program

Working with Canteen and the Sony Foundation, Berwick Lodge

Primary School will be collecting old mobile phones to be

recycled. The funds from these mobile phones will go to much

needed funds to build youth cancer centres across


The more mobile phones we collect and recycle

the more educational tools Berwick Lodge Primary

School will receive. These could include video

cameras, laptops, and possibly Interactive

Whiteboards which will be a great addition to our


There is a collection bin in the front foyer, located outside Mrs

Cusack‟s office. Please hunt around at home, or ask your friends,

neighbours, work colleagues and local community groups, to

look for any old mobile phones and place

them in the collection bin located in the

school foyer.

Please help Berwick Lodge Primary School

support a worthy cause.

Vanessa Porter On behalf of the Junior School Council


The back packs are now available to order.

Please could you place your orders by Tuesday 28th

June 2011, as they will be discontinued from next


You must have at least 28 tokens to order the back


Could you also indicate which money box you would

like with your back pack.


Welcome everyone to my School Council President‟s Report.


This week I would like to introduce myself and Lynne Brenner who as well as being a member of school council is also one of

our hard working Assistant Principals.

Jodie Norton: Having been a parent at Berwick Lodge Primary School for the past seven years, I was very proud to be

elected School Council President this year. I have two boys at the school who are in Grade 6 and Grade 3. Over the last

fifteen years, I have worked in finance and operations management positions for a wide range of companies. That has given

me the experience to now run my own business with my partner. My spare time is spent supporting my beloved Magpies and

planning that next overseas trip. One of my goals as President is to explain what school council does so that our school

community gains a better understanding of the role we have in the school.

Lynne Brenner: My career in education has spanned almost 30 years during which time I have witnessed many changes in

education and the demands placed upon those in those responsible for student learning. I have undertaken various teaching

and leadership roles. I commenced at Berwick Lodge when the school opened in 1990 as a class teacher of Year 1. In the

subsequent years I taught at different levels from Prep to Year 4. My experience in a variety of leadership positions lead to

me undertaking further study in 2000 so that I could apply for Principal Class positions. My appointment as Assistant

Principal at Berwick Lodge commenced in 2002. Over time I have served as a member of School Council or attended School

Council as an interested party. I am currently a voting member of School Council and convene the Resources



I have had the opportunity over the past couple of weeks to attend both our Open Night and our

Step Into Prep Night. It was wonderful to meet many of our existing parents and to also speak to

some of our prospective parents. Our Open Night was well attended by our current families and it

was great to see so many excited children sharing what they had been doing with their parents,

grandparents and siblings. Last night we held our first Step Into Prep Night which invited families to

come along and find out how to support their child through the transition to Prep. I would like to

acknowledge the fantastic effort of our staff and students in organizing these events.


To assist the school council in their ongoing work, sub-committees are often set up. We have three sub-committees that

provide advice and make recommendations to the school council. These sub-committees are made up of both school council

and non school council members. Our sub-committees are in the areas of Management, Resources (Finance) and Learning

Environment. In coming weeks, I will explain further what each sub-committee is responsible for and how they assist the

school council.

Please do not hesitate to contact me directly via the school office or you can email me on [email protected]

Jodie Norton School Council President


President: Jodie Norton Principal: Henry Grossek

Vice-President: Michelle Sarjeant DEECD Members: Lynne Brenner

Minute Secretary: Lois Smethurst Sue Naismith

Correspondence Sec.: Michael Tabone

Parent Members: Prashad Sujenthiran PFA Co-Optee: Samantha Cline

Craig Benedick

Carolyn Mehr

Lesley Lees

Contact Details: Phone: 9707 1766 Fax: 9796 2198

Email: [email protected]

Parents & Friends Association

NEXT MEETING: Thursday 4th August 2011 at 1.30pm in Room 16.

Everyone is welcome, including toddlers. The PFA welcomes anyone wanting to join the fun and help make

a difference.

2ND HAND UNIFORM SHOP: Our next 2nd hand uniform shop will be open in the school canteen on

Tuesday 28th June 2011 from 2.30pm until 3.30pm. We would like to thank all those families who have

donated as they have assisted other families in our community. There will be a table with $1.00 items.

Get in quick!!

Current events

Remember to return Chocolate boxes by Friday 3rd June 2011 or you will be invoiced for the full

box. Prizes for selling a box will be given as soon as we know who has sold full boxes.

FUNDRAISING ASSISTANCE: For our Clover Cottage evening and our Walkathon, we are looking

for some assistance with donations and prizes. Do you own or work for a company that would be willing

to donate a product or gift voucher? If you do we would love to hear from you. Any company who

donates will receive promotion for their business in our newsletter. Please contact Sarah via our email

below or leave your details at the office.

Upcoming Events

FAMILY PORTRAITS: The Family Portraits Forms were sent out last week, if you are interested please

return forms as soon as possible. The photos will be taken on Saturday 18th June

2011 and Sunday 19th June 2011. There are samples of photo types that will be

taken in Room 16. Sitting fee is $15 and you receive a framed 10” x 13” family portrait.

If you have family or friends outside of school community who would like to have their

portraits done, when both families have their photos taken on same day, both will

receive an additional 8” x 10” for your enjoyment as long as photography package is

purchased. We have had a great response to this event so far, so if you want to get

your photos done please get your form back quickly as places are filling up.


PFA CAFÉ: On Thursday‟s the PFA are offering tea, coffee or hot milo, for a gold coin

donation. If you arrive at school early to get that car park close by, or you want to come and

keep warm on our cold wintery days, we invite you to come along to Room16 from 2.45pm.

There will be papers, Avon, Mary Kay catalogues and toys for the younger kids to play with.

Currently, we are opening on Thursday afternoons only, however we welcome feedback as to

whether other days would be appreciated as well.

Thank you to Toni Sier for the Avon hamper that was donated to the PFA for the Clover Cottage Night.

Toni will be in the Café next Thursday for any enquiries.

WE are always looking for ideas and help, so if you want to comment but are unable to contact us, you can

email the PFA on [email protected] or via the school office.

The PFA would like to thank you for your continued support.

Advertisements published by the school are accepted in good faith and should not be regarded as an endorsement of any product or service.

Parents and members of the school community are advised to investigate any service or product to determine its suitability to meet their family's needs prior to accessing it.





SATURDAY 4th June 2011 & 2nd July 2011

For Students in years 4, 5, 6, 7, &

8 only

Times 6:00pm to 10:00pm

COST: $10.00

Any enquires to Narre Warren


Give your children the wonderful opportunity to have an

international big brother or big sister by hosting one of our

exceptional international students arriving in Australia in

July for their 5 or 10 month programs. Our international

students from France, Germany, Italy, Holland,

Spain, Japan and the Scandinavian countries will

live as a local, attend a local secondary school,

arrive with their own spending money and

comprehensive insurance cover – all arranged by

Southern Cross Cultural Exchange. Visit us at, email [email protected] or

call us toll free on 1800 500 501, request our little book-

lets of international student profiles, and capture the spirit

of family and friendship!


Hair Satisfaction Hair Satisfaction offers Restyle cuts, colouring, blow waving,

perming and Hair up styles for Weddings & Debs. With

over 15years experience and updated skills. It‟s an

understanding of hair and with a high quality service.

Hair Satisfaction….Creating the style for you.

Please call for Appointments

Patricia Fernandez

17 Greendale Court

Narre Warren 3805

0408 318 591



Kambrya Uniform

1 x sports polo (red house) size 12 - $15

3 x boys summer shirts size 16 (2 are as new & 1 still

has tags) - $35

2 x boys winter shirts size 37 - $6 each

1 x Kambrya woollen jumper size 18 - $40

1 x Kambrya tie - $6

All items almost new


A grey Hoodie.

Has Casey Hockey on it and the name Will.

If anyone has accidently taken it home could you

please return to the office or Room 25 (3M). The

jumper is part of a team uniform so we urgently need

it back.