Download - Beneplan Presentation to EO Ottawa - Legal, Premiums & Genetics - April 2015

Transcript All rights reserved Beneplan Inc 2015

EO Ottawa — The Beneplan Co-operative !


Legal Issues around Employee Benefits

���1April 2015 All rights reserved Beneplan Inc 2015

Agenda !

- About Beneplan - Legal Issues - Negotiating Premiums - Genetics & Benefits

���2November 2014

Who are we?

Bayview Glen School


Audit Committee All rights reserved Beneplan Inc 2015

• Formed in 2000 based on customer demand

• 250+ member-owners

• Members are Ontario SMEs w/ 20-200 employees

• Annual growth rate 35%

• 60% blue-collar industries; 40% white collar

• The only benefits co-operative in Canada of its kind

The Beneplan Co-operative All rights reserved Beneplan Inc 2015

• On average, 10% of premiums are refunded as patronage dividends

• 80% of members receive dividends

• Other 20% of members have deficits (claims > premiums) absorbed by co-op

• $9 million in distributions since 2000 as of CY2014

• Source of dividends: health, dental, life ins premiums, tax rebates

• Future sources: drug rebates, LTD refunds

Patronage Dividends All rights reserved Beneplan Inc 2015

“As an auto-parts supplier, business has been tough. The $30,000 dividend we received in 2009 helped us through payroll.”

Clover Tool Manufacturing All rights reserved Beneplan Inc 2015

“Our teachers pay half the premium. We used our $38,000 dividend to subsidize gym memberships for them.”

Bayview Glen School All rights reserved Beneplan Inc 2015

Legal Issues around Employee Benefits !


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First, understand the philosophy of the underwriters. !

Group benefit contracts are for employees who are actively at work.

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If you want to cover someone who is not actively at work on a full-time, permanent, regular basis…be careful! !

Why is this important? The lack of medical evidence.

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Independent Contractors (tax issues)

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Why not cover part-timers or seasonal employees? To prevent abuse, and therefore premium escalations.

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“I’m going to work just enough to be eligible for the plan…then claim disability while I lay bricks all summer.”

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Case Study: Label Company !- 60 year old, long standing employee - Wanted more than 4 weeks vacation - Controller gave him an ROE on Dec 1st so he can claim EI instead of giving him unpaid vacation - Employee passed away Dec 23rd - Insurer refused to pay the claim - ‘not actively at work’. - Widow sued and won a settlement.

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Takeaway #1: !

- If you want to cover an employee who will not be actively at work, tell your insurer in advance. - Push to get a Letter of Agreement (LOA) in writing from insurer agreeing to cover. - If you can’t get an LOA, don’t promise benefits to the employee in writing.

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Out of Country Coverage !

- Employees must be educated to refuse to give a foreign hospital their credit card # - Potential liability in case the employee is over-charged - Case study: India

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Takeaway #2: !

- Ask your insurer/broker to host a lunch & learn, educating your employees how out-of-country emergency medical insurance works

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Case Study: Refusal of Benefits !- Employee refused all benefits (including Life & LTD). - Employee signed an email stating he agrees to the risks. - Employee passes away 2 years later. - Widow comes forward - says she had no idea. - Widow sues & wins a settlement. Judge: “[Employer] ought to have known that the employee didn't know what he was doing.”

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Life Insurance was Optional…

…HBC learned the hard way to make it mandatory.Source: Dave Crisp, Blog All rights reserved Beneplan Inc 2015

Takeaway #3: !

- Make participation in Life & LTD program mandatory of employment. - Just like you work for a company that requires uniforms, you can require participation in a benefit plan.

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Late Applicants !In a group insurance plan, there is no medical requirement to join the plan if they join within the eligibility period. !Key dates: - 1 month after their probation is over; - 1 month after they lost equivalent coverage elsewhere (e.x. spouse loses job); - 1 month after they become an eligible dependent (Date of Marriage; 12 months cohabitation; Date of Birth for kids)

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Why does it matter? !

With no barrier to entry, people will choose to join only when they become sick. This is called ‘anti-selection.’ !

This turns a solid insurance plan into a pyramid scheme which eventually runs out of money.

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“Hello, GEICO? I’d like to buy home insurance…” All rights reserved Beneplan Inc 2015

Case Study: Late Applicants !- Employee filled out an enrolment form after 3 months probation. - Administrator forgot to enrol them. - 8 months later, they are diagnosed with cancer and want to claim disability. - Insurer requires Health Evidence & Full Medical before approving coverage. - Employee fails the medical exam. - Employee sues the employer and wins a settlement.

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Take-away #4: !- Make sure employees are added to the plan immediately; - If their employment is terminated prematurely, it’s much easier to terminate their coverage than to try to add coverage late; - Make sure employees know to tell you about new babies as soon as they are born; - … new spouses as soon as they are married; - …new spouses as soon as they become common-law (12 months); - …existing spouses as soon as they lose coverage (going from Single to Family).

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Terminating a Sick Employee !

- Never terminate the employment of an employee who is on sick leave. - OK to give an ROE for ‘Sickness’ but not for anything else. - Never terminate their Life / LTD benefits while they are on sick leave!

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What if the Sick Employee refuses to pay their portion of the premium? !

- Employer should keep paying the premium. - Add the premium onto their T4s as a taxable benefit.

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What if they’ve been on sick leave for years? !

- Courts have said it’s reasonable to terminate only Health & Dental after 12-24 months. - Do not terminate Life / LTD.

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Takeaway #5: !

- Do not terminate a sick employee’s employment or pooled benefits. - Ask an employment lawyer about ‘Frustration of Contract.’

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Employment Standards Act on Benefits !

- Terminated employees… - Employees in Ontario & Quebec are entitled to 1 week of benefits extension per year of service, to a max of 8 years.

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Employment Standards Act on Benefits !- Employees on maternity / parental leave are entitled to have their full benefits in-force, as if they are a regular employee. - “What if they are supposed to pay their portion of the premium?” - Ask for post-dated cheques. - If they refuse, send them 3 letters. - Warn them of consequences. - Can terminate benefits after many warnings. - However, we recommend you eating the cost.

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How insurers set premiums. !

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Group benefits are not insurance. !

They are the opposite of insurance.

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Premiums are set in the same way that your hydro bill is calculated. !

Usage == Premiums.

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Trend / Inflation !

Broker commissions

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Ontario Trillium Drug Program !



���41November 2014 All rights reserved Beneplan Inc 2015

Refunds on… !

Life Insurance Long Term Disability Stop-Loss Premiums

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Ask for annual refunds of premiums if claims < premiums. !


Ask if claims > premiums, can they absorb that risk?

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Retail Sales Tax Rebate

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Drug Rebates from Manufacturers (Reformulary)

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Full Disclosure: !

One of the partners at Beneplan is investing in this industry.

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Insurers will not require genetic tests in order to get covered. However - if it’s part of an existing medical file, which the patient

consents to sharing with the insurer,they will consider the data. All rights reserved Beneplan Inc 2015 All rights reserved Beneplan Inc 2015 All rights reserved Beneplan Inc 2015 All rights reserved Beneplan Inc 2015

Thank You !!

Yafa Sakkejha General Manager

[email protected] !

The Beneplan Co-operative 150 Ferrand Drive Suite 500

Toronto Ontario M3C 3E5 1.800.387.1670
