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Benefits of Breastfeeding to Mother and Baby.


Anisa Edmund | Helping Mothers to Breastfeed | April 1st 2017

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Introduction With the recent push to encourage breastfeeding mothers are usually told “Breast is best”. It is a mantra sung to us and every clinic visit during our pregnancy over and over with little to no explanation or meaning added. This paper seeks to outline 7 ways in which breast is really best for both mother and baby.

These points are

− Boosting baby’s immune system

− Forming a lifelong bond

− Snapback?

− Sustainability in Parenting

− Helps with overall child development

− Protects mom from diseases (Cancers)

− A wonderful vacation form your period and possible birth control


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Boosting Baby’s Immune System by Breastfeeding

Colostrum is the first milk that comes from the breast once the baby is born. This substance is essential to the baby as it contains everything he/she needs to face the world. It is power packed with “proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and proteins (antibodies) that fight disease-causing agents such as bacteria and viruses”. Plainly put, this is the ultimate cocktail that can protect your baby from all that is harmful as they make their way through the world for the first time.

Remember, your baby has been cushioned inside your womb protected and safe from all the viruses and illnesses in the world, this first milk is your first gift to them, to help them navigate their first few months healthily.

How does this benefit mom? Well for starters you get the boost in ego because you know you are already protecting your baby the best way you can. Also, no one benefits from a sick newborn, trying your best to ensure his/her health will also ensure your sanity.

Mature Milk, which comes in after the first few days continues to provide a protective cover to the baby. The properties of this milk are uniquely formulated specifically for your baby. Research has shown that when a baby is feeding directly form the breast, the saliva transmits to the mothers body what the baby needs. This information is used in mixing up the perfect balance of vitamins, Proteins and fats that the baby needs. This means that breastmilk changes for feed to feed and even during feeds.

If the mother is sick, antibodies that her system forms to fight against the illness is passed through her milk on to her baby thus protecting him/her from contracting the illness.

Yup breast milk is basically downright amazing and these are just some of the ways it has be revealed. Some others are – reduces SIDS risks, Fewer gastrointestinal infections, fewer respiratory infections, fewer fevers, ear infections and more.


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Forming a Lifelong BondAfter carrying a baby for about 40 weeks, it’s not surprising that the baby still wants to rely on you. After all, you voice has soothed them, your body has carried them, your energy has nurtured them and you have been their entire existence for their entire existence.

At infancy, even when they look directly at you, they cannot see that clearly, and need to be held within 6-12 inches from you. Breastfeeding is perfect because, if positioned correctly, the baby will be the exact distance need to make out moms face.

Wouldn’t it be amazing that the first face the baby gets to see is that if his/her mother! Especially since the first words would most likely be DADA, give yourself one win!

Snapback- Getting back to Pre-Pregnancy form Quicker.Most new moms are eager to lose weight after they deliver. It is not a bad thing but I can become a depressing thing for some. Breastfeeding exclusively helps in this instance.

After birth, breastfeeding helps the uterus to contract, which can actually feel like contractions, these contractions help reduce post-delivery blood loss and the size of the uterus.

Breastfeeding on infant exclusively also burns about 500 Calories a day, meaning, easier weight loss (once you fight those cravings)


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Sustainability in Parenting In the increasingly turbulent economic environment, breastfeed has been hailed as the economic lifesaver to parents. Verses bottle feeding, breast feed is not just economical but lifesaving.

Let’s do the math:-

Locally an average high quality baby bottle (Avent, Dr Browns) can cost anywhere for 35-50 dollars. They are also available in sets for about $400.00 a set.

Then we have to think of bottle brushes and sterilizers, sterilizing tablets and storage containers for clean bottles.

Then the thermos, bottle warmer, replacement nipples etc.

Now add to this the cost of formula, formula containers, cereals, dispensers and the like, the formula fed journey becomes quite expensive to start and to maintain.

In my case, when I formula fed my first daughter, I had to experiment with various formula brands and blends before I got on that agreed with her. That in itself was very costly.

According to La Leche League International, the cost of formula can range anywhere from $134 to $491 per month. That's $1,608 to $5,892 in one year, yes that is in USD!

Breastmilk on the other hand is always there, always at the perfect temperature, always sterile, and always made for your baby’s specific needs.


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Helps with the Child’s Continuous Development The WHO recommends breast feeding for at least six months but for as long as possible. Recent studies have shown that breastmilk in the second year is still as important as in the first.

According to Dewey 2001,

In the second year (12-23 months), 448 mL of breastmilk provides: 29% of energy requirements, 43% of protein requirements, 36% of calcium requirements, 75% of vitamin A requirements, 76% of folate requirements, 94% of vitamin B12 requirements and 60% of vitamin C requirements for the child.

While studies are still new, the evidence has been remarkable thus far which support breastfeeding into the second year and beyond. According to Perrin (2016) “Human milk in the second year postpartum contained significantly higher concentrations of total protein, lactoferrin, lysozyme and Immunoglobulin A, than milk bank samples, and significantly lower concentrations of zinc, calcium, iron and oligosaccharides.” This helps insure continued benefits for your toddler. This provides mom with a boost of confidence, less days where she is stressed with a sick child and continues developing the bond between her and her child.

Protects Mom from Diseases Studies have shown that breastfeeding reduces the risk of the mother getting premenopausal breast cancer and ovarian cancer. It also reduces the risks of osteoporosis in the mom and has been linked to a reduction in childhood cancers for the baby.

A Wonderful Vacation from your Period and possible Birth Control One of the things no one told me about breastfeeding was that I wouldn’t see my period. I am actually amazed that no one did because it is one of the most exciting aspects about breastfeeding for me personally. This wonderful occurrence is called amenorrhea and it differs from woman to woman and can be affected by the woman’s body and hormonal composition, how often


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the baby nurses, if the baby is having supplemental feeds, pacifier usage and if the baby nurses at night.


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Conclusion While these are seven benefits discussed here there are so many more! Breastfeeding for me has made me bold, proud and empowered as a woman and mother. It boosts confidence, it helps protect our babies, it helps us lose weight, it protects us form illness and it is cost effective.


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