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  • 8/14/2019 Ben Kuroki and Ed Wakayama: Comparative Study


    A Comparative Study ofBiographies: Ben Kurokiand Edgar Wakayama, War


    BISTA KrishnaFENG Shu

  • 8/14/2019 Ben Kuroki and Ed Wakayama: Comparative Study


    Ben Kuroki: Shame, Honor, andDuty

  • 8/14/2019 Ben Kuroki and Ed Wakayama: Comparative Study


    Ben Kuroki: Early Life

    Born on May 16, 1917 in Nebraska, U.S. toJapanese-American immigrants

    Attended Hershey High School & became

    Vice-President of his senior classGraduated from high school in 1936 at the

    age of 19

    Father encouraged to enlist in the U.S.Military in 1941

  • 8/14/2019 Ben Kuroki and Ed Wakayama: Comparative Study


    Ben Kuroki: Military Career

    1940 Sept: 3,500Nisei drafted to thewar


    1942 Jan: Firstmilitary training at

    Sheppard Field,Texas

    1942 Aug: Assigned tothe 93rdBombardment Group

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    Historical Facts

    1868The 14th Amendment of citizenship inthe U.S. Constitution

    1870 Asians or "aliens ineligible for

    citizenship (Congress), discriminationagainst the Nssei

    1890The first Japanese immigrants arrive inthe U.S.

    1924 Immigration Act -"ineligible tocitizenship

    1930Japanese American Citizens

    League(JACL) Nisei can belong.

  • 8/14/2019 Ben Kuroki and Ed Wakayama: Comparative Study


    In the aftermath of PearlHarbor

    1941 August JACL appointsMike Masaoka as its

    national spokesman.

    December 7 The Japaneseattack on Pearl Harbor

    Mike Masaoka is picked upby the FBI in Nebraska.

    The FBI arrests 1,300 Nsseileaders identified as

    dangerous enemy aliens.

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    Historical Facts: Contd

    1942 Jan 5 All Nisei draft reclassified ormade aliens ineligible . Assigned menialduties.

    Feb 19 : President Roosevelt signedExecutive Order (forced exclusion on thebasis of race)

    March through August: On the WestCoast, more than110,000 Japanese

    Americans are expelled from their homes

  • 8/14/2019 Ben Kuroki and Ed Wakayama: Comparative Study


    In 1942

    June 6 The Battle of Midway: the U.S. Navysinks four of the aircraft carriers that

    attacked Pearl Harbor. (developed cold

    relation)Mid-summer Heart Mountain, Wyoming &9 other American-style concentrationcamps enclosed with barbed wire

    December 6 Rioters at Manzanar seekout JACL leaders. The camp policestation shoot into the crowd, killing two

    and wounding nine.

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    The War- Same & Guilt

  • 8/14/2019 Ben Kuroki and Ed Wakayama: Comparative Study


    Kuroki was

    Assigned to the 93rdBombardment Group inFlorida . told that Japanese-Americans would notserve overseas. a clerk for the Eighth

    Air Force at a base inEngland in 1942. was sent to gunneryschool & became a tail

    gunner on a B-24

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    When Ben was in mission

    B-24 crashed & landed inSpanish Morocco and wascaptured by Spanishauthorities

    participated in OperationTidal Wave, Romania (Aug1, 1943)

    flew 30 combat missions inthe European theater

    flew 5 more missions for hisbrother Fred

    Injured in the battle andsent back to home in

    Nebraska in 1944

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    During rest & recovery,visited Japanese Americaninternment camps in orderto encourage able-bodiedmales to enlist in the U.S.


    joined the crew of a B-29Superfortress (Sad Sakiafter Kuroki) 20th U.S. Army

    Air Force, based on TinianIsland

    Kuroki participated inanother 28 bombing

    missions over mainlandJapan

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    Historical Facts Contd

    1943February 1 The War Departmentchanges the Nisei's 4-C draft classificationto 1-A

    February 3 the civilian agency takes the

    same Army questionnaire, and compelsevery man and woman in camp to answerit.

    August 1 Sgt. Ben Kuroki flies on bombingof

    oil refineries at Ploesti, Rumania.

    August 21 the first group of Nisei soldiers


  • 8/14/2019 Ben Kuroki and Ed Wakayama: Comparative Study


    Ben Kuroki

    1944 April 24 Sgt. Ben Kuroki starts week-long visit toHeartMountain to boost recruitment anddiscourage draft resistance.

    June 26 The Nisei soldiers of the 442nd RCT and 100thBattalion first engage the enemy in Italy.

    December 17 President Roosevelt ends the exclusion of

    Japanese Americans from the West Coast, allowing JapaneseAmerica to go home.

    December 18 U.S. Supreme Court rules in the Endo casethat

    loyal citizens cannot be detained against their will.

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    Advocacy efforts by BenKuroki

    Encouraged fellow being to participate in thewar

    Addressed tension between national security& civil liberty

    spoke about the need for racial equality andagainst prejudice

    engaged in a series of speaking toursdiscussing these issues

    Kuroki stated, "I had to fight like hell for the

    right to fight for my own country".

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    Inequalities he witnessed

    4000 Japanese descents were deniedacademic admittance

    Japanese American resided outside the states

    of California, Oregon and Washington were notsubject to internment

    They were victims of resentment, suspicionand discrimination in the war time

    While in the Army Air Corps barracks at Tinian, henearly lost his life in July 1945 when a drunkensquadron member shouted "Tojo and Kuroki...damned

    Japs" and stabbed him with an Army-issue knife.Master sergeant Russell Olsen of New York stepped

    between the assailant and Kuroki, who was thentaken to the hospital for two dozen stitches to his

  • 8/14/2019 Ben Kuroki and Ed Wakayama: Comparative Study


    Historical Facts: Contd

    1945 August 11 Japan surrenders & World War IIformally ends.

    1947 December 24 President Harry S. Trumanpardons all wartime draft resisters, including the Nisei

    resisters from Heart Mountain and other camps.1988 August 10 President Ronald Reagan signs intolaw the Civil Liberties Act, which provides for aformal apology by the government and redress of

    $20,000 to each survivor of incarceration underExecutive Order 9066. By this time nearly half ofthose who had been imprisoned had died.

    In Japan, women were also given the right to vote for

    the first time in its history after war.

  • 8/14/2019 Ben Kuroki and Ed Wakayama: Comparative Study


    Ben Kuroki: Voices

    "Not only did I go to war tofight the fascist ideas ofGermany and Japan but also tofight against a few Americanswho fail to understand theprinciples of freedom andequality upon which thiscountry wasfounded.(October 29, 1946)

    During a nationwide radiobroadcast of American Town

    Meeting of the Air onNovember 22nd 2005 , "I'vegot one more mission to go.

    There is still the fight againstprejudice and race hatred. I

    call it my 59th mission, and Ihave a hunch I won't be

  • 8/14/2019 Ben Kuroki and Ed Wakayama: Comparative Study


    Ben Kuroki: Post War Life

    met his future wife Shige Tanabe in Idaho,married August 9, 1946 at Pocatello.

    attended the University of Nebraska,attaining a Bachelor's degree in journalism

    in 1950.Started a journalistic venture in 1952 as a

    reporter and editor, retired in 1984.

    awarded the Distinguished Service Medal forhis impressive combat participation duringthe war and for overcoming numerousincidents of prejudice on August 12, 2005.

    awarded an honorary Doctorate from theUniversity of Nebraska on August 13, 2005

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    Distinguished FlyingCrossa total of threetimes

    completed 58 missions in

    air combat & rank ofTechnical Sergeant.

    Air Medal with five oakleaf clusters

    A "best editorial" awardfrom the MichiganPress Association

    An honorary doctoratedegree (the University of


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    Video Links

    The Japanese American Internmentof World War II (

    )Manzanar (

  • 8/14/2019 Ben Kuroki and Ed Wakayama: Comparative Study


    Ed Wakayama

    born in Manzanar on March22,1943

    Schooling in Japan:Elementary to High School

    Returned to the US in 1962 &entered Northeastern

    University in Boston, MA

    Drafter in 1967 after

    graduation and servedduring the Vietnam War until1970

    His biggest fear -history

    repeating itself

    Baby Wakayama with his


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    Manzanar: War RelocationCenter

  • 8/14/2019 Ben Kuroki and Ed Wakayama: Comparative Study


    Life in Manzanar:

    uncomfortable, cramped,dull.

    internees lived in military-style barracks,

    Privacy was a majorproblem,

    Dust flew through thecracks in the woodenwalls.

    the camps had no schools

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    Manzanar National HistoricSite

    "There were 10,000 people here;there are 10,000 stories to betold.Ed Wakayama tells,The United States was alsoat war with Germany and Italy;why werent GermanAmericans and ItalianAmericans imprisoned,too?The answer is simple . . .money and prejudice.

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    the Manzanar CemetaryNow, Manzanar Pilgrimage

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    At Manzanar RelocationCenter

  • 8/14/2019 Ben Kuroki and Ed Wakayama: Comparative Study


    Ed Wakayamas father

    was jailed for translating campmaterials into Japanese

    forced to sign away his U.S. citizenship

    at the point of a gunobliged to move back to Japan

    lived in Hiroshima and all wiped out by

    the atomic bomb

  • 8/14/2019 Ben Kuroki and Ed Wakayama: Comparative Study


    Now Wakayama is

    a decorated Armycolonel

    reside in Richmond,VA 65,

    educated atNortheasternUniversity

    expert on Japaneseinternment and civilrights

    a passionate

    message forAmerica: Learn

  • 8/14/2019 Ben Kuroki and Ed Wakayama: Comparative Study


    the events of 9/11, 2001

    was working in the Pentagon not far fromwhere American Airlines Flight 77 hit, at


    went back into the burning building twice,leading and calling people out of the

    smoky darkness to safety.

    Wakayama stayed until 9 that night,

    caring for those in shock.spent hours more answering dozens ofphone messages from worried family andfriends.

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    Soldier's Medal from TomChristie

    Col. J. Edgar Wakayama with

    Army's highest for noncombatant heroism.

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    Career and Education

    His Career:Manager, Research for the DepartmentsDefense and Homeland SecurityProfessor at Medical College of Virginia

    Richmond, VAClinical Laboratory Officer , A Biochemist andA Nuclear Medical Science OfficerColonel U.S. ArmyClinical Laboratory Officer U.S. Army

    Education:bachelor, biology and medical technologymaster, clinical chemistryUniversity of Oregondoctorate, biochemistry,University of Nevada *
  • 8/14/2019 Ben Kuroki and Ed Wakayama: Comparative Study


    Now Ed Wakayama

    Conducts researchat Georgia TechResearch Institute,

    for the

    departments ofDefense andHomelandSecurity.

    visits schools totalk about the


  • 8/14/2019 Ben Kuroki and Ed Wakayama: Comparative Study


    Comparison: Keroki &Wakayama

    Born in the U.S. from AmericanJapanese parents

    Both served in the U.S. military

    Both faced the social discrimination andinjustices

    Wakayama was a baby when Kuroki

    was in aerial combatmentBoth are the best examples of successin life though they have high adversity

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    Feldscher, Karen, "The Patriot - Colonel Ed Wakayama's Long

    Road from Manzanar", Northeastern University Magazine(March 2004), 24-32.Edds, Kimberly "New Museum Revives Painful Memories forInternees", Washington Post, 26 April 2004, p. A03.Hymon Steve "Finally, Sharing Manzanar's Bitter Tale", LosAngeles Times, 25 April 2004, p. 1.

    Manzanar National Historic Site web site, National ParkService. War Relocation Camps of World War II: When Fear wasStronger than Justice, a National Park Service TeachingLesson.

    9manzanar.htm.The news source for the Manzanar Committee Online, Asian American World War II Vets to Get Medal ofHonor. Department of Defense, News Items, May 19, 2000,

    191.html.Hebert Bob "Stories From the Inside" New York Times

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    Kral, E.A. (2006). "Profile: Ben Kuroki". Nebraska StateEducation Association. Retrieved on 2007-08-06.

    Frank, Abe (2000). "Ben Kuroki". Conscience and theConstitution. Public Broadcasting Service. Retrieved on


    "Ben Kuroki, American". Time. Retrieved on 2007-08-06.

    "Nebraska WWII Hero Ben Kuroki to be Honored atPremiere of NET Television" (pdf). NET Nebraska (2007-06-28). Retrieved on 2007-08-07.

    "Proud to be Ben Kuroki's kind of people", Journal Star(2007-08-02). Retrieved on 2007-08-06.

    Nelson, K. Nebraskan hero Ben Kuroki meets with Bush

  • 8/14/2019 Ben Kuroki and Ed Wakayama: Comparative Study


    Especial thanks to

    Dr. Davidson, our Guru

    And our classmates

    The guest