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Contact info:

Ben GarrowMy name

My name means that I am defensive and I am very protective over the ones I love. My mom and dad found my name on credits after a favorite movie and the actors name was Benjamin so that’s how I got it. My name is very common so there is always another Ben somewhere I go to.

Ben GarrowMy Roots

Cell: 704-701-9651Email:[email protected]: 1372 rocky cove Ln, Denton

surfing. I have lots of other things I do but those are my main ones but soccer is my favorite sport and I have played it for over nine years and I am going to play as long as I can.

I have some of the best family ever they always take care of me and I do the same for them by mowing their yard or helping with their garden. I hope to keep what I’m doing and never give up what I start.

I am really happy I came to Gray stone because it should give me a better chance for a better college and I made many friends here and I think it is a wonderful.

Soccer Surfing Hunting Fishing Swimming Jet skis Skim boarding Basketball Working out