Download - Belladonna homeopathy medicine for severe pain inflammation or any infection, especially on the upper part of the respiratory tract and menstrual pain

Page 1: Belladonna homeopathy medicine for severe pain inflammation or any infection, especially on the upper part of the respiratory tract and menstrual pain




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Page 2: Belladonna homeopathy medicine for severe pain inflammation or any infection, especially on the upper part of the respiratory tract and menstrual pain


Belladonna is a vital remedy for severe ailments that start suddenly and immediately become violent or grave.

Belladonna prescribed for people who are normally healthy and energetic, but become restive and disturbed when they fall ill.

Such people have a tendency to unexpected, hot-headed anger that is often manifested by a strong desire to assail or even bite others

Page 3: Belladonna homeopathy medicine for severe pain inflammation or any infection, especially on the upper part of the respiratory tract and menstrual pain


Patients having symptoms like acute fever, excruciating pain, especially in the head owing to quick blood circulation, dilated pupils and a dry, flushed skin are prescribed Belladonna

Belladonna is prescribed for people enduring severe pain, inflammation or any infection, especially on the upper part of the respiratory tract.

It is also given to cure menstrual pain wherein there is excessive and painful menstrual flow.

Page 4: Belladonna homeopathy medicine for severe pain inflammation or any infection, especially on the upper part of the respiratory tract and menstrual pain


Belladonna is given to patients to treat febrile convulsions (convulsions in children and infants that are accompanied by high fever), sunstroke as well as breast inflammation(mastitis) during breastfeeding.

Belladonna is most suitable to treat disorders of the heart, blood vessels, lungs as well as the nervous system.

It is also an excellent remedy for migraines, especially those that are accompanied by a violent and excruciating pain.

Patients suffering from this type of migraine usually have pain that begins in the back of the head and gradually spreads to the area around the right eye brow and finally settles behind the eye. Belladonna helps to cure the migraine as well as the associated symptoms.

Page 5: Belladonna homeopathy medicine for severe pain inflammation or any infection, especially on the upper part of the respiratory tract and menstrual pain


While Belladonna has numerous therapeutic utilities, it is primarily used to cure health conditions related to abrupt start of infections accompanied by inflammation, for instance, severe fever along with staring eyes.

In such conditions, the patients hardly have any thirst or they crave only for sour drinks.

Other symptoms of this health condition includes tonsillitis, flu, a tender throat, a dry and irritating cough which deteriorates when the patient is talking as well as ear-ache (particularly on the right side) and this symptom usually worsens when the patient's head gets wet or due to cold.

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Belladonna is given to cure pulsation headaches wherein even the least movement of the eyes exaggerates the pain, distended, red breasts owing to breastfeeding, labor pain, boils, convulsions, nephritis or inflammation of the kidneys, cystitis (inflammation of the urinary bladder), and sleep disorders or insomnia.

Belladonna is also given to children suffering from teething pains as well as to bring down high fever

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It may be noted that despite its numerous therapeutic benefits, the homeopathic remedy belladonna may be fairly dangerous when taken in excessive amounts.

Nevertheless, it is still being used in small dosages to cure nervousness as well as inflammation of the different body parts.

In addition, belladonna is a useful homeopathic medicine which is held to soothe the mind and also promote sound and undisturbed sleep.

Page 8: Belladonna homeopathy medicine for severe pain inflammation or any infection, especially on the upper part of the respiratory tract and menstrual pain


The belladonna or the deadly nightshade plant is an herbaceous plant belonging to the family Solanaceae. This plant grows perennially and is indigenous to Europe, North Africa as well as Western Asia. Remedies made are absolutely without any toxic trait following heavy dilution and continued succussion.

A detailed history followed by constitutional treatment by a good and qualified homeopathic doctor is necessary to treat the complaints that appear. It is not advisable to resort to self-medication for any disease. The remedies mentioned in this presentation are mentioned solely to create awareness homeopathic medicines in dealing with disease conditions