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Bell Ringer

Class Starter

FFA New Horizons: Winter 2013-2014

Article: “A Legacy of Service”

Pg. 12-15

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Bell Ringer Cont.

1. How many hours of community service did Ridge Howell put in through his FFA activities? 2. What grade level did Ridge join the National FFA Organization? 3. In 2011, Ridge was invited by the USDA’s office of Tribal Relations to serve on a board called

N_____ V_____ in Washington D.C. 4. Ridge was named a White House C_______ of C_____ in October 2012. 5. What are Ridge’s career goals after completing his English degree at OSU (Oklahoma State


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Everyday Leadership- Drew Dudley

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Objective: AFNR-BAS-1: Demonstrate

employability skills required by business and industry.

Leadership CommitteeMay 2007

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Leadership “Leadership is like beauty: it’s hard to

define, but you know it when you see it.”

Leadership means different things to different people.

“Leadership is like the Abominable Snowman, whose footprints are everywhere but who is nowhere to be seen.”

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Leadership What traits make up a good leader

in your eyes?

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Leadership is…. the ability to influence others

through words and actions desire to make a difference courage to admit mistakes willingness to change or accept

change when it happens being credible (honest, competent)

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Leadership Myths Leaders are born with unique qualities.

Leadership is an acquired skill.“Leadership is not an exclusive club for those who were born with it.”

Leaders make all the decisions for the group.Leaders know the wisdom of group input.

All leaders are popular, charismatic, and the center of attention.

Some leaders lead quietly by example.

Leaders must be appointed or elected by the group.The leader can develop and even change depending on the situation.

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Strengths of Strong Leaders

confidence communication skills knowledge motivation responsibility enthusiasm citizenship

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The Importance of Leadership From an organizational viewpoint,

leadership is vital because it has such a powerful influence on individual group behavior (s).

Without leadership you don’t have direction!!! The blind is leading the blind?

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How Do You Become a Successful Leader? Study the quality of good leaders &

learn from their mistakes Analyze yourself, determine your weak

& strong points Learn how to take directions Learn about groups & how they function Make & follow a plan to develop

personal leadership skills

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Taking a Leadership Position Having a vision about what can be

accomplished. Making a commitment to the mission

and to the people you lead. Taking responsibility for the

accomplishment of the mission and the welfare of those you lead.

Assuming risk of loss and failure. Accepting recognition for success.

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Steps For a Personal Leadership Plan Develop a vision & focus your

thinking Set goals Develop Initiative Develop self-confidence Develop personal responsibility Develop a healthy self-image

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How can you demonstrate Leadership?

lead by example - do what is right, not just what everyone else is doing

be encouraging of others - saying something positive can change someone’s day

listen - being willing to hear someone’s opinion will make them more willing to hear yours

What are some other ways?

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When can YOU be a leader?

at home with your friends on sports teams in class as a member of an organization in your community

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Picture of Leadership We have discussed..

What leadership is What traits make up a leader How and when you can be a leader

Draw a picture of what you think a leader looks like.

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TOTD: Ticket Out The Door With the piece of paper on your

desk, name 3 people who are leaders and what they do. i.e. Tim Tebow, Football Player i.e. Dr. James Banks, Principal