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Being Patient

Page 2: Being patient

OK, so you’ve decided to save yourself a world of

hassles by booking a Disney rental stroller rather than trying to take your own

stroller on vacation through the airports and all the rest

of it. But even though getting a Disney rental stroller makes life a lot

easier on vacation,

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we would be lying if we said that absolutely everything is going to go exactly the way you want it to during

your family vacation to Orlando, Florida. We hope that a lot of things do and

that you have a lot of fun in our beloved city, but we’re

also realistic.

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A lot of people come to Orlando with their families for just one reason: Disney

World. The Walt Disney World Resort is by far the

most popular theme part in Orlando, although it has to

be said that Universal Studios is putting up an

extremely good fight in the competition department.

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But no matter which of these theme parks you have

planned to visit, you can bet that a whole lot of other people have had exactly the

same idea, especially during the winter months,

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when the climate of Orlando is at its most attractive

(especially compared to the more northern bits of the USA where it gets a lot

colder). And this means that if you visit a theme park and want to go on a ride or see an attraction, you’re going

to have to wait in queue along with everyone else.

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Nobody likes waiting in queues, and sometimes, you have to ask whether people are worse at doing it now

than they were even twenty years ago – thanks to online

banking and online shopping and all the rest of

it, we have fewer opportunities to practice


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And that’s just the adults! We all know that small children of an age to be

riding in a Disney rental stroller have

even less patience and want whatever it is RIGHT


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However, this is where you can get extra value for

money out of your trip to Disney World – as well as giving your children great experiences at the theme park, you can also help them learn the value of


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Now, parents can often draw on some inner (and outer!) resources when it comes to patience. Thanks to modern telecommunication devices,

we can go online and see what our Facebook friends are up to while we’re in the

queue (and post a status along the lines of “Waiting in

a big long queue at Disney World for…”).

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Or we can pursue some train of thought in our

heads to while away the time. However, children don’t quite have these

resources, either mental or electronic.

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This is where you get to pass on some techniques for helping your children learn to wait patiently in a queue – and these lessons will stay

with them long after the pictures of your Disney trip

have been taken.

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As you’re standing up, you can at least fidget and shift your position a bit, which

can help pass the time. Your child is (or should be) very

firmly strapped into the seat of a Disney rental

stroller and doesn’t quite have the ability to burn off


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– and we all know how cranky a child can get if

they don’t get the chance to wriggle about. However, you can use that Disney rental stroller to good

advantage and make sure that you have some

resources handy to help your child learn how to be patient while waiting in a queue at a theme park.

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