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Page 1: Behavioral flexibility of vervet monkeys in response to climatic and social variability

Behavioral Flexibility of Vervet Monkeys in Response toClimatic and Social Variability

Richard McFarland,1* Louise Barrett,1,2 Ria Boner,3 Natalie J. Freeman,2,3 and S. Peter Henzi2,3

1Brain Function Research Group, School of Physiology, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand,Johannesburg, South Africa2Department of Psychology, University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Canada3Applied Behavioural Ecology and Ecosystem Research Unit, University of South Africa, Johannesburg,South Africa

KEY WORDS activity; ambient temperature; Chlorocebus pygerythrus; mating season;time-budget

ABSTRACT Responses to environmental variabilitysheds light on how individuals are able to survive in aparticular habitat and provides an indication of the scopeand limits of its niche. To understand whether climatehas a direct impact on activity, and determine whethervervet monkeys have the behavioral flexibility to respondto environmental change, we examined whether theamount of time spent resting and feeding in the nonmat-ing and mating seasons were predicted by the thermaland energetic constraints of ambient temperature. Ourresults show that high temperatures during the nonmat-ing season were associated with an increase in time spentresting, at the expense of feeding. Cold temperatures dur-ing the nonmating season were associated with anincrease in time spent feeding, at the expense of resting.In contrast, both feeding and resting time during the

mating season were independent of temperature, suggest-ing that animals were not adjusting their activity in rela-tion to temperature during this period. Our data indicatethat climate has a direct effect on animal activity, andthat animals may be thermally and energetically compro-mised in the mating season. Our study animals appear tohave the behavioral flexibility to tolerate current environ-mental variability. However, future climate change sce-narios predict that the time an animal has available forbehaviors critical for survival will be constrained by tem-perature. Further investigations, aimed at determiningthe degree of behavioral and physiological flexibilitydisplayed by primates, are needed if we are to fullyunderstand the consequences of environmental change ontheir distribution and survival. Am J Phys Anthropol000:000–000, 2014. VC 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

The trade-offs involved in balancing energy and timebudgets have long been a focus of behavioral research.Among primates, the constraints imposed by intensesociality add an extra layer of complexity, as animalsmust trade off the benefits of group living (e.g., protec-tion from predators) against the costs of competingwithin these groups for resources. Animals must alsomake compromises between different activities, such asfeeding, resting socializing and moving, that reflect theattempt to maintain a positive energy balance whileremaining coordinated with their conspecifics. In manycases, the trade-offs between different maintenanceactivities have been shown to reflect differences inresource abundance and quality, which dictates theamount of time that must be devoted to feeding, whichthen necessarily limits the amount of time available forother activities (Dunbar et al., 2009). In particular, theability to engage socially with others has been shown tohave consequences for both long- and short-term sur-vival (Silk et al., 2009, 2010; Sch€ulke et al., 2010;McFarland and Majolo, 2013). Social behaviors likegrooming may also play a role in maintaining groupcohesion over time, whereas a lack of social maintenancemay result in groups becoming destabilized, leading togroup fission (Henzi et al., 1997) and the potential lossof sociality benefits. Time available to rest has oftenbeen considered simply as a ‘reserve’ of time left overafter other essential activities have been fulfilled (Dun-bar, 1992). More recently, two separate forms of restinghave been identified (e.g., Dunbar et al., 2009): “free”

resting time, defined as a reserve of time that can beconverted into additional feeding, moving or socializing,and “enforced” resting time, defined as the time requiredfor thermoregulation and digestion. Due to the impor-tance of thermoregulation and digestion, constraints onavailable resting time may have consequences for a spe-cies’ ability to exist in particular habitats (Korstjenset al., 2010).

Given potential thermoregulatory constraints, it isclear that climate, namely ambient temperature andrainfall, may pose a very direct constraint on activity, inaddition to its impact on the quality and distribution ofavailable food resources (e.g., Del Grosso et al., 2008),and hence the amount of time an animal needs to spendfeeding to fulfill its energetic requirements. The“thermoneutral zone” is defined as the range of

Grant sponsors: Claude Leon Fellowship, South Africa; NRF,South Africa; NSERC, Canada.

*Correspondence to: R. McFarland, School of Physiology, Univer-sity of the Witwatersrand, 7 York Road, Medical School, Parktown,Johannesburg 2193, South Africa.E-mail: [email protected]

Received 9 October 2013; accepted 27 March 2014

DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.22518Published online 00 Month 2014 in Wiley Online Library




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environmental temperatures within which an animal’smetabolic rate and evaporative heat loss is minimal(Gordon, 1985). For primates, the thermoneutral zone is�25 to 30�C (Elizondo, 1977). The maintenance of home-othermy in primates involves a combination of bothautonomic and behavioral processes, where behavioralchanges should be used first as a means to conserve thewater and energy required for autonomic processes.

To date, the impact of direct climatic constraints onactivity budgets has received little attention. We doknow that, at high temperatures, some studies haverevealed that animals tend to spend more time resting(Stelzner, 1988; Hill, 2006; Campos and Fedigan, 2009;Korstjens et al., 2010; Sato, 2012; Majolo et al., 2013),and that resting and shade-seeking are critical for ther-moregulation (e.g., Campos and Fedigan, 2009): highheat load can cause severe dehydration and potentiallyfatal hyperthermia (Taylor, 1970). In contrast to thereduced demand for shade-seeking and resting in coldertemperatures, the energetic demands of thermoregula-tion and digestion are higher in cold conditions (Satinoff,2011), meaning more time needs to be spent feeding(Satinoff, 2011; Majolo et al., 2013).

The majority of social primates need to spend timemaintaining their grooming relationships with conspe-cifics, which is also likely to detract from their timeavailable to feed and rest. Other forms of social demand,such as mating, may also constrain activity, especiallyamong seasonal breeders where mating effort is concen-trated into a short period. Among these species, males inparticular can spend significant amounts of time compet-ing for and mate-guarding females (Henzi and Lucas,1980; Muller and Wrangham, 2009). If this occurs at theexpense of feeding and resting, it may cause them tobecome thermally and energetically compromised.Females may also be compromised due to time con-straints imposed on them by male socio-sexual behavior.

Future climate change scenarios predict that, over thenext 100 years, South Africa will be exposed to increasedaridity and higher annual temperatures (Midgley et al.,2001). This in turn is expected to have a significantimpact on species survival and distribution (Erasmuset al., 2002; Hoffman et al., 2009; Korstjens et al., 2010).Here, we explore direct climatic effects on the on activityof wild vervet monkeys (Chlorocebus pygerythrus), dur-ing both the nonmating and mating seasons, as a meansof assessing how animals prioritize behavior andwhether they possess sufficient behavioral flexibility toadjust their activity budget in response to competingdemands. As we will show, this investigation is particu-larly relevant to vervet monkeys living below the equa-tor, in a semidesert habitat, as they experience a highlyvariable seasonal climate. Given that (i) our study popu-lation in the semi-arid Karoo is at the most southerlylimits of the vervet distribution and (ii) is a challenginghabitat for such a water-dependent species (McDougallet al., 2010), it becomes pertinent to assess the scopeand limits of their behavioral flexibility in response tocurrent climatic fluctuations.

During the nonmating season, we predicted that (i)higher ambient temperatures would be associated withincreased resting time, in order to reduce heat load andwater loss, whereas feeding would be prioritized at coldtemperatures to fulfill the increased energetic demandsof thermoregulation. During the mating season, we pre-dicted that (ii) both males and females would becomethermally and energetically compromised compared to

the nonmating season because of the additional time-constraints imposed by socio-sexual behavior. We there-fore predicted that (iii) time spent resting and feedingby each sex would be unresponsive to temperature dur-ing this period. In all our analyses, we controlled for theeffects of estimated food abundance and group size onactivity patterns, allowing us to test the relative impor-tance of climatic and ecological factors on activity pat-terns. That is, we took into account the fact that, whenfood abundance is low and group size is larger, moretime is expected to be spent searching for food due toincreased feeding competition (i.e. rates of aggressionand patch depletion: Janson, 1988; Isbell 1991) and that,when group sizes are larger, more time is expected to bespent socializing as more social relationships need to bemanaged to maintain group cohesion (Dunbar, 1991;Lehmann et al., 2007).


Data were collected between January 2009 and March2013 from two groups (named RBM and RST) of wildvervet monkey living on the Samara Private GameReserve in the Karoo, Eastern Cape, South Africa(32o22’S, 24o52’E). Our study region is characterized assemiarid riparian woodland, where our study animalsfeed predominantly on seeds, flowers, leaves, berries,gums, and insects. For more details of their diet, seePasternak et al. (2013). Vervet monkeys live in multi-male, multifemale societies (e.g., Isbell et al., 1991).Females are philopatric and males tend to emigratefrom their natal group at the onset of puberty. Vervetmonkeys are seasonal breeders and increased rates ofmale migration are typically observed at the onset of themating season (Henzi and Lucas, 1980). During the mat-ing season, males compete for access to mating opportu-nities with females.

Data were collected from all adult (males�6 years;females�4 years) and sub-adult (males 5 425 years;females 5 324 years) group members. Over the entirestudy period, the average group sizes of RBM and RSTwere 26 and 36 adult and sub-adult animals, respec-tively. Relatively small yearly changes in average groupsize were observed (ranges: RBM 5 23230;RST 5 34238; mean rate of change: RBM and RST 5 63animals/year) suggesting that normal growth cycles (i.e.,maturation of juveniles) and inter-birth intervals wereconsistent across the study period. A larger degree ofmonthly variability in group sizes (ranges:RBM 5 17236; RST 5 31244) was likely the result offluctuations in rates of male migration. The mating sea-son in this region typically falls between April and June,while the birth season typically falls between Novemberand January. The hottest and wettest time of the year isfrom November to March and the coldest and driesttime of the year occurs between June and August. Allstudy animals were habituated to the presence of humanobservers, were individually recognizable, and lived on acompletely natural diet (Pasternak et al., 2013). Thisstudy was entirely observational and did not affect thewelfare of our study animals.

Instantaneous scan sampling methods (Altmann,1974) were used to collect data on the activity timebudgets of all adult and sub-adult group members fromthe two groups. Scan data were collected every 30 minfrom all individuals that could be located within a ten-minute time window. The activity of each subject was


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recorded as falling into one of five mutually exclusivecategories: (i) Resting: when an animal was stationarywithout feeding or socializing, (ii) Feeding: when an ani-mal was consuming food, (iii) Moving: when an animalwas moving without feeding, (iv) Socializing: when ananimal was involved in allo-grooming, (v) Other: whenan animal was involved in aggressive, mating or playbehavior. Any given animal was sampled only oncewithin each scan. Across the 4-year study period, a totalof 50,591 and 61,381 scans were collected from RBM andRST, respectively. Group censuses were taken daily toprovide information on group size.

Climate data for the entire study period were avail-able from a local weather station (32�12’S, 24�33’E),which provided information on daily ambient tempera-tures (�C: mean, maximum, and minimum), relativehumidity (%) and rainfall (mm). Of the 865 days onwhich we collected behavioral data, climate data wereunavailable for 158 days, leaving 707 days of observationas the focus of our analysis.

Seasonal patterns of the net primary productivity ofplant biomass—across all climatic zones—have beenshown to be positively correlated with rainfall (e.g., DelGrosso et al., 2008). Several studies specific to our studyregion (i.e., the Karoo, Eastern Cape) have also demon-strated positive correlations between vegetation abun-dance and rates of rainfall (e.g., Hoffman et al., 1990;Du Toit, 2002). Therefore, because we did not directlycollect food abundance data over the entire study period,we used rainfall as a proxy for monthly food abundance(e.g., Coe et al. 1976; Barton et al., 1992; Hill et al.,2003). Since there is a time-lag in the effect that rainfallhas on vegetation biomass, and hence the abundance offood available, we used 2-month cumulative rainfall asan estimate of food abundance (e.g., Barton et al., 1992).

Data analysis

We calculated, at the group level, the proportion ofscans collected each day that our subjects spent resting,feeding, moving, and socializing. This was calculated sepa-rately for males and females. We ran a series of general-ized linear mixed models (GLMMs) to explore the effect ofclimatic variability on activity. The following analyses

were repeated independently on males and females forboth the nonmating and mating seasons. We enteredeither the proportion of time spent resting, feeding, social-izing, or moving as our dependent variables. We appliedan arcsine transformation to all our dependent variablesto improve normality. Our five climatic variables (mean,maximum, and minimum ambient temperatures, rainfall,and relative humidity) were all highly inter-correlated (allP< 0.001), with the exception of minimum ambient tem-perature and relative humidity (P 5 0.14). Mean ambienttemperature was positively correlated with maximum andminimum ambient temperatures and rainfall, and nega-tively correlated with relative humidity. Therefore, of ourfive climatic variables, we entered only mean daily ambi-ent temperature as an independent variable into ourmodel. Estimated monthly food abundance and group sizewere also entered as independent variables. We enteredthe number of daylight hours for each scan day, and themonth of the year as control fixed factors in order toaccount for potential seasonal changes in activity patterns(e.g., Hill et al., 2003). We entered the day of the scannested inside group ID as random factors to control forthe nonindependence and clustering of our dataset (Pin-heiro and Bates, 2000; Tabachnick and Fidell, 2007).Scans were collected from both groups on the same day.

This “full model” approach allowed us to explore theeffect that our independent variables had on our depend-ent variables, whilst controlling for the effects of ourcontrol variables. For the sake of brevity, we discussonly those results directly related to our predictions. Allanalyses were performed in STATA v10 Software (Stata-Corp, 2007). See Tables 1 and 2 for details of the effectsof temperature, estimated food abundance and groupsize on the four main activity categories (i.e., resting,feeding, socializing, and moving). See the electronic sup-plementary material for full GLMM results (SupportingInformation Tables S1 and S2).


Seasonal trends in climate and activity

The summer months (November to March) can becharacterized as receiving higher ambient temperatures,

TABLE 1. GLMM results of the effects of mean ambient temperature on the proportions of time males and females spent resting,feeding, socializing, and moving in the nonmating season (N days 5 574male and 685female)


Males Females

Z P 95% CIs Z P 95% CIs

a) Resting timeMean temperature 2.76 0.01 0.003 to 0.017 2.75 0.01 0.002 to 0.012Estimated food abundance 20.06 0.95 20.001 to 0.001 20.57 0.57 20.001 to 0.000Group size 21.79 0.07 20.008 to 0.000 22.55 0.01 20.012 to 20.002b) Feeding timeMean temperature 22.38 0.02 20.015 to 20.001 23.01 0.003 20.013 to 20.003Estimated food abundance 0.32 0.75 20.001 to 0.001 0.31 0.76 0.000 to 0.001Group size 0.27 0.79 20.004 to 0.006 1.9 0.06 0.000 to 0.010c) Socializing timeMean temperature 1.11 0.27 20.002 to 0.006 20.57 0.57 20.005 to 0.003Estimated food abundance 0.87 0.38 0.000 to 0.001 4.59 <0.001 0.001 to 0.001Group size 0.6 0.55 20.002 to 0.004 1.17 0.24 20.001 to 0.005d) Moving timeMean temperature 20.64 0.52 20.008 to 0.004 0.87 0.38 20.002 to 0.006Estimated food abundance 0.66 0.51 0.000 to 0.001 20.95 0.34 20.001 to 0.000Group size 1.68 0.09 20.001 to 0.011 1.33 0.18 20.001 to 0.005

aSee S1 for full GLMM results.


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rainfall and relative humidity compared with the wintermonths (June to August: Fig. 1). Both the nonmatingand mating seasons showed large ranges in daily meanambient temperature (nonmating season 5 3.7�C–30.3�C;mating season 5 3.8�C–24.6�C) and estimated food abun-dance (nonmating season 5 0.25–128.53 mm; mating sea-son 5 7.36–142.49 mm). High and low temperatureswere observed in both the nonmating (highest 5 42�C,lowest 5 0�C) and mating season (highest 5 37�C, low-est 5 0�C). The amount of time spent feeding was highlyvariable across the year (Fig. 2), ranging from �20% ofthe day in the hot, wet summers, to over 40% of the dayin the cold, dry winters. Conversely, the amount of timespent resting was highest in the summer (�45%), andlowest in the winter (�30%). The time spent moving orsocializing was less variable, with time spent movingranging between 20 and 30% of the day across the year,while time spent socializing consistently accounted forless than 10% of the day across the year. The seasonalpatterns we observed in estimated food abundance, feed-ing time, and stages of reproduction (Fig. 2), support theview that vervet monkeys synchronize their reproduc-tion to make sure they have access to sufficient resour-ces to succeed (Lee, 1987; Butynski, 1988).

The nonmating season

In support of our prediction, a significantly larger pro-portion of time was spent resting at higher tempera-tures, compared with lower temperatures for both malesand females in the nonmating season (Table 1). A signifi-cantly larger proportion of time was spent feeding inlower temperatures compared to higher temperaturesfor both males and females (Table 1). The proportions oftime spent feeding and moving were unrelated to esti-mated food abundance for both males and females (Table1). Similarly, the proportion of time spent socializingwas unrelated to the size of the group for both malesand females (Table 1).

The mating season

In support of our prediction, the proportion of timespent resting was unrelated to temperature for both

males and females in the mating season (Table 2). Simi-larly, the proportion of time spent feeding was unrelatedto temperature for both males and females (Table 2). Formales, significantly larger proportions of time werespent feeding (Table 2), and smaller proportions of timespent moving (Table 2) when estimated food abundancewas high. For females, although the proportion of timespent feeding was unrelated to estimated food abun-dance (Table 2), they spent a significantly smaller pro-portion of time moving when estimated food abundancewas high (Table 2). In partial support of our prediction,males, but not females, spent a significantly larger pro-portion of time socializing when group sizes were larger(Table 2).


Vervet monkeys in our study population spent moretime resting when temperatures were high, and did soat the expense of feeding. When temperatures were cold,more time was spent feeding at the expense of resting.These findings are congruent with the suggestion thatanimals prioritize staying cool in hot periods to reduceheat load and water loss, and consume more food in coldperiods to satisfy the increased energetic demands ofthermoregulation and digestion.

Although it has been argued frequently that timespent resting is a “reserve” of spare time that can easilybe given over to feeding during periods of increasedenergetic demand, this fails to recognize the importanceof resting time for behavioral thermoregulation.Although it has been suggested that, in baboons, restingand shade-use are used only opportunistically (Hill,2006)—as the priority is presumed to always be feed-ing—our results indicate that, for vervet monkeys, theimportance of resting is so strong that resting is priori-tized over feeding at high temperatures. Potential differ-ences between these two species in their ability totolerate heat exposure might be explained by the smallerbody mass of vervet monkey compared with baboons,which makes them more labile to changes in ambienttemperature. Baboons, for example, have been shown totolerate much higher heat loads than expected (Brainand Mitchell, 1999; Mitchell et al., 2009).

TABLE 2. GLMM results of the effects of mean ambient temperature on the proportions of time males and females spent resting,feeding, socializing, and moving in the mating season (N days 5 324male and 404female)


Males Females

Z P 95% CIs Z P 95% CIs

a) Resting timeMean temperature 20.29 0.77 20.008 to 0.006 0.55 0.58 20.003 to 0.006Estimated food abundance 20.50 0.62 20.001 to 0.001 20.17 0.86 20.001 to 0.001Group size 21.34 0.18 20.008 to 0.001 22.25 0.02 20.010 to 20.001b) Feeding timeMean temperature 20.76 0.45 20.009 to 0.004 21.13 0.26 20.008 to 0.002Estimated food abundance 2.11 0.04 0.000 to 0.002 0.88 0.38 20.001 to 0.001Group size 2.12 0.03 0.000 to 0.012 3.89 <0.001 0.003 to 0.009c) Socializing timeMean temperature 1 0.32 20.002 to 0.006 2.2 0.03 0.001 to 0.009Estimated food abundance 1.85 0.07 0.000 to 0.001 0.37 0.71 20.001 to 0.001Group size 3.47 0.001 0.002 to 0.007 20.38 0.71 20.003 to 0.002d) Moving timeMean temperature 0.19 0.85 20.006 to 0.007 21.35 0.18 20.007 to 0.001Estimated food abundance 22.46 0.01 20.002 to 0.000 21.95 0.05 20.001 to 0.000Group size 20.63 0.53 20.005 to 0.003 0.25 0.81 20.004 to 0.005

aSee S2 for full GLMM results.


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In addition to the direct constraint that temperaturehas on activity, temperature also indirectly affects activ-ity through its determination of habitat productivity andfood abundance (e.g., Clutton-Brock, 1977; Wrangham,1980). In our study, however, the direct impact of climate(i.e., mean ambient temperature, which was positivelycorrelated with rainfall and negatively correlated withhumidity) was the most influential factor in predictingthe amount of time an individual had available to restand feed. When controlling for the effect of ambient tem-perature, we found no evidence that estimated foodabundance or the size of the group was related to thetime spent feeding or resting. These findings are consist-ent with previous conclusions made on the importance ofthe thermal environment in predicting activity patternsin primates (e.g., Hill, 2006; Korstjens et al., 2010).

We found that, in the mating season, time spent rest-ing and feeding was unrelated to temperature, suggest-ing that individuals were not adjusting their behavior toprioritize thermoregulatory and energetic efficiency.Instead, these results suggest that, due to the necessaryinvestment in socio-sexual behavior and its associatedreproductive benefits, both males and females wereexposing themselves to higher heat loads than theywould typically, and were feeding less than their ener-getic requirements demanded. In contrast to the non-mating season, estimated food abundance had asignificant impact on activity in the mating season. Bothmales and females spent more time moving when esti-mated food abundance was low. This is congruent withthe suggestion that individuals should be able to feedmore, relative to the time they spend searching for food,when food abundance is high (Janson, 1988). Curiouslyhowever, this relationship was only observed in the mat-ing season, not in the nonmating season. Our findingthat climate constrains activity in the nonmating season,but not the mating season, may help us explain theseresults. In the nonmating season, feeding times were

most strongly predicted by temperature, and were unre-lated to estimated food abundance. However, in the mat-ing season, when individuals appear to behaveindependently of climate (due to the importance of socio-sexual behavior), foraging behaviors (i.e., feeding andmoving) are more strongly predicted by estimated foodabundance. This may also be due to the exponentialdecline in estimated food abundance in the mating sea-son (see Fig. 1), making animal activity more sensitiveto food abundance during this period.

In contrast to the suggestion that group size is amajor determinant of social behavior in primates (Dun-bar, 1991), we found no relationship between the size ofthe group and the proportion of time spent socializing.Although the robustness of the relationship betweengrooming (the constituent of our social activity category)and group size, and its importance to group cohesion,has recently been questioned (Grueter et al., 2013; butsee Dunbar and Lehmann, 2013), it is important to notethat Dunbar’s analyses were run at the level of the pop-ulation and species (Dunbar, 1991), and so may not nec-essarily apply to these fine-grained differences within agiven habitat and population. Alternatively, the absenceof a relationship between group size and social time maybe a reflection of the unusually large group sizes of ver-vet monkey observed during this study. As reviewed inPasternak et al. (2013), the large size of our studygroups is likely to reflect the particular nature of theirhabitat: our study groups occupy high quality riparianhabitat, which is surrounded by low quality habitat witha lack of water. This leads to a high density of vervetgroups along the river system, and seems to retard fis-sion into smaller groups (as this would require daughtergroups to occupy the low quality areas beyond the river).Lehmann et al. (2007) suggested that when primategroup sizes are over 40, ecological pressures are morelikely to compromise the time available individuals haveto groom. Our findings support this view.

Fig. 1. Mean monthly ambient temperatures (mean, maximum, and minimum), relative humidity, and rainfall across the entirestudy period (January 2009–March 2013). [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at]


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In the mating season males, but not females, spentmore time being social when group sizes were larger.Although these findings fit with the hypothesis thatlarger group sizes require more time to be devoted togrooming to enhance group cohesion (Dunbar, 1991), thefact that this relationship was observed only in the mat-ing season, and only in males, suggests that the increasein grooming behavior is more likely a result of theincreased prevalence of mating. In the mating seasonmales tend to spend more time grooming females toimprove mating opportunities (Gumert, 2007). Moreover,due to the higher frequencies of male-male competitionin the mating season (Henzi and Lucas, 1980)—wheredominant individuals tend to gain better access to

females (Cowlishaw and Dunbar, 1991; Majolo et al.,2012)—grooming is likely to play an important role inmanaging male–male conflict. For example, grooming isoften exchanged by former opponents to reconcile thecosts of aggression (Cheney and Seyfarth, 1989; McFar-land and Majolo, 2011a,b). Therefore, when group sizesare larger in the mating season—in terms of both poten-tial mating partners and competitors—there is likely tobe increased demand for social activity. The difficulty ofmonopolizing females in larger groups in the mating sea-son (Cowlishaw and Dunbar, 1991) may also explainwhy females were able to spend more time feeding whengroup sizes were larger; as their activity was less con-strained by male socio-sexual behavior. Concomitantly,

Fig. 2. Seasonal patterns of (a) male and (b) female feeding and resting time in relation to estimated food abundance, ambienttemperature, and phase of reproduction.


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animals would need to spend more time feeding whengroup sizes were larger due to overall increased rates offeeding competition (Henzi et al., 2013).

Taken together, our findings support the view that cli-mate has a direct and significant impact on animal activ-ity patterns. Climate clearly constrains the activity ofvervet monkeys, and our results suggest that, at leastwithin this region of their geographic distribution, theyhave the behavioral flexibility to respond to variability intemperature in order to fulfill their thermal and energeticdemands. However, during the mating season both malesand females potentially appear to be thermally and ener-getically compromised, due to the increased demand andimportance of socio-sexual behavior. Future studies needto explore in more detail how the mating season affectsphysiological condition. A number of recent studies havecontributed our understanding of the cortisol stressresponse of primates during such periods (e.g., Ostneret al., 2008; Higham et al., 2012; McFarland et al., 2013).Future important avenues of research should include theassessment of body temperature patterns and body condi-tion in response to environmental stress. Such data willprovide an indication of the thermoregulatory efficiency ofa species or population, and assess whether they have theability to maintain homeothermy when stressed.

The current thriving distribution of vervet monkeys inthe Eastern Cape (Pasternak et al., 2013) indicates thatour study animals’ current environmental variability iswithin a range that they are able to tolerate. However, cli-mate change scenarios predict that the Karoo will getincreasingly hot and dry over the next 100 years (Midgleyet al., 2001), which could affect species distribution,threatening their survival (Erasmus et al., 2002; Hoffmanet al., 2009; Korstjens et al., 2010). Korstjens et al. (2010)propose that a 2�C increase in ambient temperature willdemand an increase in “enforced” resting time (i.e., forthermoregulation) which will significantly constrain thetime available for other important behaviors such as feed-ing and socializing. Further investigation into whether aspecies has the physiological (including behavioral) flexi-bility to deal with environmental stress—in terms ofextreme heat and cold, drought, food shortages and loss offavorable microclimates—are urgently needed if we are tofully understand the consequences that a changing envi-ronment will have on its distribution and survival.


The authors are very grateful to Sarah and Mark Tomp-kins for permission to work on Samara Private GameReserve. The authors would also like to thank NicholasDucheminsky, Nicola Forshaw, Alena and Eric Matlock,Petra McDougall, Derek Murphy, Jessica Parker, GrahamPasternak, Tom Rutherford, Jessica Sashaw, April Taka-hashi, and Brittany Thomas for assistance in data collec-tion over the 4-year study period.


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American Journal of Physical Anthropology