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HSUHealth Services Union

Health Services Union

Become a HSU Member: Get Protected

HSU - Health Services Union:

The Health Services Union offers protection to health professionals working for aged care, ambulance services, private and public health as well as disability services.

HSU NSW - THE Union for Ambulance Officers

It is important that health workers who sweat hard to give Australia a world class health system are protected and enjoy all benefits they so much deserve. HSU pledges in safeguarding the rights of these aged care workers.

What happens in case you meet with an accident on your way to or from work? HSU provides its members with Journey insurance. Under this, every HSU Member is entitled to 85% of weekly wage to a max of $1500 per week.

HSU also provides bereavement benefits and range of payments for specific injuries.

The new NSW Laws have had a lethal effect on Ambulance paramedics and the HSU is fighting to improve the number of ambulance paramedics in tandem with population growth.

For more details, please visit or Call us at 1300-478-679