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Because Google AdWords Would Not Forgive You For These PPC Blunders!

PPC sounds advance and effective.The kind of internet advertising that gives you tons of clicks, drive heavy traffic only to generate more sales.Plus, pulling off a PPC advertising campaign doesnt have to be that complicated. With the right strategy in place and experts working on it, pay per click can sink your business into a pool of leads.But wait! As with almost everything, theres a downside to PPC advertising, which only results from poor implementation and management. When done wrong, it can cost you a fortune and still get your business nowhere.However, its strictly not advised to dump the idea of running PPC campaigns for your business altogether scared of the downside.

Rather, you can focus your initial efforts and diligence on basics followed by advanced practices and strategies turn PPC into a constructive asset for your business.

To start with, Google AdWords, the biggest and the most celebrated internet advertising network by far, is something you must get familiar with before you take the plunge.Think of all good things you can expect when getting started with online advertising and marketing; bring in targeted traffic, make new customers, boost conversions and ultimately drive high sales and revenue.Well, AdWords can do all of that and even more but only if you manage to avoid common mistakes that take a heavy toll on your PPC efforts and bring in unexpected ROI. While the beginning of paid advertising wont certainly be that easy for any business, keeping mistakes to a minimum can help minimise adverse effects and yield the best out of your practices.So, without further ado, lets glance at some of the most common but lethal mistakes that bring into highlight the deadliest PPC campaigns of all time.

1# Confusing Between Keyword Matches

If youre into Google AdWords advertising, you must know the three basic kinds of keyword matches. Advertisers often focus on picking right keywords but fail to choose the right kind of keyword match.

Lets understand how these keyword matches differ:

Broad Match When broad match is enabled, your ads will display for searches made on the given keywords and their variations regardless of the order of words.

Phrase Match When you use phrase match keywords, the ads will appear for searches that use keywords in that exact order youve specified.

Exact MatchAs the name suggests, with exact match your ads will show up for searches that are based on the exact keywords.

While broad match gives the most impressions and thus often used by beginners, exact match keywords reportedly show better conversions though the number of average searches per month is lower than broad type. So, its important to choose your keywords as well as match types strategically to ensure your ad campaigns yield the best results.

2# Failing to Track Conversion and Performance:-

2# Failing to Track Conversion and Performance:-

Many advertisers find it difficult to realise that not all campaigns they run are going to produce conversions. In fact, the chances are that the majority of them will fail. Still, many would continue to flush down their dollars striving to make a little profit out of an almost ineffective ad campaign.

Its a hard pill to swallow learning that even with the best copywriters and PPC experts by your side, you cant certainly tell which ad will perform better for a certain audience. But, you can keep track of your campaigns and determine which ads are doing well in terms of conversions and profits so that you can invest your money wisely.

3# Not Bidding on Your Own Brand Names or Search Terms :-

Why do I bid on my own brand if Im already ranking #1 n Google?Many marketers do not consider bidding on their brand as they already rank for their brand, and thus advertising doesnt seem necessary in the same scenario. A slim budget may be another significant reason to avoid bidding on your brand keywords.

What these advertisers dont comprehend is that not advertising for your brand can simply toss the favorable opportunities toward your competitors. Bidding on your own brand terms helps drive conversions. This way, youre not only promoting your brand but preventing your competitors from swaying away your targeted customers.Whats more, advertising for your brand search terms can assist you in dominating the first page of Google SERPs and of course, your competition. This works wonders for your brand awareness and reputation, which ultimately leads to more leads and sales.

4# Not Realising The True Worth of Your Customers

How much are you willing to spend on PPC advertising to acquire one customer? If you havent asked this question to yourself before kicking off your AdWords campaigns, you might be missing on your potential conversions and sales.

For any advertiser, it is essential to know the lifetime worth of their customers. And this must not be gauged through estimates and assumptions but through the calculation of customer lifetime value (CLV).

The lifetime value of a customer provides the close estimate of the money the customer is expected to generate during their engagement with the brand. A campaign is said to be successfully profitable only if the CLV of the customer is greater than the amount spent on the customer acquisition.

Determining the lifetime value of a customer involves a lot of complex calculations. It is advised to seek the assistance of an AdWords expert to calculate the customer value and manage your campaigns accordingly.

Whats You Call?

When it comes to advertising with Google AdWords, it is inevitable for mistakes to occur, particularly if youre a beginner. However, you need to avoid them and make sure these mistakes arent repeated if you wish to get the most out of your advertising.

So, have a well-thought-out strategy in place and experiment your campaigns on a small budget before you invest large amounts on your online advertising.

Whats You Call?

When it comes to advertising with Google AdWords, it is inevitable for mistakes to occur, particularly if youre a beginner. However, you need to avoid them and make sure these mistakes arent repeated if you wish to get the most out of your advertising.

So, have a well-thought-out strategy in place and experiment your campaigns on a small budget before you invest large amounts on your online advertising.

Moreover, if your skills and knowledge dont seem pertinent for running an effective PPC campaign, outsourcing PPC services to an expert or PPC firm can be an option for you. With a Google AdWords expert working on your business advertising, you can keep the aforementioned mistakes t a minimum and concentrate on increasing not just traffic but leads and revenue.

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