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Issue No.3 Crandall University October 6, 2011

With baseball season winding down, the Nationals just around the corner, I believe this article to be timely, and brings an eternal perspective on success, true victory, and what actually matters... What is real “life”. I collected enough material to have another segment on this for the next Beacon issue. Stay tuned for “the stats”, the “awards”, more “quotes”, the “sources”, and the “conclusion.” (Lord willing)

“But what things were gain to me, these I have counted loss for Christ... for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord... that I may gain Christ and be found in Him” (Philippians 3:7-9)

Continued on page 4

Any Questions Concerning the Beacon can be directed to [email protected]

Tony Fernandez is coming to CrandallU? Yeah dude, check out

page 5!


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The Power of Disney

by Megan McNutt2nd year/ English

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Friday, September 30th was the Disney Movie Marathon, hosted by Cody, Alec, and Stefan. Starting at noon, with “The Fox and the Hound,” movies showed until just after 1:30am. During this time about forty people came and went. Altogether eight movies were shown; which had been voted on prior to the marathon. It succeeded in bringing students together and creating an atmosphere of fun and friendship. Now, you may be asking yourself "why is the fine arts column talking about the Disney movie marathon?" The answer is simple really: whether we are conscious of it or not, Disney movies (for the most part) are art. Disney movies possess qualities that set them apart from, and above, other films, taking entertainment to a whole new

level. There is a true and tangible grandness about Disney. Disney is timeless, enjoyed by people of all ages, over decades! Many of us have a collection of VHS tapes and DVDs at home which proudly display the name Walt Disney. We have watched them thousands of times, memorized and belted out every song, and yet we never tire of them. We smile, we cry, we gasp, and we appreciate every second of it. These movies remind us of our childhood and innocence, and watching them now we find ourselves laughing at all those things we never understood as a kid (because no matter how many times you watch a Disney movie, you will always find details that you had failed to notice every other time). Disney continually proves to do what other motion pictures fail to: invoke a response. Underneath all the colorful animation, songs, and storybook plot, there is a deeper and profound meaning: there is hope. Time and time again we watch as good

triumphs over evil and our heroes live happily ever after, despite all the hardships they faced. Just when a situation seems most dire, something changes, and we are left breathless. We are reminded to dream, and to dream big, to reach for the impossible. We are taught to persevere and are reminded of the power of love. We leave a Disney movie excited and ready to take on the world. Superficially Disney could be deemed art: beautiful, entertaining, asthetically pleasing. However, it is this resounding sense of wonder and determination in our hearts that classifies these movies as fine art.

CSA MEETING AGENDA 10/11/20111. Opening 2. Devotional ( Sharilyn) 3. Approval of Agenda4. Approval of Last Meeting Minutes5. Short Reports a. Executiveb. Arts Senatorsc. Science Senatord. Social Science Senatorse. Education Senatorsf. Athletic Liaisong. On-Campus Liaisonh. Off-Campus Liaison

6. Club/Society Requests a. Psychology Societyb. History Societyc.Sociology Society 7. Budgets/Funding Requestsa. Business Society8. New Businessa.Who Cares Forum Feedbackb. The “Cupboard” 9. Old Businessa.Zumba b.Students’ Complaint 10.Closing Devotion for next meeting


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Elizabeth Elliot once wrote:

God withholds blessing only in wisdom, never in spite or aloofness

(Shadow of the Almighty)

Sometimes, when I buy a really great gift for a loved one, I have a hard time keeping

it to myself. Sometimes I burst out and tell the person at the wrong moment and

ruin the surprise. Sometimes, it’s not even what the other person wanted or

really needed.

Not so with God.

In his book "Experiencing God", Henry Blackaby shares this illustration about the time he bought a bike for his son’s


For his sixth birthday, my oldest son Richard was old enough to have

a bicycle. (...) I found a blue Schwinn, I bought it and hid it in the garage. Then I had a task - to

convince Richard that he needed a blue Schwinn bike.

He goes on to write that his son had become “enamoured with some popular toys that would have quickly broken or

been discarded”; Henry therefore decided

to raise his son’s aspirations for something of better quality.

Isn’t it true, that in the same way, God sometimes needs to work on our desires to line them up with His perfect will ... alter,

rectify, improve, purify, perfect our desires ...

... or even increase our aspirations?

Daddy knows best, doesn’t He?

Henry goes on to write:

After his mother and I influenced his thinking, Richard eventually decided

that what he really wanted for his birthday was a blue Shwinn bike. The

bike, of course was already in the garage.

Much in the same way, God has stores of blessings all ready for us. His goal is to stir up our hearts in prayer to desire the right things, and at the perfect time, He will pull them out of the “garage” and surprise us.

Isn’t He great?

Brothers and sister, may we always seek His face and wait expectantly

and in faith for the blessings our Heavenly Father has in store for us.

Blessings and Blue Schwinn Bikes

By Nathalie F. Martin

Fall Foliage Day!Thursday, October 13th, Meet in the Great Hall at 12:45pm Bring

your student ID card (2 chapel credits) 

Page 4: Beacon No.3

Jesus ChristGeorge Herman (Babe) Ruth

The Beginning:“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God (the Father) and the Word was God (the Son). All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. (John 1:1)

He was born on February 6th, 1895. As a young boy, the lack of parental guidance (both of them worked long hours at a local bar) allowed Ruth to become a bit unruly, often skipping school and causing trouble in the neighbourhood. At age 7, he was sent to the St. Mary industrial school for boys run by Catholic monks. That is where he honed his baseball skills.

“All things were created through Him and for Him. And He is before all things and in Him all things consist.” (Colossians 1:16b-17)

The becoming:“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.” (John 1:14)

“Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God (the father) but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant (slave), and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.” (Philippians 2:5b-8)

He became a professional baseball player at ate 19, by signing a 1 year, $600 contract with the Baltimore Orioles of the international league in 1914. On July 10th of that year (at which point his salary had shot up to $1900), he was sold to the Boston Red Sox for $25,000. He developed into a great pitcher and hitter in the major leagues. In 1919, he demanded to spend more time hitting and less time pitching. That season, he hit 29 home runs, a new major league record. After the season, Ruth demanded to be paid $20,000 ($200,000 +/- in current terms) for 1920, double his previous salary, but it was refused by ownership. The star player then responded by stating that he wouldn't play until he got his raise.

The Trade:After following his master for over 3 year, witnessing His perfect, sinless, Godly life, Judas still betrays his Creator and sells him to the Jewish leaders of the day. “Then one of the twelve, called Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests and said 'what are you willing to give me if I deliver Him (Jesus) to you?' And they counted out to him 30 pieces of silver.” (Matthew 26:14-15)In Israel, 30 pieces of silver was the price for purchasing a pagan slave. (Exodus 21:32) 50 pieces of silver was the purchase price for a Jewish slave between 20 and 60 years of age. (Leviticus 27:3) Jesus was so despised that He was sold as a foreigner, although being a Jew. This was fulfilment of a prophecy from Zechariah 11:12-13.

30 pieces of silver = 120 denari (120 days wages for an agricultural worker at that time)

In comparison, Babe Ruth was sold for $425,000 = 85 years of wages for an average MLB player in 1920.

Shocking many in the baseball world, Ruth was sold to the New York Yankees during the winter before the 1920 season for $125,000 (1,250,000 +/- in current terms), more than twice the amount ever paid for a player, plus a $300,000 loan. Ruth did get his pay hike, the highest salary in the MLB in 1920. To help you understand how huge a sum of money this was at the time, I'll give a few examples with the adjusted value in brackets:

1. Average ticket price in 1920: $1 ($90)2. Average salary for MLB player in 1920: $5000 ($50,000)3. Maximum salary for MLB player in 1920: $20,000 ($20,000)4. Average MLB franchise value in 1920: $0.8 million ($8.0 million)

(This means that the $425,000 price tag paid for Ruth's rights was approximately 1/2 of what a whole franchise was worth in that day!)

The Names:King of Kings and Lord of Lords

Immanuel (God with us)

The Lion of Judah

The Alpha and the Omega (The Beginning and the End)

The Son of God

The Christ; The Messiah

*See all the “I ams” that Jesus declares Himself to be in the Gospel of John. (At least a dozen) Ex. “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.”

The home run king; the king of crash; the king of swing

The sultan of swat (Interestinglym the Webster's encyclopedic dictionary defines the word “Sultan” as: “a Moslem ruler, especially a former emperor of Turkey”; and “swat” as: “to hit with a quick sharp blow.”

The great Bambino(The Winston dictionary defines this word as: “A baby; especially a figure of the infant Christ wrapped in swaddling clothes.” Wow.)


The colossus of clout

Comparing the Greats by Jean

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In My Mostly Humble Opinion

I don't think I know everything. There are even some days that I'm not sure I know anything. So, the idea of having an advice column is somewhat terrifying. It is, however, an idea that won't go away, so I'm just going to go for it. There are a few things I know for sure: 1)It is sometimes much easier to ask a question to an anonymous person, than to ask friends and family 2)It is definitely easier to be an advice columnist as an anonymous personI've decided to remain anonymous both for you, as the advice seeker, and me, as the opinion offerer (pretty sure that's not actually a word, but let's go with it). There will be times that I offer an opinion that will offend somebody, but sometimes, that's what's needed. A few rules: 1)I can only respond to, and print what Crandall University and the Beacon Editor say I can, so let's keep it as clean as possible 2)Your identity is 100% protected, unless it is clear that you are thinking of hurting yourself or somebody else, in which case, I will have to let somebody in an authoritative position know about it (I will figure out who that is if and when the time comes)A bit about myself: 1)I have lived in three different provinces in Canada 2)When I first moved out of my parents house, during the first year, it was only by the grace of God that I was able to eat and wake up everyday with a bit of hope 3)I am married. I love my husband more than life itself, but there are definitely some days that the only reason we both stick around is because we said vows, not because we like each other. 4)I am currently obsessed with the TV show “Harry's Law”I have set up an email address specifically for this column: [email protected]. I will never respond directly to you, but know every single email will be read.

Let's talk!

Crandall University Hosts: Canadian Intercollegiate Baseball Association Nationals

Oct 22 & 23

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I was talking to a girl from residence the other day, and she told me a strange thing. The girls in her pod

were trying to think of ways to get boys to come see them. As an ex-residence man myself, I found this

thoroughly shocking. Do girls honestly not know how easy it is to get a boy to come visit? Being a veteran of

those uniformly constructed rooms and those video monitored halls, I decided that I needed to give back.

Here for your benefit, ladies, are the top four ways to get a boy to your pod.

1. Let it be known that something heavy needs to be lifted. Thinking (or at least pretending you are

thinking) of rearranging your room? Ask a boy to help! Boys are always anxious to let girls know how

muscly they are.

2. Get them to kill a bug. If you suddenly become aware that there is a housefly or a spider in your room, act

terrified even if you are not. Bugs are the dragons of our time. Boys will come to slay it for you (as long as it

is not too big).

3. Break something and get a boy to fix it. Now, this is a tricky one. You want to break something that you

yourself could fix if you needed to (in case the boy can not do it) and something that you could easily

replace (in case something goes wrong in the fixing process). I recommend an alarm clock or a lamp. Boys

like to feel handy even if in reality they are not.

4. Fake a medical emergency. This one kills two birds with one stone. Along with finding out which guys run

towards problems instead of away from problems, it also will show you which boys have cars. How can they

drive you to the hospital if they do not have a car? I suggest an emergency that sounds serious but is not too

gross. It also has to be something that would not be visually obvious. Nothing kills a medical emergency as

much as it being obviously fake. Something like a concussion is appropriate (as well as topical if he is into


So, there you are, ladies. My contribution to your residence experience. Use these methods at your own

risk. No need to thank me. Trent Raynard

Don't Worry, Ladies. Help is Here

We all remember the days of rote, repetition learning. From multiplication tables to countries, and capitals–we’ve all been taught to retain knowledge through memorization. But other than lists of static facts, does memorization play a role in cognitive learning? Can memorization assist students enrolled in a Liberal Arts education? In one sense, the dilemma is obvious. Education student Meghan Dickie reflects on using memorization in high school:

“Thinking back upon memory-based activities. From high school, I remember memorizing pages and pages of history notes. I would memorize what I needed to know for the test and then it would be gone the next day.”1

She further noted how she applied memorization techniques to long answer assessments:

“I find that I would memorize my notes because of the type of testing that I received from that course. The test didn’t ask for specific questions, it basically had three questions and I would basically write down everything that I memorized.This has shaped my identity, because as I moved to university, many professors didn’t focus on the fact that I could memorize information, but how I could compare and analyze the information or determine the cause, effects and the significance of the situation.” 

Memorization is useful for recalling static facts, but does nothing to provide contextual understanding– or so we’re told. Kieran Egan, a member of the Faculty of Education at Simon Fraser University, suggests that contextual understanding is possible through memorization when paired with our imagination:

“If one could code the knowledge to be passed on and embed it in a story form, then it could be made more faithfully memorable than by any other means.”2

More specifically Egan breaks it down this way: “Information with high emotional colouring within a story is much more easily remembered by humans than is a random list.”3

Successful students who have the aptitude for memorization are encouraged, therefore, to connect new ideas to a story model for understanding and future recall, “...and to think of the curriculum as a collection of the great stories of our culture.”4

So grab that cup of steaming coffee, curl up by the fire and open that text book and let the lore unfold.5

Steve Phillips





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Nulla Lectus Porttitor Vitae Pulvinar Et Magna Quis Nunc Velit Pellentesque


So here's the deal. At my home church, we've been really focusing over the past few years on figuring out how God has built us as individuals. We've come to the conclusion that although humanity has been soiled and twisted by sin, God still designs us with abilities and purposes, and so we have earnestly sought after God's plan in that regard. We've had our people discover their DISC personality profiles, go through the Strengthsfinder test, and even sought to figure out how our skills fit with the passions that God has put within each of us. And I believe that this has all been well and good. I've seen some great fruit from it in the lives of our people, but I have to ask the question: Is it all about celebrating my strengths, or at least our strengths as a community? At times we get to the point where we want to deny weakness in order to affirm strength, and I think that would sound like a good plan if it weren't for the Bible. For as long as I have known them, Paul's statements in 2 Corinthians 12 have both puzzled and troubled me. Let's recall that in chapter 11 and into chapter 12, he is defending his apostleship to the church in Corinth that sided with teachers they thought to be more impressive than he. Rather than giving a list of the achievements that we would normally think to list, he goes through a checklist of the sufferings he has gone through for the sake of Christ. His argument culminates in telling of a “thorn in the flesh” that was given to him to keep him from becoming conceited, which he pleaded

for the Lord to take away, “But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” (2 Corinthians 12:9 ESV) How could he boast in his weakness? As I have wrestled with this statement, one day it just sort of popped in my head. There may be other ways to apply this, but this is the example I got: I am naturally a coward. I hate conflict, I naturally back down from any sort of tense situation, and I am absolutely terrible at standing my ground. So, with that being said, any time when I do happen to show some sort of courage, any time when I am able to stand up for something, it is thus God's grace at work in my life, bringing His strength in the midst of my weakness. And thus, I can boast in the Lord. I realize that this won't be a huge shocking revelation to some, but it was significant enough to me and I hope it helps a few of you as well. Be okay with being weak. Be willing to admit that you are not good enough, strong enough, smart enough, or are otherwise unqualified for certain tasks. Seek the Lord in the midst of your struggles. When we can come to the point that we truly see His grace as being sufficient for us, maybe then we will be able to see Him bring His strength out in the midst of our weakness so that His glory may be shown.

Amen.By: Chris Zak, 4th year Biblical Studies

A celebration of weakness...?

Who Cares!Student

Feedback Forum 09-22-11

To view a recap of the Who Cares?! Student

Feedback Forum… visit the Crandall Intranet

site or find a printed copy on the SH lower

level bulletin boards.

YOU Cared! We Heard!

Page 8: Beacon No.3


Mogwai are a five-piece, Scottish group who play an elusive genre of music called post-rock. The term ‘post-rock’ comes from the idea that the musicians within the genre use contemporary rock instruments and sounds (such as distorted guitar, cymbal-heavy drums) but to a very different end. Unlike most rock music, they are a totally instrumental band, with an emphasis on progression and texture.

Mogwai usually introduce a song through a simple guitar riff backed by tight drumming. However, their progressive influence soon takes these simple arrangements and slowly adds to them; in most of their songs, the drums slowly increase in fury as new melodies and riffs are added to the mix, often changing the track’s mood from tightly knit, industrial-rock to a more cluttered but lush arrangement of melodies. A few songs that I believe demonstrate Mogwai at their best are: Friend of the Night a beautiful, piano-driven movement which slips frequently between the realms of both peace and chaos. Also, Letters to the Metro, a calming song with a chorus characterized by a memorable, melancholy guitar lick. And lastly, the song Death Rays, which juxtaposes its dark name with a barrage of colourful synth-rock.

Matt McGraw3rd year English

I.T.S Corner

I hope to use this forum to communicate tips and tricks to better help you use your computers for university life. If you have any questions about a task you would like to learn or would like some maintenance tips, then email me your request @ [email protected]. If I receive enough of the same request, I will post it here in the Beacon. If it is a singular request, I’ll just email you back a response.

This week’s quick tip to get you started.

I see a lot of you walking around from class to class, even from home to university with your Laptops/Macs still on. This is a no, no. Most are under the false impression that when you close the lid of your machine and it goes into the “Sleep/Hibernation” state it is safe for transportation. Well it is not actually. Yes it does put the hard drive in a “stop” state in that it is not supposed to be running anymore. But, power is still running thru the machine and the hard drive is sensitive enough as it is when turned off, let alone in a “sleepy” state. So what I am saying is this. If you are moving from your home to the car, to the university, or from class to class... turn off your machine to extend its life. I know you are saving time so when you land in your spot, you just open the lid and there you are ready to go in a few seconds. But, are those few seconds worth the time, money, and data loss when your hard drive crashes from this unnecessary wear and tear?

I hope this tip will be helpful in giving you a long relationship with your Mac/Laptop. -Adam Wright (Information Technology Specialist)