Download - Be Well - Get Inspired - Saturday October 12

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GET INSPIREDSATURDAY OCTOBER 12, 2013Pasadena Convention Center

Page 2: Be Well - Get Inspired - Saturday October 12


Speaker: Reiki Master Sepi

11:00 A.M.Lecture Description:Reiki Master Sepi will share the benefits of her exclusive energetic block removal and chakra balancing techniques by providing a live demonstration. Energetic Blocks stop the flow of energy in the body which in turn can cause physical, emotional, mental and/or spiritual problems. Our Chakra’s helps run energy throughout our body in order to allow well-being. Master Sepi will begin with a Byosen scan of a participants aura with her hands and third eye. She will remove the block(s) and then balance the participant’s Chakra’s.

REIKI MASTER SEPI has been featured on Television and on as “One of the Best Alternative Healers in Los Angeles”. Her life purpose is to Illuminate, which she follows by providing energetic healing services, classes and products through her company Soulillume.

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12:00 P.M.Lecture Description:Ayurveda is the “Science of Life” from India. This 5,000 year old science holds keys to help us to be our healthiest, happiest, and most beautiful! Join celebrity author Lissa Coffey as she guides us on the way to perfect balance and beauty. Deepak Chopra says: “Your heart will thank you for Lissa’s helpful and heartful vision.”

LISSA COFFEY is a lifestyle, wellness and relationship expert, a media personality, and the author of 7 books including her new title: “The Perfect Balance Diet: 4 Weeks to a Lighter Body, Mind, Spirit & Space.”

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Speaker: Emy Shanti

1:00 P.M.Lecture Description:En este taller vivencial, Emy Shanti compartirá secretos milenarios para mantener el cuerpo, la mente, y el alma, en perfecto estado de salud y felicidad. Aprenderás técnicas específicas para desbloquear y sanar todas las areas de tu vida. Comprenderás los secretos de la energía y cómo trabajar con ella para conservar la juventud, la vitalidad y un estado de belleza permanente. Emy ofrecerá mensajes personales a los participantes, y hará demostraciones de limpieza, balance de energía, y sanación. Lo externo es un reflejo de lo interno. Encuentra tu Verdadera Belleza y consérvala para siempre.


EMY SHANTI dedicó toda su vida al estudio y la investigación de la conciencia humana, y la posibilidad de gozar de salud y felicidad. A través de sus estudios en Psicología, Yoga, Danza Terapia y otras técnicas de sanación y liberación del ser, ha creado un sistema que ha ayudado a miles de seres en varios paises del mundo. Emy ha ofrecido conferencias y conducido programas de radio y TV en Europa, USA y varios paises de latinoamerica. Directora de Nueva Concien-cia Productions, una empre-sa dedicada al crecimiento y despertar de la conciencia.

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Speaker: Darren R. Weissman

2:00 P.M.Lecture Description:Dr. Darren is teaching the world how the LifeLine Technique® and the power of infinite love and gratitude ignites beauty from the inside out. Subconscious emotions, memories and beliefs trigger a corresponding set of inflammatory symptoms including redness, infections, sores, blisters, rashes and eruptions of all sorts. All symptoms and stressors are actually gifts in strange wrapping paper or messages telling us it is time to heal. Our bodies have a remarkable capacity for healing once given the proper conditions for doing so. Once set on an intentional path of the basics of wellness combined with the processing of old patterns of emotion everyone has the potential to thrive.


DR. DARREN R. WEISSMAN is an internationally renowned holistic physician for nearly 20 years, speaker, educator, developer of The LifeLine Technique®, and best-selling author of The Power of Infinite Love & Gratitude and Awakening to the Secret Code of Your Mind, as well as a children’s book, The Daily Lessons of Infinite Love & Gratitude. He is a contributing author of Dr. Masaru Emoto’s best-selling book, The Healing Power of Water. Dr. Weissman has been featured in multiple films based upon his expertise with the subconscious mind and holistic healing. His new book, The Heart of the Matter, A Simple Guide to Discovering Gifts in Strange Wrapping Paper will be released September 2, 2013. The LifeLine Technique® empowers individuals by guiding them to process the core emotional root of symptoms, stress, and disease.

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3:00 P.M.Lecture Description:“The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.” Thomas EdisonAt least in the United States that future is yet to be realized! Our per capita consumption of prescription medication has more than doubled in last ten years. And yet, we are sicker than ever; both, obese and malnourished on one hand and depressed and unhappy on the other hand. Sure, we can blame many outside factors and provide explanations and justifications for this decay. However the way to reverse this trend requires us to exercise our choice; a choice to educate ourselves, choice to take charge of our wellness holistically.

In this workshop, We will look at the actions we can take to be mindful of the choices we make and understand its consequences. You will also learn things that manufacturers food, cosmetics and drugs do not want you to know.

Scientist and social entrepre-neur, Mr. Shah is committed to living and promoting holistic lifestyle that awakens the divinity within. he is a guiding force behind Choice All Natural, Inc. and OM Ayurvedic brand that incorporate the universality of holistic science in all its products,leaving you with a radiant beauty that emanates from deep within.

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4:00 P.M.Lecture Description:Ginger Ravencroft discusses how organic essential oils affect the brain and body through various applications of inhalation, physical anointing and oral ingestion. She explains how to choose oils and blends for particular ailments and needs. Ravencroft shares the wonders of these magnificent gifts from nature in this live demonstration.

GINGER RAVENCROFT is the founder of Ravenscroft Escentials. She has followed her divine passion of collecting and sharing the finest organic, precious and rare essential oils on the planet for nearly 20 years. The use of aromatherapy saved Ravencroft from surgery, and she loves to share her own experiences with nature’s nurturing essences.