Download - BBN Full Application Kernow 2015

  • 8/12/2019 BBN Full Application Kernow 2015



  • 8/12/2019 BBN Full Application Kernow 2015


  • 8/12/2019 BBN Full Application Kernow 2015



    You are invited to become involved in the annual Cornwall Best Bar None AwardScheme. The scheme has now been running in the UK since !!" and is growing in

    #o#ularit$ with man$ Cities and Towns o#erating the scheme as an e%am#le o& best#ractice.

    The scheme is o#en to licensed #remises in Cornwall with a ca#acit$ o& over '! andtown centre #ubs. (& $ou re)uire clari&ication $ou can contact Sarah Nec*e at theaddress below. (t &ocuses on #ublic sa&et$ and customer care and o&&ers each #remisean o##ortunit$ to demonstrate that it is committed to im#lementing the licensingob+ectives o& ,revention o& Crime and -isorder ,ublic Sa&et$ ,revention o& ,ublicNuisance and ,rotection o& Children &rom /arm.

    All #remises that #ass the a##lication and assessment #rocess will become Best BarNone accredited and will receive a #la)ue in recognition at the Cornwall Best Bar None

    Award Ceremon$ in 0ebruar$ !1'.

    There are also 2 categor$ awards3

    4 ,remises showing the most commitment to sta&& training4 Best Small ,ub4 Best 5arge ,ub4 Best Bar4 Best Nightclub4 6verall winner

    What is in this for me?

    7ecognition o& $our good management #ractice 8 &or e%am#le $oureceive an accreditation #la)ue that can be dis#la$ed on $our #remises9

    :edia interest in $our #remises9 ,ublic #erce#tion that $our #remises are a )ualit$ venue serious about

    customer care and sa&et$ and that the town $ou trade in is a sa&eenvironment9

    You become the holder o& a nationall$ accredited award that will berecognised b$ visitors &rom outside Cornwall9

    Use o& the Best Bar None brand in $our advertising9 The o##ortunit$ to be crowned the Best Bar None #remises in

    Cornwall9 7ecognition &rom &ellow licensees at the Annual Awards ;vening9 The chance to )uali&$ &or chea#er business insurance9 The o##ortunit$ to share best #ractice 8 e%am#le #olicies #ro&essional

    advice etc.9 A com#lete and com#rehensive review o& $our #remises and its

    management9 Access to a range o& discounted goods and services.


  • 8/12/2019 BBN Full Application Kernow 2015


    6nce $ou have a##lied a convenient time will be arranged &or the ins#ection #rocessto be carried out. (n our e%#erience each ins#ection should last about two to hours andconsists o& a thorough e%amination o& the #rocedures and #rocesses in #lace within

    $our #remises. (ns#ections are based on essential elements. 0eedbac* &rom #reviousassessment visits has been e%tremel$ #ositive.

    -uring the assessment $ou should be aware that documentation will be viewed b$ theassessors. ,remises must achieve all o& the essential elements to attain accreditation.(n order to be considered &or a higher award #remises must achieve accreditationscore highl$ in the desired elements and identi&$ good #ractice which goes be$ond theessential criteria and demonstrates additional or innovative wor* #ractices.

    The best three #remises will then be remitted to a #anel o& +udges who decide on the#remises that will win the accolade o& being the best in Cornwall.

    Key Elements

    The #artner agencies will be in a #osition to identi&$ #remises that show greaterindicators o& sa&et$ and customer care.The areas e%amined b$ ins#ection teams include these elements i& a##licable3

    -oor #olic$ Securit$ brie&ing and reviews Alcohol #romotion #olic$ -rugs recover$ coverage Crime and -isorder 5ost and &ound #ro#ert$ Crime #revention strateg$ 7is* assessments Smo*e?&ree Accident and (ncident management 5ighting 0irst aid 0ire sa&et$

  • 8/12/2019 BBN Full Application Kernow 2015


    action ta*en should be evidenced in some wa$ ? this can be done in variet$ o& wa$s soi& $ou have an$ doubts discuss the matter with $our assessor. The in&ormation set outin this a##lication covers all o& the elements needed to become accredited b$ Best BarNone.

    ;ach #remise m st be able to #rove com#liance on 1!! o& the essential elements inorder to become accredited. @ood #ractice over and above the essential are alsocovered and the assessors consider these. B$ demonstrating good #ractice and b$going that bit &urther $ou will #ut $our #remises in with a better chance to challenge &orthe title o&3

    !est !ar None

    "OO# L$CK%

    Please note Assistance is available to &ill out the a##lication b$ contacting the o&&icerbelow &The evidence that $ou submit with $our a##lication will be discussed with $ouwhen the assessor visits. ,lease have written #olicies ris* assessments records logsre#orts training boo*s etc available &or the assessors. Normall$ assessors will #rovide$ou with at least da$s #rior notice o& a visit to $our #remises.

    Com'lete( a''lications m st )e recei*e( )y mi(ni+ht on the 15 th Octo)er 201,&Electronic co'ies sho l( )e s )mitte( )y e mail to sarah&nec-e.corn/all&+o*& -an( har( co'ies to the a((ress )elo/& Assistance is also a*aila)le to fill o t theform *ia arah s contact (etails )elo/

    Sarah Nec*eCommunit$ Sa&et$ TeamCornwall Council5evel North DingCount$ /allTre$ew 7oadTruroCornwallT71 "AY

    Tel !1E " " "23o)ile ! F! !2'FEmail**


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/12/2019 BBN Full Application Kernow 2015


    A''licant s (etails

    A##licant name,remises name,remises addressTele#hone number :obile number If a''lica)le 4

    Area manager name Area manager addressTele#hone number :obile number ; mail address

    ,lease tic* one o& the &ollowing bo%es which $ou &eel best describes $our #remises3

    ( enclose a che)ue &or H ! made #a$able to Cornwall Best Bar None as anadministration &ee &or this a##lication.

    ( do< do notI re)uire a recei#t.

    I #lease delete as relevant



    P ) To/n Centre P ) 6Not To/nCentre7Other 6PleaseClarify7

    !ar To/n Centre

    Cl )

  • 8/12/2019 BBN Full Application Kernow 2015


    ection A

    Pre*ention of Crime an( #isor(er

    Ca#acit$ Securit$ -rin*s

  • 8/12/2019 BBN Full Application Kernow 2015


    Pre*ention of crime an( (isor(er

    Ca#acit$ Ji& a##licable go to )uestions BF

  • 8/12/2019 BBN Full Application Kernow 2015


    A, #o yo hol( re+ lar meetin+s to re*ie/ inci(ents?

    Yes No

    (& $es describe how o&ten and what &ormat do the$ ta*e and who withL

    A5 Are these re*ie/s (oc mente(

    Yes No

    (& $es how do $ou ensure the$ are registered with the S(AL


  • 8/12/2019 BBN Full Application Kernow 2015


    A What is yo r 'olicy on (eterminin+ n m)ers of (oorstaff; incl (in++en(er an( ratio; em'loye(?

    A@ #o yo -ee' a e+ister of #oor 'er*isors on ( ty?

    Yes No

    A> #o yo ha*e a search 'olicy?

    Yes No

    /ow is $our search #olic$ im#lemented and recordedL

    A10 Are yo acti*ely en+a+e( in any other sec rity schemes?

    ,ubwatch 7ing round 7adio s$stem

    Te%ting 6ther

    (& other detail below3


  • 8/12/2019 BBN Full Application Kernow 2015


    A11 Are any of the follo/in+ inci(ents recor(e( )y yo r staff? If yes; 'leasein(icate /here



    Inci(ent Where ecor(e(

    Acci(ents#r +sLost 'ro'erty

    8o n( 'ro'ertyThefts!anne( 'ersonsIn riesAlle+ations a+ainst staff $n(era+eOther



    Which of the follo/in+ ha*e yo a(o'te( to ens re yo r staffare easily reco+nisa)le )y c stomers; the 'olice or others /homay )e reD ire( to ins'ect yo r 'remises?Name badge,hoto (denti&icationUni&ormNone6ther M#lease state

    -rin*s < drun*enness

    A1: 9o/ (o yo 'romote sensi)le (rin-in+ 'olicies; +i*in+ caref lconsi(eration to the se of ha''y ho rs an( (rin-s 'romotions; /hichmay enco ra+e )in+e (rin-in+?


  • 8/12/2019 BBN Full Application Kernow 2015


    A1, On a (ay4to4(ay )asis ho/ (o yo minimise the ris- that yo r c stomers(o not (rin- an( (ri*e?

    A15 It is an offence to allo/ (isor(erly con( ct on yo r license( 'remises&What meas res (o yo ta-e to ens re the safety of yo r c stomers inres'ect of this?

    A1= Is hot foo( a*aila)le at yo r 'remises an( if so ntil /hat time?

    A1 #o yo acti*ely 'romote non4alcoholic (rin-s?


  • 8/12/2019 BBN Full Application Kernow 2015


    A1@ #o yo s ''ort an( ma-e se of national cam'ai+ns an( materials foralcohol a/areness?


    A1> #escri)e /hat 'olicies are in 'lace to 're*ent the se or s ''ly of ille+al(r +s in yo r 'remises are they (oc mente(?

    A20 What (oc ments

  • 8/12/2019 BBN Full Application Kernow 2015


    A21 #o yo (is'lay information 'osters re+ar(in+ (r +s?

    Yes No

    Crime ,revention



    #o yo ha*e any of the follo/in+; /hich may assist yoin re( cin+ the n m)er of crimes insi(e or o tsi(e yo r'remises?:irrorsCCT>Su&&icient lighting in all areas 8 inside and outside

    Audible alarm

    ,ersonal attac* alarmDindow loc*sSta&&ed hours< hour securit$Bag hoo*s under tablesToilet attendantsCrime #revention surve$7oving securit$

    Advice notices &or customers in relation to the&tsSta&& loc*ersCloa*room-O Announcements7egular documented toilet chec*s,ro#ert$ #atrols5a$out designed to ensure e&&ective observations could becarried out b$ sta&& at all times6ther3

    A2: #escri)e any local crime 're*entions yo ha*e )een in*ol*e( /ith&



  • 8/12/2019 BBN Full Application Kernow 2015


    A2, What 'olicy is in 'lace sho l( a -nife or other /ea'ons )e fo n( on a'erson or yo r 'remises?

    A25 What is yo r 'olicy is being usedL Yes < No


  • 8/12/2019 BBN Full Application Kernow 2015


    -oes the s$stem cover inside and outside o& $our venueL(s the s$stem regularl$ maintained e.g. ensuring date

  • 8/12/2019 BBN Full Application Kernow 2015


    ection !P )lic safety


    As o& 6ctober !!2 the 7egulator$ 7e&orm M0ire Sa&et$ 6rder !!' came into &orce

    with the main em#hasis o& the change being sel& ? regulation. The 0ire Sa&et$ 6rdera##lies to licensed #remises. Cornwall 0ire and 7escue Service is the ;n&orcing Authorit$ &or the 0ire Sa&et$ 6rder and as such ma$ ins#ect the #remises at an$reasonable time to ensure com#liance with the order.

    (& the ins#ecting o&&icer is o& the o#inion that there is a &ailure to com#l$ with an$ #art o&the 6rder then a##ro#riate ;n&orcement action ma$ be ta*en.

    Under Article F o& the 0ire Sa&et$ 6rder the Pres#onsible #ersonQ &or each #remises isre)uired to carr$ out a &ire ris* assessment &or the #ur#oses o& identi&$ing the measuresto be ta*en to com#l$ with the 6rder and ta*e ste#s to reduce or remove the ris* . The6rder re)uires that the signi&icant &indings o& the assessment and an$ measures which

    have or will be ta*en must be recorded along with an$ grou# o& #ersons identi&ied asbeing at ris* and in license( #remises a sa&e occu#anc$ &igure based on the numbersi=e and location o& e%its should also be included.

    The 0ire 7is* Assessment should be regularl$ reviewed and u#dated es#eciall$ wherethe ris* in the #remises has been a&&ected b$ alterations changes in #rocedures itsuse or occu#anc$.

    (n&ormation on how to carr$ out a ris* assessment has been #ublished b$ /:@overnment in the &orm o& a series o& 0ire Sa&et$ 7is* Assessment @uides &or di&&erentuse o& #remises. The$ are available at ///&comm nities&+o*& - or can be#urchased &rom boo* sho#s.

    6ther as#ects o& sa&et$ law should also be considered such as the /ealth and Sa&et$at wor* act gas regulations electrical regulations 7(--67 C6S// 0ood Sa&et$ and:anual /andling etc. ,lease ensure that all relevant and valid certi&ication is availabletogether with an$ ris* assessments and #rocedural reviews.

    !1 Who is res'onsi)le for carryin+ o t any fire safety ris- assessment?


    Dhere is this assessment *e#tL

  • 8/12/2019 BBN Full Application Kernow 2015


    Dhen was this last com#letedL

    Dhen is the ne%t date &or reviewL

    !2 #escri)e yo r fire (etection < /arnin+ system?

    !: #o yo ha*e emer+ency esca'e li+htin+?

    Yes No

    !, #etail any eD i'ment yo ha*e in yo r 'remises for fi+htin+ fire?6List any certifie( ins'ections of systems an( eD i'ment to the rele*ant !ritish tan(ar(s7

    !5 Is yo r fire safety eD i'ment i&e& fire alarm; emer+ency li+htin+ an( firefi+htin+ eD i'ment; s ) ect to ro tine testin+ an( maintenance )ys ita)ly D alifie( an( com'etent 'ersons?

    != !riefly o tline the testin+ re+ime carrie( o t )y yo or yo r staff for thea)o*e eD i'ment


  • 8/12/2019 BBN Full Application Kernow 2015


    ! #o yo recor( (etails of the testin+ an( maintenance of eD i'ment in alo+ )oo-?

    !@ What is the ma im m occ 'ancy of yo r 'remises 6 ef A1 9o/ (i( yo arri*e at this fi+ re?

    To estimate the occu#anc$ o& $our #remises $ou ma$ use the &ollowing &ormula9?

    Calculate the total &loor area Me%cluding bac* o& house behind bar stairwa$s andcorridors etc and divide b$ the &ollowing &actors 8

    0or areas within m o& Bar area R !."m 0or other standing areas R !.'m 0ore seated areas R 1m

    E am'le A licensed #remises with a &loor area o& 1!!m has !m o& area within m o& bar'!m o& standing area and "!m o& seated area. The ma%imum occu#anc$ iscalculated as9

    ! R !." 22 #ersons within m o& bar area'! R !.' 1!! #ersons in standing area"! R 1 "! #ersons in seated area

    Total occu#anc$ 22 1!! "! 1F2 #ersons

    7emember a sa&e occu#anc$ &igure is also based on the number si=e and location o&e%its

    !10 O tline yo r 'roce( res for the safe e*ac ation of yo r 'remises in anemer+ency sit ation an( any 'ersons /ith s'ecial res'onsi)ilities&

    !10a 9o/ (o yo r e*ac ation 'lans encom'ass * lnera)le 'ersons?


  • 8/12/2019 BBN Full Application Kernow 2015


    0irst aid

    !11 What first ai( facilities (o yo ha*e in yo r *en e?

    !12 #o yo ens re at least one 'erson is 'resent ( rin+ o'enin+ ho rs that istraine( in first ai(?

    Yes No

    (& $es e%#lain whom and to what levelLM:inimum to be a##ointed #erson

    ;vent control

    !1: If yo ha*e any e*ents; /hich may )e (ifferent from yo r Bnormal tra(in+ni+hts; 6e&+& li*e m sic e*ent; t Patric- s or t "eor+e s #ay cele)rationsor tele*ise( li*e foot)all etc&7 (o yo carry o t a((itional ris-assessments for s'ecial e*ents?

    Yes No

    (& $es give details o& what additional controls do $ou #ut in #laceL


  • 8/12/2019 BBN Full Application Kernow 2015



    !1, What ty'e is in se?

    Toughened Sa&et$ ,lastic

    ,ol$carbonate 6ther -etails

    !15 9o/ (o yo ens re the safe se of +lass is maintaine( at all times?

    (nside $our #remises

    An$ outside drin*ing areas

    !1= What 'roce( re (o yo se to ens re efficient +lass collection at alltimes?

    (nside $our #remises


  • 8/12/2019 BBN Full Application Kernow 2015


    An$ outside drin*ing areas

    Building sa&et$

    !1 9o/ (o yo ens re the effecti*e mana+ement of c stomers is maintaine(at all times? 6incl (e (etails of 'roce( res re+ar(in+ any chec-s; si+ns or a((itional'olicies7

    (nside $our #remises

    An$ outside drin*ing areas

    !1@ 9o/ are s'illa+es i(entifie( an( mana+e( to 're*ent in ry to c stomers?

    6E&+& sli's etc&7

    !1> 9o/ (o yo ens re yo r ) il(in+ is; at all times; in +oo( or(er to 're*entin ry to any c stomer or staff mem)er?


  • 8/12/2019 BBN Full Application Kernow 2015


    !20 What 'ro*ision (o yo ha*e for *entilation of ' )lic areas?

    !22 If (oors an( /in(o/s nee( to )e sh t to a*oi( noise n isance; /hatmechanical means of *entilation (o yo ha*e?

    !2: #o yo ha*e +as a''liances chec-e( ann ally )y a "as afe re+istere(+as en+ineer?

    Yes No

    !2, #o yo ha*e yo r electrical system an( a''liances 'erio(ically ins'ecte()y a com'etent electrical en+ineer in accor(ance /ith ! = 1 6NICEIC 657 of the Licensin+ Act 200:?


  • 8/12/2019 BBN Full Application Kernow 2015


    #, 9o/ (o yo ens re n(er 1@s (o not ' rchase alcohol from yo r'remises?

    #5 Which form of i(entification (o yo acce't as 'roof of a+e?

    ,ass#ort -riving 5icence

    ,ASS Card 6ther #lease s#eci&$

    #= What other 'olicies an( 'ractices are in 'lace to 'rotect chil(ren fromharm


  • 8/12/2019 BBN Full Application Kernow 2015


    ection ETrainin+9a*e staff recei*e( trainin+ in relation to the follo/in+?If so; to /hat e tent an( is the trainin+ (oc mente( an(recor(e(?

    E1 Conflict esol tion staff other than IA re+istere( staff& &

    E2 I(entifyin+ the si+ns of (r n-enness&

    E: With re+ar( to (r + mis se; controlle( (r +s an( to i(entify (r +mis se&

    E, Theft an( +eneral crime 're*ention in an( aro n( the 'remises&


  • 8/12/2019 BBN Full Application Kernow 2015


    E5 Premises #isor(er trate+y&

    E= 8ire afety; 8ire afety 'roce( res; Practical trainin+ /ith eD i'ment&

    E A+e

  • 8/12/2019 BBN Full Application Kernow 2015


    ection 8


    81 Are staff '(ate( re+ar(in+ chan+es to la/ an( man(atory con(itions?

    82 9a*e any *ariations )een a''ro*e( to the licence in the 'ast 1@ months?

    8: 8inally is there anythin+ yo /ish to a(( /hich may s ''ort yo ra''lication /hich has not alrea(y )een co*ere(? 6$se a((itional sheets ifreD ire(7&


  • 8/12/2019 BBN Full Application Kernow 2015


    Terms and conditions

    1. This assessment is the #ro#ert$ o& Cornwall Best Bar None

    . All #remises reaching award status will be included on the*

    ". The awards are non?trans&erable and there is no cash alternative.

    . At the time o& assessment accredited #remises will have met there)uired standard. (& the standards &all below those re)uired at an$time the 'remises may )e referre( to the Corn/all !!N committeean( the a/ar( /ith(ra/n .

    '. Award status does not give immunit$ &rom #rosecution &or an$ o&&encesand is no guarantee o& the sa&et$ o& those #remises.

    2. An$ #remises &alling below the re)uired standard ma$ be re&erred to the

    Cornwall BBN Standards Committee to review their membershi# o& thescheme.

    . An$ #la)ues or certi&icates and related award material su##lied b$Cornwall BBN remains the #ro#ert$ o& Cornwall BBN and must bereturned on re)uest.

    E. A##eals must be made within &ive wor*ing da$s o& noti&ication.


  • 8/12/2019 BBN Full Application Kernow 2015



    WINNE 201,


  • 8/12/2019 BBN Full Application Kernow 2015
