Download - BBN Chelmsford Scoring Booklet 2016 FINAL.pdf

  • 7/26/2019 BBN Chelmsford Scoring Booklet 2016 FINAL.pdf


    2016 Scoring Booklet

    Scoring Booklet On Licence

    Applicants Details

    Applicant Name:

    Premises Name:

    Operating Company:



  • 7/26/2019 BBN Chelmsford Scoring Booklet 2016 FINAL.pdf



    Scoring Totals - Assessments are based on three types of criteria

    Essential - must score 100% to be awarded

    Desired - a level at which BBN accredited venues should aspire to

    Bonus - bonus points for evidenced best practice

    Total Score:

    Accredited (100% of essential criteria met. This includes meetingAll of the training criteria)

    YES [ ] NO [ ]

    Note to Assessors

    One point should be awarded for each completed answer. Assessors are however, encouraged to award extra points at their discretion in any section(E, D or B) should they feel this is warranted.

    There are a few suggestions in the document where extra points may be awarded. These are only suggestions, the decision to award extra points is leftsolely to the discretion of the assessor.

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    Section A - Prevention of Crime & Disorder Points

    E1Must provide evidence of regular security reviews(written evidence required).

    E2 Must provide evidence of a procedure in place to ensurethat anyone carrying out the role of a door supervisor is

    licensed by the SIA or subject to a Licence DispensationNotice, i.e. register of door supervisors on duty.

    E3Describe your policy on searching patrons.

    E4Must have an incident book and record each incident.

    E5Venue must have Employers / Public Liability Insurance.

    E6 Where CCTV is installed the correct signage isdisplayed and the system registered with the InformationCommissioner

    E7 Must ensure that any security company employed by thevenue has adequate insurance cover.

    D8 The data captured on a digital CCTV system is retainedfor a minimum period of 28 days and is readily availableon request from the police at all times during operationalhours.

    D9 There is a responsible person who is able to provide thatdata to the police upon request.

    D10 Mapping system used to identify hot spots within thepremises.

    D11 All Staff are easily identified, e.g. use of tabards,uniforms, high vis garments etc.

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    Section A - Prevention of Crime & Disorder Points

    D12 Can demonstrate that information of persons barredunder the BOBB scheme is handled correctly inaccordance with Data Protection and shared only withrelevant staff

    D13 Where door staff are not required at licensed premises,

    venue management and staff are trained in counterterrorism.(Bonus points for evidence)

    D14 Staff are aware of their duty of care for vulnerablepeople who are suffering adversely from alcohol or drugconsumption and know what they should do.(Bonus points for evidence)

    D15 Door company registered as an SIA ApprovedContractor.


    Evidence of security briefings.

    B17 Any additional security measures in place (e.g. metaldetectors, door arches, ID scanners, breathalysers,panic buttons etc).

    B18Door staff attend regular security / licencing meetings.

    E19Describe policy to prevent and deal with drunkenness.

    E20Must provide evidence of compliance to the mandatorycode in relation to drinks promotions and availability ofsmaller measures.

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    D21Takes practical steps to discourage drink driving.

    Section A - Prevention of Crime & Disorder Points

    D22 Consider the impact of drinks promotions e.g. riskassessment.(Bonus points for evidence)

    B23 Uses info / leaflets / publicity to inform customers andemployees about behaviours associated with alcohol /drunkenness (e.g. drink spiking, sexually transmitteddiseases etc).

    B24Has clear alcohol unit content information available tocustomers.

    B25 Displays Drinkaware or similar materials such as unitinformation, Why let good times go bad? point of sale

    materials etc.

    B26Information is available to customers about alcoholadvice services.

    B27Provides anti drink spiking devices.

    E28Clear policy regarding safe disposal of drugs.

    E29 Has a proactive approach to preventing drug useincluding evidence of regular toilet monitoring,controlling flat surfaces etc.

    E30 Must provide evidence of a clear policy on prevention ofillegal drug use and supply on the premises.

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    Section A - Prevention of Crime & Disorder Points

    B31 Displays customer information with regards to drugmisuse.

    E32Must provide evidence of a lost property recording

    system or locked box / cupboard.

    D33Private areas are kept locked and secured whenpremises are open.

    D34Has a clear anti-theft policy.(Bonus points for evidence)

    B35Have additional anti-theft measures in place (e.g. baghooks, mirrors etc).

    E36Must provide evidence of policies in place for preventingand dealing with disorder, weapons, managing conflictand recording incidents.(Bonus points for evidence)

    D37 Clear procedures are in place for determination and

    preservation of crime scene and witness details untilpolice arrive.(Bonus points evidence of annual review)

    B38Are aware of additional initiatives such as streetmarshalling, night angels, street pastors etc.

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    Section B - Public Safety Points

    E39 Undertakes full building check prior to opening to thepublic and prior to closing for security threats, drugs andlost property.

    E40 Manages external areas effectively (e.g. drinking,smoking, noise, litter etc).

    E41 Must provide evidence of a written accident recordingsystem.

    E42 Can demonstrate how they manage capacity, includingoutside areas.

    D43 Has one first aider with access to an adequate first aidkit on duty at all times.

    B44 Provides a first aid room / quiet area to assist injuredpersons.

    B45 Uses comfort factor to manage capacity, e.g. venuecapacity is 200, and policy is 160.

    E46Must provide evidence of a procedure for buildingevacuation in the event of an emergency.

    D47 Effective queue management to deal with potentialdisorder when entering premises.

    B48Conducts regular evacuation training exercises for fire,bomb scares etc.

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    Section B - Public Safety Points

    D49Notifies the police / other agencies of any specialevents.

    D50Consults with neighbourhood businesses / residents

    prior to event taking place.

    D51Undertakes a formal risk assessment prior to an eventand puts appropriate measures in place.(Bonus points for written evidence)

    E52Must provide evidence of an effective glass collection

    policy inside and outside, including perimeter checks.

    E53Must provide evidence of effective spillage and brokenglass policy.

    D54All bottle skips or bins in public areas within the vicinityof the premises to be secured / locked.

    D55 Has measures in place to prevent patrons leaving thepremises with glasses / bottles.

    D56Uses alternative to glass for special events or drinks thatare taken outside where risk assessed.

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    Section B - Public Safety PointsB57

    Voluntarily makes use of polycarbonate, i.e. not alicence condition.

    B58Voluntarily makes use of polycarbonate, i.e. not a

    licence condition.

    E59Must provide evidence of a written fire safety riskassessment which has been completed or reviewed inthe last twelve months.

    E60Must have an adequate fire detection warning system inplace.

    E61Fire exits must be free from obstruction and well lit at alltimes.

    E62Must provide evidence that all fire safety checks aredocumented.

    E63Must provide evidence of fire equipment being inspected

    / serviced annually.

    E64 Must provide evidence of annual fire evacuation trainingexercises.(Bonus points awarded for extra training sessions)

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    Section B - Public Safety Points

    D65 Provides / displays information to customers with regardto accessing taxis and public transport.

    B66Provides active assistance to customers by providing afree taxi phone service.

    B67Provides a safe waiting area for customers to wait fortaxis or other transportation.

    Section C Prevention of Public Nuisance Points

    E68Can provide evidence of a risk assessment for noise atwork.

    E69Can describe close down and dispersal policy.

    E70Must provide evidence of a noise nuisance policy.

    D71Glass disposal is carried out with thought to surroundingneighbours.

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    Section C Prevention of Public Nuisance Points

    D72Is a member of Pubwatch or other recognisedpartnership / crime prevention groups.(Bonus points for evidence)

    B73Where appropriate is involved in a suitable communityinitiative (Schools Project, Community SafetyPartnership, Neighbourhood Watch etc).

    B74 Actively promotes the Purple Flag scheme e.g. Flagsand banners (planning permitting), logo on menu, pricelists, website, stationary, purple flag promotion eventsetc

    Section D Protection of Children from Harm Points

    E75 Must provide evidence of a robust proof of ageverification policy and evidence that procedures arefollowed at all times.

    E76Must provide evidence of current posters stating thatproof of age may be required e.g. Challenge 21.(Bonus points for Challenge 25)

    D77Clear policies and procedures specific to the protectionof children are in place e.g. risk assessments.

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    D78Provides customers with the opportunity to apply forproof of age cards e.g. PASS.

    Section D Protection of Children from Harm Points

    D79 Actively monitors all areas to prevent age / alcoholrelated offences.

    Section E Training Points

    E80 Must provide evidence of staff training with cleardocumented policies including records of ongoingrefresher training for:

    Drunkenness Disorder


    Crime Prevention

    First Aid

    Fire and use of fire equipment

    Security / Counter Terrorism

    Underage Sales / Proxy Sales / ResponsibleAlcohol Retailing

    Conflict Management

    D81 Supports and records staff achievements in accreditedqualifications.

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    Section F General Comments(Please use this space to make further (evidenced) comments with regard to this application which may be used as part of the process)