Download - BBFC classification

Page 1: BBFC classification

15 - (Psycho)

Emphasis on the knife stabbing, and blood streaming through the water in the shower-stabbing scene. The general tone of the film is violent and quite disturbed in terms of the plot i.e. psychological problems of the character and his plans. This would be a good BBFC rating because it offers an intermediate amount of violence, and swearing, however doesn’t restrict a lot of people from watching it.

12A – (Secret Window)

The tone of this film is moderately violent, again psychological problems are expressed with split personalities, more than one murder takes place, blood and gore is infrequent however is present. This would enable a lot of people to watch our film, however means that we cant use a lot of violence or swearing, which may be needed in our thriller to portray the theme.

18 – (Taxi Driver)

Frequent gun use, blood and gore is quite emphasized, frequent strong language is shown, strong portrayal of sexual activity, scenes of sexual violence, discriminatory language and behaviour is also present in 18 rated films. This restricts a lot of people from watching our film so this probably wont be used and our film will not have a lot of violence and swearing in it.