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~.StudentEXpt:rienceFund.2008 Appendix 2

Basic Medical Sciences Student Associations Common Room

Princim1l Apolicants

. ChristopherJ. PerumalJa,Ph.D.,Director DivisionofTcuchingLaboratories.UndergraduCtteCounselor,Departmentof Physiology.Facultyof Medicim:Telephone:978 7760; Fax: 978-4940; E-muil:c.perumallu@utor<,>

. ReinhartReithmcir,Ph.D., Protessor and Chair, Departmcntor l3iochemistry,Facultyof MedicineTelephone: 978-2696; Fux:978 8765; E-muil:[email protected]

Co Applicants

. MichelleAmot. Ph.D., UndcrgrJdu.ueCoordimuor(Acting).Departmentor PhtlrmucologynndToxicology. Facultyof MedicineTelephone: 97~-2696; Fux: 978 8765; E-mail:michcllc.arnot(~iutoronto.c<1

. Alberto Martin.Ph.D., Undergl11duuteCoordinutor.Dcpurtmentor Immunology.Facuhyof MedicineTelephone: 978-3230; Fax: 978 1938: c-mnil:[email protected]

. Ahmed EI-Sohcmy,Ph.D.. UndergraduateCoordinator.()t:partmcntof NUtritionalScience. FacultyofMedicineTelephone: 976-5776; Fax: 978 5882; E-mail:[email protected]

. Roy Baker,Ph.D.,UndergraduateCoordinator,Dcpartmcntof BiochemistryTelephone: 978-2696; Fax: 978 8765; E-mail:[email protected]

Letters of Endorsements

Dr. Catharine Whiteside,Dean Facultyof MedicincDr. Stephen Matthews,ActingChair, Departmentor PhysiologyDr. Denis Grnnt,Chair, Departmentof PharmacologyDr. Valerie WuU.Director,Human BiologyProgrmnAlfred Yeung.Co-presidentof Pharmacology-ToxicologyStudent's Association(PTSA)Kevin Ren, Prl:sidcl1tofUndergradualc PhysiologyStudentAssociation(UPSA)Annabelle Nam. President,MedicalScicncesSludent's Union(MSSU)
















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.'Student Experil:nceFund.2008

Basic Medical Sciences Student Associations Common Room

Rationale and BnckgroundThere is litll~or no opportunity Ihr first y~arLif~ Sci..:nc..:s studcnts to intcrm:t \...ith murc seniorundergraduate students to make an inl<mm:ddecision before they choose the area orspcei..lizatiun intheir undergruduntc program. A common rer lin that is h..:urdfrom undcrgruduatesis "i r I kncw intirst year what I now know in 4thyenr. my choices wuuld have been din~rent". This onen lendstostudents either choosing to extend their undergmduutestudks to u fil\h yeur or midwuy throughtheirprogram tmnsfer into another program: both options oJ\en leading to extra tilne and funds spent in theundergraduateprogram. The current optionsuvailuble to tirst year Life Sciences students to obtainguidance ubout various specialization choices in Busic Medicul Sciences (BMS) is through theircollege registraror by attending"Iormal" cureerduy hosted by the BMS undergraduute associationsorganizedby thehomedepartments.however.not "IIstudents are able to "vail of these oppurtunities.

-nleLite Scienccprogram,and in particular students studying in the Specialist Busic MedicalSciences comprise academic focused and motivatedstudents tlmtsuccessfullycompletcundergraduate programs from 7 departments within the Faculty of Medicine. These studcnts (-6000in total), will be the next generation of physicians, scientists. health policy lenders nnd hculth-scienceinnovators. It is not much of 11surprisc thl1tthese students arc already engaged in Ilmningdepartmental "communities" via student associutions and groups: but the institutional supportofthese groups is lacking. Currently the Faculty of Medicinc does not h<lvea designated location orsupport tor various BMS undergraduutes und thdr associations.

In pm1icular.theseundergraduatedepartmcntulassociutions do nOt have any avuilablcollicc space.and most operatc from lockersthat haw beenalloc\1tedto thcm by their departmcntalchairs. Thislack of a physicalspace signiticantlycompromisesthe c:ll~ctiveness of these studcnt associutions.The Common/communityotliceroomwe <Ireproposing will significantlyimprovetheinteractionbetweenlirst year Life Sciencesstudentsand also thespecialist undergraduate peers ,lIld therebyprovidean ideal place tor studentsmentoringstudents.Mostot'the lecturesandall the lab coursesforLite Sciencesstudentsare held in the MedicalSciencesBuilding(MSB) andtheretore the locationfor the proposedcommonrooms will be ideal located. It is our goal to designfill inviting communityspace to facilitate and encouruge student engagementand inteructionsby providing a place for thiscampuscommunity.

Student PopulationSeveral thousand undergraduates participate in mojor Ilnd specialist progr.lIlls within the BasicMedical Sciences and have little or no opportunity Ihr inlemction with cuch other out~idc oj' class.

Sludents who will especially benefit Irolllthis prupusalllre the hundreds of commuter students wholive 011'campus and an: time-deprived because of cummute time and juggling part-time jobs.Consequently they have very little interaction with senior undergrad students who share similarcareer and academic interests.

Firsl year is the:critical year when interactionswith seniorundcrgl1lduatt.'Swill play 0 pivotal roleintheir lives. These interactions will help mnldjunior undergraduatcstudentseducationaland careerdecisions.Since mostoflhe LifeSciencesstudentsenter uniwrsity with the intenl of pursuinghighly




. ,i:IIiIi






, .Student ExperienceFund. 2008

cOl11pe:titivcprogramssuch as medicine:.allied hcuhhscicnceproli:ssionsor gmduatestudies.unopportunity lor themto interactwith senior undergr..lduatcandgradlUn~students will providethcmwith invaluablereallile intormation.

ProposalThe Student ExpericnceFund will be used to create a multi-purposecommunity/commonroom in theMSB that will:I. Houseall undergraduateassociations(Biochemistry.Immunology,LubordtoryMedicineandPathobiology.MedicalGenetics and Microbiology.NutritionulScicnces. PhurmucologyundToxicology.and Physiology)within the Basic MedicalScience.Departmentsin Facuhyof Medicine,andsomejointprogramsbetweenFacultiesof Arts"ndScienceandMedicinesuchas HunumBiologyand Neuroscience.2. Ben lucntionIhr lirst year Lile Sciencesstudents to interactwith their upperyear classmatcsundgraduatcstudentsrromvariollsBMSdepartmcntsandulli:rsan ideal plaLllml1I()rlirst-yearLileSciencesstudents to ask c8fl'er/programrdUled.course relatcdquestionsund internctwithgrnduutestudents trom variousresearch labs Irom BMSwhetherhuusl:din the MedicalSciencesBuildingorin alliliated re:seurchinstitutes.3. Be a place where informationcan be attain~'<land workshopsdevelopedand hosted rorcurriculumsupport(tutorialson how to write nlab report).progmmsuppon (informationsessionsonprogramsfor POSTdecisions for firstyear students).und inlhrmmionfor rutureupportunities(researchgrants. studentships.biomedicalcareer postings)4. Provideinformalstudent faculty imernction.

The common/communityroom will be readilyaccessible from the rest orthe campusolTKing'sCollegecircle in an idealspace on the second floorof theMSB andprovide a "one stop" locationlorfirst year undergraduatestudents to interactwith senior undergraduatestudents fromvariousdisciplines in the BMS. It wjIJbe a designatedplace where departmental studentgroupscan meet.interact with each other, organize student events, provide dcpartmentallcourse information,curriculumsupport.Furthermore,this community/commonroomwill toster interactionbetweenjunior undergraduatestudentsand faculty and a place to lind inlormation on summeremployment/programopportunitiesanddiscusscareer opportunities. This proposalhus beenreviewedby several undergraduateBMS Departmentcoordimllors.who arc excitcd abouttheprospectof increased faculty-undergraduUleinteruction.

The community/commonroom will havea tremendousvalue to the undergraduateLife Sciences andBMS students. It will significantly improvethe transitionalexperience for firstyear studentsingeneralandspecilically lor commuterswhoarc not livingon campusand thereforemnyleclcut 011'trom the body life of the university. will begnllilying for the seniorundergraduateandgraduatestudentsto mentor thesestudentsubouttheir cxperjcnc~"Sin the programs.

We are asking tor room renovations. equipping the community/common room and resources to

support an administrative stafTto assist development/designundorganizatiunorstudentworkshops.manage space and nurture student interactions, which will oner an enhanced student lite experienceto the about 6000 students heading for the Life Sciences and Basic Medical Science programs.



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. .

Student ExperienceFund.2008

De/ailell BlIlffle/ Btlsic Medictl/ Science.vStllllent A.'i.mcitltitJnsCommon Room

Transtorm MSB lab rooms 2180 & 2178 into Common Room with: pn:sentatiol1 area. semi-private study areas, semi-private meeting rooms. lounge. smull kitchcnelte. and &1reception an~n.

SiruclllralOpen wull bctwl:cn huth moms (so both mums hecome un\.'0lX'n spm:e)Rel1luw all existin~ tixlures in rooms (i.l:. ",h t"bles. ehalk huanJs .:IC.)Aslx.-stoswork (llIr lixture R:mU\':lt.)

Add windows alon!,.!nunh wall and &:olslwall (5-(1)/\dtl Irunt .:ntr.mcedour .dung cast "':IIII~ctile cdling/I'Cpaint ceilingRCl1nintwall~N!:w carpetll100ringBuild two scmi-pri\atc 1'00ll1Sat lar .:nd (m,:st end ufmolU)!Mtg RuumsBuild kitchenette at nl1rth-west Climer of the nll1111with sink tIt"J c:lbinelsWireless internet ac~'Cssfor student useAdd hurd-line internet (leeess Itlr mlministmti\'e lIse in Ollie\.' A

Add phune line

Install power oullets in various locations (apprux 10 ~~..)Contingencyfces( I00/0)l)rojL'Ct Mgt FCL"S(3.5%)











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Ove UBudget









January 14,2008

Professor Vivek GoelVice President and ProvostUniversity of TorontoSimcoe Hall, Room 22527 King's College Circle

Dear Vivek,


University of TorontoOffice or the Dean

We are delighted to write enthusiastically in support of the Student Experience Fundapplication being submitted by Dr Perumalla et al entitled Basic Medical Science StudentAssociations common/community room.

The proposed common/community room that is outlined in this proposal will offer anenhanced experience for first-year students heading for the Life Sciences and BasicMedical Sciences programs (estimate of 5000-6000 of Arts and Science entry level).Specifically, it will impact the interaction between first year Life Sciences students andtheir senior undergraduate peers and thereby provide an ideal place for mentoring andeducated decision-making regarding a program of study. This proposal has been reviewedby all the undergraduate Basic Medical Science Department Undergraduate coordinators,and a commitment has been made for one faculty member to be on site in the commonroomweeklyas a resource. .

This proposal will meet the eminent need to provide an integrated facility where first yearstudents can avail of the inftastructure and human resources, e.g., talk to fellow seniorundergraduate students, graduate students and faculty in planning for their futureundergraduate training and fulfill their career aspirations.

This new facility will also impact approximately 2000 second, third and fourth upper yearstudents who are currently participating in major and specialization programs within theBasic Medical Sciences (BMS) of the Faculty of Medicine. Currently, it should be noted

Medical Scienca Buildins

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that none of the undergraduate student associations in BMS have a physical space from .which to operate their activities. This proposal will provide such space whererepresentatives ftom the various undergraduate student associations can meet and interactwith each other in an interdisciplinary way. In addition, these Societies will be provideddesk and filing space and a central site from which to coordinate activities such asworkshops for entry level students, peer tutorials, program and career counseling bygraduate students and Faculty, special lectures and social events.

The common room will be located in an ideal space on the second floor of the MedicalSciences Building and readily accessible ftom the centre of the campus. The facility willalso provide the opportunity for the Allied Health Sciences divisions to organize and hostseminars.

It is also documented that the entry level student experience is greatly influenced byhaving "a home" and a "feeling of community". This new designated space for studentsinterested in the Life Sciences as a career goal will also serve this purpose, not restrictedto, but especially important for our many students who commute from the greaterToronto area.

We would point out that the SEF application includes funds for the support of a part timeAdministrative Assistant for two years. In the subsequent years, the funding will beshared equally between BMS student association fees ( at least 8 associations willparticipate) and the Faculty of Medicine Dean's office.In summary, these SEF funds requested for a new Life SciencesIBMS Undergraduatecommon room will playa pivotal role in enhancing the critical first year life of ourundergraduate students. Thus, we are delighted to enthusiastically support this initiative.

.Yours sincerely,


..,l~Catharine Whiteside, MD PhD FRCP(C)Dean, Faculty of Medicine

~George Fantus, B.Sc. MD FRCP(C)Associate Dean, Research

( .Pagelofl

.. Baubinas. Barb

I ~rom:.'ent:O'ubJect:

C. Perumalla [[email protected])January 24, 2008 11:58 AMFantus, Dr. GeorgeRe: SEF

Hi George,

I met with Reinhart this morning to get his suggestions on David's emailRE: SEF funds for BMS common room. He felt th!~.i; you write to thechairs of the BMS and mention that in the Ii ht of the earl

un er raduate transfer revenues from A&S, if they would be willing tocontribute about K (OTO) towards meeting the shortfall of the commonroom expenses. Reinhart feels; that anyth1ng more may be unreasonablebecause of the budget cuts that the departments are facing. Perhaps anincentive would be that Cathy will match the funds we raise from thedepartments to a maximum of 30-35K. Alternatively, we can say to thedepartmental chairs that Cathy has agreed to make a contribution fromthe Deans office (fund) but we still need x dollars to make the commonroom a reality and since their undergrad associations will primarilybenefit from the common room, we request them to make a OTO donation.Hope this matter will be clarified before you leave so that we canrespond to David.



Fantus, Dr. George wrote:

~Dear Cathy,

~I just found out this pm from Chris (see below), the latest twist from>A&S>re: the SEF application. It seems they decided to cut the budget much more>drastically than we expected after yesterday's meeting, ie to 96K from the>180K requested. We had already decreased the request by 92K.> I just spoke with David Klausner and he said they felt that for 200K we>could do the room etc but they expected a 50-50 split in hard dollars. I>explained that we ,might have some difficulty obtaining that much and asked>for another 25-30K to be in "spitting distance" of getting the room done>properly and we would scrape up the remainder. As Chris outlines below we>could ask for 5-6K from each of the 6 Departments which will be served and>perhaps a small contribution from you. Chris will cover the admin support.>David will get back to me or Chris (since I a~ away next week) after further>discussion with Pekka.>Best,>George>>>Dr I. G. Fantus>Director,Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism>University of Toronto>Department of Medicine,Mount Sinai Hospital>60 Murray Street Rm. 5-028>Toronto, Ontario>M5G lX5 Canada>Tel: 416-586-8665'Fax: 416-361-2657

~-mail' [email protected]

> OriginalMessage-----1


>rrDro: C. Perumalla [mailto:[email protected]]~.>Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2008 1:38 PM>To: unlisted-recipients>Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]; Reinhart Reithmeier'Subject: Re: SEF~


>Dear George and Reinhart,>>Here is David Klausner's response to our revised budget. This fits in>well with what we heard from Susan and Rob at the Life Sciences Exec mtg>yesterday - meaning that A &S was willing to support our project to a>maximum of about lOOK>>We have a few choices to discuss before respond to David>>1. See if departmental chairs or Undergrad Associations are willing to>come up with 5 K per department (this should bring us us about 30K) and>the rest we could request from Cathy; since she already agreed for an>admin support from year 3 onwards, she may be willing to divert these>funds for the room and DTL will contribute the admin support for the>foreseeable future (from our exiting admin staff). As I mentioned>yesterday, we need some level of admin support since we are dealing with>about 7 different student associations>>2. If the departmental chairs are unwilling or unable to support us>with the funds, then take the 96K from David and restrict our renovation>to fit this budget - personally speaking this may not be feasible since>we need at least 140-150K for a convert existing rooms to something>useable. Heather will meet with Barb from A&S to discuss the details of>contructions costs>>3. Say thanks to A & S and tell them that 96K is insufficient and go>back to negotiations. This also in unlikely since the total SEF amount~is 900K most of which has already been spoken for and therefrore there~maynot be any more money left in the pot.>>4. Not my favourite>proposal to rest>>Please let me know your thoughts at your earliest convenience as to how>to proceed from here. You can also call me on my cell at 647 300 5138>>Best wishes>>Chris>> wrote:>>>»Dear Chris,»Thanks for sending along George's letter and the revised budget - both»are steps in the right direction. A couple of major points do need to»be addressed. First is the overall budgeting, which we still feel is»too rich for the project. The bottom line is that the maximum that»A&S could put on the table from SEF is $96K, and we would expect»cost-sharing with Medicine at approximately 50'. Given George's note»putting $92K from Medicine on the table, that's about right; the key»will then be to bring the TCP down to the available funding, that is»about $190K. Eliminating the semi-private rooms for the moment is a»good step; we also feel that funding for an administrator is not»justified. Scott Mabury's experience with a common room of similar~>footprint in Chemistry, with a large range of student usage (both,>individual and group) is that the students are quite capable of»administering the space themselves. Given our experience in A'S with»space renovations not dissimilar to this in several college and

says thanks but no thanks to A & S and lay the

~ ~. ~",.t klc.w.s...~~ FA- S,

(t ~ i~F AHo~~ ~ , Cf',~~()~



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84 .»Bepartment situations, we're convinced that you could~. »fine student space for under $200K, but it would mean

»budget in detail. I'll try to get Donna Baba, who is»Dean of Planning and IT, to help you with this.

( .>

~~c. Perumalla wrote:»»»>DEar David and Scott,»>»>Thanks for taking the time to come for a site visit yesterday of»>proposed BMS common room. Attached please find a letter from Dr.»>Fantus, Associate Dean and myself and a modified budget. Please feel»>free to contact me if you have any further questions.»>»>Look forward to hearing from you regarding our proposal.»>»>Regards,»>»>Chris»>»>»>»>David Klausner wrote:»>»>»>»»Hi Chris,»»It looks as if 4 today (or a few minutes after) will work. Scott»»Mabury (Chair of Chemistry) will be coming with me, I'll pick him up»»just at for and come over so we'll be there by 5-10 past. Where are»»you located?

( ~»>Best,

.»>David»>»>C. Perumalla wrote:»»»»»»»»>Dear David,»»>»»>Sure, I would be delighted to give you the tour of the rooms where»»>we are proposing the BMS common room. I am available between 3:30-5»»>today (preferable) and 12-1 and 2-3 tomorrow afternoon. Let me know»»>if any of these times suit you.»»>»»>Best wishes»»>»»>Chris»»>»»>David Klausner wrote:»»>»»>»»>»»»Dear Chris,»»»The Faculty Planning Committee would like to get some further»»»information on the space envisioned for the proposed common room.»»»Would it be possible for you to give me and perhaps one member of»»»the committee a brief (10-15 min) tour of the space in its present»»»form? Afternoons today through Wednesday are pretty good. Also, is»»»there any furthergraphic informationon the proposal-

( ~»»>architectural drawings,etc.?


create a veryrevisiting theActing Assistant