Download - Basic Intentional Social Assignment Mounting Mode's Insight and Modeling's Intelligence Surrounding Symbolic Synchronized Society's Manufacturing Inside System's Adjustments

  • 8/14/2019 Basic Intentional Social Assignment Mounting Mode's Insight and Modeling's Intelligence Surrounding Symbolic Synchronized Society's Manufacturing Inside Sy


    Basic intentional social assignment mounting mode's insight and modeling's intelligence

    surrounding symbolic synchronized society's manufacturing inside system's adjustments

    Said Mchaalia

    (best basic built in draft copy November 07th 2013)


    In fact, to mount any huge hard home hierarchy across sign's advances, the motor kernel should be

    job scheduling around symbolic synchronized society. Hence, the main real operating symbols

    inside any synchronized society is the economy effect and the financial aspects [1, , !".

    Hence, #hat is an economy effect$ %hen, ho# could a simulation procedure identify a financial

    aspect across symbolic synchronized society to mount any sign's advance #ithin$


    symbolic synchronized society, economy effect, financial aspect, sign's advance across any society's

    type and safe science's kind.


    &ince the old step of the sliding #indo#'s slice's simulation, the major most procedure is to involve

    the economy effect and the financial aspect to evolve any possible safe science's dynamics across

    any symbolic synchronized society. %hough, a reuired high holy book is then needed to identify

    the sufficient suitable original basic principles across this main real operating symbolic

    synchronized society. (hat is a high holy book is then$ (hy should any symbolic synchronized

    society's builder need this high holy book$

    Indeed, based on the main real operating primordial principle of )aufmann )ohler [*", the safe

    surrounding strength, #hich has to engender and envelop any sign's secrets across any symbolic

    synchronized society is the environment reality flo# of any high holy book. Hence, the declaration

    of high holy book has to be a surrounding arrangement maintaining insight, investigation,

    inspiration, intention, involvement, isolation, insulation, installation, ..., and implementation of

    follo#ing fatal focus on procedures, #hich have been evolved through a basic built in deep reading

    of such a high holy book.

    I/ Intentional smart smooth procedures inside any high holy book surrounding the

    implementation of safe science's adances across any symbolic synchronized society:

    Indeed, the main real operating thread task across any symbolic synchronized society is to assign a

    safe scientific economy's system to ensure a modeling's intelligence for any possible probable

    mode's inspiration inside the proposal approval symbolic synchronized society. (hat is the real

    operating huge hard home hierarchy of such an economy's system$ %his is the subject of such a

    #riting to bring the main desirable #ishes of using surrounding set ++&-, +I-- dynamic design

    across any possible probable building inside the envisage economy's system to ensure a desirable

    #ishes for sign's advance inside the symbolic synchronized society. Hence, symbolic synchronized

    society investigates #ithin major intentional secrets a signal adjustment involving #ithin the

    communication effect of illustration/jury judgment0 and invest inside the mathematical insight to

    implement any mode's inspiration and modeling's intelligence procedures across any possibleprobable major enhancement computing at system architecture's dynamic design for system

    economy and financial effects.

  • 8/14/2019 Basic Intentional Social Assignment Mounting Mode's Insight and Modeling's Intelligence Surrounding Symbolic Synchronized Society's Manufacturing Inside Sy


    1. Resolving compromises between highest richest and lowest poorest human person inside the

    proposal symbolic synchronized society:

    In fact, for a given highest richest human person, the safe monthly incoming money is the basic

    built in thread to depict the actual life's level. n the other hand, the similar reference could be thenused to put the lo#est poorest one into a modeling's insight for any possible probable economy

    simulation and financial aspect inside the symbolic synchronized society.

    In fact, the main real operating job scheduling surrounding proposal approval sign's advances across

    any symbolic synchronized society is defined as follo#s2

    i. highest richest variation level ! lim"



    sin() #cos()


    ii. lo$est poorest variation level % lim"



    sin()cos( )

    sin() # cos()

    &igure 1 ' main real operating simulation across mapping pair (highest richest lim"



    sin() # cos()



    poorest lim

    " pi


    sin()cos( )

    sin() #cos()

    ) dynamic synchroniation#

    In fact,figure 1illustrates the main real operating simulation across mapping pair 3highest richest 4




    sin() #cos()

    sin()cos( )

    , lo#est poorest 4 lim"




    sin() #cos()

    5 dynamic synchronization.

    %hus, the valuable variation levels have to flo# from 6infinite to 7 or vice versa. 8uring this

    variation level the main real operating thread task to to locate the follo#ing focus on of the logics








    variationleveloffunctionformf=(sqr[sin()].sqr[cos()]/ (sqr[sin()]-sqr[cos()]),(sqr[sin()]-sqr[cos()])/ sqr[sin()].sqr[cos()])

    inside[0,pi/ 4]

  • 8/14/2019 Basic Intentional Social Assignment Mounting Mode's Insight and Modeling's Intelligence Surrounding Symbolic Synchronized Society's Manufacturing Inside Sy


    language, #hereby the possible probable +61- has to occur inside the corresponding discrete event

    simulation based on the primordial principle of *event (n in +N such that t n#, transition-s event

    function form involving inside approval $aveform)..

    &igure 2' main real operating function form f ( lim

    " pi


    sin() # cos()

    (sin( )cos()) lim

    " pi


    (sin( )cos())

    sin() # cos()

    ) mode-s

    insight to enhance comprehence of logics language across system-economy and financial safe signs#

    In fact,figure 2illustrates the main real operating function formf 3 lim

    " pi*

    sin() #cos()


    ( )cos







    sin() #cos()

    5 mode's insight to enhance comprehension of logics language across

    system'economy and financial safe signs. %hus, for the first time, the logics language of /10 or

    /e9actly true0 or /light on0 operation inside the surrounding across mathematical intentional

    synchronization is occurred.

    :urthermore, the logics language across the robust control theory, across system'economy, across

    financial safe signs and across other kind of science have to involve any procedures inside the fuzzy

    focus on and follo#ing genetic mimetic approaches, #hereby the reuired environment reality flo#

    is error optimization proceeding [ ; ". Hence, the main real operating fuzzy, genetic mimetic design

    is to evolve a logics language based on old procedures inside the symbolic synchronized society.

    %herefore, &aid chaalia did invent a fuzzy genetic mimetic algorithm, #hich is defined belo#

    follo# as 2

    surround across symbolic synchronied set

    *(clear $aveform not) (increment(amount /uantity) event) (m move(sensor) +

    invest(processor)) (scalingup do$n customadust consumer).

    dynamic design#

    %hus, this surround across symbolic synchronized set +3clear 4 #aveform, not5, 3increment3amountuantity5, event5, 3m 4 move3sensor5, I 4 invest3processor55, 3scaling

  • 8/14/2019 Basic Intentional Social Assignment Mounting Mode's Insight and Modeling's Intelligence Surrounding Symbolic Synchronized Society's Manufacturing Inside Sy


    genetic mimetic approaches involving #ithin the system's economy and financial effect inside the

    proposal approval safe society, #hich has battleground across 3surrounding smart custom, under

    consumer's seal5 dynamic design.

    &igure 3' mi"ing re/uired environment reality flo$ $here the variaiton should be mapping pair of (signed variation

    level signed 4 variation level) $hich is then called couple#

    Hence,figure 3is sho#ing the mi9ing proceeding of reuired environment reality flo#, #here the

    variation should be mapping pair of (signed variation level signed 4 variation level), #hich is

    then called couple. %hus, the needed mathematical intelligence has to evolve the e9actly true right

    euation to resolve the main real huge hard home hierarchies across the optimization of 3highest

    richest, lo#est poorest5 mode's inspiration inside any symbolic synchronized society.

    :urthermore, to investigate in deep mind inside finding e9actly true right mathematical intentional

    surrounding amount uantity to describe this variation level of couple (signed variation level

    signed 4 variation level), &aid chaalia did invent the follo#ing mapping pair based on the

    kno#ledge culture of any possible probable symbolic synchronized society2

    +# dar5 mapping pair (highest richest lim"



    sin() #cos()

    (sin()cos( )) lo$est poorest







    sin() #cos()

    ) symbolic synchronied couple#

    ++# clear mapping pair (highest richest lim"



    sin( ) #cos()


    lo$est poorest


    " pi


    sin()cos( )

    sin() #cos()

    ) symbolic synchronied pair#

    Hence, based on the logics language inside the safe science of dictionary liable logics by >empel

    and ?iv [@", a couple has to define 3I. t#o people united, as by betrothal or marriage, ii. t#o people

    together5 or a pair 3t#o item of the same kind5. %herefore, a slice inside any symbolic synchronized

    society is a couple to keep going inside the system'economy and financial effect. %hough, the

    difference across the mapping pair 3highest richest, lo#est poorest5 become great #ithin any








  • 8/14/2019 Basic Intentional Social Assignment Mounting Mode's Insight and Modeling's Intelligence Surrounding Symbolic Synchronized Society's Manufacturing Inside Sy


  • 8/14/2019 Basic Intentional Social Assignment Mounting Mode's Insight and Modeling's Intelligence Surrounding Symbolic Synchronized Society's Manufacturing Inside Sy


    procedures and any other kind of optimization approaches, the approval proposal design has to

    evolve the difference unit proceeding to manipulate the comple9 computing across any symbolic

    synchronized society has to follo# #ithin any (dar5 clear) fuzzy genetic mimetic principle

    dynamic design. %hus, search an amount uantity 9 such that((y 4 ")+()"))

    should be al#ays

    constant to finish any possible probable job scheduling based on the middle average theory.

    %herefore, y 4 lim"



    sin () #cos()(sin()cos())

    and z 4 lim"






    sin() #cos()

    . (hat should"be then$

    Hence, search"such that

    ( lim"



    sin() #cos()

    (sin()cos())")+( lim




    sin() #cos()


    is al#ays constant to stop any possible loop statement involving #ithin the middle average theory

    across system'economy and financial safe effect inside any symbolic synchronized society.

    2. Surround secrets across highest richest and lowest poorest dynamics inside any proposal

    symbolic synchronized society:

    In fact, the main real operating dynamics across the surrounding sign at any focus ons of symbolic

    evolving synchronized society, is the smart adjustment mounting insight inside symbolic

    synchronized society. (hat does this mean$

    Hence, a basic binary built in is the environment reality flo#, #hereby a basic built in high holy

    book should be involved such a dictionary's logics language book 3for more details, see >empel and

    ?iv inside dictionary's logics language processing [@"5. %hus, a verb or a name or an adverb or other

    item has many assignment's e9planation to be associate #ithin its dynamics.

    Hence, as e9ample of application, see belo#2

    !o destroy" destroyed, destroying, destroys


    i# %o ruin completelyD spoil2,he ancient manuscripts $ere destroyed by fire#

    ii# %o tear do#n or break upD demolish.

    iii# %o do a#ay #ithD put an end to2 :+n cro$ded populations poverty destroys the possibility of

    cleanliness:(;eorge e came across by ferry#

  • 8/14/2019 Basic Intentional Social Assignment Mounting Mode's Insight and Modeling's Intelligence Surrounding Symbolic Synchronized Society's Manufacturing Inside Sy


    iii# Eross#iseD crossed.

    i# In such a manner as to be comprehensible, acceptable, or successful2put our idea across? get a

    message across#


    Feing in a crossed position2seated $ith arms across.

    %hus, /high0, /rich0, /lo#0 and /poor0 should be defined inside the dictionary logics language as



    @d# high$er, high$est


    a# Having a relatively great elevationD e9tending far up#ard2 a high mountain? a high to$er#

    b# C9tending a specified distance up#ard2 a cabinet ten feet high#

    ii# :ar or farther from a reference point2 $as too high in the offensive one to ta5e a shot#


    a# Feing at or near the peak or culminating stage2 the high tourist season? high summer#b# dvanced in development or comple9ity2 high forms of animal life? higher mathematics#

    c# :ar removed in timeD remote2 high anti/uity#


    a# &lightly spoiled or taintedD gamy. Gsed of meat.

    b# Having a bad smellD malodorous.


    a# Having a pitch corresponding to a relatively large number of sound6#ave cycles per second2

    the high tones of a flute#

    b# aised in pitchD not soft or hushed2 a high voice#

    i# &ituated relatively far from the euator2 a high latitude#


    a# f great importance2set a high priority on funding the housing program#b# Cminent in rank or status2a high official#

    c# &eriousD grave2high crimes and misdemeanors#

    d# Eonstituting a clima9D crucial2,he chase scene is the high point of the film#

    e# Eharacterized by lofty or stirring events or themes2high adventure? high drama#

    ii%# >ofty or e9alted in uality or character2 a person of high morals#


    a# reater than usual or e9pected, as in uantity, magnitude, cost, or degree2:@ high price has

    to be paid for the happy marriage $ith the four healthy children: (Aoris Bessing)#

    b# :avorable2Ce has a high opinion of himself#

    %# f great force or violence2 high $inds#


    a# Indicating e9citement or euphoria2 high spirits#b# Slang Into9icated by or as if by alcohol or a drug, such as cocaine or marijuana.

    %ii# >u9uriousD e9travagant2 high living#

    %iii#Binguistics f or relating to vo#els produced #ith part of the tongue close to the palate, as in the

    vo#el of tree#

    %i# f, relating to, or being the gear configuration or setting, as in an automotive transmission, that

    produces the greatest vehicular speed #ith respect to engine speed.

    @dv# higher,highest

    i# t, in, or to a lofty position, level, or degree2sa$ a plane high in the s5y? prices that had gone too


    ii# In an e9travagant or lu9urious #ay2 made a fortune and lived high#


    i# lofty place or region.

    ii# high level or degree2 Summer temperatures reached an allDtime high#

    iii# %he high gear configuration of a transmission.

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    i# center of high atmospheric pressureD an anticyclone.

    # Slang n into9icated or euphoric condition induced by or as if by a drug.


    high and dry

    i# In a position of helplessnessD stranded2 $ent off and left me high and dry#

    ii#Nautical ut of #ater. Gsed of a ship, for e9ample.

    high and low

    Here and thereD every#here2searched high and lo$ for the 5eys#

    on high

    i# High in the sky.

    ii# In heaven.

    iii# In a position of authority.


    @d# low$er, low$est


    a# Having little relative heightD not high or tall.

    b# ising only slightly above surrounding surfaces.

    c# &ituated or placed belo# normal height2 a lo$ lighting fi"ture#

    d# &ituated belo# the surrounding surfaces2 $ater standing in lo$ spots#

    e# 8ead and buried.

    f# Eut to sho# the #earer's neck and chestD dJcolletJ2 a lo$ nec5line#

    ii#Kear or at the horizon2,he sun is lo$ in the s5y#

    iii# Elose or closer to a reference point2$as lo$ in the offensive one near the goal#

    i#Binguistics Lroduced #ith part or all of the tongue depressed, as apronounced 3M5, infather# Gsed

    of vo#els.

    # f less than usual or average depthD shallo#2,he river is lo$#

    i# Humble in status or characterD lo#ly2 of lo$ birth#

    ii#acking strength or vigorD #eak.

    b# >acking liveliness or good spiritsD discouraged or dejected.


    a# Felo# average in degree, intensity, or amount2 a lo$ temperature#

    b# Felo# an average or a standard2lo$ $ages? a lo$ level of communication#

    c# anked near the beginning of an ascending series or scale2a lo$ number? a lo$ grade of oil#

    d# elating to or being latitudes nearest to the euator.

    e# elatively small. Gsed of a cost, price, or other value2a lo$ fee? a lo$ income#

    %ii# Having a pitch corresponding to a relatively small number of sound6#ave cycles per second.%iii#Kot loudD soft2a lo$ murmur#

    %i# Feing near total depletion2My savings account is lo$#

    %#Kot adeuately provided or euippedD short2 lo$ on supplies#

    %i# 8epreciatoryD disparaging2a lo$ opinion of him#

    %ii# Frought do#n or reduced in health or #ealth2in a lo$ state#

    %ii%# f, relating to, or being the gear configuration or setting, as in an automotive transmission, that

    produces the least vehicular speed #ith respect to engine speed.



    a# In or to a lo# position, level, or space2 aimed lo$? bent lo$#

    b# In or to a lo# condition or rankD humbly2 thought lo$ of himself#

    ii# In or to a reduced, humbled, or degraded condition2brought lo$ by failure#iii# &oftlyD uietly2spea5 lo$#

    i# (ith a deep pitch2sang lo$#

  • 8/14/2019 Basic Intentional Social Assignment Mounting Mode's Insight and Modeling's Intelligence Surrounding Symbolic Synchronized Society's Manufacturing Inside Sy


    # t a small price2 bought lo$ and sold high#


    i# lo# level, position, or degree2Eain collects in the lo$s# ,he stoc5 mar5et fell to a ne$ lo$#

    ii#Meteorology region of atmospheric pressure that is belo# normal.

    iii# %he lo# gear configuration of a transmission.

    Richad# &icher, richest

    i# Lossessing great material #ealth2 :No$ that he $as rich he $as not thought ignorant any more but

    simply eccentric: (Mavis ;allant)#

    ii# Having great #orth or value2 a rich harvest of grain#

    iii# agnificentD sumptuous2 a rich brocade#


    a# Having an abundant supply2 rich in ideas#

    b# bounding, especially in natural resources2 rich land#

    # eaningful and significant2 :a rich sense of the transaction bet$een $riter and reader: (>illiam


    i# Nery productive and therefore financially profitable2 rich seams of coal#

    ii#a# Eontaining a large amount of choice ingredients, such as butter, sugar, or eggs, and therefore

    unusually heavy or s#eet2 a rich dessert#

    b# Having or e9uding a strong or pungent aroma2 :,e"as air is so rich you can nourish off it

    li5e it $as food: (Fdna &erber)#


    a# Lleasantly full and mello#2 a rich tenor voice#

    b# (arm and strong in color2 a rich bro$n velvet#

    i%# Eontaining a large proportion of fuel to air2 a rich gas mi"ture#

    %#+nformal Highly amusing.

    n# (used $ith a pl# verb)

    (ealthy people considered as a group. ften used #ith the' :>ere there indeed a sure appeal to the

    mercies of the rich the calamities of the poor might be less intolerable: (Gharlotte Smith)#


    ad# oorer, poorest

    i# Having little or no #ealth and fe# or no possessions.

    ii# >acking in a specified resource or uality2 an area poor in timber and coal? a diet poor in


    iii#Kot adeuate in ualityD inferior2 a poor performance#


    a# >acking in valueD insufficient2poor $ages#

    b# >acking in uantity2poor attendance#

    # >acking fertility2poor soil#i# GndernourishedD lean.

    ii# Humble2 a poor spirit#

    ii%# Cliciting or deserving pityD pitiable2 couldn-t rescue the poor fello$#

    n#(used $ith a pl# verb)

    Leople #ith little or no #ealth and possessions considered as a group2,he urban poor are in need of


    Hence, to justify the major intentional secrets across the main investigation of mode's insight and modeling's

    intelligence surrounding any manufacturing investigation of most implementation signs across mapping pair

    3highest richest, lo#est poorest5 dynamic mechanism, the motor kernel processing should involve the jury'sjudgment proceeding. %hus, let start to e9plain these key#ordsD /jury0 and /judge0 as belo#2

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    n# pl#juries

    i#Ba$ body of persons s#orn to judge and give a verdict on a given matter, especially a body of

    persons summoned by la# and s#orn to hear and hand do#n a verdict upon a case presented in court.

    ii# committee, usually of e9perts, that judges contestants or applicants, as in a competition or

    e9hibitionD a panel of judges.

    tr#v# (uried,jurying,juries

    %o judge or evaluate by a jury2urying submitted samples for a crafts fair#




    i# %o form an opinion or estimation of after careful consideration2udge heights? udging character#


    a#Ba$ %o hear and decide on in a court of la#D try2udge a case#

    b# Hbsolete %o pass sentence onD condemn.

    c# %o act as one appointed to decide the #inners of2udge an essay contest#

    iii# %o determine or declare after consideration or deliberation.

    i#+nformal %o have as an opinion or assumptionD suppose2+ udge you-re right##

  • 8/14/2019 Basic Intentional Social Assignment Mounting Mode's Insight and Modeling's Intelligence Surrounding Symbolic Synchronized Society's Manufacturing Inside Sy


    In fact, for many case inside the symbolic synchronized society, a proposal approval jury should judge a

    case, avoiding obstacle #ithin any mobile path for mobile engine, an adjective, #hereby this adjective

    describes a state of corresponding entity, #hich is a model of human person, a processor, or any other

    dynamics inside this symbolic synchronized society.

    %herefore, the main real operating dynamics and mechanism inside any proposal approval symbolic

    synchronized society is to resolve the compromise bet#een richness and poorness inside the socialassignment moderation insight surrounding society adjustments.

    :igure ;2 variation of symbolic major intentional sign across manufacturing implementation inside symbolic

    synchronized society.

    In fact,figure Jillustrates the principle variation of symbolic major intentional sign across

    manufacturing implementation inside symbolic synchronized society. 8ue to the main investigation

    of mapping pair 3highest richest, lo#est poorest5 dynamics, #hich depicts mathematical insight of

    corresponding #aveform inside a sliding #indo# slice simulation 3step 4 7.7 radiant and origin 4

    7 radiant5. %hus, these #aveform description graphs meet each another at variation level eual to

    /10 and at slice bet#een 1Kand 17 steps. %hereby, the lo#est poorest dynamics has to start from

    origin level eual to nil 375, the opposite signed processing implies that the highest richest level

    should start from higher value, #hich could reach Ainfinite at the origin. Cven though, #ithin the

    deep investigation of kno#ledge culture inside the story surrounding any symbolic synchronized

    society, the highest richest level could reach the lo#est poorest level at certain time. %herefore, the

    proposal area for fuzzy, genetic and mimetic proceeding inside a mathematical intentional

    symbolization architecture having its boundaries inside mapping pair 3 z 4 lim"



    (sin( )cos())

    sin() #cos()

    , y 4 lim"



    sin() #cos()

    (sin( )cos())5. %hus,


    (sin ()cos())=1 and



    =1 link the

    variation level of any possible probable fuzzy genetic mimetic dynamic design to be a procedure

    inside the define surface, #hich belong to boundaries of involving graphs.






    =1 sin() #cos()=(sin()cos()) , resolve this huge hard #ithin the

    reuired valuable variable, #hich is the proposal approval logics language of / sin() cos() /

    belong to the huge hard home hierarchy of ratio symbolic design inside the procedure of >empel and ?ivD

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25










  • 8/14/2019 Basic Intentional Social Assignment Mounting Mode's Insight and Modeling's Intelligence Surrounding Symbolic Synchronized Society's Manufacturing Inside Sy


    #hile 3Peof3fptr55 do +read3char5, increment3position vector5- to enhance any possible probable #aveform

    compression techniue across media format inside the seuential digital computing's logics language.

    &igure K' variation of cos() against sin( ) this of inside a finite range of 0 pi869

    In fact,figure Killustrates the variation of cos() against sin() this of inside a finite range of 0

    pi869to prove the meeting valuable variable value at the reuired timing simulation, #hich has to enhance

    the needed job scheduling procedures, #hich describe the middle average dynamic mechanism to resolve anyoptimization proceeding across mathematical insight involving modeling's intelligence and mode's


    %herefore, more financial effect and more system's economy are going #ithin any proposal approval

    simulation dynamics inside the fuzzy mechanism 3see >otfi ?adeh [V"5, the envisage logics language of L

    sin() HE cos() Lhas to play the main implementing secret across signal adjustment for any

    financial effect and system economy, #hich involve fuzzy, genetic and mimetic approaches. %herefore,

    sin() is designed for /e9actly false at the start of this timing simulation0 and cos() is designed for

    /e9actly true at start of this timing simulation0.

    ". Rays to emit and wave#orms to become #or any across computing at highest richest and lowestpoorest symbolic signs:

    In fact, the synchronization assignment around the mapping pair 3 z 4 lim

    " pi



    sin() # cos()

    , y 4




    sin() #cos()

    (sin()cos())5 has to evolve the dynamic symbolization of transmission's transportation effect,

    #hich is involving #ithin the main real operating thread task of /light on0 symbolization. :urthermore, this

    /light on0 symbolization meet the desirable procedures of the Foolean declaration and obey to comply #ith

    the Foles's rules inside the logics language of binary built in basics across any possible probable logics,

    #hereby the light on symbolization is eual to 1 and the light off symbolization is eual to 7. Hence, thisbinary built in basics #as very interesting and important to allo# a logics language of manipulation just

    seuence of 1s and 7s, #hereby Foles [17" could define special logics language to be used such as HE HE

    @NA NH, NHE N@NA ##

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940








  • 8/14/2019 Basic Intentional Social Assignment Mounting Mode's Insight and Modeling's Intelligence Surrounding Symbolic Synchronized Society's Manufacturing Inside Sy


  • 8/14/2019 Basic Intentional Social Assignment Mounting Mode's Insight and Modeling's Intelligence Surrounding Symbolic Synchronized Society's Manufacturing Inside Sy


  • 8/14/2019 Basic Intentional Social Assignment Mounting Mode's Insight and Modeling's Intelligence Surrounding Symbolic Synchronized Society's Manufacturing Inside Sy


    &igure 10' main illustration of describing effects inside variation level logics of mapping pair (something clear is

    e"actly fuy true something clear is e"actly fuy false)#

    In fact, Said Mchaaliadie prove that the defined function forms of 3 cos() , sin() 5 couple has to

    paly great importance inside the fatal focus on of fuzzy logics language. :urthermore, this follo#ing focus

    on 3 y 4 cos() , z 4 sin() 5 envelop is for any possible probable seuential digital data processing

    inside its transaction trace involving #ithin the /mobile path 4 customadust consumermapping

    processing0. (hat does this mean$

    Hence, the term /mobile path 4 customadust consumer mapping processing0 is composed by t#o


    I. mobile22 change valuable values during timing simulation for any possible probable transaction

    trace's logics language [11", #hereby the logics language of bits should be then used. %his is so

    called binary basic built in logics of any possible probable transaction trace dynamics.

    II. path 22 edge's logics language inside control data flo# graph logics, #hich be then transformed to

    customadust consumer mapping logics based on the main real operating principle of high hoily

    book, #hich is the dictionary logics language.

    %hus, using this follo#ing focus on of mapping pair 3 y 4 cos() , z 4 sin() 5 envelop to engender any

    possible probable transaction trace's logics of seuential digital data processing, an amplification of

    magnitude should be done. %herefore, this is could be then achieved, #hen using the main real principle of

    involving magnitude intentional surrounding amplification inside 2 amplification=sin

    () # cos()

    (sin ()cos())

    then all possible digital #aveform's function form could be then involving #ithin2


    () #cos()

    (sin()cos())# sin(f(fre/uency time))#e

    a pi*








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  • 8/14/2019 Basic Intentional Social Assignment Mounting Mode's Insight and Modeling's Intelligence Surrounding Symbolic Synchronized Society's Manufacturing Inside Sy


    &igure 12' main intentional dynamics across thescaling$up% down& dynamics to engender any possible probable fuy

    mechanism across mathematical intentional signs surrounding adustments of mode-s inspiration and modeling-s


    In fact,figure 12is sho#ing the real main intentional dynamics across the scaling$up% down&dynamics to

    engender any possible probable fuzzy mechanism across mathematical intentional signs surrounding

    adjustments of mode's inspiration and modeling's intelligence. %hough, comparing to the old dynamics offuzzy processing, #hich has been involved #ithin figure 1!, the modeling's intelligence is keeping to

    symbolize across mathematical intentional logics language.

    &igure 13' main old fuy dynamics $ithin an e"ample of temperature proceeding-s regulation#

    In fact, figure 1! is sho#ing the main real principles of old fuzzy dynamics #hen this is applied to aregulation's system of temperature across a robust control mechanism.

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  • 8/14/2019 Basic Intentional Social Assignment Mounting Mode's Insight and Modeling's Intelligence Surrounding Symbolic Synchronized Society's Manufacturing Inside Sy


    &igure 1J' all possible probable dynamics and mechanism to be involving $ithin the ready evolving theory surround

    symbolic *(clear not) (increment event) (m move + invest) (scalingup do$n customadust consumer).

    dynamics across mode-s inspiration of modeling-s intelligence#

    Hence,figure 1Jillustrates the main real states across the possible probable dynamics and mechanism to be

    involving #ithin the ready evolving theory surround symbolic +3clear, not5, 3increment, event5, 3m 4 move, I

    4 invest5, 3scaling

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    during such a processing an assignment for a not clear should be eual to not clear=(sin ()cos())

    sin() # cos()


    %herefore, for a such variation level of not clear valuable amount uantity 3mathematical intentional

    surrounding amounts across signal adjustment involving as illustrations by putpi9el35 function forms5, has to

    reach the nil 375 at the end of the proposal slice of 0pi


    &igure 1K' maor most manufacturing design is to locate the putpi"el() function form for any possible probable dynamic

    design across system economy financial effect and robust control mechanism#

    In fact,&igure 1K is illustrating the major most manufacturing design is to locate the putpi9el35 function

    form for any possible probable dynamic design across system economy, financial effect and robust control


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    I*# &eferences:

    1. ?adeh, >.. 31VY;5. Z:uzzy setsZ,+nformation and Gontrol @ 3!52 !!@B!;!.

    . ?adeh, >. . et al. 1VVY&uy Sets &uy Bogic &uy Systems, >orld Scientific Press, I&FK V@16


    !. /Cconomic decisions and the theory of games 8issertation0, Qniversity of >arsa$ 1VY1

    *. Z8as odell des &piels in der #issenschaftlichen LlanungZMathemati5 und >irtschaftKo.W, Cast

    Ferlin 1VYV

    ;. %homas )ofler, /:uzzy >ogic and Cconomic 8ecisions0, 1VV@

    Y. />inear Lartial Information #ith pplications0.Proceedings of +S&B 1OO7 (+nternational Symposium

    on &uy Bogic), ?rich, 1VVW, p.!;6!V

    W. E. C. &hannon, Zn algebra for theoretical geneticsZ, 3Lh.8. %hesis, assachusetts Institute of%echnology, 1V*75, I%6%HC&C&RR1V*7B!

    @. ?iv O. and >empel . 31VW@5, ZEompression of individual seuences via variable6rate codingZ.

    +FFF ,ransactions on +nformation ,heory+,3;52 ;!7

    V. Oames Lo#ell 37 ctober 77V5.ZCnd6to6Cnd %ransaction %racking #ith Fusiness %ransactionanagementZ. Cnterprise &ystems. etrieved Y Oune 717.

    17. &tra#son, L.:. 31V;5. /Introduction to >ogical %heory0. ethuen2 >ondon. p.!.

    11. Elabby nalytics 3&eptember, 7175.Z:ollo#ing %ransactions %hrough the EloudZ.Elabby

    nalytics. etrieved &eptember 717.

    1. >o#e, C. O..&orms of ,hought'/ &tudy in Lhilosophical >ogic0. Ke# \ork2 Eambridge Gniversity

    Lress, 71!.

    1!. &ainsbury, ark, 771.Bogical &orms'Zn Introduction to Lhilosophical >ogicZ.nd ed. 9ford2Flack#ell
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    *# Appendi%:

    Gouple '

    -# %#o items of the same kindD a pair.

    +# &omething that joins or connects t#o things togetherD a link.

    .# (used $ith a sing# or pl# verb)

    a#%#o people united, as by betrothal or marriage.

    b#%#o people together.

    *. +nformal fe#D several2 a couple of days#

    ;. Physics pair of forces of eual magnitude acting in parallel but opposite directions,

    capable of causing rotation but not translation.

    uzzy rules :

    K% 9 4 31 6 truth3955

    9 K8 y 4 minimum3truth395, truth3y55

    9 y 4 ma9imum3truth395, truth3y55

    I: temperature I& very cold %HCK stop fan

    I: temperature I& cold %HCK turn do#n fan

    I: temperature I& normal %HCK maintain level

    I: temperature I& hot %HCK speed up fan

    &igure 13' main old fuy dynamics $ithin an e"ample of temperature proceeding-s regulation#

    In fact, figure 1! is sho#ing the main real principles of old fuzzy dynamics #hen this is applied to a

    regulation's system of temperature across a robust control mechanism.

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    8igital seuential data encoding processing2



    utput C9tended8ictionary

    EommentsEode Fits

    KG>> %

    % 7 17177 W2 % W 4 first available code after 7 through Y

    F 1; 71111 @2 F

    F C 77717 V2 FCC ; 77171 !72 C

    1; 71111 !12

    K 1@ 17717 !2 K ! reuires Y bits, so for ne9t output use Y bits

    K 1* 771117 !!2 K

    % 1; 771111 !*2 %

    % % 7 717177 !;2 %%

    % F W 711711 !Y2 %F

    FC V 711171 !W2 FC

    % !1 711111 !@2 %

    %F C !Y 177177 !V2 %FC

    C !7 711117 *72 C K ! 177777 *12 K

    % ] !* 177717 ] stops the algorithmD send the cur se

    7 777777 and the stop code

    8igital seuential data processing decoding2

    Input utput&euence

    Ke# 8ictionary CntryEomments

    Fits Eode :ull Eonjecture

    17177 7 % W2 %$

    71111 1; W2 % @2 $

    77717 F @2 F V2 F$

    77171 ; C V2 FC !72 C$

    71111 1; !72 C !12 $

    17717 1@ !12 !2 $ created code !1 3last to fit in ; bits5

    771117 1* K !2 K !!2 K$ so start reading input at Y bits

    771111 1; !!2 K !*2 $

    717177 7 % !*2 % !;2 %$

    711711 W % !;2 %% !Y2 %$

    711171 V FC !Y2 %F !W2 FC$ !Y 4 % A 1st symbol 3F5 of

    711111 !1 !W2 FC !@2 $ ne9t coded seuence received 3FC5

    177177 !Y %F !@2 % !V2 %F$

    711117 !7 C !V2 %FC *72 C$

    177777 ! K *72 C *12 K$177717 !* % *12 K *2 %$

    777777 7 ]


    8uring(orld (ar II the first mobile robots emerged as a result of technical advances on a number of

    relatively ne# research fields like computer science and cybernetics. %hey #ere mostly flying bombs.

    C9amples are smart bombs that only detonate #ithin a certain range of the target, the use of guiding systems

    and radar control. %he N1 and N rockets had a crude 'autopilot' and automatic detonation systems. %hey

    #ere the predecessors of modern cruise missiles.


    rey (alter builds Clmer and Clsie, t#o autonomous robots called achina &peculatri9 because these robots

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    liked to e9plore their environment. Clmer and Clsie #ere each euipped #ith a light sensor. If they found a

    light source they #ould move to#ards it, avoiding or moving obstacles on their #ay. %hese robots

    demonstrated that comple9 behaviour could arise from a simple design. Clmer and Clsie only had the

    euivalent of t#o nerve cells.


    %he Oohns Hopkins Gniversity develops 'Feast'. Feast used a sonar to move around. (hen its batteries ranlo# it #ould find a po#er socket and plug itself in.1VYVo#bot #as the very first robot that #ould

    automatically mo# the la#n.


    %he &tanford Eart line follo#er #as a mobile robot that #as able to follo# a #hite line, using a camera to

    see. It #as radio linked to a large mainframe that made the calculations.

    t about the same time 31VYYB1VW5

    the &tanford esearch Institute is building and doing research on &hakey the obot, a robot named after its

    jerky motion. &hakey had a camera, arangefinder, bump sensors and a radio link. &hakey #as the first robot

    that could reason about its actions. %his means that &hakey could be given very general commands, and that

    the robot #ould figure out the necessary steps to accomplish the given task.

    %he &oviet Gnion e9plores the surface of the unkno#n planet #ith >unokhod 1, a lunar rover.

    1VWYIn its Niking program the K& sends t#o unmanned spacecraft to ars 3ho# could they take picture

    for its mobile motion$ (here #as the (ebcam installed$5 .


    %he interest of the public in robots rises, resulting in robots that could be purchased for home use. %hese

    robots served entertainment or educational purposes. C9amples include the F;X, #hich still e9ists todayand the HC series.

    %he &tanford Eart is no# able to navigate its #ay through obstacle courses and make maps of its


    Carly 1V@7s

    %he team of Crnst 8ickmanns at Fundes#ehr Gniversity unich builds the first robot cars, driving up to ;;

    mph on empty streets.


    Hughes esearch >aboratories demonstrates the first cross6country map and sensor6based autonomous

    operation of a robotic vehicle.


    ark %ilden invents FC robotics.


    Ooseph Cngelberger, father of the industrial robotic arm, #orks #ith colleagues to design the first

    commercially available autonomous mobile hospital robots, sold by Helpmate. %he G& 8epartment of

    8efense funds the 8&6I project, based on the Eybermotion indoor security robot.


    Cdo. :ranzi, ndrJ uignard and :rancesco ondada developed )hepera, an autonomous small mobile

    robot intended for research activities. %he project #as supported by the >I6CL:> lab.


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    8ante I and 8ante II #ere developed by Earnegie ellon Gniversity. Foth #ere #alking robots used to

    e9plore live volcanoes.


    (ith guests on board, the t#in robot vehicles NaL and NI%6 of 8aimler6Fenz and Crnst 8ickmanns of

    GniF# drive more than one thousand kilometers on a Laris three6lane high#ay in standard heavy traffic atspeeds up to 1!7 kmRh. %hey demonstrate autonomous driving in free lanes, convoy driving, and lane

    changes left and right #ith autonomous passing of other cars.


    &emi6autonomous >NIKK steered a car coast6to6coast under computer control for all but about ;7 of the

    @;7 miles. %hrottle and brakes, ho#ever, #ere controlled by a human driver.


    In the same year, one of Crnst 8ickmanns' robot cars 3#ith robot6controlled throttle and brakes5 drove more

    than 1777 miles from unich to Eopenhagen and back, in traffic, at up to 17 mph, occasionally e9ecuting

    maneuvers to pass other cars 3only in a fe# critical situations a safety driver took over5. ctive vision #as

    used to deal #ith rapidly changing street scenes.


    %he Lioneer programmable mobile robot becomes commercially available at an affordable price, enabling a

    #idespread increase in robotics research and university study over the ne9t decade as mobile robotics

    becomes a standard part of the university curriculum.


    K& sends the ars Lathfinder #ith its rover &ojourner to ars. %he rover e9plores the surface,

    commanded from earth. &ojourner #as euipped #ith a hazard avoidance system. %his enabled &ojourner to

    autonomously find it s #ay through unkno#n martian terrain.


    &ony introduces ibo, a robotic dog capable of seeing, #alking and interacting #ith its environment. %he

    LackFot remote6controlled military mobile robot is introduced.


    &tart of the arm6bots project. arm bots resemble insect colonies. %ypically they consist of a largenumber of individual simple robots, that can interact #ith each other and together perform comple9 tasks.


    ppears oomba, a domestic autonomous mobile robot that cleans the floor.


    99on obotics purchases Intellibot, manufacturer of a line of commercial robots that scrub, vacuum, and

    s#eep floors in hospitals, office buildings and other commercial buildings. :loor care robots from Intellibot

    obotics >>E operate completely autonomously, mapping their environment and using an array of sensors

    for navigation an obstacle avoidance.


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    obosapien, a biomorphic toy robot designed by ark %ilden is commercially available.

    In '%he Eentibots Lroject' 177 autonomous robots #ork together to make a map of an unkno#n environment

    and search for objects #ithin the environment. In the first 8L rand Ehallenge competition, fully

    autonomous vehicles compete against each other on a desert course.


    Foston 8ynamics creates a uadruped robot intended to carry heavy loads across terrain too rough for



    &ony stops making ibo and Helpate halts production, but a lo#er6cost LatrolFot customizable

    autonomous service robot system becomes available as mobile robots continue the struggle to become

    commercially viable. %he G& 8epartment of 8efense drops the 8&6I project, but funds 8&6C, an

    autonomous field robot. %>K6ord, the first commercially available robot #ith grenade launcher and

    other integrated #eapons options, is released. Honda's simo learns to run and climb stairs.


    In the 8L Grban rand Ehallenge, si9 vehicles autonomously comple a comple9 course involving

    manned vehicles and obstacles. )iva &ystems clever robots proliferate in distribution operationsD these smart

    shelving units sort themselves according to the popularity of their contents. %he %ug becomes a popular

    means for hospitals to move large cabinets of stock from place to place, #hile the &peci6inder #ith

    otivity begins carrying blood and other patient samples from nurses' stations to various labs. &eekur, the

    first #idely available, non6military outdoor service robot, pulls a !6ton vehicle across a parking lot, drives

    autonomously indoors and begins learning ho# to navigate itself outside. ean#hile, LatrolFot learns to

    follo# people and detect doors that are ajar.


    Foston 8ynamics released video footage of a ne# generation Fig8og able to #alk on icy terrain and recover

    its balance #hen kicked from the side.


    %he ulti utonomous round6robotic International Ehallenge has teams of autonomous vehicles map a

    large dynamic urban environment, identify and track humans and avoid hostile objects.