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  • 8/6/2019 Bash Basics


    BASH Basics

    Keyboard Use

    ctrl+a move cursor to beginning of line

    ctrl+c end running program

    ctrl+d exit or logout

    ctrl+e move cursor to end of line

    ctrl+h backspacectrl+l clear screen

    ctrl+r search back through command

    ctrl+z suspend a program (not ending a program as ctrl-c)

    left/right arrows move the cursor

    up/down arrows browse through command history

    shift+page up browse forward through terminal buffer

    shift+page down browse back through terminal buffer

    tab command/file name completion

    tab+tab command/file name completion possibilities

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    cp date







    head -x



    ignore errrors

    info locate

    ls -



    more / less







    sort tail -x






    w / who / finger



    whoami/who am I

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    BASH Basics


    display list of options for the command

    search a database of command descriptions for pattern / to use when can't remember a command

    display the contents of a file

    change current working directory / "cd -" toggles between two directories

    copy file and directories - cp ~/* ./copies -rvdisplay systems date and time on stdout

    compare fn1 to fn2 display on stdout the lines that differ

    convert text file to Linux format

    display text on stdout

    end the bash session

    display the type of the file

    search for pattern in file

    display on stdout the first x lines of file (default 10)


    help files (info info for help on info)search a database of file system information for cmd

    display a listing of the directory or file some options: r=reverse a=all R=recurse l=long

    help files (man man for help on man) / q = quit / space bar = forward / b = backwards / "/ string" = search / n = next str

    create a new directory

    display on stdout one screen at a time / space bar = page forward / b = page backwards / q = quit / "/string" = search

    rename / move fn1 to fn2 or rename and move at the same time fn1 fn2

    change password of the current user

    display current working directory (print working directory)

    delete a file or directory - Ex: "rm * -r /" Ex2: rm * -rf = delete recursively and forces the deletion - so it won't ask for co

    delete an empty directory

    display environment variables

    sort then display file on stdoutdisplay on stdout the last x lines of file (default 10)

    update the time stamp / create a file if it doesn't exist / syntax = touch filename

    display system information

    remove adjacent duplicate lines from file then display on stdout

    convert text file to Windows format

    display how long system has been running

    show logged on users

    search standard Linux directories for cmd

    search the directories in the environment variable PATH for cmd

    display on stdout current effective userid

    display help for bash builtin commands (help alone lists all)

    display command history - !number

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    Command Option


    Syntax: ls [options] [file] [directory] ls -l /etc

    ls -a "-a"

    ls -h "-h"

    ls -l "-l"

    ls -r "-r"

    ls -R "-R"

    ls -s "-s"

    ls -S "-S"

    ls -t "-t"


    ls -l /etc

    ls -l /home/rich/www

    ls -al /home

    ls -ash

    ls -lash "-lash"

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    List directory contents

    The ls command will list the files and directories within the current working directory (the directory you are currently in

    A file or directory can be specified - wildcards like * can be use to refer to several files.

    will show you ALL the files in the directory, including hidden files

    will show the size in "human readable format" (ie: 4K, 16M, 1G etc). Must be use in conjunction with the -s option.

    reverse order while sorting

    will the subdirectories recursively, which means it will show ALL the directories and files within the specified directory.

    will also show you the size of the files (in blocks, not bytes)

    sorts by file size

    sorts by modification time

    Lists ALL the files and directories in the /home directory, in the long listing format.

    long listing sorted by name including all files (including hidden files) and shows the file size in human readable format

    which will give you a long listing format (which shows more info than just the file names - the owner, size, date last mosorts by name

    Lists ALL the files in the current directory (no directory was specified so it lists the contents of the current directory),and the size of the files/directories, written in 'human readable' format.

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    find / -name filename

    find - name "FileName.filenAme"

    find -size 100k

    find -size +100kfind -size -100k

    find -empty -type -f

    find -iname "filename"

    find -inum [inode number]

    find -maxdepth 2 -name filename

    find / -maxdepth 3 -name filename

    find -mindepth 3 -maxdepth 5 -name f

    find -maxdepth 1 -not -iname "pattern

    find ~ -empty

    find . -maxdepth 1 -empty

    find -type s

    find -type d

    find -type f

    find . -type f -name ".*"

    find -type d -name ".*"

    find -nouser

    find -user root -o -user www-data

    find -not -user www-data

    find -user www-data -not -size +100k

    find -atime

    find -mtime

    find -ctime

    find -mtime +2

    find -mtime +2 -mtime -5

    find also has the -amin, -cmin, and -m

    find -name filename

    find -group groupname.

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    Explanation (default action)

    find file under all sub-directories starting from root directory.

    use " " to search by filename exactly as specified

    find files that are 100k in size

    return any files larger than 100kreturn anything smaller.

    find files that are empty (-type -f so find does not include directories as empty files)

    Find Files Using Name and Ignoring Case

    Finding Files by its inode Number

    Find file under root and one level down. (i.e root level 1, and one sub-directory level 2

    Find file under root and two levels down. (i.e root level 1, and two sub-directories leve

    Find file between sub-directory level 2 and 4

    Shows the files or directories whose name are not pattern only under current directory

    Find all empty files (zero byte file) in your home directory and its subdirectory

    List all the empty files only in your working directory.

    Find only the socket files

    Find all directories and subdirectories in the current working directory

    Find only the normal files in the current working directory and subdirectories

    Find all the hidden files

    Find all the hidden directories

    find files without ownership

    find all files that are owned by root or by www-data

    search for all files owned by a user that are not larger than a certain size

    search for all files owned by a group

    Search by access time

    Search by last time file was modified

    Search by last time it was changed

    look for any files that have not been modified in the last two days

    Two or more days ago, but not more than five days ago.

    work with minutes instead of days.

    find will display the location of the file or files that match that name

    find all files that aren'towned by a user

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    l 2 and 3 )

  • 8/6/2019 Bash Basics



    grep [pattern] filenamegrep "literal_string" filename

    grep "string" FILE_PATTERN

    grep [pattern] -w

    grep ["pattern pattern"]

    grep [pattern] -i

    grep -i "string" FILEgrep -iw "is" demo_file

    grep [pattern] -v

    grep -v "go" demo_text

    grep -v -e "pattern" -e "pattern"

    grep [pattern] -r

    grep -r "ramesh" *

    grep [pattern] -c

    grep -c "pattern" filename

    grep -c this demo_filegrep -v -c this demo_file

    grep -l this demo_*

    grep -o "is.*line" demo_file

    grep -o -b "pattern" file

    grep -n "go" demo_text

    ^ (Caret)

    $ (Question)

    \ (Back Slash)

    [ ] (Brackets)

    [^ ]

    . (Period)* (Asterisk)





    grep -I -w [pattern] *

    grep smug files

    grep '^smug' files

    grep 'smug$' files

    grep '^smug$' files

    grep '\^s' filesgrep '[Ss]mug' files

    grep 'B[oO][bB]' files

    grep '^$' files

    grep '[0-9][0-9]' file

    grep b.b

    grep '^From: ' /usr/mail/$USER

    grep '[a-zA-Z]'

    grep '[^a-zA-Z0-9]

    grep '[0-9]\{3\}-[0-9]\{4\}'

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    grep '^.$'

    grep '"smug"'

    grep '"*smug"*'

    grep '^\.'

    grep '^\.[a-z][a-z]'

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    Explanation (default action)

    searches filename for pattern anywhere in a lineSearch for the given string in a single file

    Checking for the given string in multiple files

    searches for a whole word

    use "pattern" to search for strings including spaces and special characters

    ignore case while searching - grep is case sensitive

    Case insensitive search using grep -iChecking for full words, not for sub-strings using grep -w

    display the lines that do not match the specified pattern / searches for everything except the keyword provided

    Invert match using grep -v

    display the lines which does not matches all the given pattern.

    searches in all files recursively (whole tree)

    Searching in all files recursively using grep -r

    count maches of whatever pattern

    Counting the number of matches using grep -c

    find out how many lines matches the patternfind out how many lines that does not match the pattern

    Display only the file names which matches the given pattern using grep

    Show only the matched string

    Show the position of match in the line

    Show line number while displaying the output using grep -n

    match expression at the start of a line, as in ^A

    match expression at the end of a line, as in A$

    turn off the special meaning of the next character, as in \^

    match any one of the enclosed characters, use Hyphen "-" for a range, as in [0-9]

    match any one character except those enclosed in [ ], as in [^0-9]

    match a single character of any value, except end of linematch zero or more of the preceding character or expression

    match x to y occurrences of the preceding

    match exactly x occurrences of the preceding

    match x or more occurrences of the preceding

    searches files in the current working directory for pattern in any case

    {search files for lines with 'smug'}

    {'smug' at the start of a line}

    {'smug' at the end of a line}

    {lines starting with '^s', "\" escapes the ^}{search for 'Smug' or 'smug'}

    {search for BOB, Bob, BOb or BoB }

    {search for blank lines}

    {search for pairs of numeric digits}

    search for "bob", "bib", "b-b"

    {list your mail}

    {any line with at least one letter}

    {anything not a letter or number}

    {999-9999, like phone numbers}

    {lines containing only 'smug'}

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    {lines with exactly one character}

    {'smug' within double quotes}

    {'smug', with or without quotes}

    {any line that starts with a Period "."}

    {line start with "." and 2 lc letters}

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    compress zcat


    gzip gz

    gunzip gz

    bzip2 bz2

    bzcat bz2

    bunzip2 bz2

    zip zip

    unzip zip

    tar -f

    tar -f tar

    tar -jf / tar-f --bzip tbz2

    tar -zf / tar-f --gzip tgz

    tar -zf / tar-f --compress tZOptions:

    -c / -- create

    -t / --list

    -x / --extract

    -v / --verbose


    tar -cf filename.

    tar -cf file.tar file1 file2 file3

    tar -czf file.tgz file1 file2 file3

    tar -cjf file.tbz2 file1 file2 file3

    tar -tjf file.tbz2tar -xzf file.tgz




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    Explanation (default action)

    compress filesview content of file zipped with compress

    decompress files

    compress filename into .gz files

    decompress .gz files

    compress filename into bz2 file

    view content of file zipped with compress or gzip

    decompress files

    compress filename into zip file

    decompress files

    package together - no compression

    compress using bzip2

    compress using gzip

    compress using compress





    create an archive containing 3 files

    same archive compressed using gzip algorithm

    same archive compressed using bzip2 algorithm

    list the contents of the bzip2 tar ballextract the contents of the gzip tar ball

    will tell compression utility used