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Tree number T002 Species Populus nigra 'Italica'

Observations There is a column of decay from the base of the tree (Image 2.) extending up the eastern side of the trunk. This tree has been reduced in height in the past (Indicated in image 1.) with decay evident at old reduction points. This re-growth is now subject to higher wind loading which leaves it susceptible to failure and falling from height over the footpath.

Works Specification

Crown reduce to sound wood, 3m below last reduction points, thereby minimising the wind profile of this tree and removing decay from old wounds. This will also reduce mechanical stresses to the decayed main stem, reducing the risk of whole and partial tree failure, thereby extending its beneficial & safe life-expectancy.

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Tree number T005 Species Populus x canadensis

Observations This tree has a progressive lean due to being subordinate to the larger adjacent tree and is resting on and being supported by a private Horse Chestnut tree on the adjacent land. Remedial pruning works will be beneficial to reduce the loading on the adjacent tree, reducing the risk of whole tree failure, thereby extending its beneficial & safe life-expectancy.

Works Specification

Crown reduce by approx 14m (Precise reduction point to be determined by climber.) and manage as smaller riverside pollard.

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Tree number T008.2 Species Sambucus nigra

Observations Fungal decay at base and weak main fork

Works Specification Removed decayed limb OH footpath, retain upright stems

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Tree number T011 Species Populus x canadensis

Observations The lower trunk up is riddled with decay fungi indicative of Ganoderma species (Image 1). There is serious destabilisation of lower trunk and there are signs of an ongoing slow failure of this tree trunk as-a-whole. Metal probe pushed in 400mm to hilt with no resistance. Would go in further (Indicated in Image 2 & 3.). While the preservation of standing dead timber of is welcome and ecologically beneficial. This tree has reached a point where the question of public safety, overrides the benefits of retaining this dead tree as it stands.

Works Specification

Recommendations: Fell standing stem and leave trunk in-situ along the side of the footpath to retain its ecological benefit. NB. The very poor structural condition of this tree dictates that it should not be climbed!

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Tree number T012 Species Salix alba

Observations Fungus & decay; Bark wounds; Cracked / included bark; Leaning; old pruning wound. Two heavily leaning limbs over footpath. Signs of honey fungus at base of tree with decay, also a weak union at base between stems (Indicated image 1). Weak forks & minor cavities. The presence of decay fungi and cavities coupled with the weak unions near the base of the main stems presents a very real risk of failure which Willow has a propensity for, even when healthy.

Works Specification

Coppice to 1m stumps (But just above main fork on main stem retaining split fork) and allow for future regenerative regrowth from retained stumps and rootstock as per historic riverside coppice management.

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Tree number T013 Species Populus nigra 'Italica'

Observations Structurally weak compression fork at base of main stems with extensive internal decay present (Indicated by PICUS Tomograph) and decay fungi Pholiota squarrosa found at base (Image 1). Essential Coppicing of adjacent tree will expose this tree to increased wind-speeds. Condition is such that it is susceptible to whole tree failure. Metal probe pushed in to approx. 300mm before resistance was met (Indicated in Image 2 & 3.).

Works Specification

Coppice to 1m stumps and allow for regenerative regrowth from retained stumps and rootstock as per historic riverside coppice management.

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Tree number T014 Species Populus x canadensis

Observations Signs of decay fungi at base of tree and decay cavities in main limbs throughout the tree. This tree has been reduced to a pollard framework in the past with decay evident at old reduction points. This re-growth is now subject to higher wind loading which leaves it susceptible to failure. Remedial pruning works are necessary to reduce the mechanical stress and loading at these points of weakness, reducing the risk of whole or partial tree failure, thereby extending its beneficial & safe life-expectancy.

Works Specification

Recommendations: Aerial inspection (Where safe and practicable) to check cavities for bat potential and to assess the structural integrity of the tree. Crown reduce to 16-18m in height. Reduce lateral limbs extending to the East to lessen the weight and on this side, thereby moving the centre of gravity closer the centre of the tree. This will reduce mechanical stresses to the main stem and the risk of whole or partial tree failure, including falling regrowth from height, over the Towpath. The aim is to extend the trees beneficial & safe life-expectancy by allowing it to regrow and be maintained as smaller riverside pollard. (NB. Pruning height subject to change dependent on the results of the Aerial inspection)

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Tree number T015 Species Populus x canadensis

Observations There is emergent Ganoderma decay fungi brackets at base of tree on the riverside (Image 2) and signs of Hornet Moth, tree has heartwood decay but at least 50cm intact radius. No obvious signs of the main stem being seriously structurally compromised at this time. However, the regrowth from the last pruning has grown to a size where it is susceptible to failure.

Works Specification

Reduce crown below previous reduction points by approximately 2-3m (Pruning point dependent on decay at old reduction points, to be determined by climber). Allow to regrow and maintain as smaller riverside pollard.

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Tree number T022 Species Platanus x hispanica

Observations Old pollard; Epicormic growths; Old pruning wounds; Jagged wound; Epicormic growths; Stubs; Major cavities; Fungus & decay. The is an old re-grown pollard and has a large wound in main the trunk where a part of the tree has failed in the past (Indicated in image 1). It has been previously reduced in the past to due to this structural defect.

Works Specification

Aerial inspection to check cavities for bat potential and to assess the structural integrity of the tree. Reduce in height back to approx. 3m above the large trunk wound to remove mechanical stresses at the major decay point on the main stem to mitigate tree failure. (Pruning point to be determined by climber) Allow to regrow and maintain as smaller riverside pollard.

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Tree number T028 Species Populus canescens

Observations The low limb overhanging the adjacent school is decayed at the point of an old pruning wound where the limb used to fork. This represents a deteriorating failure point for this limb and need to be rectified.

Works Specification

Recommendations: Reduce limb OH school to a 3m Stump (indicated image 1) NB. School will need to notified and access to site may be necessary?

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Tree number T034 Species Aesculus hippocastanum

Observations Major deadwood in canopy overhangs school and branches interfering with adjacent building

Works Specification

Remove major deadwood, reduce branches on building side by 2.5m

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Tree number T038 Species Populus alba

Observations Resistograph and PICUS show significant asymmetrical decay. Decay is likely to be more severe below ground level. Cavities and decay fungi Laetiporus sulfureus present on lower main stem (Images 2 & 3). Tree overhangs school grounds. Remedial pruning works are necessary to reduce the mechanical stress and loading at these points of weakness, reducing the risk of whole or partial tree failure, thereby extending its beneficial & safe life-expectancy.

Works Specification

Aerial inspection to check cavities in tree for bat potential and to assess the structural integrity of the tree. Reduce to truncated pollard just above main fork at approx 5m, retaining cavities and bat friendly features and allow for regrowth. (Final height to be determined by climber). Maintain as smaller riverside pollard on short pruning cycle.

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Tree number T039 Species Populus alba

Observations Significant cavities and decay fungi (Laetiporus sulfureus) present at main fork which heightens the real risk of tree failure. Remedial pruning works are necessary to reduce the mechanical stress and loading at these points of weakness, reducing the risk of whole or partial tree failure, thereby extending the trees beneficial & safe life-expectancy. NB. Possible signs that bats may be present (Image 3)

Works Specification

Reduce to truncated pollard framework at approximately 7m while retaining bat friendly features (Final height to be determined by climber). Maintain as smaller riverside pollard on short pruning cycle.

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Tree number T040 Species Acer platanoides

Observations Major deadwood in crown and over towpath; Tar spots on trunk, possible necrotic tissue under bark; Tree encroaching on nearby building

Works Specification

Remove major deadwood, reduce branches on building side by 2.5m. Continue to monitor condition.

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Tree number T041 Species Acer platanoides

Observations Significant loss of bark and dead tissue on one side of main stem extending into crown (Image 2); Die-back in crown; Major deadwood; Snapped and broken branches due to deteriorating condition of tree; Tree susceptible to crown failure.

Works Specification

Retrenchment pruning. Reduce to a more structurally sound pollard framework at approximately 6-7 metres (Final height to be determined by climber). Pruning necessary to lessen remove mechanical stresses and loading within entire tree to mitigate the risk of partial or whole tree failure. This will allow us to safely manage this tree obvious decline while extending the trees ecological benefits as standing timber.

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Tree number T043 Species Populus alba

Observations Small decay fungi Pholiota squarrosa found at base (Image 2) and Laetiporus sulfureus on truncated low limb. However, decay detecting investigations show no signs of extensive internal decay at present.

Works Specification

Remove major deadwood only, girdle ivy at base, continue to monitor with regular inspections.

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Tree number T057 Species Acer platanoides.

Observations Significant loss of bark and dead tissue on one side of main stem extending into crown; Die-back in crown; Major deadwood; Snapped and broken branches due to deteriorating condition of tree; Tree susceptible to crown failure.

Works Specification

Aerial inspection (Where safe and practicable) to check cavities in tree for bat potential and to assess the structural integrity of the tree. Crown reduce to approx. 6m above ground level and retain bat friendly features. (Final reduction point to be determined by climber). Leave standing stem for habitat.

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Tree number T059 Species Acer platanoides

Observations Major dead wood; Old pruning wounds; Stubs; Minor cavities; Damage/wounding Fungus or decay; Bark wounds; Cavities; Minor cavities. Tree has major decay at rear of tree and is in obvious decline. The proximity of the tree to the boundary of the School playground dictates that remedial pruning works must be undertaken to mitigate the risk of crown failure. Bat friendly features present. Significant decay and cavities throughout tree, in particular a large wound above the 2nd major fork that needs inspecting.

Works Specification

Aerial inspection (Where safe and practicable) to check cavities in tree for bat potential and to assess the structural integrity of the tree. Crown reduce to approx. 5m above ground level, retaining bat friendly features, reduce major limb over children's playground, reduce low lateral branches. (Final reduction point to be determined by climber). Leave standing stem for habitat.

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Tree number T104 Species Populus x canadensis

Observations Branch stubs; Old pruning wounds; Minor cavities. Tree now exposed to higher wind loading due to fallen adjacent poplar. It has been reduced in height in the past with decay evident at old reduction points. The re-growth from these points is now subject to higher wind loading which leaves it susceptible to failure and falling from height over the footpath. Remedial pruning works should be undertaken to minimise the hazard while retaining as much of the tree as possible.

Works Specification

Aerial inspection (Where safe and practicable) to check cavities in tree for bat potential and to assess the structural integrity of the tree. Reduce tree to a more structurally sound pollard framework approx 7m below last reduction points (Final height to be determined by climber). Allow regrowth and maintain as smaller riverside pollard.

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Tree number T109 Species Populus x canadensis

Observations Damage / wounding; Minor dead wood; Old pruning wounds; Epicormic growths; Jagged Stubs;Pollard;Minor cavities; Major cavities Tree now exposed to higher wind loading due to fallen adjacent poplar. There is major decay and cavities at main trunk union from historic storm damage. Probability of major structural failure at this point is high. Remedial pruning works should be undertaken to minimise the hazard while retaining as much of the tree as possible.

Works Specification

Aerial inspection (Where safe and practicable) to check cavities in tree for bat potential and to assess the structural integrity of the tree. Reduce tree to a more structurally sound pollard framework of 1-2m above main fork (Final height to be determined by climber). Allow regrowth and maintain as smaller riverside pollard

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Tree number T119 Species Salix fragilis

Observations Minor dead wood; Old pruning wounds; Cavities; Epicormic growths; Old pollard, Major cavities; Minor cavities; Stubs. Crack Willow, as name suggests this species has a propensity for shedding limbs and as an old pollard, this risk is heightened due to the inherently weak nature of the re-growth.

Works Specification

Reduce tree back to the structurally sound, previous pollard framework of 1-2m. Allow regrowth and maintain as smaller riverside pollard.

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Tree number T120 Species Populus x canadensis

Observations Damage / wounding; Minor deadwood; Major deadwood; Old pruning wounds; Cavities; Epicormic growths; Stubs; Old pollard; Minor cavities & Major cavities. Tree condition has deteriorated to the point where structural failure of main limbs of this tree is high. Undertake remedial pruning works to minimise the hazard while retaining as much of the tree as possible.

Works Specification

Aerial inspection (Where safe and practicable) to check cavities in tree for bat potential and to assess the structural integrity of the tree. Reduce tree to a more structurally sound pollard framework of approx 17m (Indicated image 1). This will reduce mechanical stresses to the main stem and the risk of partial tree failure, including falling regrowth from height, over the Towpath. The aim is to extend the trees beneficial & safe life-expectancy by allowing it to regrow and be maintained as smaller riverside pollard. NB. Pruning height subject to change dependent on findings of the climbing inspection. Girdle Ivy and clear from base to aid inspection of trunk.

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Tree number T121 Species Populus x canadensis

Observations Damage / wounding; Minor deadwood; Major deadwood; Old pruning wounds; Cavities; Epicormic growths; Stubs; Old pollard; Minor cavities & Major cavities. Tree condition has deteriorated to the point where structural failure of main limbs of this tree is high. Undertake remedial pruning works to minimise the hazard while retaining as much of the tree as possible.

Works Specification

Aerial inspection (Where safe and practicable) to check cavities in tree for bat potential and to assess the structural integrity of the tree. Reduce tree to a more structurally sound pollard framework of approx 15m. Reduce lateral limbs extending over Towpath to lessen the weight and on this side and move the centre of gravity closer the centre of the tree. This will reduce mechanical stresses to the main stem and the risk of partial tree failure, including falling regrowth from height over the Towpath. The aim is to extend the trees beneficial & safe life-expectancy by allowing it to regrow and be maintained as smaller riverside pollard. NB. Pruning height subject to change dependent on findings of the climbing inspection. Girdle Ivy and clear from base to aid inspection of trunk.

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Tree number T123 Species Populus x canadensis

Observations Notes: Damage / wounding; Minor deadwood; Major deadwood; Old pruning wounds; Cavities; Epicormic growths; Stubs; Old pollard; Minor cavities & Major cavities. Stress marks / slime flux. Decay fungi (Rigidoporus ulmarius) present *Major decay and weakness at main fork Tree condition has deteriorated to the point where structural failure of main limbs of this tree is significantly high. Undertake remedial pruning works to minimise the hazard while retaining as much of the tree as is safe.

Works Specification

Recommendation: Aerial inspection (Where safe and practicable) to check cavities in tree for bat potential and to assess the structural integrity of the tree. Reduce tree to a structurally sound pollard framework approx 15m. This will reduce mechanical stresses to the main stem and the risk of partial tree failure, including falling regrowth from height over footpath. The aim is to extend the trees beneficial & safe life-expectancy, by allowing it to regrow and be maintained as smaller riverside pollard. NB. Pruning height subject to change dependent on findings of the aerial inspection.

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Tree number T128 Species Populus x canadensis

Observations Damage / wounding; Minor deadwood; Major deadwood; Old pruning wounds; Cavities; Epicormic growths; Stubs; Old pollard; Minor cavities & Major cavities. Decay at 1m AGL. Resistograph test was carried out at a lower level and decay was more severe. Major basal decay fungi (Rigidoporus ulmarius) present. Tree condition has deteriorated to the point where structural failure of the whole tree or main limbs is high. Undertake remedial pruning works to minimise the hazard while retaining as much of the tree as is safe.

Works Specification

Aerial inspection (Where safe and practicable) to check cavities in tree for bat potential and to assess the structural integrity of the tree. Reduce tree to a more structurally sound pollard framework approx 2-4m above the main fork. This will reduce mechanical stresses to the main stem and the risk of partial tree failure, including falling regrowth from height over footpath. The aim is to extend the trees beneficial & safe life-expectancy by allowing it to regrow and be maintained as smaller riverside pollard. NB. Pruning height subject to change dependent on findings of the aerial inspection.

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Tree number T130 Species Populus x canadensis

Observations Damage / wounding; Minor deadwood; Major deadwood; Old pruning wounds; Cavities; Epicormic growths; Stubs; Old pollard; Minor cavities & Major cavities. *Major decay cavities and weakness throughout crown of tree, significant dieback and deterioration of upper crown structure! Tree condition has deteriorated to the point where structural failure of main limbs is high. Undertake remedial pruning works to minimise the hazard while retaining as much of the tree as is safe.

Works Specification

Aerial inspection (Where safe and practicable) to check cavities in tree for bat potential and to assess the structural integrity of the tree. Reduce tree to a more structurally sound pollard framework above main fork at approx. 11m. Allow regrowth and maintain safely as smaller riverside pollard. NB. Pruning height subject to change dependent on findings of the aerial inspection.

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Tree number T138 Species Fraxinus excelsior

Observations Damage / wounding; Minor deadwood; Major deadwood; Old pruning wounds; Cavities; Epicormic growths; Stubs; Old pollard; Minor cavities & Major cavities. PICUS shows extensive decay at base of tree. Major decay cavities and weakness throughout crown of tree and deterioration of upper crown structure!

Works Specification

Aerial inspection (Where safe and practicable) to check cavities in tree for bat potential, Owl and Kestrel nesting sites and to assess the structural integrity of the tree. Reduce tree to a more structurally sound pollard framework above the 2nd major fork, retain limbs on Western side as counterbalance. This will lessen the weight and on the eastern side and move the centre of gravity closer to the base of the tree. This will reduce mechanical stresses to the main stem and the risk of whole or partial tree failure. NB. Pruning height subject to change dependent on findings of the aerial inspection. Allow regrowth and maintain safely as smaller riverside pollard.

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Tree number T140 Species Acer saccharinum

Observations Minor dead wood; Cavities; Old pruning wounds; Epicormic growths; Stubs; Minor cavities, Cracked / included bark, Stubs; Tight union; Minor cavities; Weak compression fork. The tree appears to be an old re-grown pollard and has a weak union in the main fork with an obvious fracture extending down into the main stem. This is showing signs of movement which is becoming progressively more unstable (Highlighted in smaller images). This is a deteriorating point of failure and need to be remedied.

Works Specification

Aerial inspection (Where safe and practicable) to check cavities in tree for bats. Reduce in height back to the previous pollard points just above the main stem (Approx 3m) to stabilise main stem and mitigate whole tree failure. Allow regrowth and maintain safely as smaller riverside pollard.

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Tree number T141 Species Acer saccharinum

Observations Minor dead wood; Major fungal decay & cavities; Old pruning wounds; Epicormic growths; Stubs; Minor cavities, Cracked / included bark, Stubs; Tight union; Weak compression fork. The tree appears to be an old re-grown pollard and has a major decay cavity where a part of the tree has failed in the past. This is a point of failure and need to be remedied.

Works Specification

Reduce in height back to the previous pollard point just above the main stem (Approx 2.5 - 3m). Removal of the remaining branches will remove the source of mechanical stress at the major decay point on the main stem and mitigate the risk whole tree failure. Allow regrowth and maintain safely as smaller riverside pollard.

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