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Barnard College--Columbia University Economics W44-3ox Marxist Econor.-iic Theory

Duncan K. Fol0y Lehman leo 5 28 0-34 54 Office Hours: Open: T, Th, 2-2:40

Signup: W, 2-4 or by appolntment o

Fall 1979

This course will be a systemat:tc and Harx 1 s economic theory, his critique follow Marx's own \'/Ork closelyl -with nodern commentaries and extensions. from basic concepts to discussion of

rigorous exposition of


of capitalism. It will c0nsiderable attention to Each topic will be developed disputed and controversial

Required Work: A paper of about 15 pages. 50%; A final examination ,, 501i

Readings: 1filY: K. Marx, Capital, Volumes I, II, III (International Publishers)

�. s,�eezy, The 'fheory) of Capitalist De:velopmerit

(Honthly Review Press

I. I. RuM.n, Essa.ys on Marx's Theory of Value(Black & Red Press, Box 9546, Detroit, Hicl"1iEan 11-8202)

Othe:r bookS on the reading list are on reserve at Uris Library. Some have been ordered throu�h the Columbia bookstoTe.

In the core. topics

TeadinE.?: list that folloHS, You are invited to explore of' interest to you.

I Philosophy and 1-fethod

Starred items represent a basic further the uhstarred items on

*Marx, _"IntrOduction to the Grundrisse 11 in A Contrj_bution to theCrHigug_ of. Political Economy, ed. M. Dobb (International :Publishers);also in Marx, Grundrisse, tr. M. Nicolaus (Penguin) and in Carver, ed o ,Karl Marx: Texts on Nethod (Barnes and Noble)

allSweezy, ch 1

*Rubin, ch 1-3

R. Rosdolsky, The 1fakine of Narx 1 s 1Capital 1 , London, Pluto Press, 1977ch 2, 34

S. Avineri, ·The Social and Political Thour,ht of ICarl Harx, Cambridge,Cambridge University l'ress, 19b8, ch 1-6

L. Althusser and E. Balibar, Roading Ca-;:dtal, London, Ne1•i LeftBooks, 1970, ch 6-9


Barnard College _ Columbia UniversityEconomics W4430x page 6 Marxist Economic Theory

Fall, 1979 Duncan K. Foley

C, Palloix, "The Internation-;lizat�on of_Capital and the Circuitof Social Capital," in Radice, cited above

Patnaik, "A Note on Extern<'j.l Markets and Capitalist Development,"P, Economic Journal, 82, December 1972, PP• 1316-1323

R, Luxemburg, The Accumulation of Capital (New York1 MonthlyReview Press, 1968)

XII, Monopoly Capital and the State

*Sweezy, Ch. 1J-15 . . . Sweezy, P,, "On the Theory of Monopoly �apitalism," Monthly, Rev7ew

23, April 1972, PP• 1-24 (also in P, Sweezy, Modern Capital­ism and Other Essays, PP• 25-52)

J, steindl "On Maturity in Capitalist Economies," in Problems of'Economic D arnics and Plannin ·1 Essa s in Honor of Michal Kalecki New Yorki Pergamon Press, 19 , .PP• 423-432,

J, Steindl, Maturit and Sta nation in American Ca itali'sm (New York; Monthly Review, 197

P. Baran and P, Sweezy, Monopoly Capital (New York: Monthly ReviewPress, 1966) Ch, 1-7

M, Kalecki 1 Theory of Economic Dynamics (London1 Allen & Unwin, 1954), Ch, 1, 2

M, Kalecki, Selected Essa s in the D amics of the Ca italist Economy New Yorks Cambridge University Press, 1971 , Ch, 12

I. Gough, "State Expenditure in Advanced Capitalism," New LeftReview 92, July-August, 1975

B, Fine and L, Harris, Rereading Ca!ital, Ch, 6, 8R, Boddy and J, Crotty, "Class ConFict and Macro-policy1 The

Poli tic al Business Cycle," Review of Radical Poli tic al Economics, 7(1), Spring 1975, pp. 1-19

D, Foley, "State Expenditure from a Marxist Perspective," Journal of Public Economics 9 (1978), pp. 221-238

J, O'Connor, The Fiscal Crisis of the State (New York1 St. Martin's Press, 1973

P, Marrick, Marx and Keynes1 The Limits of the Mixed Economy (Boston: Porter Sargent, 1969)

�. DeBrunhoff, The State, Capital and Economic Policy (Landoni Pluto Press, 1978)

R, Miliband, The State in Capitalist Society (New York1 Basic Books, 1969)

