Download - Barga - Gioiello d'arte medievale


The Duomo of Barga is the most important religious building in the town. The cathedral is built in a Romanesque style of architecture which is quite typical to this valley. Built between the 11th and 15th century, the cathedral has a limestone façade. The interior of the cathedral is quite impressive; there is a single nave with two aisles. In the central nave is the jewel of Barga, a superb pulpit, attributed to Guido Bigarelli or one of his students (XIII century). Marble columns hold up the rectangular case, but the decorations are what impress: the faces of the pulpit depict scenes from the life of Jesus, the prophets and evangelical symbols. The symbolism of these images must have impressed the faithful of Barga for centuries.

The facade is adorned by a double row of small arches carved with human figures, animals, and other decorations.

On the side door facing north there is a splendid architrave decorated with a bas-relief attributed to the Lucca artist, Biduino (12th c.), carefully restored

Next to the right-hand pluteus, there’s the famous pulpit dating back to the second half of the 12th century attributed to Guido Bigarelli, known as Guido da Como

the back side of the pulpit Il Battista

In the left section the Adoration of the Magi is depicted, but is blocked by a group of figures representing the four Evangelists. The human figure represents Mathew, the lion, Mark, the ox, Luke and the eagle, John.

In the section on the right is the figure of the prophet Isaiah. In the front there is a representation of the Annunciation and the Birth of Christ with an inscription in Latin which explains the symbolism.

representation of the Annunciation

A crucifix painted in the later part of

the 1400's has finally found its way back onto the wall of the Duomo

after being away at Lucca for restoration work that took over 25 years to complete

The church has a dividing wall made of shining stone known as jasper, the same stone used to cover the walls of the Cappella dei Principi, in the Church of San Lorenzo in Florence.

Pluteo details

Sound: Jan Garbarek - Pace mihi Domine

Text and pictures: Internet

This page: Barga - Mirka Ballabeni

Copyright: All the images belong to their authors

Presentation: Sanda Foişoreanu