Download - Banking System of Japan Financial Data

  • 8/12/2019 Banking System of Japan Financial Data


    INTERIM FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF ALL BANKS1.Balance sheets (September 30, 2012)

    Type of Banks(number of banks) A. All Ba

    Title amount share(%)

    a LIABILITIESDeposits 615,710,550 71.2Negotiable certificates of deposit 51,669,287 6.0Debentures 464,833 0.1Call money 22,411,886 2.6Payables under repurchase agreements 15,449,501 1.8Payables under securities lending transactions 14,270,873 1.6Bills sold Commercial papers 1,962,761 0.2Trading liabilities 12,927,128 1.5Borrowed money 31,897,309 3.7Foreign exchanges 1,434,680 0.2

    Short-term bonds payable 328,215 0.0Bonds payable 14,911,546 1.7Bonds with subscription rights to shares 48,052 0.0Borrowed money from trust account 4,038,554 0.5Other liabilities 17,014,138 2.0

    Income taxes payable 335,498Lease obligations 155,012Asset retirement obligations 61,296

    rovision or onuses 105,047 0.0Provision for directors' bonuses 536 0.0Provision for retirement benefits 541,976 0.1Provision for directors' retirement benefits 12,097 0.0Other reserves 276,163 0.0Reserves under the special laws Deferred tax liabilities 95,476 0.0

    e erre tax ia i ities or an reva uation 669,833 0.1Acceptances and guarantees 16,835,171 1.9Total liabilities 823,076,119 95.1b NET ASSETS

    Capital stock 11,301,564 1.3Deposit for subscriptions to shares Capital surplus 12,626,455 1.5

    Legal capital surplus 7,512,667Other capital surplus 5,113,773Retained earnings 16,057,045 1.9

    Legal retained earnings 1,458,113Other retained earnings 14,598,877Treasury stock 707,647 0.1Deposit for subscriptions to treasury stock

    Shareholders' equity 39,277,472 4.5Valuation difference on available-for-sale securities 1,598,276 0.2Deferred gains or losses on hedges 341,559 0.0Revaluation reserve for land 949,940 0.1Valuation and translation adjustments 2,889,786 0.3Subscription rights to shares 6,982 0.0Total net assets 42,174,308 4.9Total liabilities and net assets 865,250,486 100.0dASSETS

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    Cash and due from banks 38,518,828 4.5Call loans 17,797,740 2.1Receivables under resale agreements 1,292,869 0.1Receivables under securities borrowing transactions 4,856,659 0.6Bills bought 14,264 0.0Monetary claims bought 5,247,919 0.6Trading assets 19,447,185 2.2

    Trading account securities 148,436 0.0Money held in trust 825,835 0.1Securities 272,828,895 31.5Allowance for investment loss 60,024 0.0Loans and bills discounted 459,891,054 53.2Foreign exchanges 3,862,598 0.4Other assets 18,606,715 2.2

    Lease investment assets angi e ixe assets 6,456,676 0.7

    Intangible fixed assets 1,338,158 0.2Deferred debenture discounts 131 0.0Deferred tax assets 2,225,650 0.3Deferred tax assets for land revaluation Customers' liabilities for acceptances and guarantees 16,835,171 1.9Allowance for loan losses 4,836,654 0.6

    owance or investment oss 48,153 0.0Total assets 865,250,486 100.0

    2.Statements of income (April 1 / September 30, 2012)

    Type of Banks(number of banks) A. All Ba

    Title amount share(%)

    Ordinary income 7,838,186 100.0Interest income 4,798,317 61.2

    Interest on loans and discounts 3,475,330 44.3Interest and dividends on securities 1,121,385 14.3

    Fees and commissions 1,303,312 16.6Trading income 192,588 2.5Other ordinary income 1,062,424 13.6Other income 364,688 4.7Trust fees 116,656 1.5

    Ordinary expenses 6,257,246 100.0Interest expenses 841,934 13.5

    Interest on deposits 319,188 5.1Interest on debentures 1,385 0.0

    Fees and commissions payments 480,938 7.7Trading expenses 4,716 0.1Other ordinary expenses 218,268 3.5General and administrative expenses 3,391,251 54.2Other expenses 1,319,901 21.1

    Ordinary profit 1,580,881 25.3Extraordinary income 20,411 100.0Extraordinary loss 43,107 100.0Income before income taxes 1,558,154Income taxes-current 375,470Income taxes-deferred 8,431Total income taxes 383,908Net income 1,174,195Statements of changes in net assets Total shareholders' equityDividends from surplus 671,647

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    Directors' bonus Purchase of treasury stock 49,947Disposal of treasury stock 4,524

    1.Balance sheets (September 30, 2012)

    Type of Banks(number of banks)D. Member Banks of th

    Regional B

    Title amount share(%)

    a LIABILITIESDeposits 59,408,233 90.8Negotiable certificates of deposit 1,217,915 1.9Debentures Call money 36,097 0.1Payables under repurchase agreements Payables under securities lending transactions 79,862 0.1Bills sold Commercial papers Trading liabilities Borrowed money 590,718 0.9

    Foreign exchanges 1,437 0.0Short-term bonds payable Bonds payable 270,400 0.4Bonds with subscription rights to shares 7,100 0.0Borrowed money from trust account Other liabilities 377,687 0.6

    Income taxes payable 19,093Lease obligations 22,314Asset retirement obligations 3,192Provision for bonuses 17,384 0.0Provision for directors' bonuses 280 0.0Provision for retirement benefits 111,548 0.2Provision for directors' retirement benefits 3,907 0.0Other reserves 21,441 0.0

    Reserves under the special laws e erre tax ia i ities 4,406 0.0Deferred tax liabilities for land revaluation 82,070 0.1Acceptances and guarantees 229,774 0.4Total liabilities 62,460,412 95.5b NET ASSETS

    Capital stock 932,637 1.4Deposit for subscriptions to shares Capital surplus 718,844 1.1

    Legal capital surplus 562,407Other capital surplus 156,435Retained earnings 1,116,839 1.7

    Legal retained earnings 84,266Other retained earnings 1,032,549Treasury stock 17,503 0.0Deposit for subscriptions to treasury stock Shareholders' equity 2,750,839 4.2Valuation difference on available-for-sale securities 112,003 0.2Deferred gains or losses on hedges 413 0.0Revaluation reserve for land 108,686 0.2Valuation and translation adjustments 220,284 0.3Subscription rights to shares 527 0.0Total net assets 2,971,668 4.5Total liabilities and net assets 65,432,101 100.0

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    dASSETSCash and due from banks 2,410,647 3.7Call loans 1,863,742 2.8Receivables under resale agreements 25,000 0.0Receivables under securities borrowing transactions Bills bought Monetary claims bought 43,865 0.1

    Trading assets Trading account securities 14,092 0.0Money held in trust 26,738 0.0Securities 15,270,855 23.3Allowance for investment loss 27 0.0Loans and bills discounted 44,441,294 67.9Foreign exchanges 67,970 0.1Other assets 466,001 0.7

    ease investment assets Tangible fixed assets 786,071 1.2Intangible fixed assets 83,697 0.1Deferred debenture discounts Deferred tax assets 279,388 0.4Deferred tax assets for land revaluation Customers' liabilities for acceptances and guarantees 229,774 0.4

    owance or oan osses 574,140 0.9Allowance for investment loss 3,029 0.0Total assets 65,432,101 100.0

    2.Statements of income (April 1 / September 30, 2012)

    Type of Banks(number of banks)D. Member Banks of th

    Regional B

    Title amount share(%)

    Ordinary income 648,677 100.0Interest income 492,861 76.0

    Interest on loans and discounts 408,332 62.9

    Interest and dividends on securities 80,513 12.4Fees and commissions 80,086 12.3Trading income

    Other ordinary income 53,676 8.3Other income 21,996 3.4Trust fees

    Ordinary expenses 552,392 100.0Interest expenses 43,384 7.9

    Interest on deposits 33,968 6.1Interest on debentures

    Fees and commissions payments 48,322 8.7Trading expenses

    Other ordinary expenses 9,197 1.7General and administrative expenses 364,565 66.0Other expenses 86,848 15.7

    Ordinary profit 96,266 17.4Extraordinary income 3,442 100.0Extraordinary loss 2,670 100.0Income before income taxes 97,027Income taxes-current 11,487Income taxes-deferred 15,767Total income taxes 27,259Net income 69,751Statements of changes in net assets Total shareholders' equity

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    Dividends from surplus 22,954Directors' bonus Purchase of treasury stock 43Disposal of treasury stock 377

    CONSOLIDATED INTERIM FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF ALL BA1.Consolidated balance sheets (September 30, 2012)

    Type of Banks(number of banks) A. All Ba

    Title amount share(%)

    LIABILITIESDeposits 611,161,843 68.1

    egotia e certi icates o eposit 50,541,135 5.6e entures 462,133 0.1

    Call money and bills sold 22,842,103 2.5Payables under repurchase agreements 25,957,786 2.9Payables under securities lending transactions 18,410,326 2.1

    ommercia papers2,616,404 0.3

    ra ing ia i ities 20,083,312 2.2Borrowed money 33,286,358 3.7Foreign exchanges 1,366,364 0.2

    ort-term on s paya e 1,145,622 0.1on s paya e 16,430,286 1.8

    Bonds with subscription rights to shares 48,052 0.0Borrowed money from trust account 4,402,443 0.5Other liabilities 21,010,278 2.3

    rovision or onuses 142,302 0.0rovision or irectors onuses 692 0.0

    Provision for retirement benefits 639,704 0.1Provision for directors' retirement benefits 16,034 0.0Other reserves 319,422 0.0

    eserves un er t e specia aws 2,083 0.0

    e erre tax ia i ities 137,961 0.0Deferred tax liabilities for land revaluation 662,507 0.1Acceptances and guarantees 19,034,713 2.1Total liabilities 850,720,398 94.8

    Capital stock 11,073,894 1.2Deposit for subscriptions to shares Capital surplus 12,668,575 1.4

    etaine earnings 16,950,930 1.9reasury stoc 704,326 0.1

    Deposit for subscriptions to treasury stock Shareholders' equity 39,989,136 4.5Valuation difference on available-for-sale securities 1,557,315 0.2

    e erre gains or osses on e ges 57,593 0.0eva uation reserve or an 950,711 0.1

    Foreign currency translation adjustment 644,293 0.1Other 51,183 0.0Total valuation and translation adjustments 1,870,142 0.2

    u scription rig ts to s ares 6,982 0.0inority interests 5,174,812 0.6

    Total net assets 47,041,164 5.2Total liabilities and net assets 897,761,617 100.0

    as an ue rom an s 40,101,073 4.5

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    Call loans and bills bought 18,448,708 2.1Receivables under resale agreements 9,802,385 1.1Receivables under securities borrowing transactions 12,030,249 1.3

    onetary c aims oug t 7,294,252 0.8Trading assets 34,095,241 3.8Trading account securities 85,655 0.0Money held in trust 1,116,953 0.1

    ecurities 265,222,625 29.5owance or investment oss 27 0.0Loans and bills discounted 457,470,584 51.0Foreign exchanges 4,275,392 0.5Lease receivables and investment assets 1,608,164 0.2

    t er assets 21,227,015 2.4angi e ixe assets 6,816,040 0.8

    Intangible fixed assets 2,147,157 0.2Deferred debenture discounts 131 0.0Deferred tax assets 2,486,195 0.3

    e erre tax assets or an reva uation Customers' liabilities for acceptances and guarantees 19,034,713 2.1Allowance for loan losses 5,494,863 0.6Allowance for investment loss 6,558 0.0

    ota assets 897,761,617 100.0

    2.Consolidated statements of income (April 1 / September 30, 2012)Type of Banks(number of banks) A. All Ba

    Title amount share(%)

    r inary income 9,128,767 100.0nterest income 4,995,759 54.7

    Interest on loans and discounts 3,622,117 39.7Interest and dividends on securities 1,102,519 12.1

    ees an commissions 1,639,948 18.0ra ing income 344,068 3.8

    Other ordinary income 1,504,849 16.5Other income 518,705 5.7

    Trust fees 125,256 1.4r inary expenses 7,168,656 100.0

    nterest expenses 817,281 11.4Interest on deposits 359,444 5.0Interest on debentures 1,385 0.0

    Fees and commissions payments 477,627 6.7ra ing expenses 4,144 0.1t er or inary expenses 543,491 7.6

    General and administrative expenses 3,914,454 54.6Other expenses 1,411,440 19.7

    Ordinary profit 1,960,057 27.3xtraor inary income 42,514 100.0

    Extraordinary loss 50,478 100.0Income before income taxes 1,952,066Income taxes-current 443,270ncome taxes- e erre 19,749ota income taxes 463,040

    Income before minority interests 1,488,978Minority interests in income 137,508Net income 1,351,438

    tatements o compre ensive incomeOther comprehensive income 437,030Comprehensive income 1,051,944

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    Comprehensive income attributable to owners of the parent 939,219Comprehensive income attributable to minority interests 112,687

    1.Consolidated balance sheets (September 30, 2012)

    Type of Banks(number of banks)D. Member Banks of th

    Regional BTitle amount share(%)

    LIABILITIESeposits 57,282,158 90.5egotia e certi icates o eposit 1,122,161 1.8

    Debentures Call money and bills sold 31,197 0.0Payables under repurchase agreements

    aya es un er securities en ing transactions 79,862 0.1Commercial papers Trading liabilities Borrowed money 609,619 1.0

    oreign exc anges 1,423 0.0ort-term on s paya e

    Bonds payable 269,930 0.4Bonds with subscription rights to shares 7,100 0.0Borrowed money from trust account

    t er ia i ities 454,066 0.7rovision or onuses 18,035 0.0

    Provision for directors' bonuses 293 0.0Provision for retirement benefits 111,446 0.2Provision for directors' retirement benefits 3,767 0.0

    t er reserves 21,381 0.0eserves un er t e specia aws

    Deferred tax liabilities 4,126 0.0Deferred tax liabilities for land revaluation 77,416 0.1

    cceptances an guarantees 243,345 0.4ota ia i ities 60,337,474 95.3


    Capital stock 889,490 1.4Deposit for subscriptions to shares

    apita surp us 690,387 1.1etaine earnings 1,111,914 1.8

    Treasury stock 17,363 0.0Deposit for subscriptions to treasury stock Shareholders' equity 2,674,451 4.2

    a uation i erence on avai a e- or-sa e securities 108,566 0.2e erre gains or osses on e ges 413 0.0

    Revaluation reserve for land 102,631 0.2Foreign currency translation adjustment Other

    ota va uation an trans ation a justments 210,787 0.3Subscription rights to shares 527 0.0Minority interests 59,254 0.1Total net assets 2,945,047 4.7

    ota ia i ities an net assets 63,282,541 100.0

    Cash and due from banks 2,259,365 3.6Call loans and bills bought 1,846,244 2.9Receivables under resale agreements 25,000 0.0

    eceiva es un er securities orrowing transactions onetary c aims oug t 47,263 0.1

    Trading assets

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    Trading account securities 14,082 0.0Money held in trust 26,738 0.0Securities 14,827,621 23.4

    owance or investment oss 27 0.0Loans and bills discounted 42,756,800 67.6Foreign exchanges 67,013 0.1Lease receivables and investment assets 86,167 0.1

    t er assets 583,244 0.9angi e ixe assets 756,602 1.2Intangible fixed assets 82,615 0.1Deferred debenture discounts Deferred tax assets 275,535 0.4

    e erre tax assets or an reva uation ustomers ia i ities or acceptances an guarantees 243,345 0.4

    Allowance for loan losses 614,798 1.0Allowance for investment loss 430 0.0Total assets 63,282,541 100.0

    2.Consolidated statements of income (April 1 / September 30, 2012)

    Type of Banks(number of banks)D. Member Banks of th

    Regional BTitle amount share(%)

    Ordinary income 670,988 100.0Interest income 475,766 70.9

    nterest on oans an iscounts 392,360 58.5nterest an ivi en s on securities 77,883 11.6

    Fees and commissions 85,912 12.8Trading income

    t er or inary income 80,805 12.0t er income 28,447 4.2

    Trust fees Ordinary expenses 568,895 100.0

    Interest expenses 41,486 7.3nterest on eposits 32,761 5.8

    nterest on e entures Fees and commissions payments 43,337 7.6

    Trading expenses Other ordinary expenses 32,050 5.6

    enera an a ministrative expenses 357,993 62.9t er expenses 93,952 16.5

    Ordinary profit 102,077 17.9Extraordinary income 4,014 100.0Extraordinary loss 3,264 100.0ncome e ore income taxes 102,818

    Income taxes-current 19,848Income taxes-deferred 12,050Total income taxes 31,903ncome e ore minority interests 70,897inority interests in income 1,846

    Net income 69,040Statements of comprehensive incomeOther comprehensive income 19,660Comprehensive income 51,241Comprehensive income attributable to owners of the parent 49,232

    ompre ensive income attri uta e to minority interests 2,004

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  • 8/12/2019 Banking System of Japan Financial Data


  • 8/12/2019 Banking System of Japan Financial Data


  • 8/12/2019 Banking System of Japan Financial Data


  • 8/12/2019 Banking System of Japan Financial Data


  • 8/12/2019 Banking System of Japan Financial Data


  • 8/12/2019 Banking System of Japan Financial Data


  • 8/12/2019 Banking System of Japan Financial Data


    ks (117) B. City Banks (6) C.

    change fromMar.31,2012

    change(%) amount share(%) change fromMar.31,2012

    change(%) amount s

    1,001,418 0.2 290,359,539 62.5 929,826 0.3 221,430,274

    3,389,684 7.0 33,445,911 7.2 2,929,775 9.6 8,193,728

    55,150 10.6

    1,458,463 7.0 19,125,555 4.1 1,688,795 9.7 1,677,061

    486,587 3.3 11,249,009 2.4 864 0.0 1,948

    2,317,491 14.0 10,521,386 2.3 2,468,234 19.0 1,922,383

    417,351 27.0 1,765,517 0.4 355,570 25.2

    623,919 5.1 12,010,914 2.6 540,485 4.7 96,535

    4,790,132 13.1 21,495,060 4.6 6,081,865 22.1 4,105,748

    113,876 7.4 1,420,681 0.3 113,867 7.4 12,070

    38,553 10.5 81,300 0.0 36,099 30.7 957,656 6.0 12,509,250 2.7 891,731 6.7 741,567

    10,450 17.9 40,952

    34,217 0.9 861,646 0.2 63,105 7.9 68,251

    2,242,194 11.6 12,972,488 2.8 2,073,894 13.8 1,740,106

    20,814 6.6 175,650 39,898 29.4 130,674

    922 0.6 68,467 3,310 4.6 62,978

    828 1.3 32,464 266 0.8 10,065

    12,823 10.9 46,399 0.0 9,155 16.5 23,300

    1,979 78.7 47 0.0 707 93.8 182

    5,463 1.0 10,598 0.0 357 3.5 407,383

    5,807 32.4 7,722

    19,884 6.7 128,371 0.0 7,755 5.7 73,272

    46,874 32.9 43,316

    4,406 0.7 299,084 0.1 1,676 0.6 279,073

    294,507 1.7 14,825,897 3.2 299,679 2.0 1,145,353

    5,508,468 0.7 443,128,687 95.4 7,335,539 1.6 242,010,503

    420,697 3.6 5,936,947 1.3 0 0.0 2,556,310

    361,279 2.9 8,933,212 1.9 0 0.0 1,576,949

    186,156 2.4 4,932,176 0 0.0 1,390,766

    547,435 12.0 4,001,034 0 0.0 186,174

    483,792 3.1 5,455,385 1.2 238,563 4.6 7,763,614

    16,299 1.1 258,992 46,249 21.7 939,197

    467,487 3.3 5,196,390 192,313 3.8 6,824,392

    8,941 460,003 0.1 0 142,145

    433,315 1.1 19,865,544 4.3 238,562 1.2 11,754,756 462,649 22.4 345,490 0.1 253,011 42.3 955,648

    74,292 27.8 473,525 0.1 113,846 31.7 60,391

    16,529 1.8 441,822 0.1 2,761 0.6 402,405

    371,829 11.4 1,260,840 0.3 141,928 10.1 1,297,662

    714 11.4 5,154

    62,193 0.1 21,126,389 4.6 96,638 0.5 13,057,615

    5,446,276 0.6 464,255,077 100.0 7,238,903 1.5 255,068,153

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    1,456,023 3.6 24,423,625 5.3 1,320,158 5.7 7,750,175

    1,116,770 6.7 10,874,735 2.3 1,075,885 11.0 4,773,272

    604,111 31.8 1,115,806 0.2 660,447 37.2 21,942

    1,452,977 42.7 4,445,242 1.0 1,412,284 46.6

    6,907 32.6 14,264 0.0 6,907 32.6

    162,547 3.0 3,774,516 0.8 62,703 1.6 877,998

    1,549,706 8.7 17,085,014 3.7 1,382,550 8.8 484,738

    30,762 26.1 62,238 0.0 21,445 52.6 72,1061,431 0.2 68,319 0.0 2,114 3.2 418,837

    5,823,233 2.1 158,699,390 34.2 7,567,013 4.6 71,771,823

    2 56,627 0.0 0

    1,636,849 0.4 208,504,302 44.9 1,422,461 0.7 164,233,394

    47,186 1.2 3,495,930 0.8 48,143 1.4 216,954

    3,088,453 14.2 14,515,947 3.1 2,528,107 14.8 1,604,859

    *** *** *** ***

    53,201 0.8 2,663,405 0.6 35,692 1.3 2,547,141

    3,815 0.3 811,852 0.2 4,948 0.6 285,204

    30 18.6

    73,120 3.4 1,110,863 0.2 61,275 5.8 619,879

    294,507 1.7 14,825,897 3.2 299,679 2.0 1,145,353

    252,256 2,145,698 0.5 144,086 1,752,160

    20,118 33,973 0.0 22,603 3,673

    5,446,276 0.6 464,255,077 100.0 7,238,903 1.5 255,068,153

    ks (117) B. City Banks (6) C.

    change fromSep.30,2011

    change(%) amount share(%)change fromSep.30,2011

    change(%) amount s

    108,905 1.4 4,016,829 100.0 24,066 0.6 2,308,711

    162,773 3.3 2,214,229 55.1 43,062 1.9 1,688,187

    95,748 2.7 1,517,360 37.8 10,211 0.7 1,304,613

    20,846 1.8 534,676 13.3 5,928 1.1 363,678

    17,514 1.4 722,113 18.0 9,690 1.4 338,166 31,718 14.1 165,134 4.1 27,850 14.4 1,599

    93,965 9.7 706,894 17.6 58,622 9.0 186,806

    17,265 4.5 196,809 4.9 27,960 16.6 93,536

    8,629 6.9 11,637 0.3 1,294 10.0 302

    315,545 5.3 3,140,953 100.0 308,367 10.9 1,848,588

    45,653 5.1 520,627 16.6 3,004 0.6 136,020

    61,125 16.1 128,634 4.1 18,025 12.3 82,938

    1,177 45.9 339 100.0

    9,984 2.1 215,499 6.9 414 0.2 149,328

    1,260 21.1 1,914 0.1 345 15.3 25

    126,390 36.7 122,682 3.9 83,330 40.4 45,388

    20,136 0.6 1,470,441 46.8 3,535 0.2 1,220,062

    498,994 60.8 809,779 25.8 385,090 90.7 297,627

    424,438 21.2 875,872 27.9 284,300 24.5 460,091

    4,860 31.3 7,895 100.0 3,703 88.3 5,756

    26,347 37.9 13,596 100.0 26,598 66.2 13,613

    393,237 20.2 870,171 253,999 22.6 452,215

    110,808 41.9 212,657 102,531 93.1 140,145

    303,073 97.3 24,727 219,569 9,921

    192,281 33.4 187,930 117,038 38.4 150,068

    200,951 14.6 682,237 136,961 16.7 302,118

    446,372 103,316

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    Unit:million yen,;dec.

    E. Trust Banks (4)change fromMar.31,2012

    change(%) amount share(%)change fromMar.31,2012


    360,123 0.6 36,583,947 54.2 161,337 0.4

    130,591 12.0 8,275,490 12.3 225,989 2.7

    10,143 21.9 1,240,355 1.8 419,904 25.3

    4,198,544 6.2 485,873 13.1

    57,152 41.7 1,298,604 1.9 259,405 25.0

    197,244 0.3 61,781 45.6

    328,393 0.5 27,844 9.3

    355 0.1 4,972,505 7.4 699,748 16.4

    373 35.1 313 0.0 17 5.7 246,915 0.4 2,454 1.0

    23,300 9.4 1,183,977 1.8 36,745 3.0

    0 0.0

    3,108,657 4.6 43,864 1.4

    10,439 2.8 1,360,015 2.0 176,391 11.5

    78 0.4 9,414 21,495 69.5

    787 3.4 905 751 487.7

    13 0.4 7,126 823 10.4

    1,051 5.7 14,732 0.0 755 5.4

    417 59.8 27 0.0 130 82.8

    2,470 2.2 1,216 0.0 2 0.2

    2,582 39.8

    104 0.5 51,411 0.1 6,731 11.6

    789 21.8 45,527 0.1 7,242 13.7

    289 0.4 9,606 0.0 313 3.2

    6,612 2.8 593,062 0.9 39,948 7.2

    445,154 0.7 63,710,566 94.4 816,940 1.3

    0 0.0 943,685 1.4 410,697 30.3

    9,469 1.3 1,284,410 1.9 381,495 42.3

    4,211 0.7 514,520 164,416 24.2

    5,256 3.3 769,889 545,911 243.7

    56,553 5.3 1,410,092 2.1 9,105 0.6

    3,120 3.8 150,875 42,709 22.1

    53,429 5.5 1,259,215 51,814 4.3


    47,500 1.8 3,638,189 5.4 20,097 0.5

    17,900 13.8 178,694 0.3 45,208 20.2

    907 70,076 0.1 27,769

    444 0.4 2,973 0.0 23,162

    19,246 8.0 105,644 0.2 49,811 32.0

    161 44.0

    28,410 1.0 3,743,835 5.6 69,909 1.8

    473,566 0.7 67,454,402 100.0 747,030 1.1

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    215,812 9.8 3,262,446 4.8 1,378,763 29.7

    163,014 9.6 205,991 0.3 256,924 55.5

    10,000 66.7 91,734 0.1 36,459 66.0

    218,925 0.3 149,389 214.8

    11,454 20.7 316,479 0.5 38,297 10.8

    1,191,549 1.8 96,081 8.8807 6.1

    846 3.1 26,799 0.0 4,414 19.7

    118,857 0.8 23,354,826 34.6 1,293,664 5.9


    215,911 0.5 35,872,925 53.2 970,691 2.8

    6,705 10.9 47,988 0.1 24,271 102.3

    17,010 3.5 1,728,137 2.6 210,266 10.8

    *** *** *** ***

    2,174 0.3 417,382 0.6 6,699 1.6

    1,102 1.3 144,252 0.2 752 0.5

    15,174 5.2 166,243 0.2 5,450 3.4

    6,612 2.8 593,062 0.9 39,948 7.2

    33,031 183,161 0.3 18,379

    684 1,194 0.0 9

    473,566 0.7 67,454,402 100.0 747,030 1.1

    Unit:million yen,;dec.

    E. Trust Banks (4)

    change fromSep.30,2011

    change(%) amount share(%)change fromSep.30,2011


    18,806 2.8 723,443 100.0 33,782 4.5

    20,080 3.9 318,016 44.0 23,269 6.8

    19,032 4.5 188,661 26.1 9,122 4.6

    369 0.5 117,092 16.2 12,194 9.4187 0.2 150,333 20.8 8,328 5.9

    12,083 1.7 3,654 23.2

    8,783 19.6 98,015 13.5 18,851 16.1

    7,693 25.9 40,269 5.6 10,975 37.5

    104,717 14.5 7,309 6.5

    9,200 1.6 610,037 100.0 19,878 3.4

    6,054 12.2 114,190 18.7 9,732 7.9

    5,605 14.2 54,562 8.9 9,352 14.6

    251 0.5 62,039 10.2 7,081 12.9

    931 0.2 690 286.3

    2,863 23.7 34,257 5.6 27,701 44.7

    6,304 1.7 283,390 46.5 1,441 0.5

    5,768 7.1 115,221 18.9 50,984 79.4

    9,600 9.1 113,404 18.6 53,660 32.1

    398 13.1 3,275 100.0 1,671 33.8

    1,888 41.4 12,510 100.0 3,288 35.7

    7,314 7.0 104,168 58,620 36.0

    5,287 31.5 11,046 16,725 60.2

    1,931 10.9 9,328 11,641 55.5

    7,220 20.9 20,374 28,367 58.2

    88 0.1 83,793 30,250 26.5

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    ks (110) B. City Banks (5) C.

    change fromMar.31,2012

    change(%) amount share(%)change fromMar.31,2012

    change(%) amount s

    1,267,103 0.2 295,623,802 58.7 659,795 0.2 220,604,447

    3,508,115 7.5 33,139,312 6.6 2,966,328 9.8 7,934,478

    55,150 10.7

    1,500,148 7.0 19,738,289 3.9 1,724,900 9.6 1,649,961

    1,965,796 8.2 21,757,294 4.3 1,480,073 7.3 1,948

    1,056,147 5.4 14,676,436 2.9 1,195,457 7.5 1,930,632

    490,803 23.1 2,419,160 0.5 429,022 21.6

    52,063 0.3 19,140,477 3.8 13,055 0.1 96,532

    5,298,660 13.7 22,903,252 4.5 6,613,129 22.4 4,304,750

    96,764 6.6 1,352,974 0.3 96,706 6.7 12,035

    77,075 6.3 621,540 0.1 172,598 21.7

    1,109,481 6.3 14,066,986 2.8 1,006,697 6.7 729,267

    10,450 17.9 40,952

    87,373 2.0 861,646 0.2 63,105 7.9 68,251

    2,025,183 8.8 16,115,847 3.2 1,836,763 10.2 2,229,343

    31,482 18.1 75,989 0.0 25,721 25.3 24,759

    3,925 85.0 47 0.0 2,517 98.2 197

    23,434 3.5 85,637 0.0 16,262 16.0 418,722

    6,777 29.7 2,587 0.0 773 23.0 8,993

    375,159 54.0 130,240 0.0 354,027 73.1 75,724

    101 4.6 2,015 0.0 113 5.3 65

    89,339 39.3 43,881 0.0 39,766 47.5 43,616 4,619 0.7 299,593 0.1 1,697 0.6 276,400

    548,657 2.8 15,465,567 3.1 526,746 3.3 1,892,714

    4,475,219 0.5 478,522,614 95.0 5,898,397 1.2 242,344,094

    409,697 3.6 5,866,947 1.2 0 0.0 2,546,310

    381,608 3.1 9,121,536 1.8 0 0.0 1,583,330

    681,762 4.2 6,164,892 1.2 374,806 6.5 7,915,476

    9,995 460,003 0.1 0 140,389

    663,669 1.7 20,693,376 4.1 374,805 1.8 11,904,764

    476,391 23.4 315,506 0.1 257,513 44.9 956,521

    28,927 100.9 197,515 0.0 70,783 55.9 60,392

    16,183 1.7 455,096 0.1 2,779 0.6 396,832

    31,263 588,850 0.1 32,635 3,937 1,648 51,183 0.0 1,648

    398,373 17.6 328,086 0.1 155,223 32.1 1,289,021

    714 11.4 101 0.0 7 7.4 5,154

    422,522 7.5 4,155,694 0.8 364,359 8.1 479,825

    156,524 0.3 25,177,262 5.0 144,769 0.6 13,678,824

    4,631,741 0.5 503,699,881 100.0 6,043,163 1.2 256,022,946

    1,600,564 3.8 25,628,409 5.1 1,126,737 4.6 7,757,356

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    1,070,976 6.2 11,565,921 2.3 1,030,838 9.8 4,765,056

    1,444,677 17.3 9,635,322 1.9 1,393,341 16.9 21,942

    105,286 0.9 11,610,364 2.3 93,280 0.8

    278,842 3.7 5,554,525 1.1 167,573 2.9 945,983

    2,564,913 8.1 31,723,339 6.3 2,390,079 8.1 486,284

    9,229 12.1 72,139

    103 0.0 366,510 0.1 15,735 4.1 427,134


    2.0 154,146,853 30.6


    4.4 71,789,9212

    689,292 0.2 214,965,975 42.7 1,780,679 0.8 163,230,982

    81,992 2.0 3,928,382 0.8 82,939 2.2 214,062

    3,216 0.2 137,068 0.0 6,910 4.8 653,643

    2,838,401 11.8 15,786,765 3.1 2,607,322 14.2 2,146,559

    51,456 0.7 2,993,588 0.6 32,596 1.1 2,591,894

    135,500 5.9 1,420,732 0.3 126,078 8.2 293,790

    30 18.6

    78,171 3.2 1,316,651 0.3 57,383 4.6 694,688

    548,657 2.8 15,465,567 3.1 526,746 3.3 1,892,714

    281,443 2,546,089 0.5 161,410 1,959,448

    2,609 34 0.0 24 2,076

    4,631,741 0.5 503,699,881 100.0 6,043,163 1.2 256,022,946

    ks (110) B. City Banks (5) C.change fromSep.30,2011

    change(%) amount share(%)change fromSep.30,2011

    change(%) amount s

    139,714 1.5 4,745,022 100.0 47,861 1.0 2,599,817

    166,624 3.2 2,470,660 52.1 36,554 1.5 1,693,984

    98,540 2.6 1,694,637 35.7 4,803 0.3 1,310,545

    31,950 2.8 542,172 11.4 2,166 0.4 362,642

    20,476 1.2 905,208 19.1 17,773 1.9 394,663

    8,756 2.6 310,657 6.5 9,423 3.1 4,180

    45,777 3.1 781,824 16.5 64,304 9.0 346,379

    15,309 2.9 260,465 5.5 30,727 13.4 160,206

    8,152 7.0 16,194 0.3 2,268 12.3 302167,370 2.4 3,579,242 100.0 214,998 6.4 2,083,906

    31,063 3.7 518,220 14.5 18,656 3.7 134,629

    51,575 12.5 175,236 4.9 8,540 4.6 82,861

    1,177 45.9 339 100.0

    9,114 1.9 211,999 5.9 1,164 0.5 141,563

    196 5.0 1,384 0.0 1,045 308.3 21

    164,705 23.3 151,224 4.2 77,127 33.8 172,506

    39,428 1.0 1,876,351 52.4 20,612 1.1 1,270,252

    393,258 38.6 820,052 22.9 294,198 55.9 364,813

    307,085 13.5 1,165,779 32.6 167,136 12.5 515,877

    72,740 63.1 7,117 100.0 93,564 92.9 25,237

    6,443 14.6 18,906 100.0 3,948 26.4 14,577

    386,276 16.5 1,153,988 264,650 18.7 526,522

    118,614 36.5 245,471 105,585 75.5 160,421

    318,511 94.2 8,570 231,088 11,195

    199,909 30.2 236,900 125,506 34.6 171,632

    186,370 11.1 917,086 139,144 13.2 354,862

    4,690 3.5 104,513 5,415 5.5 19,905

    191,049 12.4 812,572 144,558 15.1 334,939

    10,205 175,999 171,957 163,440

    196,586 15.7 741,084 32,812 4.6 191,419

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    217,661 18.8 660,062 11,583 1.8 172,082

    21,073 23.0 81,022 21,232 35.5 19,308

    Unit:million yen,;dec.

    E. Trust Banks (3)

    change fromMar.31,2012

    change(%) amount share(%)change fromMar.31,2012


    330,772 0.6 36,518,282 53.6 185,513 0.5

    84,332 8.1 8,001,300 11.7 195,969 2.4

    15,043 32.5 1,089,838 1.6 421,366 27.9

    4,198,544 6.2 485,873 13.1

    41,640 34.3 1,298,604 1.9 259,405 25.0

    197,244 0.3 61,781 45.6

    325,434 0.5 28,291 9.5

    15,094 2.5 4,597,164 6.7 697,425 17.9

    374 35.7 57 0.0 39 40.6

    460,682 0.7 82,823 21.9

    23,230 9.4 1,302,778 1.9 72,645 5.30 0.0

    3,472,197 5.1 16,469 0.5

    7,388 1.7 1,476,761 2.2 180,822 10.9

    1,020 5.4 20,922 0.0 44 0.2

    433 59.6 132 0.0 130 49.6

    2,464 2.2 15,457 0.0 582 3.9

    2,558 40.4 505 0.0 93 15.6

    9 0.0 51,362 0.1 6,299 10.9

    758 22.5 46,087 0.1 7,396 13.8

    487 0.6 9,606 0.0 313 3.2

    8,223 3.3 875,804 1.3 29,720 3.5

    390,098 0.7 63,958,787 93.8 962,765 1.5

    0 0.0 913,685 1.3 399,697 30.4

    9,471 1.4 1,276,140 1.9 402,741 46.1

    56,837 5.4 1,534,473 2.3 28,024 1.9


    47,788 1.8 3,724,300 5.5 31,066 0.8

    18,911 14.8 173,919 0.3 49,168 22.0

    907 68,766 0.1 27,964

    809 0.8 2,973 0.0 23,162

    39,077 0.1 841

    20,624 8.9 63,101 0.1 53,125 45.7

    161 44.0

    10,570 15.1 446,108 0.7 602 0.1

    16,745 0.6 4,233,511 6.2 22,663 0.5

    406,846 0.6 68,192,300 100.0 940,102 1.4

    173,797 8.3 4,006,537 5.9 1,145,913 22.2

    162,752 9.7 205,991 0.3 256,924 55.5

    10,000 66.7 91,734 0.1 36,459 66.0

    195,466 0.3 145,208 288.9

    12,435 20.8 588,883 0.9 27,224 4.4

    1,155,852 1.7 106,199 10.1

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    807 6.1

    846 3.1 29,051 0.0 4,388 17.8

    106,658 0.7 22,303,762 32.7 1,198,365 5.7


    184,512 0.4 35,441,272 52.0 986,055 2.9

    6,536 10.8 41,561 0.1 22,440 117.4

    428 0.5 543,516 0.8 6,405 1.2


    3.3 1,981,407 2.9


    8.1 3,111 0.4 460,745 0.7 6,195 1.3

    1,715 2.1 295,324 0.4 2,153 0.7

    11,111 3.9 190,878 0.3 8,705 4.8

    8,223 3.3 875,804 1.3 29,720 3.5

    29,535 215,489 0.3 22,206

    16 9 0.0 9

    406,846 0.6 68,192,300 100.0 940,102 1.4

    Unit:million yen,;dec.

    E. Trust Banks (3)

    change fromSep.30,2011

    change(%) amount share(%)change fromSep.30,2011


    12,456 1.8 946,194 100.0 58,160 5.8

    15,592 3.2 308,409 32.6 21,608 6.5

    14,656 3.6 190,928 20.2 8,706 4.4

    368 0.5 107,895 11.4 10,914 9.2

    296 0.3 243,284 25.7 5,039 2.1

    13,754 1.5 3,185 18.8

    9,366 13.1 220,644 23.3 58,082 20.8

    6,536 18.7 51,737 5.5 9,057 21.2

    108,359 11.5 10,621 10.9

    5,942 1.0 805,397 100.0 5,630 0.7

    5,570 11.8 102,517 12.7 10,941 9.6

    4,858 12.9 54,577 6.8 9,379 14.7

    805 1.9 74,989 9.3 8,500 12.8

    931 0.1 719 339.2

    2,310 6.7 143,386 17.8 60,697 29.7

    2,653 0.7 360,480 44.8 7,234 2.0

    3,777 4.2 123,086 15.3 49,556 67.4

    6,512 6.0 140,794 17.5 52,532 27.2

    868 27.6 5,886 100.0 710 13.7

    1,297 28.4 13,143 100.0 4,878 59.0

    4,350 4.1 133,537 56,698 29.8

    658 3.4 18,531 17,724 48.9

    4,431 26.9 9,462 12,741 57.4

    3,782 10.6 27,995 30,465 52.1

    571 0.8 105,542 26,231 19.9

    586 46.5 10,381 904 8.0

    1,160 1.7 95,159 25,327 21.0

    12,494 76,897 82,221

    11,928 30.3 28,644 108,452 79.1

    10,897 28.4 18,861 107,160 85.0

    1,034 106.6 9,781 1,293 11.7

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    (Unit:million yen,;dec.)

    egional Banks (64)

    hare(%) change fromMar.31,2012


    86.8 183,875 0.1

    3.2 406,938 5.2

    0.7 213,440 14.6

    0.0 150 7.1

    0.8 25,165 1.3

    0.0 817 0.9

    1.6 317,717 8.4

    0.0 393 3.2

    0.3 46,597 5.9

    0.0 10,450 20.3

    0.0 14,976 28.1

    0.7 75,743 4.2

    2,439 1.9

    4,407 7.5

    71 0.7

    0.0 643 2.7

    0.0 725 79.9

    0.2 3,854 0.9

    0.0 3,270 29.7

    0.0 4,969 6.4

    0.0 41,383 48.9

    0.1 2,128 0.8

    0.4 30,732 2.6

    94.9 523,782 0.2

    1.0 10,000 0.4

    0.6 10,747 0.7

    17,529 1.2

    6,780 3.8

    3.0 161,562 2.1

    5,982 0.6

    155,578 2.3

    0.1 8,529

    4.6 149,340 1.30.4 150,646 13.6

    0.0 12,923

    0.2 3,428 0.8

    0.5 167,006 11.4

    0.0 606 13.3

    5.1 17,065 0.1

    100.0 506,718 0.2

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    3.0 1,707,273 18.1

    1.9 150,704 3.3

    0.0 10,148 31.6

    120,459 100.0

    0.3 50,762 5.5

    0.2 18,264 3.9

    0.0 8,510 13.40.2 20,772 5.2

    28.1 484,147 0.7

    64.4 1,820,387 1.1

    0.1 23,048 9.6

    0.6 113,369 6.6

    *** ***

    1.0 7,896 0.3

    0.1 2,586 0.9

    0.2 22,432 3.8

    0.4 30,732 2.6

    0.7 40,302

    0.0 2,308

    100.0 506,718 0.2

    Unit:million yen,;dec.

    egional Banks (64)

    hare(%)change fromSep.30,2011


    100.0 72,773 3.1

    73.1 76,650 4.3

    56.5 55,912 4.1

    15.8 16,855 4.4

    14.6 818 0.20.1 703 30.5

    8.1 43,778 30.6

    4.1 38,359 29.1

    0.0 26 7.9

    100.0 10,771 0.6

    7.4 26,749 16.4

    4.5 23,127 21.8

    8.1 1,724 1.2

    0.0 536 95.5

    2.5 3,112 6.4

    66.0 21,335 1.7

    16.1 60,771 25.7

    24.9 83,539 15.4

    100.0 2,446 73.9

    100.0 401 2.9

    80,697 15.1

    30,499 27.8

    68,429 87.3

    37,942 20.2

    42,758 12.4

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    Unit:million yen,;dec.

    egional Banks (63)

    hare(%)change fromMar.31,2012


    86.2 805,000 0.4

    3.1 384,701 5.1

    0.6 225,382 15.8

    0.0 150 7.1

    0.8 31,593 1.6

    0.0 818 0.9

    1.7 345,304 8.7

    0.0 368 3.0

    0.3 48,097 6.2

    0.0 10,450 20.3

    0.0 14,976 28.1

    0.9 96,932 4.2

    0.0 847 3.3

    0.0 828 80.8

    0.2 5,875 1.4

    0.0 3,564 28.4

    0.0 5,192 6.4

    0.0 12 22.6

    0.0 42,594 49.40.1 2,143 0.8

    0.7 37,167 1.9

    94.7 119,627 0.0

    1.0 10,000 0.4

    0.6 11,663 0.7

    3.1 194,911 2.5

    0.1 9,685

    4.6 182,933 1.6

    0.4 152,106 13.7

    0.0 12,921

    0.2 3,428 0.9

    0.0 228

    0.5 168,693 11.6

    0.0 606 13.3

    0.2 57,836 10.8

    5.3 42,990 0.3

    100.0 162,621 0.1

    3.0 1,735,376 18.3

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    1.9 150,499 3.3

    0.0 10,148 31.6

    120,459 100.0

    0.4 53,849 5.4

    0.2 19,165 4.1

    0.0 8,455 13.3

    0.2 18,496 4.5

    28.0 286,311 0.4

    63.8 1,351,362 0.8

    0.1 23,100 9.7

    0.3 17,789 2.8

    0.8 95,934 4.3

    1.0 11,434 0.4

    0.1 2,307 0.8

    0.3 21,277 3.2

    0.7 37,167 1.9

    0.8 52,156

    0.0 1,647

    100.0 162,621 0.1

    Unit:million yen,;dec.

    egional Banks (63)

    hare(%)change fromSep.30,2011


    100.0 83,089 3.1

    65.2 85,528 4.8

    50.4 62,979 4.6

    13.9 18,685 4.9

    15.2 2,605 0.7

    0.2 462 12.4

    13.3 44,671 14.8

    6.2 40,065 20.0

    0.0 26 7.9100.0 352 0.0

    6.5 27,583 17.0

    4.0 24,015 22.5

    6.8 1,543 1.1

    0.0 578 96.5

    8.3 1,983 1.1

    61.0 24,077 1.9

    17.5 52,336 16.7

    24.8 82,738 13.8

    100.0 19,446 335.8

    100.0 370 2.5

    62,926 10.7

    30,772 23.7

    67,627 85.8

    36,855 17.7

    26,073 6.8

    268 1.3

    25,793 7.2


    128,344 40.1

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    127,763 42.6

    586 2.9

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